The Justice Academy ( is a new division of the Accrediting Commission for Law and Justice Education ( tasked with collecting and distributing training materials to the national audience of law and justice professionals and providing these resources, at no cost. Information sharing and the exchange of leading edge techniques is critical nowadays, and The Justice Academy is designed to support these objectives. It’s a rather simple process to submit materials for distribution to the national audience of law and justice professionals. We can either link entries within our site to existing educational content hosted on your server, or we can host the materials for you on our server, if you prefer. Our staff can even help you build online learning programs for use in your department that will also be available to professionals nationwide.
Each of us at the Commission has our own personal motivation for being involved in the Justice Academy project and ours is to make sure that rural officers have access to training that can save their lives or improve their job performance. We would like to ask that you give some consideration to either becoming a contributing author yourself to the eCampus, iShare, Journal, or Library features of the Academy, or you may be inclined to designate someone in your department to serve as the point of contact for your agency with us to coordinate the distribution of existing training materials.
We are certain that your department has training materials that have been previously developed by members of your agency that would be of significant value to the professional community of officers, prosecutors, and judges who serve in rural areas of the nation that haven’t yet seen them, and who will likely never have the opportunity to travel to training session that you conduct. Conversely, you may be inclined to narrate a new lecture series for our iShare feature that showcases information that is of value to the national law and justice community. Or, perhaps you may be aware of information that you could provide that is relevant to specialized areas of the profession that could be made available for national review through the Journal, Library, or Video repository of the Justice Academy.
A significant number of departments and individuals that we have contacted already about making their educational resources available have committed to the project and we are preparing their contributions for your review. If you are inclined to support the project, We welcome your involvement as well. The Justice Academy would be proud to showcase whatever materials you are inclined to prepare, share, or produce for consumption by the national audience of law and justice professionals. We are also committed to providing staff resources (again for free) to support your involvement. This is a noble cause and we look forward to hearing from you. If you know of someone who can step forward and support the endeavor or who would benefit from the educational materials posted on Justice Academy please let them know of our service..
With Best Regards,
Andrew Campbell, CPT
Managing Director