NIJ – Delinquency

The NIJ-Delinquency section of the Justice Academy provides a convenient portal to a variety of reports and analysis sources that are made available for your use, and which are provided directly from the National Institute of Justice server. Please note and respect the copyright requirements associated with each article (if any) within this collection. The Justice Academy greatly appreciates the cooperation and support of the NIJ in making these valuable resources available to the law and justice profession.


1. Changing Course: Preventing Gang Membership
NCJ 239234, September 2013, by National Institute of Justice and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (166 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


2. Changing Course: Preventing Gang Membership – Executive Summary
NCJ 239233, September 2013, by National Institute of Justice and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (20 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


3. Preventing Kids From Gang-Joining: Collaboration Matters – Interview with Tom Simon
NCJ 236390, June 2011, Remarks/Interview, by Tom Simon
Summary/Abstract | HTML(Transcript) | Video(00:04:59)


4. The Chicago Project for Violence Prevention – Interview at the 2009 NIJ Conference
NCJ 234708, June 2009, Remarks/Interview, by Gary Slutkin
Summary/Abstract | HTML(Transcript) | Video(00:02:30)


5. Gang Membership Prevention – Panel at the 2010 NIJ Conference
NCJ 234787, June 2010, Panel Discussion, by Louis Tuthill, Gretchen C.F. Shappert, James Buddy Howell, Jorja Leap
Summary/Abstract | HTML(Transcript) | Audio(4 segments, 01:05:08)


6. Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods – Interview at the National Institute of Justice
NCJ 234739, May 2005, Remarks/Interview, by Dr. Akiva Liberman
Summary/Abstract | HTML(Transcript) | Audio(2 segments, 00:19:25)


7. Juvenile Gun Violence and Gun Markets in Boston
NCJ 184375, March 1997, Research in Progress Preview, by David M. Kennedy (4 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


8. The Long View of Crime
NCJ 229889, April 2010, NIJ Journal, by Pat Kaufman (3 pages)


9. CeaseFire: A Public Health Approach to Reduce Shootings and Killings
NCJ 228386, November 2009, NIJ Journal, by Nancy Ritter (6 pages)


10. A Century of Juvenile Justice
NCJ 185517, 2000, by Philip W. Harris, Wayne N. Welsh, Frank Butler, Criminal Justice 2000, Volume 1: The Nature of Crime: Continuity and Change (67 pages)


11. Paving the Way for Project Safe Neighborhoods: SACSI in 10 U.S. Cities
NCJ 216298, April 2008, Research in Brief, by Jan Roehl, Dennis Rosenbaum, Sandra Costello, James Coldren Jr., Amie Schuck, Laura Kunard, David Forde (20 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


12. Adolescents, Neighborhoods, and Violence: Recent Findings From the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods
NCJ 217397, September 2007, Research in Brief, by Akiva Liberman Ph.D. (24 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


13. Co-Offending and Patterns of Juvenile Crime, Research in Brief
NCJ 210360, December 2005, Research in Brief, by Joan McCord, Kevin P. Conway (20 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


14. Youth Gangs in Rural America
NCJ 204516, July 2004, NIJ Journal, by Ralph A. Weisheit, L. Edward Wells (5 pages)


15. Reducing Gun Violence: Operation Ceasefire in Los Angeles
NCJ 192378, February 2005, Research Report, by George E. Tita, Jack Riley, Greg Ridgeway, Peter W. Greenwood (32 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


16. Reducing Gun Violence: The St. Louis Consent-to-Search Program
NCJ 191332, November 2004, Research Report, by Scott H. Decker, Richard Rosenfeld (31 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


17. Toward Safe and Orderly Schools–The National Study of Delinquency Prevention in Schools, Research in Brief
NCJ 205005, November 2004, Research in Brief, by National Institute of Justice (20 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


18. Preventing School Shootings: A Summary of a U.S. Secret Service Safe School Initiative Report
NCJ 190633, March 2002, NIJ Journal, by National Institute of Justice (6 pages)


19. Evaluating G.R.E.A.T.: A School-Based Gang Prevention Program
NCJ 198604, June 2004, Research for Policy, by Finn-Aage Esbensen (7 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


20. Youth Victimization: Prevalence and Implications, Research in Brief
NCJ 194972, April 2003, Research in Brief, by Dean G. Kilpatrick, Benjamin E. Saunders, Daniel W. Smith (16 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


21. Youth Violence: Do Parents and Families Make a Difference?
NCJ 181732, April 2000, NIJ Journal, by Laurence Steinberg (9 pages)


22. Preventing School Violence: Plenary Papers of the 1999 Conference on Criminal Justice Research and Evaluation–Enhancing Policy and Practice Through Research, Volume 2
NCJ 180972, 2000, by Sheppard G. Kellam, Ron Prinz, Joseph F. Sheley (64 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


23. Appropriate and Effective Use of Security Technologies in U.S. Schools
NCJ 178265, September 1999, Research Report, by Mary W. Green (140 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | HTML | Text | PDF


24. Crime in the Schools: Reducing Conflict With Student Problem Solving, Research in Brief
NCJ 177618, July 1999, Research in Brief, by Dennis J. Kenney, Steuart Watson (11 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


25. Evaluation of the Children at Risk Program: Results 1 Year After the End of the Program, Research in Brief
NCJ 178914, November 1999, Research in Brief, by Adele Harrell, Shannon Cavanagh, Sanjeev Sridharan (12 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


26. Findings About Partner Violence From the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study, Research in Brief
NCJ 170018, July 1999, Research in Brief, by Terrie E. Moffitt, Avshalom E. Caspi (12 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


27. Perspectives on Crime and Justice: 1998-1999 Lecture Series, Volume III
NCJ 178244, November 1999, Research Forum, by Mark A.R. Kleiman, Felton Earls, Sissela Bok, James B. Jacobs (99 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


28. Comparing the Criminal Behavior of Youth Gangs and At-Risk Youths, Research in Brief
NCJ 172852, October 1998, Research in Brief, by C. Ronald Huff (8 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


29. Crime in the Schools: A Problem-Solving Approach
NCJ 184198, August 1998, by Dennis Kenney Ph.D. (4 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


30. High School Youths, Weapons, and Violence: A National Survey, Research in Brief
NCJ 172857, October 1998, Research in Brief, by James D. Wright, Joseph F. Sheley (7 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


31. Kids, Cops, and Communities
NCJ 169599, June 1998, Issues and Practices, by Marcia R. Chaiken, Ph.D. (60 pages)
Summary/Abstract | Text | PDF


32. Linking Community Factors and Individual Development
NCJ 184348, September 1998, by Felton Earls (4 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


33. Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods: A Research Update
NCJ 163603, 1997, Research Update, by Christy A. Visher, Felton J. Earls (5 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


34. Violence Among Middle School and High School Students: Analysis and Implications for Prevention, Research in Brief
NCJ 166363, December 1997, Research in Brief, by Daniel Lockwood (9 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


35. Youth Afterschool Programs and Law Enforcement
NCJ 184368, August 1997, by Marcia Chaiken Ph.D. (4 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


36. Assessing the Exposure of Urban Youth to Violence
NCJ 184414, November 1996, Research Preview, by Mary Beth Selner-O’Hagan, Daniel J. Kindlon,
Stephen L. Buka, Stephen W. Raudenbush, Felton J. Earls (2 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


37. Beacons of Hope: New York City’s School-Based Community Centers
NCJ 157667, 1996, Program Focus, by Daniel McGillis (16 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


38. Cycle of Violence Revisited
NCJ 184206, 1996, Research Preview, by Cathy Spatz Widom (4 pages)
PDF | Text


39. New Immigrant Hispanic Population: An Integrated Approach to Preventing Delinquency and Crime
NCJ 184410, 1996, Research Preview, by Orlando Rodriguez, Ph.D. (3 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


40. Childhood Victimization and Risk for Alcohol and Drug Arrests
NCJ 184317, November 1995, Research Preview, by Timothy Ireland, Cathy Spatz Widom (2 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


41. Evaluation of Boys and Girls Clubs in Public Housing
NCJ 185559, 1995, Research Preview, by Carl E. Pope, Timothy S. Bynum, Jack R. Greene,
William H. Feyerherm (2 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


42. Evaluation of Violence Prevention Programs in Middle Schools
NCJ 184345, 1995, NIJ Update, by National Institute of Justice (2 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


43. Helping to Prevent Child Abuse–and Future Criminal Consequences: Hawai’i Healthy Start
NCJ 156216, 1995, Program Focus, by Ralph B. Earle, Ph.D. (12 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


44. Prosecuting Gangs: A National Assessment, Research in Brief
NCJ 151785, February 1995, Research in Brief, by Claire Johnson, Barbara Webster, Edward Connors (12 pages)
Summary/Abstract | Text | PDF


45. Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse–Later Criminal Consequences, Research in Brief
NCJ 151525, 1995, Research in Brief, by Cathy Spatz Widom (8 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


46. Breaking the Cycle: Predicting and Preventing Crime
NCJ 140541, 1994, Research Report, by Albert J. Reiss Jr., Felton J. Earls (73 pages)
Summary/Abstract | Text | PDF


47. D.A.R.E. Program: A Review of Prevalence, User Satisfaction, and Effectiveness
NCJ 184319, October 1994, NIJ Update, by National Institute of Justice (2 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


48. Past and Future Directions of the D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) Program: An Evaluation Review
NCJ 152055, September 1994, Evaluation Review, by Christopher L. Ringwalt, Jody M. Greene, Susan T. Ennett, Ronaldo Iachan, Richard R. Clayton, Carl G. Leukefeld (31 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text | PDF


1. Bulletin 1: From Juvenile Delinquency to Young Adult Offending (Study Group on the Transitions Between Juvenile Delinquency and Adult Crime)
NCJ 242931, 2013, Grant Report, by Rolf Loeber, David P. Farrington, David Petechuk (39 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


2. Bulletin 2: Criminal Career Patterns (Study Group on the Transitions Between Juvenile Delinquency and Adult Crime)
NCJ 242932, 2013, Grant Report, by Alex R. Piquero, J. David Hawkins, Lila Kazemian, David Petechuk (34 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


3. Bulletin 3: Explanations for Offending (Study Group on the Transitions between Juvenile Delinquency and Adult Crime)
NCJ 242933, 2013, Grant Report, by Terence P. Thornberry, Peggy C. Giordano, Christopher Uggen, Mauri Matsuda, Ann S. Masten, Erik Bulten, Andrea G. Donker, David Petechuk (43 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


4. Bulletin 4: Prediction and Risk/Needs Assessment (Study Group on the Transitions Between Juvenile Delinquency and Adult Crime)
NCJ 242934, 2013, Grant Report, by Robert D. Hoge, Gina Vincent, Laura Guy (45 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


5. Bulletin 5: Young Offenders and an Effective Response in the Juvenile and Adult Justice Systems: What Happens, What Should Happen, and What We Need to Know (Study Group on the Transitions Between Juvenile Delinquency and Adult Crime)
NCJ 242935, 2013, Grant Report, by James C. Howell, Barry C. Feld, Daniel P. Mears, David P. Farrington, Rolf Loeber, David Petechuk (51 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


6. Bulletin 6: Changing Lives: Prevention and Intervention to Reduce Serious Offending (Study Group on the Transitions Between Juvenile Delinquency and Adult Crime)
NCJ 242936, 2013, Grant Report, by Brandon C. Welsh, Mark W. Lipsey, Frederick P. Rivara, J. David Hawkins, Steve Aos, Meghan E. Peel, David Petechuk (56 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


7. Process and Outcome Evaluation of the 4-H Mentoring/Youth and Families with Promise (YFP) Program
NCJ 240147, March 2012, Grant Report, by Mary E. Poulin, Stan Orchowsky (205 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | PDF


8. Comprehensive Investigation of the Role of the Individuals, the Immediate Social Environment, and Neighborhoods in Trajectories of Adolescent Antisocial Behavior, Executive Report
NCJ 239910, July 2012, Grant Report, by Christopher J. Sullivan (12 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


9. Comprehensive Investigation of the Role of the Individuals, the Immediate Social Environment, and Neighborhoods in Trajectories of Adolescent Antisocial Behavior, Final Technical Report
NCJ 239909, July 2012, Grant Report, by Christopher J. Sullivan (84 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


10. Dating Abuse Prevention in Teens of Moms with Domestic Violence Protection Orders
NCJ 240098, October 2010, Grant Report, by Vangie A. Foshee Ph.D., Kim Dixon M.S.W, Ling Yin-Chang M.P.H, Susan Ennett Ph.D., Beth Moracco Ph.D., J. Michael Bowling Ph.D., Jennifer L. Moss B.A. (405 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


11. Evaluation of Youth Gang Drug Intervention/Prevention Programs for Female Adolescents
NCJ 239855, July 1999, Grant Report, by Katherine Williams Ph.D., Marcia I. Cohen, David Curry Ph.D. (482 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


12. Evaluating the Implementation of a Family-Focused Prevention Program: Effectiveness of SAFE Children
NCJ 238972, February 2012, Grant Report, by David B. Henry, Patrick H. Tolan, Deborah Gorman-Smith, Michael E. Schoeny, Jack Zwanziger, Sage Kim (69 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


13. Child Custody Evaluators’ Beliefs About Domestic Abuse Allegations: Their Relationship to Evaluator Demographics, Background, Domestic Violence Knowledge and Custody-Visitation Recommendations
NCJ 238891, October 2011, Grant Report, by Daniel G. Saunders Ph.D., Kathleen C. Faller Ph.D., Richard M. Tolman Ph.D. (176 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


14. Randomized Experimental Evaluation of the Tribes Learning Communities Prevention Program
NCJ 237958, October 2011, Grant Report, by Thomas Hanson, Jo Ann Izu, Anthony Petrosino, Bo Delong-Cotty, Hong Zheng (163 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


15. Power of Developmental Assets in Building Behavioral Adjustment Among Youth Exposed to Community Violence: A Multidisciplinary Longitudinal Study of Resilience
NCJ 237915, February 2012, Grant Report, by Sonia Jain DrPH, Alison K. Cohen MPHc (71 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


16. Power of Developmental Assets in Building Behavioral Adjustment Among Youth Exposed to Community Violence: A Multidisciplinary Longitudinal Study of Resilience, Executive Summary
NCJ 237916, February 2012, Grant Report, by Sonia Jain DrPH, Alison K. Cohen MPHc (25 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


17. Unpacking the Influence of Neighborhood Context and Antisocial Propensity on Violent Victimization of Children and Adolescents in Chicago
NCJ 237731, December 2011, Grant Report, by Chris L. Gibson Ph.D. (79 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


18. U.S. Attorney General’s Defending Childhood Initiative: Formative Evaluation of the Phase I Demonstration Program
NCJ 236563, November 2011, Grant Report, by Rachel Swaner, Julia Kohn, Michael Rempel, Marcie Campbell, Peter Jaffe, David Wolf (16 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


19. Shifting Boundaries: Final Report on an Experimental Evaluation of a Youth Dating Violence Prevention Program in New York City Middle Schools
NCJ 236175, October 2011, Grant Report, by Bruce Taylor Ph.D., Nan D. Stein Ed.D., Dan Woods Ph.D., Elizabeth Mumford Ph.D. (322 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


20. Final Report on the Evaluation of the Boys Town Short-Term Residential Treatment Program for Girls
NCJ 234514, September 2010, Grant Report, by Marcia I. Cohen, Stephen V. Gies, Katherine Williams, Randy Gainey, Alan Bekelman, Martha Yeide (379 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


21. Mental Health and Violent Offending in Chicago Youth: A Multilevel Approach
NCJ 234515, May 2011, Grant Report, by Denise Paquette Boots Ph.D., Jennifer Wareham Ph.D. (124 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


22. Incarcerated Women, Their Children, and the Nexus with Foster Care
NCJ 234110, April 2011, Grant Report, by Susan George, Roland Holst, Haeil Jung, Robert LaLonde, Rekha Varghese (146 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


23. Randomized Trial of Healthy Families New York (HFNY): Does Home Visiting Prevent Child Maltreatment?
NCJ 232945, January 2011, Grant Report, by Kimberly DuMont, Kristen Kirkland, Susan Mitchell-Herzfeld, Susan Ehrhard-Dietzel, Monica L. Rodriguez, Eunju Lee, China Layne, Rose Greene (156 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


24. Five Year Outcomes in a Randomized Trial of a Community-Based Multi-Agency Intensive Supervision Juvenile Probation Program
NCJ 232621, December 2010, Grant Report, by Karen Hennigan, Kathy Kolnick, Tian Siva Tian, Cheryl Maxson, John Poplawski (49 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


25. Identifying Gendered Trajectories of Offending for a Panel of First Time Youth Offenders: Exploring the Influence of Time-Stable Covariates
NCJ 231199, July 2010, Grant Report, by Cynthia Weaver Ph.D. (106 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


26. Crime during the Transition to Adulthood: How Youth Fare as They Leave Out-of-Home Care
NCJ 229666, January 2010, Grant Report, by Gretchen Ruth Cusick, Mark E. Courtney, Judy Havlicek, Nathan Hess (89 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


27. Crime During the Transition to Adulthood: How Youth Fare as They Leave Out-of-Home Care, Executive Summary
NCJ 229667, January 2010, Grant Report, by Gretchen Ruth Cusick, Mark E. Courtney, Judy Havlicek, Nathan Hess (15 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


28. School-Based Programs to Reduce Bullying and Victimization
NCJ 229377, October 2009, Grant Report, by David P. Farrington, Maria M. Ttofi (143 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


29. Internet Crimes Against Children: A Matrix of Federal and Select State Laws
NCJ 228812, October 2009, Grant Report, by Patrick Miller, Alice R. Buchalter (16 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


30. Internet Crimes Against Children: An Annotated Bibliography of Major Studies
NCJ 228813, October 2009, Grant Report, by Marieke Lewis, Patrick Miller, Alice R. Buchalter (37 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


31. Poly-Victimization Among Girls in the Juvenile Justice System: Manifestations & Associations to Delinquency
NCJ 228620, October 2009, Grant Report, by Dana D. DeHart (51 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


32. Evaluation of the Teens, Crime and the Community and Community Works Program
NCJ 228277, June 2009, Grant Report, by Finn-Aage Esbensen (245 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


33. Event Dynamics and the Role of Third Parties in Urban Youth Violence
NCJ 227781, May 2009, Grant Report, by Deanna Wilkinson (215 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


34. Long-Term Consequences of Delinquency: Child Maltreatment and Crime in Early Adulthood
NCJ 226577, March 2009, Grant Report, by Rebecca Colman, Do Han Kim, Susan Mitchell-Herzfeld, Therese A. Shady (112 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


35. Impact Evaluation of Youth Crime Watch Programs
NCJ 226356, June 2008, Grant Report, by Tom Rich, Ken Carlson, Peter Finn, Lauren Olsho, Bill Rhodes (190 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


36. Effects of Early Family/Parent Training
Programs on Antisocial Behavior & Delinquency

NCJ 224989, 2008, Grant Report, by Alex Piquero, David Farrington, Brandon Welsh, Richard Tremblay, Wesley Jennings (123 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


37. Breaking the Cycle of Trauma and Criminal Justice Involvement: The Mothers Overcoming and Managing Stress (MOMS) Study
NCJ 222910, 2008, Grant Report, by Julian D. Ford, Karen L. Steinberg, Kathie Halbach Moffitt, Wanli Zhang (34 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


38. Experimental Evaluation of Gender Violence/Harassment Prevention Programs in Middle Schools, Final Report
NCJ 221892, February 2008, Grant Report, by Bruce Taylor, Nan Stein, Amy R. Mack, Thomas J. Horwood, Frances Burden (252 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


39. Evaluation of Bullyproofing Your School: Final Report
NCJ 221078, 2007, Grant Report, by Scott Menard, Jennifer Grotpeter, Daniella Gianola, Maura O’Neal (110 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


40. Pathways from Dependency and Neglect to Delinquency: Part Two
NCJ 220288, 2007, Grant Report, by Veronica F. Coleman-Davis, David R. Forde (102 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


41. Self-Reported Law-Violating Behavior from Adolescence to Early Adulthood in a Modern Cohort
NCJ 217588, 2006, Grant Report, by Carl McCurley (136 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


42. Unraveling the Neighborhood and School Effects on Youth Behavior
NCJ 214854, June 2006, by David S. Kirk (296 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


43. Risk Management of Sexually Abusive Youth: A Follow Up Study
NCJ 214261, May 2006, by Robert Prentky (198 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


44. Family Violence in America: Breaking the Cycle for Children Who Witness: Recommendations from the 1997 IACP Summit
NCJ 177992, 1997, Grant Report, by International Association of Chiefs of Police (54 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


45. National Evaluation of the "I Have a Dream" Program
NCJ 213591, March 2005, by William Rhodes, Linda Truitt, Audrey Martinez (68 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


46. Trajectories of Violent Offending and Risk Status in Adolescence and Early Adulthood
NCJ 213339, March 2006, by James Nash, Jong Sung Kim (169 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


47. Role of Law Enforcement in Public School Safety: A National Survey
NCJ 211676, July 2005, by Lawrence Travis III, Julie Coon (258 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


48. Effectiveness of School-Based Violence Prevention Programs for Reducing Disruptive and Aggressive Behavior
NCJ 211376, May 2005, Grant Report, by Sandra Jo Wilson, Mark W. Lipsey (48 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


49. Deterrent Effect of Curfew Enforcement: Operation Nightwatch in St. Louis
NCJ 210684, July 2005, Grant Report, by Urban, Lynn S. (321 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


50. Evaluation of the Juvenile Breaking the Cycle Program
NCJ 209799, November 2004, Grant Report, by Cowell, Alexander J.; Graham, Phillip; Krebs, Christopher P.; Lattimore, Pamela K. (95 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


51. Development of a Guide to Resources on Faith-Based Organizations in Criminal Justice Final Report
NCJ 209350, September 2004, Grant Report, by Gouvis, Caterina; Hercik, Jeanette; Lewis, Richard; McBride, Elizabeth; Myles, Bradley; Rico, Gabriella; Whitby, Alyssa; Zweig, Janine (182 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


52. Safe Kids, Safe Schools: Evaluating the Use of Iris Recognition Technology in New Egypt, NJ
NCJ 208127, December 2004, Grant Report, by Gantley, Megan; Maguire, Edward R.; Solomon, Shellie E.; Uchida, Craig D. (146 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


53. Social-Cognitive Mediators of the Link Between Social-Environmental Risk Factors and Aggression in Adolescence
NCJ 207263, October 2004, Grant Report, by Catherine P. Bradshaw (24 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


54. Effect of Father Absence and Father Alternatives on Female and Male Rates of Violence
NCJ 206316, August 2003, Grant Report, by Jennifer Schwartz (189 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


55. Victim-Offender Overlap: Specifying the Role of Peer Groups
NCJ 205126, December 2003, Grant Report, by Shaffer, Jennifer N. (244 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


56. Community Problem-Solving to Reduce Juvenile Gun Violence: Atlanta’s Experience
NCJ 204856, December 2002, by Arthur L. Kellermann M.D., Dawna Fuqua-Whitley M.S., Constance Parramore M.P.H (31 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


57. Dynamics of Deterrence: Youth Gun Violence in Portland
NCJ 203969, June 2003, Grant Report, by Kapsch, Stefan J.; Louis, Lyman; Oleson, Kathryn (69 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


58. Alameda County Placement Risk Assessment Validation, Executive Summary
NCJ 189241, June 2001, Grant Report, by National Council on Crime and Delinquency (8 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


59. Evaluation of SACSI in Winston-Salem: Engaging the Community in a Strategic Analysis of Youth Violence
NCJ 202977, July 2002, Grant Report, by Allen, Marcus; Easterling, Doug; Harvey, Lynn; Mac-Thompson, Donald (102 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


60. Preliminary Evaluation of SACSI in Winston-Salem: Summary of Findings
NCJ 202976, September 2001, Grant Report, by Allen, Marcus; Easterling, Doug; Harvey, Lynn; Mac-Thompson, Donald (14 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


61. Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee Juvenile Court Truancy Reduction Program, Final Report
NCJ 193412, October 2000, Grant Report, by Hepler, Nancy A.; Nicely, Gerald F.; Platt, Jan; Wells, Jim (21 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


62. SMART Program Expansion, Final Report
NCJ 193802, August 1996, Grant Report, by Long, Robert W. (20 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


63. National Evaluation of the Gang Resistance Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.) Program, Final Report
NCJ 196477, November 2001, Grant Report, by Esbensen, Finn-Aage (332 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


64. Peer Group Revisited: A Network Approach for Understanding Adolescent Delinquency
NCJ 195086, 1999, Grant Report, by Haynie, Dana L. (186 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


65. Evaluation of the Youth Curfew in Prince George’s County, Maryland: The Curfew’s Impact on Arrests and Calls for Service
NCJ 200520, March 2003, by Caterina Gouvis Roman and Gretchen Moore (38 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


66. Evaluation of the Youth Curfew in Prince George’s County, Maryland, Final Report
NCJ 200519, July 2000, Grant Report, by Gouvis, Caterina (34 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


67. Delinquency in a Chinese Birth Cohort, Final Report
NCJ 195421, 2003, Grant Report, by Friday, Paul C.; Leuven, K. U.; Ren, Xin; Weitekamp, Elmar (122 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


68. Youth, Firearms and Violence in Atlanta: A Problem-Solving Approach
NCJ 194050, 2001, Grant Report, by Fuqua-Whitley, Dawna; Kellermann, Arthur L. (30 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


69. National Study of Delinquency Prevention in Schools, Final Report
NCJ 194129, 2000, Grant Report, by Cantor, David; Crosse, Scott B.; Czeh, Ellen R.; Gottfredson, Gary D.; Gottfredson, Denise C.; Hantman, Irene (535 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


70. National Study of Delinquency Prevention in Schools, Summary
NCJ 194116, 2000, Grant Report, by Cantor, David; Crosse, Scott B.; Czeh, Ellen R.; Gottfredson, Gary D.; Gottfredson, Denise C.; Hantman, Irene (30 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


71. From Problem Solving to Crime Suppression to Community Mobilization: An Evaluation of the St. Louis Consent-to-Search Program
NCJ 188291, February 2001, Grant Report, by Decker, Scott H.; Rosenfeld, Richard (27 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


72. Racine Security Management Project: Final Narrative Report
NCJ 196662, July 2002, Grant Report, by Albeck, Karen (8 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


73. Use and Evaluation of Hair Analysis, Urinalysis, and Ion Mobility Spectrometry in a Juvenile Diversion Program in New Orleans, Final Report
NCJ 197050, 2002, Grant Report, by Connick, Harry; Mieczkowski, Tom; Mumm, Rosemary (220 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


74. Don’t Forget the Women: A Multi-Level Analysis of Individual and Contextual Effects on Girls’ and Boys’ Delinquency
NCJ 197352, May 2000, Grant Report, by Peterson, Dana (208 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


75. SMART Approach to School Discipline
NCJ 191859, 1999, Grant Report, by Anaheim Union High School District (47 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


76. Community Gang Prevention Team Survey
NCJ 194717, 1997, Grant Report, by Christensen, Wendy; Crank, John (13 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


77. Assessment of a Multi-Agency Approach to Drug Involved Gang Members
NCJ 185252, June 1996, Grant Report, by Hoctor, Darlanne; Melton, Roni; Pennell, Susan (97 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


78. Influence of Neighborhood, Peer, and Family Context: Trajectories of Delinquent/Criminal Offending Across the Life Course, Final Report
NCJ 184551, 2000, Grant Report, by Land, Kenneth C. (221 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


79. Maternal Risk Factors, Early Life Events, and Deviant Outcomes: Assessing Antisocial Pathways From Birth Through Adolescence
NCJ 189790, 2000, Grant Report, by Maahs, Jeff (202 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


80. Codebook for Police-Community Initiatives Project (PCIP) — Youth Supplemental Survey
NCJ 179970, 1999, Grant Report, by North Carolina Central University (29 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


81. Police-Community Initiatives for Effective Law Enforcement in Rural Communities Project: Youth Supplemental Survey
NCJ 179969, 1999, Grant Report, by North Carolina Central University (45 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


82. Reducing School Violence in Detroit: An Evaluation of an Alternative Conflict Resolution Intervention
NCJ 179993, 1999, Grant Report, by Bynum, Timothy S.; Cox, Stephen M.; Curtis, Stacy; Davidson, William D. (191 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


83. Safe and Smart: Making the After-School Hours Work for Kids
NCJ 179991, 1998, Grant Report, by de Kanter, Adrianna; Moore Bobo, Lynson; Noeth, Kristyn; Pederson, Julie; Weinig, Katrina (93 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


84. Alameda County Placement Risk Assessment Validation, Final Report
NCJ 189240, June 2001, Grant Report, by Sharon Jones, Chris Baird (45 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


85. Evaluation/Assessment of Navajo Peacemaking
NCJ 187675, February 1999, Grant Report, by Gross, Eric K. (58 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


86. Strategic Approaches to Community Safety Initiative: Youth Violence in Winston-Salem/Forsyth County, North Carolina: Final Report, Summary of Research 1997-1998
NCJ 185729, February 2000, Grant Report, by Russell, Terrence (34 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


Proudly powered by WordPress
1. Changing Course: Preventing Gang Membership
NCJ 239234, September 2013, by National Institute of Justice and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (166 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


2. Changing Course: Preventing Gang Membership – Executive Summary
NCJ 239233, September 2013, by National Institute of Justice and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (20 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


3. Bulletin 1: From Juvenile Delinquency to Young Adult Offending (Study Group on the Transitions Between Juvenile Delinquency and Adult Crime)
NCJ 242931, 2013, Grant Report, by Rolf Loeber, David P. Farrington, David Petechuk (39 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


4. Bulletin 2: Criminal Career Patterns (Study Group on the Transitions Between Juvenile Delinquency and Adult Crime)
NCJ 242932, 2013, Grant Report, by Alex R. Piquero, J. David Hawkins, Lila Kazemian, David Petechuk (34 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


5. Bulletin 3: Explanations for Offending (Study Group on the Transitions between Juvenile Delinquency and Adult Crime)
NCJ 242933, 2013, Grant Report, by Terence P. Thornberry, Peggy C. Giordano, Christopher Uggen, Mauri Matsuda, Ann S. Masten, Erik Bulten, Andrea G. Donker, David Petechuk (43 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


6. Bulletin 4: Prediction and Risk/Needs Assessment (Study Group on the Transitions Between Juvenile Delinquency and Adult Crime)
NCJ 242934, 2013, Grant Report, by Robert D. Hoge, Gina Vincent, Laura Guy (45 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


7. Bulletin 5: Young Offenders and an Effective Response in the Juvenile and Adult Justice Systems: What Happens, What Should Happen, and What We Need to Know (Study Group on the Transitions Between Juvenile Delinquency and Adult Crime)
NCJ 242935, 2013, Grant Report, by James C. Howell, Barry C. Feld, Daniel P. Mears, David P. Farrington, Rolf Loeber, David Petechuk (51 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


8. Bulletin 6: Changing Lives: Prevention and Intervention to Reduce Serious Offending (Study Group on the Transitions Between Juvenile Delinquency and Adult Crime)
NCJ 242936, 2013, Grant Report, by Brandon C. Welsh, Mark W. Lipsey, Frederick P. Rivara, J. David Hawkins, Steve Aos, Meghan E. Peel, David Petechuk (56 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


9. Process and Outcome Evaluation of the 4-H Mentoring/Youth and Families with Promise (YFP) Program
NCJ 240147, March 2012, Grant Report, by Mary E. Poulin, Stan Orchowsky (205 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | PDF


10. Comprehensive Investigation of the Role of the Individuals, the Immediate Social Environment, and Neighborhoods in Trajectories of Adolescent Antisocial Behavior, Executive Report
NCJ 239910, July 2012, Grant Report, by Christopher J. Sullivan (12 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


11. Comprehensive Investigation of the Role of the Individuals, the Immediate Social Environment, and Neighborhoods in Trajectories of Adolescent Antisocial Behavior, Final Technical Report
NCJ 239909, July 2012, Grant Report, by Christopher J. Sullivan (84 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


12. Dating Abuse Prevention in Teens of Moms with Domestic Violence Protection Orders
NCJ 240098, October 2010, Grant Report, by Vangie A. Foshee Ph.D., Kim Dixon M.S.W, Ling Yin-Chang M.P.H, Susan Ennett Ph.D., Beth Moracco Ph.D., J. Michael Bowling Ph.D., Jennifer L. Moss B.A. (405 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


13. Evaluation of Youth Gang Drug Intervention/Prevention Programs for Female Adolescents
NCJ 239855, July 1999, Grant Report, by Katherine Williams Ph.D., Marcia I. Cohen, David Curry Ph.D. (482 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


14. Evaluating the Implementation of a Family-Focused Prevention Program: Effectiveness of SAFE Children
NCJ 238972, February 2012, Grant Report, by David B. Henry, Patrick H. Tolan, Deborah Gorman-Smith, Michael E. Schoeny, Jack Zwanziger, Sage Kim (69 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


15. Child Custody Evaluators’ Beliefs About Domestic Abuse Allegations: Their Relationship to Evaluator Demographics, Background, Domestic Violence Knowledge and Custody-Visitation Recommendations
NCJ 238891, October 2011, Grant Report, by Daniel G. Saunders Ph.D., Kathleen C. Faller Ph.D., Richard M. Tolman Ph.D. (176 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


16. Randomized Experimental Evaluation of the Tribes Learning Communities Prevention Program
NCJ 237958, October 2011, Grant Report, by Thomas Hanson, Jo Ann Izu, Anthony Petrosino, Bo Delong-Cotty, Hong Zheng (163 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


17. Power of Developmental Assets in Building Behavioral Adjustment Among Youth Exposed to Community Violence: A Multidisciplinary Longitudinal Study of Resilience
NCJ 237915, February 2012, Grant Report, by Sonia Jain DrPH, Alison K. Cohen MPHc (71 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


18. Power of Developmental Assets in Building Behavioral Adjustment Among Youth Exposed to Community Violence: A Multidisciplinary Longitudinal Study of Resilience, Executive Summary
NCJ 237916, February 2012, Grant Report, by Sonia Jain DrPH, Alison K. Cohen MPHc (25 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


19. Unpacking the Influence of Neighborhood Context and Antisocial Propensity on Violent Victimization of Children and Adolescents in Chicago
NCJ 237731, December 2011, Grant Report, by Chris L. Gibson Ph.D. (79 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


20. U.S. Attorney General’s Defending Childhood Initiative: Formative Evaluation of the Phase I Demonstration Program
NCJ 236563, November 2011, Grant Report, by Rachel Swaner, Julia Kohn, Michael Rempel, Marcie Campbell, Peter Jaffe, David Wolf (16 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


21. Preventing Kids From Gang-Joining: Collaboration Matters – Interview with Tom Simon
NCJ 236390, June 2011, Remarks/Interview, by Tom Simon
Summary/Abstract | HTML(Transcript) | Video(00:04:59)


22. Shifting Boundaries: Final Report on an Experimental Evaluation of a Youth Dating Violence Prevention Program in New York City Middle Schools
NCJ 236175, October 2011, Grant Report, by Bruce Taylor Ph.D., Nan D. Stein Ed.D., Dan Woods Ph.D., Elizabeth Mumford Ph.D. (322 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


23. The Chicago Project for Violence Prevention – Interview at the 2009 NIJ Conference
NCJ 234708, June 2009, Remarks/Interview, by Gary Slutkin
Summary/Abstract | HTML(Transcript) | Video(00:02:30)


24. Gang Membership Prevention – Panel at the 2010 NIJ Conference
NCJ 234787, June 2010, Panel Discussion, by Louis Tuthill, Gretchen C.F. Shappert, James Buddy Howell, Jorja Leap
Summary/Abstract | HTML(Transcript) | Audio(4 segments, 01:05:08)


25. Final Report on the Evaluation of the Boys Town Short-Term Residential Treatment Program for Girls
NCJ 234514, September 2010, Grant Report, by Marcia I. Cohen, Stephen V. Gies, Katherine Williams, Randy Gainey, Alan Bekelman, Martha Yeide (379 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


26. Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods – Interview at the National Institute of Justice
NCJ 234739, May 2005, Remarks/Interview, by Dr. Akiva Liberman
Summary/Abstract | HTML(Transcript) | Audio(2 segments, 00:19:25)


27. Mental Health and Violent Offending in Chicago Youth: A Multilevel Approach
NCJ 234515, May 2011, Grant Report, by Denise Paquette Boots Ph.D., Jennifer Wareham Ph.D. (124 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


28. Incarcerated Women, Their Children, and the Nexus with Foster Care
NCJ 234110, April 2011, Grant Report, by Susan George, Roland Holst, Haeil Jung, Robert LaLonde, Rekha Varghese (146 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


29. Juvenile Gun Violence and Gun Markets in Boston
NCJ 184375, March 1997, Research in Progress Preview, by David M. Kennedy (4 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


30. Randomized Trial of Healthy Families New York (HFNY): Does Home Visiting Prevent Child Maltreatment?
NCJ 232945, January 2011, Grant Report, by Kimberly DuMont, Kristen Kirkland, Susan Mitchell-Herzfeld, Susan Ehrhard-Dietzel, Monica L. Rodriguez, Eunju Lee, China Layne, Rose Greene (156 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


31. Five Year Outcomes in a Randomized Trial of a Community-Based Multi-Agency Intensive Supervision Juvenile Probation Program
NCJ 232621, December 2010, Grant Report, by Karen Hennigan, Kathy Kolnick, Tian Siva Tian, Cheryl Maxson, John Poplawski (49 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


32. Identifying Gendered Trajectories of Offending for a Panel of First Time Youth Offenders: Exploring the Influence of Time-Stable Covariates
NCJ 231199, July 2010, Grant Report, by Cynthia Weaver Ph.D. (106 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


33. The Long View of Crime
NCJ 229889, April 2010, NIJ Journal, by Pat Kaufman (3 pages)


34. Crime during the Transition to Adulthood: How Youth Fare as They Leave Out-of-Home Care
NCJ 229666, January 2010, Grant Report, by Gretchen Ruth Cusick, Mark E. Courtney, Judy Havlicek, Nathan Hess (89 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


35. Crime During the Transition to Adulthood: How Youth Fare as They Leave Out-of-Home Care, Executive Summary
NCJ 229667, January 2010, Grant Report, by Gretchen Ruth Cusick, Mark E. Courtney, Judy Havlicek, Nathan Hess (15 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


36. School-Based Programs to Reduce Bullying and Victimization
NCJ 229377, October 2009, Grant Report, by David P. Farrington, Maria M. Ttofi (143 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


37. CeaseFire: A Public Health Approach to Reduce Shootings and Killings
NCJ 228386, November 2009, NIJ Journal, by Nancy Ritter (6 pages)


38. Internet Crimes Against Children: A Matrix of Federal and Select State Laws
NCJ 228812, October 2009, Grant Report, by Patrick Miller, Alice R. Buchalter (16 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


39. Internet Crimes Against Children: An Annotated Bibliography of Major Studies
NCJ 228813, October 2009, Grant Report, by Marieke Lewis, Patrick Miller, Alice R. Buchalter (37 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


40. Poly-Victimization Among Girls in the Juvenile Justice System: Manifestations & Associations to Delinquency
NCJ 228620, October 2009, Grant Report, by Dana D. DeHart (51 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


41. Evaluation of the Teens, Crime and the Community and Community Works Program
NCJ 228277, June 2009, Grant Report, by Finn-Aage Esbensen (245 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


42. Event Dynamics and the Role of Third Parties in Urban Youth Violence
NCJ 227781, May 2009, Grant Report, by Deanna Wilkinson (215 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


43. Long-Term Consequences of Delinquency: Child Maltreatment and Crime in Early Adulthood
NCJ 226577, March 2009, Grant Report, by Rebecca Colman, Do Han Kim, Susan Mitchell-Herzfeld, Therese A. Shady (112 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


44. Impact Evaluation of Youth Crime Watch Programs
NCJ 226356, June 2008, Grant Report, by Tom Rich, Ken Carlson, Peter Finn, Lauren Olsho, Bill Rhodes (190 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


45. Effects of Early Family/Parent Training
Programs on Antisocial Behavior & Delinquency

NCJ 224989, 2008, Grant Report, by Alex Piquero, David Farrington, Brandon Welsh, Richard Tremblay, Wesley Jennings (123 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


46. A Century of Juvenile Justice
NCJ 185517, 2000, by Philip W. Harris, Wayne N. Welsh, Frank Butler, Criminal Justice 2000, Volume 1: The Nature of Crime: Continuity and Change (67 pages)


47. Breaking the Cycle of Trauma and Criminal Justice Involvement: The Mothers Overcoming and Managing Stress (MOMS) Study
NCJ 222910, 2008, Grant Report, by Julian D. Ford, Karen L. Steinberg, Kathie Halbach Moffitt, Wanli Zhang (34 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


48. Paving the Way for Project Safe Neighborhoods: SACSI in 10 U.S. Cities
NCJ 216298, April 2008, Research in Brief, by Jan Roehl, Dennis Rosenbaum, Sandra Costello, James Coldren Jr., Amie Schuck, Laura Kunard, David Forde (20 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


49. Experimental Evaluation of Gender Violence/Harassment Prevention Programs in Middle Schools, Final Report
NCJ 221892, February 2008, Grant Report, by Bruce Taylor, Nan Stein, Amy R. Mack, Thomas J. Horwood, Frances Burden (252 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


50. Evaluation of Bullyproofing Your School: Final Report
NCJ 221078, 2007, Grant Report, by Scott Menard, Jennifer Grotpeter, Daniella Gianola, Maura O’Neal (110 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


51. Pathways from Dependency and Neglect to Delinquency: Part Two
NCJ 220288, 2007, Grant Report, by Veronica F. Coleman-Davis, David R. Forde (102 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


52. Adolescents, Neighborhoods, and Violence: Recent Findings From the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods
NCJ 217397, September 2007, Research in Brief, by Akiva Liberman Ph.D. (24 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


53. Self-Reported Law-Violating Behavior from Adolescence to Early Adulthood in a Modern Cohort
NCJ 217588, 2006, Grant Report, by Carl McCurley (136 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


54. Unraveling the Neighborhood and School Effects on Youth Behavior
NCJ 214854, June 2006, by David S. Kirk (296 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


55. Risk Management of Sexually Abusive Youth: A Follow Up Study
NCJ 214261, May 2006, by Robert Prentky (198 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


56. Family Violence in America: Breaking the Cycle for Children Who Witness: Recommendations from the 1997 IACP Summit
NCJ 177992, 1997, Grant Report, by International Association of Chiefs of Police (54 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


57. National Evaluation of the "I Have a Dream" Program
NCJ 213591, March 2005, by William Rhodes, Linda Truitt, Audrey Martinez (68 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


58. Trajectories of Violent Offending and Risk Status in Adolescence and Early Adulthood
NCJ 213339, March 2006, by James Nash, Jong Sung Kim (169 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


59. Co-Offending and Patterns of Juvenile Crime, Research in Brief
NCJ 210360, December 2005, Research in Brief, by Joan McCord, Kevin P. Conway (20 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


60. Role of Law Enforcement in Public School Safety: A National Survey
NCJ 211676, July 2005, by Lawrence Travis III, Julie Coon (258 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


61. Effectiveness of School-Based Violence Prevention Programs for Reducing Disruptive and Aggressive Behavior
NCJ 211376, May 2005, Grant Report, by Sandra Jo Wilson, Mark W. Lipsey (48 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


62. Deterrent Effect of Curfew Enforcement: Operation Nightwatch in St. Louis
NCJ 210684, July 2005, Grant Report, by Urban, Lynn S. (321 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


63. Evaluation of the Juvenile Breaking the Cycle Program
NCJ 209799, November 2004, Grant Report, by Cowell, Alexander J.; Graham, Phillip; Krebs, Christopher P.; Lattimore, Pamela K. (95 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


64. Development of a Guide to Resources on Faith-Based Organizations in Criminal Justice Final Report
NCJ 209350, September 2004, Grant Report, by Gouvis, Caterina; Hercik, Jeanette; Lewis, Richard; McBride, Elizabeth; Myles, Bradley; Rico, Gabriella; Whitby, Alyssa; Zweig, Janine (182 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


65. Youth Gangs in Rural America
NCJ 204516, July 2004, NIJ Journal, by Ralph A. Weisheit, L. Edward Wells (5 pages)


66. Reducing Gun Violence: Operation Ceasefire in Los Angeles
NCJ 192378, February 2005, Research Report, by George E. Tita, Jack Riley, Greg Ridgeway, Peter W. Greenwood (32 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


67. Safe Kids, Safe Schools: Evaluating the Use of Iris Recognition Technology in New Egypt, NJ
NCJ 208127, December 2004, Grant Report, by Gantley, Megan; Maguire, Edward R.; Solomon, Shellie E.; Uchida, Craig D. (146 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


68. Reducing Gun Violence: The St. Louis Consent-to-Search Program
NCJ 191332, November 2004, Research Report, by Scott H. Decker, Richard Rosenfeld (31 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


69. Toward Safe and Orderly Schools–The National Study of Delinquency Prevention in Schools, Research in Brief
NCJ 205005, November 2004, Research in Brief, by National Institute of Justice (20 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


70. Preventing School Shootings: A Summary of a U.S. Secret Service Safe School Initiative Report
NCJ 190633, March 2002, NIJ Journal, by National Institute of Justice (6 pages)


71. Social-Cognitive Mediators of the Link Between Social-Environmental Risk Factors and Aggression in Adolescence
NCJ 207263, October 2004, Grant Report, by Catherine P. Bradshaw (24 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


72. Effect of Father Absence and Father Alternatives on Female and Male Rates of Violence
NCJ 206316, August 2003, Grant Report, by Jennifer Schwartz (189 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


73. Evaluating G.R.E.A.T.: A School-Based Gang Prevention Program
NCJ 198604, June 2004, Research for Policy, by Finn-Aage Esbensen (7 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


74. Victim-Offender Overlap: Specifying the Role of Peer Groups
NCJ 205126, December 2003, Grant Report, by Shaffer, Jennifer N. (244 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


75. Community Problem-Solving to Reduce Juvenile Gun Violence: Atlanta’s Experience
NCJ 204856, December 2002, by Arthur L. Kellermann M.D., Dawna Fuqua-Whitley M.S., Constance Parramore M.P.H (31 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


76. Dynamics of Deterrence: Youth Gun Violence in Portland
NCJ 203969, June 2003, Grant Report, by Kapsch, Stefan J.; Louis, Lyman; Oleson, Kathryn (69 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


77. Alameda County Placement Risk Assessment Validation, Executive Summary
NCJ 189241, June 2001, Grant Report, by National Council on Crime and Delinquency (8 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


78. Evaluation of SACSI in Winston-Salem: Engaging the Community in a Strategic Analysis of Youth Violence
NCJ 202977, July 2002, Grant Report, by Allen, Marcus; Easterling, Doug; Harvey, Lynn; Mac-Thompson, Donald (102 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


79. Preliminary Evaluation of SACSI in Winston-Salem: Summary of Findings
NCJ 202976, September 2001, Grant Report, by Allen, Marcus; Easterling, Doug; Harvey, Lynn; Mac-Thompson, Donald (14 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


80. Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee Juvenile Court Truancy Reduction Program, Final Report
NCJ 193412, October 2000, Grant Report, by Hepler, Nancy A.; Nicely, Gerald F.; Platt, Jan; Wells, Jim (21 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


81. SMART Program Expansion, Final Report
NCJ 193802, August 1996, Grant Report, by Long, Robert W. (20 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


82. National Evaluation of the Gang Resistance Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.) Program, Final Report
NCJ 196477, November 2001, Grant Report, by Esbensen, Finn-Aage (332 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


83. Peer Group Revisited: A Network Approach for Understanding Adolescent Delinquency
NCJ 195086, 1999, Grant Report, by Haynie, Dana L. (186 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


84. Evaluation of the Youth Curfew in Prince George’s County, Maryland: The Curfew’s Impact on Arrests and Calls for Service
NCJ 200520, March 2003, by Caterina Gouvis Roman and Gretchen Moore (38 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


85. Evaluation of the Youth Curfew in Prince George’s County, Maryland, Final Report
NCJ 200519, July 2000, Grant Report, by Gouvis, Caterina (34 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


86. Delinquency in a Chinese Birth Cohort, Final Report
NCJ 195421, 2003, Grant Report, by Friday, Paul C.; Leuven, K. U.; Ren, Xin; Weitekamp, Elmar (122 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


87. Youth, Firearms and Violence in Atlanta: A Problem-Solving Approach
NCJ 194050, 2001, Grant Report, by Fuqua-Whitley, Dawna; Kellermann, Arthur L. (30 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


88. National Study of Delinquency Prevention in Schools, Final Report
NCJ 194129, 2000, Grant Report, by Cantor, David; Crosse, Scott B.; Czeh, Ellen R.; Gottfredson, Gary D.; Gottfredson, Denise C.; Hantman, Irene (535 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


89. National Study of Delinquency Prevention in Schools, Summary
NCJ 194116, 2000, Grant Report, by Cantor, David; Crosse, Scott B.; Czeh, Ellen R.; Gottfredson, Gary D.; Gottfredson, Denise C.; Hantman, Irene (30 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


90. From Problem Solving to Crime Suppression to Community Mobilization: An Evaluation of the St. Louis Consent-to-Search Program
NCJ 188291, February 2001, Grant Report, by Decker, Scott H.; Rosenfeld, Richard (27 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


91. Youth Victimization: Prevalence and Implications, Research in Brief
NCJ 194972, April 2003, Research in Brief, by Dean G. Kilpatrick, Benjamin E. Saunders, Daniel W. Smith (16 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


92. Racine Security Management Project: Final Narrative Report
NCJ 196662, July 2002, Grant Report, by Albeck, Karen (8 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


93. Use and Evaluation of Hair Analysis, Urinalysis, and Ion Mobility Spectrometry in a Juvenile Diversion Program in New Orleans, Final Report
NCJ 197050, 2002, Grant Report, by Connick, Harry; Mieczkowski, Tom; Mumm, Rosemary (220 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


94. Don’t Forget the Women: A Multi-Level Analysis of Individual and Contextual Effects on Girls’ and Boys’ Delinquency
NCJ 197352, May 2000, Grant Report, by Peterson, Dana (208 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


95. SMART Approach to School Discipline
NCJ 191859, 1999, Grant Report, by Anaheim Union High School District (47 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


96. Community Gang Prevention Team Survey
NCJ 194717, 1997, Grant Report, by Christensen, Wendy; Crank, John (13 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


97. Assessment of a Multi-Agency Approach to Drug Involved Gang Members
NCJ 185252, June 1996, Grant Report, by Hoctor, Darlanne; Melton, Roni; Pennell, Susan (97 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


98. Influence of Neighborhood, Peer, and Family Context: Trajectories of Delinquent/Criminal Offending Across the Life Course, Final Report
NCJ 184551, 2000, Grant Report, by Land, Kenneth C. (221 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


99. Maternal Risk Factors, Early Life Events, and Deviant Outcomes: Assessing Antisocial Pathways From Birth Through Adolescence
NCJ 189790, 2000, Grant Report, by Maahs, Jeff (202 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


100. Codebook for Police-Community Initiatives Project (PCIP) — Youth Supplemental Survey
NCJ 179970, 1999, Grant Report, by North Carolina Central University (29 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


101. Police-Community Initiatives for Effective Law Enforcement in Rural Communities Project: Youth Supplemental Survey
NCJ 179969, 1999, Grant Report, by North Carolina Central University (45 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


102. Reducing School Violence in Detroit: An Evaluation of an Alternative Conflict Resolution Intervention
NCJ 179993, 1999, Grant Report, by Bynum, Timothy S.; Cox, Stephen M.; Curtis, Stacy; Davidson, William D. (191 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


103. Safe and Smart: Making the After-School Hours Work for Kids
NCJ 179991, 1998, Grant Report, by de Kanter, Adrianna; Moore Bobo, Lynson; Noeth, Kristyn; Pederson, Julie; Weinig, Katrina (93 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


104. Alameda County Placement Risk Assessment Validation, Final Report
NCJ 189240, June 2001, Grant Report, by Sharon Jones, Chris Baird (45 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


105. Evaluation/Assessment of Navajo Peacemaking
NCJ 187675, February 1999, Grant Report, by Gross, Eric K. (58 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


106. Strategic Approaches to Community Safety Initiative: Youth Violence in Winston-Salem/Forsyth County, North Carolina: Final Report, Summary of Research 1997-1998
NCJ 185729, February 2000, Grant Report, by Russell, Terrence (34 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


107. Youth Violence: Do Parents and Families Make a Difference?
NCJ 181732, April 2000, NIJ Journal, by Laurence Steinberg (9 pages)


108. Preventing School Violence: Plenary Papers of the 1999 Conference on Criminal Justice Research and Evaluation–Enhancing Policy and Practice Through Research, Volume 2
NCJ 180972, 2000, by Sheppard G. Kellam, Ron Prinz, Joseph F. Sheley (64 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


109. Appropriate and Effective Use of Security Technologies in U.S. Schools
NCJ 178265, September 1999, Research Report, by Mary W. Green (140 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | HTML | Text | PDF


110. Crime in the Schools: Reducing Conflict With Student Problem Solving, Research in Brief
NCJ 177618, July 1999, Research in Brief, by Dennis J. Kenney, Steuart Watson (11 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


111. Evaluation of the Children at Risk Program: Results 1 Year After the End of the Program, Research in Brief
NCJ 178914, November 1999, Research in Brief, by Adele Harrell, Shannon Cavanagh, Sanjeev Sridharan (12 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


112. Findings About Partner Violence From the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study, Research in Brief
NCJ 170018, July 1999, Research in Brief, by Terrie E. Moffitt, Avshalom E. Caspi (12 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


113. Perspectives on Crime and Justice: 1998-1999 Lecture Series, Volume III
NCJ 178244, November 1999, Research Forum, by Mark A.R. Kleiman, Felton Earls, Sissela Bok, James B. Jacobs (99 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


114. Comparing the Criminal Behavior of Youth Gangs and At-Risk Youths, Research in Brief
NCJ 172852, October 1998, Research in Brief, by C. Ronald Huff (8 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


115. Crime in the Schools: A Problem-Solving Approach
NCJ 184198, August 1998, by Dennis Kenney Ph.D. (4 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


116. High School Youths, Weapons, and Violence: A National Survey, Research in Brief
NCJ 172857, October 1998, Research in Brief, by James D. Wright, Joseph F. Sheley (7 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


117. Kids, Cops, and Communities
NCJ 169599, June 1998, Issues and Practices, by Marcia R. Chaiken, Ph.D. (60 pages)
Summary/Abstract | Text | PDF


118. Linking Community Factors and Individual Development
NCJ 184348, September 1998, by Felton Earls (4 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


119. Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods: A Research Update
NCJ 163603, 1997, Research Update, by Christy A. Visher, Felton J. Earls (5 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


120. Violence Among Middle School and High School Students: Analysis and Implications for Prevention, Research in Brief
NCJ 166363, December 1997, Research in Brief, by Daniel Lockwood (9 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


121. Youth Afterschool Programs and Law Enforcement
NCJ 184368, August 1997, by Marcia Chaiken Ph.D. (4 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


122. Assessing the Exposure of Urban Youth to Violence
NCJ 184414, November 1996, Research Preview, by Mary Beth Selner-O’Hagan, Daniel J. Kindlon,
Stephen L. Buka, Stephen W. Raudenbush, Felton J. Earls (2 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


123. Beacons of Hope: New York City’s School-Based Community Centers
NCJ 157667, 1996, Program Focus, by Daniel McGillis (16 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


124. Cycle of Violence Revisited
NCJ 184206, 1996, Research Preview, by Cathy Spatz Widom (4 pages)
PDF | Text


125. New Immigrant Hispanic Population: An Integrated Approach to Preventing Delinquency and Crime
NCJ 184410, 1996, Research Preview, by Orlando Rodriguez, Ph.D. (3 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


126. Childhood Victimization and Risk for Alcohol and Drug Arrests
NCJ 184317, November 1995, Research Preview, by Timothy Ireland, Cathy Spatz Widom (2 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


127. Evaluation of Boys and Girls Clubs in Public Housing
NCJ 185559, 1995, Research Preview, by Carl E. Pope, Timothy S. Bynum, Jack R. Greene,
William H. Feyerherm (2 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


128. Evaluation of Violence Prevention Programs in Middle Schools
NCJ 184345, 1995, NIJ Update, by National Institute of Justice (2 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


129. Helping to Prevent Child Abuse–and Future Criminal Consequences: Hawai’i Healthy Start
NCJ 156216, 1995, Program Focus, by Ralph B. Earle, Ph.D. (12 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


130. Prosecuting Gangs: A National Assessment, Research in Brief
NCJ 151785, February 1995, Research in Brief, by Claire Johnson, Barbara Webster, Edward Connors (12 pages)
Summary/Abstract | Text | PDF


131. Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse–Later Criminal Consequences, Research in Brief
NCJ 151525, 1995, Research in Brief, by Cathy Spatz Widom (8 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


132. Breaking the Cycle: Predicting and Preventing Crime
NCJ 140541, 1994, Research Report, by Albert J. Reiss Jr., Felton J. Earls (73 pages)
Summary/Abstract | Text | PDF


133. D.A.R.E. Program: A Review of Prevalence, User Satisfaction, and Effectiveness
NCJ 184319, October 1994, NIJ Update, by National Institute of Justice (2 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


134. Past and Future Directions of the D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) Program: An Evaluation Review
NCJ 152055, September 1994, Evaluation Review, by Christopher L. Ringwalt, Jody M. Greene, Susan T. Ennett, Ronaldo Iachan, Richard R. Clayton, Carl G. Leukefeld (31 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text | PDF