AFCEA is a professional association that connects innovative people, great ideas and vital solutions to advance global security. They do that by developing networking and educational opportunities and providing them in an ethical forum. This enables military, government, industry and academia to align technology and strategy to meet the needs of those who serve. AFCEA ensures that all information technology, intelligence and global security professionals have access to the wealth of knowledge the association offers.
AFCEA Main Page
White Papers and Resource Library
Interviews with Distinguished Leaders of the Military, Government, and Industry
AFCEA Leadership Series
Cyber Education Webinar Series
AFCEA Webinars
Cyber Education Theater: The Internet of Things
Cyber Education Theater: Building Cybersecurity Professionals
Cyber Education Theater: Security Analytics – Tools of the Trade
Cyber Education Theater: Key Cyber Security Issues
Visualizing Security Trends on the Network
Shared Understanding for Velocity, Precision & Agility
Defend Theater: Command and Control
Defend Theater: DISA Cyber Operations Strategy Panel
Build Theater: Privileged User Management
Build Theater: Enterprise Resource Planning
Operate Theater: Cloud Panel