Founded in 1920, the Criminal Justice Section of the American Bar Association has over 15,000 members including prosecutors, private defense counsel, appellate and trial judges, law professors, correctional and law enforcement personnel, law students, public defenders, and other criminal justice professionals. With its diverse, multi-disciplinary membership, the Criminal Justice Section is uniquely situated to address the pressing issues facing today’s criminal justice system. The Criminal Justice Section has primary responsibility for the ABA’s work on solutions to issues involving crime, criminal law, and the administration of criminal and juvenile justice. The Section plays an active leadership role in bringing the views of the ABA to the attention of federal and state courts, Congress, and other federal and state judicial, legislative, and executive policy-making bodies. The Section also serves as a resource to its members on issues in the forefront of change in the criminal justice arena.
Main Webpage Information
The Journal of the American Bar Association
Main Webpage
Publications Page
Resources Page
Lectures, Conferences, and Speeches
Forensics 2016 Proceedings
2016 Annual Meeting
2015 Fall Institute Proceedings
The Relationship with Mass Incarceration
Supreme Court Review
Cherise Burdeen on Pretrial Justice
Corruption’s New Arena
Creating a Conscious Prosecutor
Computer Crime, Prosecution & Defense
Neuroscience & Criminal Justice
Elimination of Life Without Parole for Youthful Offenders