Judicial Ethics

As described by Cornell Law School, Judicial ethics is part of the larger legal category of legal ethics (See LII’s American Legal Ethics Library). Judicial ethics consists of the standards and norms that bear on judges and covers such matters as how to maintain independence, impartiality, and avoid impropriety. The documents and videos contained in the listing below represent a variety of conference proceedings and panel discussions about this important topic along with relevant standards and expectations governing judicial action and behavior.


Information Relevant to the Subject of Judicial Ethics
ABA Model Code of Judicial Conduct
State Bar of California Resources on Ethical Standards
Code of Conduct for United States Judges
National Center for State Courts – The Center for Judicial Ethics
Arkansas Code of Judicial Conduct
Iowa Code Of Judicial Conduct
Sixth Judicial Circut – Opinions of the Judicial Ethics Committee
Washington Courts – Judicial Ethics Opinions
District of Columbia – Code of Judicial Conduct

Video Proceedings and Conferences on Judicial Ethics
Judicial Ethics and Accountability
Judicial Ethics Panel – Federalist Society
Judicial Transparency and Ethics – House Committee
Judicial Ethics and Accountability (2010),
Judicial Ethics and Accountability (2010), Panel 1:
Judicial Ethics – Federal Judicial Center – Part 2
Judicial Ethics and Accountability (2010), Panel 3:
Judicial Ethics and Accountability (2010), Panel 5:
udicial Ethics and Accountability (2010), Panel 6:
Regulation of Judicial Conduct: Silencing Judges
Judicial Independence and Judicial Accountability
Judicial Independence vs. Judicial Corruption
Judicial Independence in Peril
Judicial Independence Dialogue
The Importance of an Independent Judiciary