Los Angeles Sheriff Dept.

The Justice Academy greatly appreciates the cooperation and support of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department in making this section possible. The LASD has undertaken efforts to video record lectures that are presented during their basic law enforcement academy and will make them available to the national audience of law and justice professionals, as soon as they become available. Access to these materials is restricted to peace officers, prosecutors, and members of the judiciary. To receive a password to access these training assets, please email us at the address below with your name, badge or employee number, department, supervisor’s name and telephone number. Once we have confirmation of your status, you will be sent an email with instructions for accessing these training materials.

The videos below were also produced by the LASD and have been provided for your use. If your department has an interest in providing instructional materials created by your academy for review by other practitioners of law and justice community, please contact the Justice Academy via email at [email protected] for information about the process for posting resources.



LASD Academy Lectures
Ride -A- Long with Aero Bureau
LASD Mounted Enforcement Detail, Sheriff’s Headquarters to Return to Old Hall of Justice
Marina Del Rey Boat Patrol and Tactics Training
Project Sky Knight-1966-Archive footage
Tech Upgrade for the LA County Sheriff’s Department! CES 2012
L.A. Sheriff’s Crime Lab at the Hertzberg Davis Center
Forensic Artist, Inmate Fire Camp Program, 2012 Toy Drive
Police Vehicle Training, Inmate Video Visitation System
DUI Checkpoint, LASD Homicide Bureau
L.A. Sheriff Says Mexican Government “DUMPING” Citizens in U.S.