Minority Youth Violence Study

The Minority Youth Violence Prevention Model study will endeavor to isolate, quantify, and prioritize a statistically significant number of individual discriminant variables that are both directly and indirectly contributive to minority youth violence propensity. The study will endeavor to assemble these contributive factors into primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of discriminant influence within a master Violence Propensity Equation (VPE) that can be used by school administrators, counselors, and justice system agencies to assess the probability of violence for specific individuals, based upon their current susceptibility to such behavior, based on the aggregate influence of all discriminant factors identified as influential VPE indicators. Such an analysis may make it statistically reliable to determine the probability of future outbursts by at-risk youth, based on a comparison of their current values for each discriminant factor included within the equation and the aggregate VPE score they possess, based on a comparison of all of discriminant factors used in assessing the probability of group association.

Minority Youth Violence Study