Drug courts are specialized court docket programs that target criminal defendants and offenders, juvenile offenders, and parents with pending child welfare cases who have alcohol and other drug dependency problems. As of June 2015, the estimated number of drug courts operating in the U.S. is over 3,000. The majority target adults, including DWI (driving while intoxicated) offenders and a growing number of Veterans; others address juvenile, child welfare, and different case types
Policies, Research Findings, and Guidelines
Drug Courts – A Review of the Evidence
Drug Courts – National Criminal Justice Reference Service
Drug Courts: Background, Effectiveness, and Policy
Research Update on Adult Drug Courts
The Drug Court Judicial Benchbook
Starting a Juvenile Drug Court
The Future of Drug Courts
Addicted to Courts – Justice Policy Institute
The Feasibility of Federal Drug Courts
Practice Guidelines for Drug Court Professionals
Webinars and Conference Proceedings
Critical Treatment Issues
Medication-Assisted Treatment in Drug Courts
Innovative Approaches for Addressing Opioid Overdose
Adult Drug Court Standards
Drug Courts Reexamined
Risk Assessment Tools in Problem Solving Courts
Rural Drug Courts: Challenges and Solutions
The Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Guidelines
Treatment in the Juvenile and Adult Criminal Justice Systems
Seven (Easy) Steps to Information Sharing for Juvenile Drug Courts
Juvenile Drug Court Eligibility Criteria and Target Population
Synthetic & Designer Drugs in Adult Drug Treatment Courts
Addiction and the Neuroscience of the Brain, Part 1
Addiction and the Neuroscience of the Brain, Part 2
Addiction and the Neuroscience of the Brain, Part 3
Leading the Way to Best Practice
Women in Treatment Courts
Veterans Treatment Courts
The Role of Defense Counsel
Ensuring Effective and Quality Drug Treatment in FDCs