NIJ – Gun Violence

The NIJ-Gun Violence section of the Justice Academy provides a convenient portal to a variety of reports and analysis sources that are made available for your use, and which are provided directly from the National Institute of Justice server. Please note and respect the copyright requirements associated with each article (if any) within this collection. The Justice Academy greatly appreciates the cooperation and support of the NIJ in making these valuable resources available to the law and justice profession.


1. Review of Gun Safety Technologies
NCJ 242500, June 2013, Research Report, by Mark Greene Ph.D. (96 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


2. Gun Acquisition and Possession in Selected Juvenile Samples
NCJ 145326, December 1993, Research in Brief, by Joseph F. Sheley Ph.D., James D. Wright Ph.D. (11 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


3. Test Method for the Evaluation of the Penetration Resistance of High-security Glazing Subjected to a Combined Attack of Heat and Mechanical Impact
NCJ 118000, May 1989, NIJ Report, by Sidney Fischler, Lawrence I. Knab (11 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


4. Armed Criminal in America
NCJ 102827, 1986, Research in Brief, by James D. Wright (5 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


5. Weapons, Crime, and Violence in America – An Annotated Bibliography
NCJ 080421, November 1981, NIJ Report, by James D. Wright, Huey-tsyh Chen, Joseph Pereira, Kathleen Daly, Peter H. Rossi (283 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


6. Using Public Health Strategies to Reduce Violence in "Hot Spots" in East Palo Alto, California
NCJ 242275, August 2012, Geography and Public Safety Bulletin, by Sarah Lawrence, Chief Ronald Davis, Brad Jacobson
Summary/Abstract | PDF


7. Firearms Topical Working Group Meeting Summary 2011
NCJ 238490, April 2012, by National Institute of Justice (12 pages)
Summary/Abstract | HTML


8. Chicago Ceasefire – Postplenary Session at the 2009 NIJ Conference
NCJ 234719, June 2009, Panel Discussion, by Chicago Project for Violence Prevention Field Violence Interrupters, Candice M. Kane
Summary/Abstract | HTML(Transcript) | Audio(5 segments, 01:06:52)


9. Police-on-Police Shootings and the Puzzle of Unconscious Racial Bias – NIJ Research for the Real World Seminar
NCJ 234756, June 2010, Recorded Seminar, by Dr. Christopher Stone
Summary/Abstract | HTML(Transcript) | Audio(01:11:57)


10. Juvenile Gun Violence and Gun Markets in Boston
NCJ 184375, March 1997, Research in Progress Preview, by David M. Kennedy (4 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


11. CeaseFire: A Public Health Approach to Reduce Shootings and Killings
NCJ 228386, November 2009, NIJ Journal, by Nancy Ritter (6 pages)


12. Paving the Way for Project Safe Neighborhoods: SACSI in 10 U.S. Cities
NCJ 216298, April 2008, Research in Brief, by Jan Roehl, Dennis Rosenbaum, Sandra Costello, James Coldren Jr., Amie Schuck, Laura Kunard, David Forde (20 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


13. Police Responses to Officer-Involved Shootings
NCJ 212266, January 2006, NIJ Journal, by David Klinger (4 pages)


14. Reducing Gun Violence: Community Problem Solving in Atlanta
NCJ 209800, June 2006, Research Report, by Arthur L. Kellermann, Dawna Fuqua-Whitley, Constance S. Parramore (40 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


15. Reducing Gun Violence: Operation Ceasefire in Los Angeles
NCJ 192378, February 2005, Research Report, by George E. Tita, Jack Riley, Greg Ridgeway, Peter W. Greenwood (32 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


16. Reducing Gun Violence: The St. Louis Consent-to-Search Program
NCJ 191332, November 2004, Research Report, by Scott H. Decker, Richard Rosenfeld (31 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


17. Preventing School Shootings: A Summary of a U.S. Secret Service Safe School Initiative Report
NCJ 190633, March 2002, NIJ Journal, by National Institute of Justice (6 pages)


18. Reducing Gun Violence: Evaluation of the Indianapolis Police Department’s Directed Patrol Project
NCJ 188740, November 2002, Special Report, by Edmund F. McGarrell, Steven Chermak, Alexander Weiss (31 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


19. Reducing Gun Violence: The Boston Gun Project’s Operation Ceasefire
NCJ 188741, September 2001, Research Report, by David M. Kennedy, Anthony A. Braga, Anne M. Piehl, Elin J. Waring (77 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


20. Perspectives on Crime and Justice: 1999-2000 Lecture Series, Volume IV
NCJ 184245, March 2001, Research Forum, by Franklin Zimring, Richard B. Freeman, William A. Vega, Lawrence W. Sherman, Heather B. Weiss (135 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


21. National Evaluation of the Youth Firearms Violence Initiative, Research in Brief
NCJ 184482, November 2000, Research in Brief, by Terence Dunworth (16 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


22. Impact of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban: 1994-96, Research in Brief
NCJ 173405, March 1999, Research in Brief, by Christopher S. Koper, Jeffrey A. Roth (12 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


23. Proceedings of the Homicide Research Working Group Meetings, 1997 and 1998
NCJ 175709, May 1999, Research Forum, by National Institute of Justice (305 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


24. Random Gunfire Problems and Gunshot Detection Systems, Research in Brief
NCJ 179274, December 1999, Research in Brief, by Lorraine G. Mazerolle, Cory Watkins, Dennis Rogan, James Frank (8 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


25. The Detroit Handgun Intervention Program: A Court-Based Program for Youthful Handgun Offenders
NCJ 171126, November 1998, by Jeffrey Roth
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


26. High School Youths, Weapons, and Violence: A National Survey, Research in Brief
NCJ 172857, October 1998, Research in Brief, by James D. Wright, Joseph F. Sheley (7 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


27. Perspectives on Crime and Justice: 1997-1998 Lecture Series, Volume II
NCJ 172851, November 1998, Research Forum, by George L. Kelling, Randall Kennedy, David F. Musto, Joan Petersilia, Philip Cook (132 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


28. Predicting Criminal Behavior Among Authorized Purchasers of Handguns
NCJ 185550, April 1998, by Garen Wintemute M.D. (4 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


29. Guns in America: National Survey on Private Ownership and Use of Firearms, Research in Brief
NCJ 165476, 1997, Research in Brief, by Jens Ludwig, Philip J. Cook (12 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


30. Illegal Firearms: Access and Use by Arrestees, Research in Brief
NCJ 163496, January 1997, Research in Brief, by Ami Caldwell, Scott H. Decker, Susan Pennell (6 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


31. Understanding and Preventing Violence: A Public Health Perspective
NCJ 152238, 1996, Research Preview, by Arthur L. Kellermann M.D., M.P.H.
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


32. Arrestees and Guns: Monitoring the Illegal Firearms Market
NCJ 184205, September 1995, Research Preview, by Scott Decker, Susan Pennell (4 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


33. Kansas City Gun Experiment, Research in Brief
NCJ 150855, 1995, Research in Brief, by Dennis P. Rogan, James W. Shaw, Lawrence W. Sherman (11 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | PDF


34. Firearms and Violence, Research in Brief
NCJ 145533, December 1994, Research in Brief, by Jeffrey A. Roth (7 pages)
Summary/Abstract | Text | PDF


35. Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994
NCJ 156607, October 1994, by National Institute of Justice (181 pages)
Summary/Abstract | Text


36. Weapon-Related Victimization in Selected Inner-City High School Samples
NCJ 151526, 1994, Grant Report, by Z.T. McGee, J.F. Sheley, J.D. Wright (20 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


1. Project Safe Neighborhoods Case Study Report: District of Nebraska (Case Study 9)
NCJ 241727, December 2007, Grant Report, by Natalie Kroovand Hipple Ph.D., Heather A. Perez M.S., Edmund F. McGarrell Ph.D., Nicholas Corsaro M.A., T. Hank Robinson Ph.D., Leigh Culver Ph.D. (44 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


2. Project Safe Neighborhoods Case Study Report: Middle District of North Carolina (Case Study 11)
NCJ 241729, September 2007, Grant Report, by Natalie Kroovand Hipple Ph.D., James M. Frabutt Ph.D., Nicholas Corsaro M.A., Edmund F. McGarrell Ph.D., M.J. Gathings (47 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


3. Project Safe Neighborhoods Case Study Report: Southern District of Alabama (Case Study 10)
NCJ 241728, March 2007, Grant Report, by Natalie Kroovand Hipple Ph.D., Timothy O’Shea Ph.D., Edmund F. McGarrell Ph.D. (37 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


4. Armed and Considered Dangerous: A Survey of Felons and Their Firearms
NCJ 155885, 1994, Grant Report, by James D. Wright, Peter H. Rossi (275 pages)


5. Gun Dealers, USA
NCJ 149391, 1994, Grant Report, by L Duker (12 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


6. Armed and Considered Dangerous: A Survey of Felons and Their Firearms
NCJ 118888, 1986, Grant Report, by James D. Wright, Peter H. Rossi (247 pages)


7. Armed Criminal in America – A Survey of Incarcerated Felons
NCJ 097099, 1985, Grant Report, by James D. Wright, Peter H. Rossi (52 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


8. Handgun Control – Strategies, Enforcement and Effectiveness
NCJ 049177, 1978, Grant Report, by E D Jones, M W Ray (140 pages)


9. Firearm Abuse – A Research and Policy Report
NCJ 040042, 1977, Grant Report, by S Brill (225 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


10. And Nobody Can Get You Out: The Impact of a Mandatory Prison Sentence for the Illegal Carrying of a Firearm on the Use of Firearms and on the Administration of Criminal Justice in Boston
NCJ 037283, 1976, Grant Report, by J A Beha (251 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF(Part 1) | PDF(Part 2)


11. Gun Tracing Systems Study Report
NCJ 037067, 1976, Grant Report, by Search Group, Inc. (30 pages)


12. Project Identification – A Study of Handguns Used in Crime
NCJ 042480, 1976, by U.S. Department of the Treasury, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (65 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


13. Portable Ballistic Shields – Law Enforcement Standards Program
NCJ 013316, 1973, by National Bureau of Standards, Law Enforcement Standards Laboratory (14 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


14. Trace Metal Detection Techniques in Law Enforcement
NCJ 142076, October 1970, by Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (16 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


15. Firearms and Violence in American Life
NCJ 000769, 1969, by George D. Newton, Jr., Franklin E. Zimring (268 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


16. Firearms, Violence, and Civil Disorders
NCJ 011802, 1968, Grant Report, by A Kotz, H Hair (112 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


17. Immediate First Responder
NCJ 241371, February 2013, by National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center, TechBeat Article


18. It Takes a Village…
NCJ 241372, February 2013, by National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center, TechBeat Article


19. Police Outfitted With Mass Casualty Trauma Kits
NCJ 241373, February 2013, by National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center, TechBeat Article


20. School Critical Incident Planning-Generator (SCIP-G) Helps Create Coordinated Response in Sumter County
NCJ 241374, February 2013, by National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center, TechBeat Article


21. School Safety Advocacy Council Expands Training Opportunities
NCJ 241375, February 2013, by National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center, TechBeat Article


22. "See-Hear-Report" Reaches Out to Somerset Students
NCJ 241376, February 2013, by National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center, TechBeat Article


23. Smartphone App Provides Alternative Way for Students To Communicate With Police
NCJ 241377, February 2013, by National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center, TechBeat Article


24. TechBeat Special Issue: School Safety
NCJ 241370, February 2013, by National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center, TechBeat


25. New Approaches to Understanding and Regulating Primary and Secondary Illegal Firearms
NCJ 241021, January 2013, Grant Report, by Glenn Pierce, Anthony Braga, Garen Wintemute, Matthew Dolliver (177 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


26. Developing the Capacity to Understand and Prevent Homicide: An Evaluation of the Milwaukee Homicide Review Commission
NCJ 240814, 2012, Grant Report, by Deborah Azrael Ph.D., Anthony B. Braga Ph.D., Mallory O’Brien Ph.D. (95 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


27. Development of Synthetically Generated LEA Signatures to Generalize Probability of False Positive Identification Estimates
NCJ 240690, October 2012, Grant Report, by Benjamin Bachrach, Pan Gao, Roger Xu, Wei Wang, Ajay Mishra, Kaizhi Tang, Guangfan Zhang (72 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


28. Strategies for Disrupting Illegal Firearms Markets: A Case Study of Los Angeles
NCJ 241135, 2008, Grant Report, by Greg Ridgeway, Glenn L. Pierce, Anthony A. Braga, George Tita, Garen Wintemute, Wendell Roberts (92 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


29. Evaluation of CeaseFire-Chicago
NCJ 227181, March 2008, Grant Report, by Wesley G. Skogan, Susan M. Hartnett, Natalie Bump, Jill Dubois (461 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


30. Project Safe Neighborhoods – A National Program to Reduce Gun Crime: Final Project Report
NCJ 226686, February 2009, Grant Report, by Edmund F McGarrell, Natalie Kroovand Hipple, Nicholas Corsaro, Timothy S. Bynum, Heather Perez, Carol A. Zimmermann, Melissa Garmo (358 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


31. Test of the Visibility of Toy and Replica Handgun Markings
NCJ 146870, 1989, Grant Report, by Kenneth Carlson, Peter Finn (62 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


32. Dreams, Gangs and Guns: The Interplay Between Adolescent Violence and Immigration in a New York City Neighborhood
NCJ 192993, January 2001, by Pedro Mateu-Gelabert (41 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


33. Boston Gun Project: Impact Evaluation Findings
NCJ 215313, May 2000, by Anthony A. Braga, David M. Kennedy, Anne M. Piehl, Elin J. Waring (29 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


34. Impact Evaluation of the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act of 1994: Final Report
NCJ 165498, March 1997, Grant Report, by Jeffrey A. Roth, Christopher S. Koper (128 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


35. Multi-Method Study of Special Weapons and Tactics Teams
NCJ 223855, 2005, Grant Report, by David A. Klinger, Jeff Rojek (142 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


36. Crime Gun Risk Factors: Buyer, Seller, Firearm, and Transaction Characteristics Associated with Gun Trafficking and Criminal Gun Use
NCJ 221074, 2007, Grant Report, by Christopher Koper (96 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


37. Reducing Violent Crime and Firearms Violence: The Indianapolis Lever-Pulling Experiment
NCJ 221077, 2007, Grant Report, by Steven Chermak (224 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


38. Preventing Firearms Violence Among Victims of Intimate Partner Violence: An Evaluation of a New North Carolina Law
NCJ 215773, August 2006, by Kathryn Moracco; Kathryn Andersen Clark; Christina Espersen; J. Michael Bowling (134 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


39. Strategic Approaches to Community Safety Initiative (SACSI) in St. Louis, Final Report
NCJ 210361, 2005, Grant Report, by Scott H. Decker Ph.D., G. David Curry Ph.D., Shannan Catalano M.A., Adam Watkins M.A., Lindsey Green B.S. (117 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


40. Final Assessment of the Strategic Approaches to Community Safety Initiative in New Haven
NCJ 208859, January 2003, Grant Report, by Hartstone, Eliot C.; Richetelli, Dorinda M. (83 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


41. Characteristics and Dynamics of Crime Gun Markets: Implications for Supply-Side Focused Enforcement Strategies
NCJ 208079, September 2003, Grant Report, by Braga, Anthony A.; Carlson, David; Griffith, Roberta E.; Hyatt, Raymond; Koper, Christopher; McDevitt, Jack; Pierce, Glenn L.; Roth, Jeffrey; Saiz, Alan (146 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


42. Updated Assessment of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban: Impacts on Gun Markets and Gun Violence, 1994-2003
NCJ 204431, June 2004, Grant Report, by Koper, Christopher S.; Roth, Jeffrey A.; Woods, Daniel J. (113 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


43. Community Problem-Solving to Reduce Juvenile Gun Violence: Atlanta’s Experience
NCJ 204856, December 2002, by Arthur L. Kellermann M.D., Dawna Fuqua-Whitley M.S., Constance Parramore M.P.H (31 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


44. Dynamics of Deterrence: Youth Gun Violence in Portland
NCJ 203969, June 2003, Grant Report, by Kapsch, Stefan J.; Louis, Lyman; Oleson, Kathryn (69 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


45. Strategic Approaches to Reducing Firearms Violence: Final Report on the Indianapolis Violence Reduction Partnership
NCJ 203976, October 2003, Grant Report, by Chermak, Steven; McGarrell, Edmund F. (262 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


46. Federal-Local Law Enforcement Collaboration in Investigating and Prosecuting Urban Crime, 1982-1999: Drugs, Weapons, and Gangs, Final Report
NCJ 201782, May 2000, Grant Report, by Russel-Einhorn, Malcom; Seeherman, Amy; Ward, Shawn (210 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


47. Gun Density Versus Gun Type: Did the Availability of More Guns or More Lethal Guns Drive up the Dallas Homicide Rate, 1980-1992?
NCJ 187106, 1997, Grant Report, by Koper, Christopher S. (129 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


48. Reducing Firearms Violence Through Directed Police Patrol: Final Report on the Evaluation of the Indianapolis Police Department’s Directed Patrol Project
NCJ 194207, March 2000, Grant Report, by Chermak, Steven; McGarrell, Edmund F.; Weiss, Alexander (151 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


49. Situational Contexts of Gun Use by Young Males in Inner Cities, Final Report
NCJ 194120, 2000, Grant Report, by Fagan, Jeffrey; Wilkinson, Deanna (217 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


50. Diffusion Processes in Homicide
NCJ 193425, 1999, Grant Report, by Blumstein, Alfred; Cohen, Jacquiline; Cork, Daniel; Engberg, John; Tita, George (16 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


51. Youth, Firearms and Violence in Atlanta: A Problem-Solving Approach
NCJ 194050, 2001, Grant Report, by Fuqua-Whitley, Dawna; Kellermann, Arthur L. (30 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


52. Felons Who Attempt To Purchase Guns: A Study of Prior and Subsequent Criminal Involvements
NCJ 194051, 2000, Grant Report, by Adams, Kenneth (28 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


53. Exploratory and Confirmatory Spatial Data Analysis Approaches to Studying the Correlates of Juvenile Violent Crimes, Volume II Final Report
NCJ 194127, 2001, Grant Report, by Caliber Associates and the Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice (57 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


54. From Problem Solving to Crime Suppression to Community Mobilization: An Evaluation of the St. Louis Consent-to-Search Program
NCJ 188291, February 2001, Grant Report, by Decker, Scott H.; Rosenfeld, Richard (27 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


55. Effectiveness of Denial of Handgun Purchase by Violent Misdemeanants, Final Report
NCJ 197063, May 2002, Grant Report, by Beaumont, James J.; Drake, Christiana M.; Wintemute, Garen J.; Wright, Mona A. (74 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


56. Ballistics Matching Using 3D Images of Bullets and Cartridge Cases: Final Report
NCJ 182567, 1999, Grant Report, by Bachrach, Benjamin (55 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


57. Ballistics Matching Using 3D Images of Bullets and Cartridge Cases: Project Summary
NCJ 182566, 1999, Grant Report, by Bachrach, Benjamin (11 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


58. Effects of Crime Gun Prevalence on Homicide Rates
NCJ 194713, 1999, Grant Report, by Cohen, Jacqueline; Engberg, John; Singh, Piyusha (36 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


59. Field Evaluation of the System for the Effective Control of Urban Environment Security (SECURES): Final Report on the Dallas Field Trial
NCJ 180113, 1999, Grant Report, by Frank, James; Kadleck, Colleen; Mazerolle, Lorraine G.; Rogan, Dennis; Watkins, Cory (152 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


60. High School Youth, Weapons, and Violence: A National Survey of Weapon-Related Experiences, Behaviors, and Concerns — Final Report
NCJ 181053, May 1998, Grant Report, by Joseph F. Sheley, James D. Wright (103 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


61. Secure Weapon System (SWS) Smart Gun Technology, Phase I: Summary of Findings Report
NCJ 189247, May 2001, Grant Report, by Rankin, Jeffrey (9 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


62. How Youthful Offenders Perceive Gun Violence
NCJ 185726, 1999, Grant Report, by Goldberg, Julie H.; Schwabe, William (38 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


1. Review of Gun Safety Technologies
NCJ 242500, June 2013, Research Report, by Mark Greene Ph.D. (96 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


2. Project Safe Neighborhoods Case Study Report: District of Nebraska (Case Study 9)
NCJ 241727, December 2007, Grant Report, by Natalie Kroovand Hipple Ph.D., Heather A. Perez M.S., Edmund F. McGarrell Ph.D., Nicholas Corsaro M.A., T. Hank Robinson Ph.D., Leigh Culver Ph.D. (44 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


3. Project Safe Neighborhoods Case Study Report: Middle District of North Carolina (Case Study 11)
NCJ 241729, September 2007, Grant Report, by Natalie Kroovand Hipple Ph.D., James M. Frabutt Ph.D., Nicholas Corsaro M.A., Edmund F. McGarrell Ph.D., M.J. Gathings (47 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


4. Project Safe Neighborhoods Case Study Report: Southern District of Alabama (Case Study 10)
NCJ 241728, March 2007, Grant Report, by Natalie Kroovand Hipple Ph.D., Timothy O’Shea Ph.D., Edmund F. McGarrell Ph.D. (37 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


5. Armed and Considered Dangerous: A Survey of Felons and Their Firearms
NCJ 155885, 1994, Grant Report, by James D. Wright, Peter H. Rossi (275 pages)


6. Gun Dealers, USA
NCJ 149391, 1994, Grant Report, by L Duker (12 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


7. Gun Acquisition and Possession in Selected Juvenile Samples
NCJ 145326, December 1993, Research in Brief, by Joseph F. Sheley Ph.D., James D. Wright Ph.D. (11 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


8. Test Method for the Evaluation of the Penetration Resistance of High-security Glazing Subjected to a Combined Attack of Heat and Mechanical Impact
NCJ 118000, May 1989, NIJ Report, by Sidney Fischler, Lawrence I. Knab (11 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


9. Armed and Considered Dangerous: A Survey of Felons and Their Firearms
NCJ 118888, 1986, Grant Report, by James D. Wright, Peter H. Rossi (247 pages)


10. Armed Criminal in America
NCJ 102827, 1986, Research in Brief, by James D. Wright (5 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


11. Armed Criminal in America – A Survey of Incarcerated Felons
NCJ 097099, 1985, Grant Report, by James D. Wright, Peter H. Rossi (52 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


12. Weapons, Crime, and Violence in America – An Annotated Bibliography
NCJ 080421, November 1981, NIJ Report, by James D. Wright, Huey-tsyh Chen, Joseph Pereira, Kathleen Daly, Peter H. Rossi (283 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


13. Handgun Control – Strategies, Enforcement and Effectiveness
NCJ 049177, 1978, Grant Report, by E D Jones, M W Ray (140 pages)


14. Firearm Abuse – A Research and Policy Report
NCJ 040042, 1977, Grant Report, by S Brill (225 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


15. And Nobody Can Get You Out: The Impact of a Mandatory Prison Sentence for the Illegal Carrying of a Firearm on the Use of Firearms and on the Administration of Criminal Justice in Boston
NCJ 037283, 1976, Grant Report, by J A Beha (251 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF(Part 1) | PDF(Part 2)


16. Gun Tracing Systems Study Report
NCJ 037067, 1976, Grant Report, by Search Group, Inc. (30 pages)


17. Project Identification – A Study of Handguns Used in Crime
NCJ 042480, 1976, by U.S. Department of the Treasury, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (65 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


18. Portable Ballistic Shields – Law Enforcement Standards Program
NCJ 013316, 1973, by National Bureau of Standards, Law Enforcement Standards Laboratory (14 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


19. Trace Metal Detection Techniques in Law Enforcement
NCJ 142076, October 1970, by Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (16 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


20. Firearms and Violence in American Life
NCJ 000769, 1969, by George D. Newton, Jr., Franklin E. Zimring (268 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


21. Firearms, Violence, and Civil Disorders
NCJ 011802, 1968, Grant Report, by A Kotz, H Hair (112 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


22. Immediate First Responder
NCJ 241371, February 2013, by National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center, TechBeat Article


23. It Takes a Village…
NCJ 241372, February 2013, by National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center, TechBeat Article


24. Police Outfitted With Mass Casualty Trauma Kits
NCJ 241373, February 2013, by National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center, TechBeat Article


25. School Critical Incident Planning-Generator (SCIP-G) Helps Create Coordinated Response in Sumter County
NCJ 241374, February 2013, by National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center, TechBeat Article


26. School Safety Advocacy Council Expands Training Opportunities
NCJ 241375, February 2013, by National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center, TechBeat Article


27. "See-Hear-Report" Reaches Out to Somerset Students
NCJ 241376, February 2013, by National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center, TechBeat Article


28. Smartphone App Provides Alternative Way for Students To Communicate With Police
NCJ 241377, February 2013, by National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center, TechBeat Article


29. TechBeat Special Issue: School Safety
NCJ 241370, February 2013, by National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center, TechBeat


30. New Approaches to Understanding and Regulating Primary and Secondary Illegal Firearms
NCJ 241021, January 2013, Grant Report, by Glenn Pierce, Anthony Braga, Garen Wintemute, Matthew Dolliver (177 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


31. Developing the Capacity to Understand and Prevent Homicide: An Evaluation of the Milwaukee Homicide Review Commission
NCJ 240814, 2012, Grant Report, by Deborah Azrael Ph.D., Anthony B. Braga Ph.D., Mallory O’Brien Ph.D. (95 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


32. Development of Synthetically Generated LEA Signatures to Generalize Probability of False Positive Identification Estimates
NCJ 240690, October 2012, Grant Report, by Benjamin Bachrach, Pan Gao, Roger Xu, Wei Wang, Ajay Mishra, Kaizhi Tang, Guangfan Zhang (72 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


33. Strategies for Disrupting Illegal Firearms Markets: A Case Study of Los Angeles
NCJ 241135, 2008, Grant Report, by Greg Ridgeway, Glenn L. Pierce, Anthony A. Braga, George Tita, Garen Wintemute, Wendell Roberts (92 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


34. Using Public Health Strategies to Reduce Violence in "Hot Spots" in East Palo Alto, California
NCJ 242275, August 2012, Geography and Public Safety Bulletin, by Sarah Lawrence, Chief Ronald Davis, Brad Jacobson
Summary/Abstract | PDF


35. Firearms Topical Working Group Meeting Summary 2011
NCJ 238490, April 2012, by National Institute of Justice (12 pages)
Summary/Abstract | HTML


36. Chicago Ceasefire – Postplenary Session at the 2009 NIJ Conference
NCJ 234719, June 2009, Panel Discussion, by Chicago Project for Violence Prevention Field Violence Interrupters, Candice M. Kane
Summary/Abstract | HTML(Transcript) | Audio(5 segments, 01:06:52)


37. Police-on-Police Shootings and the Puzzle of Unconscious Racial Bias – NIJ Research for the Real World Seminar
NCJ 234756, June 2010, Recorded Seminar, by Dr. Christopher Stone
Summary/Abstract | HTML(Transcript) | Audio(01:11:57)


38. Juvenile Gun Violence and Gun Markets in Boston
NCJ 184375, March 1997, Research in Progress Preview, by David M. Kennedy (4 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


39. CeaseFire: A Public Health Approach to Reduce Shootings and Killings
NCJ 228386, November 2009, NIJ Journal, by Nancy Ritter (6 pages)


40. Evaluation of CeaseFire-Chicago
NCJ 227181, March 2008, Grant Report, by Wesley G. Skogan, Susan M. Hartnett, Natalie Bump, Jill Dubois (461 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


41. Project Safe Neighborhoods – A National Program to Reduce Gun Crime: Final Project Report
NCJ 226686, February 2009, Grant Report, by Edmund F McGarrell, Natalie Kroovand Hipple, Nicholas Corsaro, Timothy S. Bynum, Heather Perez, Carol A. Zimmermann, Melissa Garmo (358 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


42. Test of the Visibility of Toy and Replica Handgun Markings
NCJ 146870, 1989, Grant Report, by Kenneth Carlson, Peter Finn (62 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


43. Dreams, Gangs and Guns: The Interplay Between Adolescent Violence and Immigration in a New York City Neighborhood
NCJ 192993, January 2001, by Pedro Mateu-Gelabert (41 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


44. Boston Gun Project: Impact Evaluation Findings
NCJ 215313, May 2000, by Anthony A. Braga, David M. Kennedy, Anne M. Piehl, Elin J. Waring (29 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


45. Impact Evaluation of the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act of 1994: Final Report
NCJ 165498, March 1997, Grant Report, by Jeffrey A. Roth, Christopher S. Koper (128 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


46. Multi-Method Study of Special Weapons and Tactics Teams
NCJ 223855, 2005, Grant Report, by David A. Klinger, Jeff Rojek (142 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


47. Paving the Way for Project Safe Neighborhoods: SACSI in 10 U.S. Cities
NCJ 216298, April 2008, Research in Brief, by Jan Roehl, Dennis Rosenbaum, Sandra Costello, James Coldren Jr., Amie Schuck, Laura Kunard, David Forde (20 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


48. Crime Gun Risk Factors: Buyer, Seller, Firearm, and Transaction Characteristics Associated with Gun Trafficking and Criminal Gun Use
NCJ 221074, 2007, Grant Report, by Christopher Koper (96 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


49. Reducing Violent Crime and Firearms Violence: The Indianapolis Lever-Pulling Experiment
NCJ 221077, 2007, Grant Report, by Steven Chermak (224 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


50. Police Responses to Officer-Involved Shootings
NCJ 212266, January 2006, NIJ Journal, by David Klinger (4 pages)


51. Preventing Firearms Violence Among Victims of Intimate Partner Violence: An Evaluation of a New North Carolina Law
NCJ 215773, August 2006, by Kathryn Moracco; Kathryn Andersen Clark; Christina Espersen; J. Michael Bowling (134 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


52. Reducing Gun Violence: Community Problem Solving in Atlanta
NCJ 209800, June 2006, Research Report, by Arthur L. Kellermann, Dawna Fuqua-Whitley, Constance S. Parramore (40 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


53. Strategic Approaches to Community Safety Initiative (SACSI) in St. Louis, Final Report
NCJ 210361, 2005, Grant Report, by Scott H. Decker Ph.D., G. David Curry Ph.D., Shannan Catalano M.A., Adam Watkins M.A., Lindsey Green B.S. (117 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


54. Final Assessment of the Strategic Approaches to Community Safety Initiative in New Haven
NCJ 208859, January 2003, Grant Report, by Hartstone, Eliot C.; Richetelli, Dorinda M. (83 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


55. Reducing Gun Violence: Operation Ceasefire in Los Angeles
NCJ 192378, February 2005, Research Report, by George E. Tita, Jack Riley, Greg Ridgeway, Peter W. Greenwood (32 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


56. Characteristics and Dynamics of Crime Gun Markets: Implications for Supply-Side Focused Enforcement Strategies
NCJ 208079, September 2003, Grant Report, by Braga, Anthony A.; Carlson, David; Griffith, Roberta E.; Hyatt, Raymond; Koper, Christopher; McDevitt, Jack; Pierce, Glenn L.; Roth, Jeffrey; Saiz, Alan (146 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


57. Reducing Gun Violence: The St. Louis Consent-to-Search Program
NCJ 191332, November 2004, Research Report, by Scott H. Decker, Richard Rosenfeld (31 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


58. Preventing School Shootings: A Summary of a U.S. Secret Service Safe School Initiative Report
NCJ 190633, March 2002, NIJ Journal, by National Institute of Justice (6 pages)


59. Updated Assessment of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban: Impacts on Gun Markets and Gun Violence, 1994-2003
NCJ 204431, June 2004, Grant Report, by Koper, Christopher S.; Roth, Jeffrey A.; Woods, Daniel J. (113 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


60. Community Problem-Solving to Reduce Juvenile Gun Violence: Atlanta’s Experience
NCJ 204856, December 2002, by Arthur L. Kellermann M.D., Dawna Fuqua-Whitley M.S., Constance Parramore M.P.H (31 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


61. Dynamics of Deterrence: Youth Gun Violence in Portland
NCJ 203969, June 2003, Grant Report, by Kapsch, Stefan J.; Louis, Lyman; Oleson, Kathryn (69 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


62. Strategic Approaches to Reducing Firearms Violence: Final Report on the Indianapolis Violence Reduction Partnership
NCJ 203976, October 2003, Grant Report, by Chermak, Steven; McGarrell, Edmund F. (262 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


63. Federal-Local Law Enforcement Collaboration in Investigating and Prosecuting Urban Crime, 1982-1999: Drugs, Weapons, and Gangs, Final Report
NCJ 201782, May 2000, Grant Report, by Russel-Einhorn, Malcom; Seeherman, Amy; Ward, Shawn (210 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


64. Gun Density Versus Gun Type: Did the Availability of More Guns or More Lethal Guns Drive up the Dallas Homicide Rate, 1980-1992?
NCJ 187106, 1997, Grant Report, by Koper, Christopher S. (129 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


65. Reducing Firearms Violence Through Directed Police Patrol: Final Report on the Evaluation of the Indianapolis Police Department’s Directed Patrol Project
NCJ 194207, March 2000, Grant Report, by Chermak, Steven; McGarrell, Edmund F.; Weiss, Alexander (151 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


66. Situational Contexts of Gun Use by Young Males in Inner Cities, Final Report
NCJ 194120, 2000, Grant Report, by Fagan, Jeffrey; Wilkinson, Deanna (217 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


67. Diffusion Processes in Homicide
NCJ 193425, 1999, Grant Report, by Blumstein, Alfred; Cohen, Jacquiline; Cork, Daniel; Engberg, John; Tita, George (16 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


68. Youth, Firearms and Violence in Atlanta: A Problem-Solving Approach
NCJ 194050, 2001, Grant Report, by Fuqua-Whitley, Dawna; Kellermann, Arthur L. (30 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


69. Felons Who Attempt To Purchase Guns: A Study of Prior and Subsequent Criminal Involvements
NCJ 194051, 2000, Grant Report, by Adams, Kenneth (28 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


70. Exploratory and Confirmatory Spatial Data Analysis Approaches to Studying the Correlates of Juvenile Violent Crimes, Volume II Final Report
NCJ 194127, 2001, Grant Report, by Caliber Associates and the Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice (57 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


71. From Problem Solving to Crime Suppression to Community Mobilization: An Evaluation of the St. Louis Consent-to-Search Program
NCJ 188291, February 2001, Grant Report, by Decker, Scott H.; Rosenfeld, Richard (27 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


72. Effectiveness of Denial of Handgun Purchase by Violent Misdemeanants, Final Report
NCJ 197063, May 2002, Grant Report, by Beaumont, James J.; Drake, Christiana M.; Wintemute, Garen J.; Wright, Mona A. (74 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


73. Ballistics Matching Using 3D Images of Bullets and Cartridge Cases: Final Report
NCJ 182567, 1999, Grant Report, by Bachrach, Benjamin (55 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


74. Ballistics Matching Using 3D Images of Bullets and Cartridge Cases: Project Summary
NCJ 182566, 1999, Grant Report, by Bachrach, Benjamin (11 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


75. Effects of Crime Gun Prevalence on Homicide Rates
NCJ 194713, 1999, Grant Report, by Cohen, Jacqueline; Engberg, John; Singh, Piyusha (36 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


76. Field Evaluation of the System for the Effective Control of Urban Environment Security (SECURES): Final Report on the Dallas Field Trial
NCJ 180113, 1999, Grant Report, by Frank, James; Kadleck, Colleen; Mazerolle, Lorraine G.; Rogan, Dennis; Watkins, Cory (152 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


77. High School Youth, Weapons, and Violence: A National Survey of Weapon-Related Experiences, Behaviors, and Concerns — Final Report
NCJ 181053, May 1998, Grant Report, by Joseph F. Sheley, James D. Wright (103 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


78. Secure Weapon System (SWS) Smart Gun Technology, Phase I: Summary of Findings Report
NCJ 189247, May 2001, Grant Report, by Rankin, Jeffrey (9 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


79. How Youthful Offenders Perceive Gun Violence
NCJ 185726, 1999, Grant Report, by Goldberg, Julie H.; Schwabe, William (38 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


80. Reducing Gun Violence: Evaluation of the Indianapolis Police Department’s Directed Patrol Project
NCJ 188740, November 2002, Special Report, by Edmund F. McGarrell, Steven Chermak, Alexander Weiss (31 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


81. Reducing Gun Violence: The Boston Gun Project’s Operation Ceasefire
NCJ 188741, September 2001, Research Report, by David M. Kennedy, Anthony A. Braga, Anne M. Piehl, Elin J. Waring (77 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


82. Perspectives on Crime and Justice: 1999-2000 Lecture Series, Volume IV
NCJ 184245, March 2001, Research Forum, by Franklin Zimring, Richard B. Freeman, William A. Vega, Lawrence W. Sherman, Heather B. Weiss (135 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


83. National Evaluation of the Youth Firearms Violence Initiative, Research in Brief
NCJ 184482, November 2000, Research in Brief, by Terence Dunworth (16 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


84. Impact of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban: 1994-96, Research in Brief
NCJ 173405, March 1999, Research in Brief, by Christopher S. Koper, Jeffrey A. Roth (12 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


85. Proceedings of the Homicide Research Working Group Meetings, 1997 and 1998
NCJ 175709, May 1999, Research Forum, by National Institute of Justice (305 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


86. Random Gunfire Problems and Gunshot Detection Systems, Research in Brief
NCJ 179274, December 1999, Research in Brief, by Lorraine G. Mazerolle, Cory Watkins, Dennis Rogan, James Frank (8 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


87. The Detroit Handgun Intervention Program: A Court-Based Program for Youthful Handgun Offenders
NCJ 171126, November 1998, by Jeffrey Roth
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


88. High School Youths, Weapons, and Violence: A National Survey, Research in Brief
NCJ 172857, October 1998, Research in Brief, by James D. Wright, Joseph F. Sheley (7 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


89. Perspectives on Crime and Justice: 1997-1998 Lecture Series, Volume II
NCJ 172851, November 1998, Research Forum, by George L. Kelling, Randall Kennedy, David F. Musto, Joan Petersilia, Philip Cook (132 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


90. Predicting Criminal Behavior Among Authorized Purchasers of Handguns
NCJ 185550, April 1998, by Garen Wintemute M.D. (4 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


91. Guns in America: National Survey on Private Ownership and Use of Firearms, Research in Brief
NCJ 165476, 1997, Research in Brief, by Jens Ludwig, Philip J. Cook (12 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


92. Illegal Firearms: Access and Use by Arrestees, Research in Brief
NCJ 163496, January 1997, Research in Brief, by Ami Caldwell, Scott H. Decker, Susan Pennell (6 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


93. Understanding and Preventing Violence: A Public Health Perspective
NCJ 152238, 1996, Research Preview, by Arthur L. Kellermann M.D., M.P.H.
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


94. Arrestees and Guns: Monitoring the Illegal Firearms Market
NCJ 184205, September 1995, Research Preview, by Scott Decker, Susan Pennell (4 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


95. Kansas City Gun Experiment, Research in Brief
NCJ 150855, 1995, Research in Brief, by Dennis P. Rogan, James W. Shaw, Lawrence W. Sherman (11 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | PDF


96. Firearms and Violence, Research in Brief
NCJ 145533, December 1994, Research in Brief, by Jeffrey A. Roth (7 pages)
Summary/Abstract | Text | PDF


97. Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994
NCJ 156607, October 1994, by National Institute of Justice (181 pages)
Summary/Abstract | Text


98. Weapon-Related Victimization in Selected Inner-City High School Samples
NCJ 151526, 1994, Grant Report, by Z.T. McGee, J.F. Sheley, J.D. Wright (20 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text