Harvard Law School

Harvard Law School (also known as Harvard Law or HLS) is one of the professional graduate schools of Harvard University, located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Founded in 1817, it is the oldest continually-operating law school in the United States and is generally considered to be one of the most prestigious in the world. Below you will find a wealth of lectures, conference presentations, and other videos made available by HLS. JusticeAcademy.org greatly appreciates the school’s willingness to make these assets publicly available.


Harvard Law School Journals
Harvard Law Review
Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review
Environmental Law Review
Human Rights Journal
International Law Journal
Journal of Law and Gender
Journal of Law and Public Policy
Journal of Sports and Entertainment Law
Journal on Legislation
Journal on Racial and Ethnic Justice
Latino Law Review

Conferences, Lectures, and Presentations
The Moral Side of Murder
Putting a Price Tag on Life
Free to Choose
This is My Land
Hired Guns
Mind Your Motive
A lesson in Lying
What’s a Fiar Start
Arguing Affirmative Action
The Good Citizen
The Claims of Community
Debating Same Sex Marriage
Justice Clarence Thomas visits HLS
A conversation with Mitt Romney at HLS
The Honorable Merrick Garland addresses HLS
Supreme Court Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy visits HLS
The Scalia Lecture | A Dialogue with Justice Elena Kagan
The Scalia Lecture | Judge Frank Easterbrook
The Scalia Lecture | Professor John Manning
Harvard Law School Election Law Series: A talk by Charles Fried
Tom Mesereau – Speech at Harvard Law School
Lawrence Lessig interviews Jack Abramoff
Michael Klarman | Race in American History
David Lopez | Title VII: A Magna Carta of Human Rights
The Future Challenges of the International Criminal Court
David Blight, Biddle Lecture | Writing the Life of Frederick Douglass
Henry Steiner | “Eyeing the World”
Richard Lazarus Chair Lecture: Environmental Lawlessness
John Manning, “Without the Pretense of Legislative Intent
Dewey Lecture | Tom Nagel
HLS Visiting Dignitaries Lectures