Sage Dynamics

As part of our ongoing effort to identify exemplary training resources the videos listed below are presented for your viewing. These exceptional training videos are created and provided by Sage Dynamics and offered through YouTube. Sage Dynamics provides a convenient method of attaining formalized professional training through their online services. You can contact them directly at Sage greatly appreciates Sage Dynamics’s willingness to make this valuable video collection publicly available.


Sage Dynamics Website
Basic Verbal Commands
Handgun Strength Exercises
Balance and Stability
Dry Fire Practice
Sight Picture and Sight Alignment
Handgun Reflex Sight Use at Close Distances
Edged Weapon Defense
Shooting “stance”
One Hand Shooting Skills
One Hand Shooting: Techniques in Context
Critical Anatomy: The Head
Critical Anatomy: The Chest
Critical Anatomy: The Pelvis
Vehicle Body Ballistics
Windshield Ballistics
In Vehicle Shooting
Vehicle Defense Fundamentals
Vehicle Defense-Handgun
Advanced Vehicle Self Defense Course Preview
Handgun Malfunctions
Close Compression Shooting
Threat Firearm Control
Active Shooter Response Advice
Room Entry and Searches
Working Hallways