
The Institute’s mission is to serve the profession by providing the finest educational resources possible within the law and justice disciplines. The faculty affiliated with the Institute are some of the most experienced and highly qualified professionals in the country, who recognize that the quality of your collegiate education matters significantly to preserving the standards of our profession, as well as contributing to the future professional opportunities and personal successes of those student enrolled in classes offered through the Institute.

The educational strategy of the Institute seeks to assure that each student receives an exemplary education that not only serves to advance their mastery of the law and justice disciplines, but which also provides a substantive foundation to enhance their professional competency, and prepare them to take their place as a leader in the law and justice professions. The quest for knowledge and the delivery of exceptional instruction rests at the core of the academic strategy at the Institute. We combine the very best learning practices from both traditional colleges and universities with technology mediated institutions, to produce a learning environment that is intellectually stimulating and academically challenging. The Institute is devoted to providing the very best education possible, at an affordable price, and we are committed to assuring that each and every graduate of the programs we support is adequately prepared to make a significant contribution to the law and justice professions.

Colleges and universities interested in participating as a sponsoring member of the Institute should contact the Academic Director via email at [email protected] for details about affiliation. Under the consortium strategy sponsoring colleges and universities may choose one or more degree programs to host and are granted exclusive rights to that program for a period of ten years. The sponsoring college receives seventy percent of the proceeds derived from each class. Faculty compensation for course construction is standardized at five-thousand dollars per class, per term and faculty who build courses and teach in the degree program are guaranteed four sections of that class, per term, based on enrollment. Participating colleges and universities are responsible for student records management, transcript management, student services requirements, regional accreditation coordination, tuition collection and distribution of proceeds, as well as award of the degree sponsored by the host institution. Under the MOU agreement, the National Institute for Law and Justice Education is responsible for Learning Management System operation, faculty management, recruitment, and training, instructional operations oversight, course development and delivery, and Institute administration.

The instructional programs offered through the Institute are academically challenging, pertinent to the profession, and intellectually enriching. Each course offered through the Institute and through sponsorship by our collegiate partners is developed and taught by an experienced member of the criminal justice profession, who has not only earned an advanced degree in the discipline, but who also possesses decades of experience in applying this knowledge. We believe this distinction sets the Institute apart from most other degree programs by providing students with an exemplary and valuable education.