The listing below is provided as an expedient reference source to help you access information pertinent to Masters theses and Doctorate dissertations. If you have an interest in providing your thesis or dissertation to the library, please contact us [email protected] and we will include your submission.
Achievement Motivations of Police Officers in a Florida Urban Setting – Raimundo J. Socorro, Ph.D. – 2012
Achievement motivation of police officers in a Florida urban setting plays a key role in the accomplishment of an organization’s outcomes. In police work leadership appears to be especially important because police officers operate without strict supervision and have broad discretion in daily decisions. This study focuses on measuring and assessing whether a statistically significant difference exists between patrol and detective personnel relative to achievement motivation as measured by total score and subscale fators of the Achievement Motivation Inventory. This study employed both univariate and multivariate analytic methods to examine this issue. The Justice Academy greatly appreciates this literary contribution by Dr. Ray Socorro, Ph.D.
Post Academy Training Needs Analysis, James R. Walker, Ph.D. – 2003
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the doctoral degree in criminal justice at Texas A & M University, 2003. Without a formal structured plan of its own, training programs for the school district police officer have often followed the template of other local and state policing organizations to determine their own in-service training curriculum. Unfortunately, following the guidelines and programs set up by these outside policing organizations has led to training that is not indicative of the school district police officers bona fide training needs. This research first focused on identifying the internal and external constraints that are operating from within the school district, along with influences from outside the organization that are hindering ISD police officer training. The results found budgetary issues, time issues, perceived lack of training support from the school district administration, a lack of a training needs analysis to identify training needs, and other outside constraints (such as legislative training mandates), were hindering ISD police in-service training. Recommendations were made to seek outside assistance (grants).
The Impact of the Threat of Violence in School Districts, Marth A. Neely, Ph.D. – 2003
Violence is still a too frequent occurrence in our public schools. Although there has been a decrease in recent years, it continues to concern educators and the public. Many of the initiators of violence have referred to bullying and harassment as a reason for striking out violently. Research indicated that teachers often do not identify and/or do not respond to bullying.(grants). The results from this study also suggested that there might be limited knowledge and/or working relationships between schools and police authorities in some locations. Also indicated was that neither school nor police administrators frequently involve students directly in their prevention measures.
Analysis of Prisoner Escape Potential, Hal Campbell, Ph.D. – 1983
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the doctoral degree in criminal justice with emphasis and specialization in public law, criminal justice, mathematics and statistics, and criminology at Claremont Graduate University, 1983. This dissertation was authored in response to the increasing frequency of prisoner escapes from minimum security facilities managed by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. The study was undertaken at the request of Sheriff Peter J. Pitchess. It was created using a combination of empirical methods, culminating in the creation of a Discriminant Function Equation to provide a predictive formula that could be used as a classification mechanism for new prisoners in order to discern their probability of escape potential and their subsequent housing classification predicated upon the risk they posed to the community.
Analysis of Prisoner Escape Potential – Chapter 1
Analysis of Prisoner Escape Potential – Chapter 2
Analysis of Prisoner Escape Potential – Chapter 3
Analysis of Prisoner Escape Potential – Chapter 4
Analysis of Prisoner Escape Potential – Chapter 5
Graduate Degree – Thesis and Capstone Paper Collection
Factoring Fatigue Into Police Deadly Force Encounters
Juvenile Justice Correctional Facilities
Leading Change in Police Performance Measurement
Homeland Security & Law Enforcement Strategies to Address the Threat of Terrorism
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder And Juvenile Crime
The Transition from Incarceration to the Community
Does Television Shape the Values of our Youth?
Child Sexual Abuse: The Female Offender
Examination of the Social Factors which contribute to Delinquency
A Study of Recidivism Among Ex-Convicts
The Inner Workings of Female Serial Killers
How Types of Crime, Education, Community Re-Entry, and Rehabilitation Impact the Rates of Recidivism
A General Study of Criminal Justice Practices In Alaska versus The United States
Homeland Security Knowledge Management for local law enforcement in the national capital region
Policing the homeland choosing the intelligent option
Interagency collaboration challenges among homeland security disciplines in urban areas
Preventing terrorism using information sharing networks
The sandbox strategy the why and how of federal law enforcement integration
The tools of prevention building prevention and deterrence into exercise programs
Rethinking intelligence to integrate counterterrorism into the local law enforcement
Transforming leadership in the FBI a recommendation for strategic change
A new role for local police in radiological security
Indicators of informal funds transfer systems a comparison of traditional and modern systems
Drug trafficking and police corruption a comparison of Colombia and Mexico
Interoperable communications systems governance and risk
Increasing information sharing among independent police departments
Small Town Insurgency: the Struggle for Information Dominance to Reduce Gang Violence
Managing the aviation insider threat
Local jurisdictions and active shooters building networks, building capacities
The California law enforcement community’s intelligence-led policing capacity
Arizona law enforcement biometrics identification and information sharing technology framework
Exploiting weaknesses: an approach to counter cartel strategy
Fusion nodes: the next step in combating the global terrorist threat
Lessons on policing terrorism: studying police effectiveness in Italy and Germany
Management of the severely mentally ill and its effects on homeland security
Homeland security strategic plan for the non-major local law enforcement agency
Counter-radicalization best practices in the United States and lessons learned from
Highway security filling the void
Narcocultura: a threat to Mexican national security?
Tactical medical training for police officers: lessons from U.S. special forces
Legal responses to terrorism: case study of the Republic of Kenya
Incomplete Intelligence Is the Information Sharing Environment an Effective Platform
Integrating Unmanned Aircraft Systems Into Modern Policing in An Urban
Combating Terrorism within Local Policing