
The curriculum developed at the Institute is comprehensive in its orientation, pertinent to the profession, and demanding in its structure.  Each class included within the degree programs developed by the faculty of the Institute have been specifically designed to exceed professional expectations for content, delivery, and instruction sufficiency.  A listing of the course descriptions for undergraduate, graduate, and law courses produced at the Institute is provided below:


General Education Classes


GenEd 100      Critical Thinking and ReasoningThe purpose of this course is to familiarize each student with the general theories and specific concepts associated with critical thinking and reasoning. The course is also designed to elevate each student’s personal levels of proficiency and understanding of how to apply such techniques to everyday life and reasoning. The major themes of the class will involve the argument construction and dissection, the identification of premises and conclusions, inference identifiers, validity and truths, inductive and deductive reasoning, conditional arguments, and fallacies such as common belief, authority, fear, pity, prejudice, generalization, and loaded questions.

GenEd 101  English Composition – Grammar and Sentence Structure
English Composition I is a course in expository writing, including the development and revision of paragraphs and essays using various rhetorical strategies; reading and discussion of selected essays, short stories, and poems; introduction to writing about literature; and introduction to incorporation and documentation of material from primary sources.

GenEd 102      Mathematics in Support of Reasoning
This class is centered around the application of mathematical principles and equations in support of reasoning.  Included within this course are basic arithmetic computations, algebraic equations, common rules and principles to mathematical problem solving, queuing theory, system decomposition diagramming a visualization strategy, and algorithm development and application.

GenEd 103      Multivariate Theory and Logic
This class concentrates on the fundamentals of using multivariate theory as an analytical methodology. Included within this class will be the in depth study and examination of standard multivariate relationships, correlation arrays as a measure of independent association, multiple correlation coefficients to determine strength of association and priority of placement, and multivariate regression equations as a forecasting mechanism.  In addition to the standard horizontal methodology, this class will explore the extension of multivariate reasoning to include vertical and perpendicular logic arrays.

GenEd 104      English – Technical Writing Methods
This course provides an indoctrination and review of organizational skills including paragraph writing and basic forms of technical communications, various forms of business correspondence, and basic procedures for research writing. Study includes instruction and practice in oral communication skills.

GenEd 105      Public Speaking and Communication
Within any enterprise, public speaking and communication play an integral role in transmitting the message and properly articulating the issues and policy. This class is devoted to advancing the ability and proficiency of each student in preparing communications and delivering public messages in a professional and highly refined manner.  The class includes study in authoring effective press announcements, contemporary presentation styles and purpose, the avoidance of inflammatory language, effective arguments and logic, and public speaking skills.

GenEd 200      Introductory Statistics
This class is devoted to the study of descriptive statistical methods as a process for analyzing data.  Concentrations include quantification methods, along with basic descriptive analyses such as percent, percent change, means, medians, modes, and ratios. Graphic representation of information to support analysis and presentation will also be covered to include histograms, frequency polygons, bar charts, and pie charting.

GenEd 201      Philosophy – Thought and Expression
This course is an introduction to the nature of philosophy through reading and discussion of various philosophical problems and comparisons of different philosophical viewpoints. The topics discussed will include the nature of reality, the existence of God, the nature of human existence, the nature of knowledge, the criteria for making value judgments, and the terminology of philosophical inquiry.

GenEd 202      Decision Systems and Methods
The demands for accuracy in modern day leadership, management, and administrative roles preclude intuitive decision making practices as a common mechanism for determine policy and direction. This class is devoted to teaching students the various methodologies and practices associated with scientific decision systems to include; algorithm design, if-then-else conditions, dealing with controllable and non-controllable variables, what-if calculations, and expert systems.

GenEd 203      Intermediate Statistics
This class focuses on the use of inferential analysis to support research and decision making. Included within this class will be lectures and practicum’s relative to problem statements, research questions, research and null hypotheses, probability statements, data analysis, and the formulation of conclusions and interpretations. Specific statistical techniques will include z ratios, Student’s t ratios, Chi-Squares, Analysis of Variance, and Correlation Coefficients.

GenEd 204      Philosophy – The Philosophy of Science
This class provides a critical examination of conflicting interpretations of scientific practice. Major issues include the nature of scientific explanation, the development of instrumentation and experimental techniques, how scientific knowledge is validated, whether theories are to be interpreted as literally true or as instrumentally adequate, scientific revolutions, and the rationality of science.

GenEd 205      Political Strategy and Theory
This course focuses on the study of major figures on the history of political theory and their particular political theories. The primary purpose of the course is to analyze the relationship between political theory and political action. The course covers the three general historical periods: ancient, Christian, and modern. Some of the political thinkers and theories covered include: Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Marx, Burke, and contemporary figures like Voegelin and Rawls.

GenEd 300      Accounting – Introduction to Managerial
The study of management accounting for internal reporting and decision-making. The course introduces a business-management approach to the development and use of accounting information. Major topics include cost behavior, cost analysis, profit planning and control measures. Accounting for decentralized operations, capital budgeting decisions, and ethical challenges in managerial accounting are also covered.

GenEd 301      General Psychology
This survey course introduces students to modern psychology by presenting scientific and humanistic interpretations of the human mind and behavior. Topics to be covered are: biological bases of behavior, perception, learning, personality and social influences.

GenEd 302      General Sociology
Students explore the concepts and theories necessary to systematic understanding of our social worlds. Topics include considering sociology as science, the nature of large- and small-scale groups, social stratification, historical eras and social change, and race, ethnic and gender relations.

GenEd 303      World Geography
The primary focus of study is cultural geography which deals with how the activities of different culture groups affect the use and form of the landscape. It explores a variety of themes including the use of the habitat and its resources, the human impact on the ecology of the earth, the origin and spread of cultures, environmental perception, the geography of settlement forms, or the study of non-material culture. Regions selected for study will vary, but should include case studies from geographic areas. These studies should be set in their regional context and exemplify important geographic concepts or problems.

GenEd 400      Advanced Statistics – Multivariate Analysis
This course is designed to introduce undergraduate level students in the behavioral and educational sciences to classic multivariate statistical techniques. The overarching goals of the course are to provide a conceptual understanding of the multivariate methods that will be covered and to determine the sorts of questions that can and cannot be addressed with those multivariate methods.

GenEd 401      Cost Accounting Principles and Procedures
This course provides a theoretical and practical knowledge of cost accounting systems and procedures. Emphasis is placed on cost terminology, costing systems, cost-volume-profit analysis, budgeting, activity-based costing, accounting for quality costs and non-financial performance measures.

GenEd 402      Information Technology and Society
This course covers a variety of aspects associated with the topic of information technology and society. The class will examine the various subtopics associated with the impact that computers have had on our social, economic, governmental, and global systems. Within this course we will define and discuss the various influences computer technology plays in modern society, examine the impact that technology plays in modern society, identify future trends of technology as a driving force in social change, and discuss the historical growth of computer technology.

GenEd 403      Logic and Debate
Students learn specific formats for debate and processes of logic and critical thinking. Reading experiences, practice in writing single issue briefs, interpreting resolutions, developing affirmative and negative case constructions, listening to cross-examinations, evaluating arguments and presenting debates are emphasized.

Undergraduate Majors Classes

 LJS 101          Introduction to Administration of Justice
A course which will cover the history and philosophy of the criminal justice system as it has evolved throughout the world. It will also provide an in-depth study of the American system and the various subsystems and the roles and role expectations of criminal justice agents in their interrelationships in society.

LJS 102          Introduction to Law Enforcement
This course will survey and review the field of law enforcement as a profession. It will cover the historical development, current and future concepts and trends, and study the roles and functions of law enforcement agencies as components of the criminal justice system. An examination of the roles, duties, and responsibilities of law enforcement personnel and a survey of professional career opportunities will also be included.

LJS 103          Introduction to Corrections
A basic introductory course for the field of corrections. Topics will include: the historical development, current concepts, and practices; explanations of criminal behavior; functions and objectives of the criminal justice system concerned with institutional, probation, and parole processes as they modify the offender’s behavior; survey of professional career opportunities in public and private agencies.

LJS 104          Criminal Law I
A historical overview of the development of law. There is a review of constitutional provisions of law as they integrate with fundamentals of state law. Students will develop an appreciation of legal concepts as they relate to the justice process. Topics include: historical development, philosophy of law and constitutional provisions; definitions, classifications of crimes and their applications to the system of administration of justice; legal research, review of case law methodology and concepts of law as a social force. Explores crimes against persons, property and the state as a social, religious and historical ideology.

LJS 105          Crime and Delinquency
This is a basic course in the sociological study of crime and its causes. Topics include: an introduction to major types of criminal behavior, characteristics of offenders,  and factors which contribute to crime and delinquency; the criminal justice process; the function of law enforcement; the courts, probation, parole, and institutions; changes in criminal control and treatment process; the role of society.

LJS 106          Introduction to Evidence
A course designed to provide students a working knowledge of evidence, evidentiary practices, and case laws referencing the admission of evidence at the lower division. This course serves as a base of reference for theoretically oriented courses at the upper division level. Topics include the following: origin, development, philosophy and constitutional basis of evidence; constitutional and procedural considerations affecting arrest, search and seizure; kinds and degrees of evidence and rules governing admissibility; judicial decisions interpreting individual rights and case studies viewed from a conceptual level.

LJS 207          Community and Human Relations
A course which studies the factors that create friction between the community and the criminal justice agencies. This is a systems wide approach which addresses the most critical areas of conflict in criminal justice and community interaction including: the relationship of criminal justice agents and the community, causal and symptomatic aspects of community understanding, lack of cooperation and mistrust, study of behavioral causes and ways to develop and maintain amicable relationships.

LJS 208          Introduction to Criminal Investigation
An introduction to the ethics and legalities of an investigation. Topics will include: fundamentals of investigation, techniques of crime scene search and recording, collection and preservation of physical evidence, modus operandi processes, sources of information, interview and interrogation and follow-up investigation.

LJS 209          Writing for Criminal Justice 
his course provides intense exposure to the practices and procedures of effect writing within the Criminal Justice profession. The course concentrates on familiarizing students with the proper methods for writing police reports, investigative reports, technical reports, and managerial level correspondence.

LJS 210          Criminal Law II         
This course surveys the law of criminal procedure, with emphasis on the constitutional constraints that regulate the pretrial stage of the criminal process. More specifically, the course focuses on the law of interrogations and confessions, the admissibility of evidence, and on the right to counsel throughout all stages of the criminal process.

LJS 211                        Directed Study in Criminal Justice
This course affords students with an opportunity to garner in depth knowledge and understanding of a specific aspect of the criminal justice system. Under the supervision of a member of the faculty, students will be required to specify a specific area of the justice system to be researched, draft a proposed outline of their research, and compose an original research paper addressing the topic.

LJS 112            The American Courts
This course concentrates as an introduction to the study of America’s courts, the judiciary, and the courtroom work group with particular attention given to the dual role of the courts in adjudicating cases and interpreting the U.S. and state constitutions.

LJS 113          Civil Law and Procedure I
An introduction to civil litigation, from commencement of an action through disposition on appeal, studied in the context of the federal procedural system. Also, a detailed consideration of federalism and ascertainment of applicable law; jurisdiction, process, and venue; and former adjudication.

LJS 114          Constitutional Law I 
A study of basic American constitutional law, including judicial review, some structural aspects of the Constitution as developed particularly in light of the passage of the Civil War amendments, and certain of its rights provisions.

LJS 115          Contracts       
An introduction to the nature, functions, and processes of exchange, contract, and contract law. The course focuses on the predominant rules and principles governing contract and related obligation, including the substantive reasons underlying the rules and principles.

LJS 216          Legal Methods
Legal Methods is designed to introduce first-year students to lawyering skills, with primary emphasis on legal writing, analysis, and research. In the context of a law office, students create some of the essential legal writings that lawyers produce. For example, students prepare predictive memoranda for their “boss,” pointing out the strengths and weaknesses of their client’s case, and attempting to develop winning arguments. Students may also write a client letter, using plain English to explain to their client the law and the merits of the case, and advise the client on the best course of conduct. Students determine and investigate the essential facts to support their client’s case by interviewing or deposing various witnesses. Finally, students develop their oral and written advocacy skills and start thinking about litigation strategy by researching and writing persuasive memoranda or legal briefs for a trial or appellate court.

LJS 217          Torts  
An introduction to the principles of civil liability in the tort field: intentional wrongs, negligence, and strict liability. Attention is also given to the processes by which tort disputes are handled in our legal system.

LJS 218          Evidence
The rules of evidence in civil and criminal cases with emphasis on relevance, hearsay, authentication, witnesses, and experts. The course focuses on the Federal Rules of Evidence, with some attention to how they diverge from the common law.

LJS 219          Trusts and Estates    
The course surveys the basic law of succession to property, including wills and interstate succession, and the law of trusts. Among the recurring themes of the course are strict and lenient enforcement of formal requirements and methods of interpretation. This is not a course on estate taxation.

LJS 220          Legal Research and Writing I          
Teaches cutting-edge research techniques to prepare students for practice in the law office of the future. Focuses on desktop electronic legal research, and covers U.S., international, and foreign law, as well as multidisciplinary research. The course is designed to teach students, whose careers will begin in a period of information transition, how to handle traditional and electronic sources and formats and make efficient choices.

LJS 301          Computer Crime and Investigation
This course focuses specifically on the aspects of computer crime, hacking, and illegal activities associated with computing, and explores the various techniques, practices, and processes associated with the investigation and successful prosecution of such crimes.  The class will explore the methods used by computer criminals to perpetrate their crimes and will examine the measures used to detect, investigate, and prosecute such activities.

LJS 302          Forensic Science and Criminalistics I          
History, concepts, and services of the forensic sciences to the criminal justice system including criminalistics, forensic pathology, forensic dentistry, forensic anthropology, and forensic psychiatry. Specific areas of study will focus on the examination of  hair, blood, biological fluids, blood alcohol, arson evidence, bombs, and explosives. Along with the examination of microscopic evidence, textile fibers, clothing and cloth, ropes, cordage and packing materials, cosmetics, crystalline evidence, paint, glass, soil, metals, and plastics.

LJS 303          Crime Analysis I
This course provides students with elementary level training in the use of computing technologies to support crime analysis, manpower and resource deployment, social trends and demographic analysis, crime pattern recognition, and crime trend forecasting.

LJS 304          Basic Research Methods in Justice
This course addresses the nature and scope of crime problems; issues related to assessment and measurement of crime; survey of theoretical formulations and perspectives of crime causation. The course also explores the underlying research concepts, methodologies and techniques appropriate for application in criminal justice environments, including the scientific method, basic research designs and data collection techniques.

LJS 305          Public Administration and Politics
The purpose of this course is to provide students with an understanding of the ethical dimensions of public service, with particular attention focused on the role, duties, and responsibilities of the public administrator. Additionally, the course seeks to help students develop the awareness, skills and value framework to act ethically in their public service and management roles. Examination of major theoretical and practical developments in public administration with an emphasis on organization theory and current research trends in the field.

LJS 311          Corporate Law          
An introduction to the business corporation laws affecting the rights and roles of corporate boards of directors, senior executive officers, and shareholders, with an emphasis on large, publicly traded firms. Shareholders’ economic interests are examined from the perspective of limited liability and dividend standards, expectations of liquidity or transferability of shares, and the use of debt capital as a mode of financing corporate activity. No previous business knowledge is assumed.

LJS 312          Legal Research and Writing II        
Teaches cutting-edge research techniques to prepare students for practice in the law office of the future. Focuses on desktop electronic legal research, and covers U.S., international, and foreign law, as well as multidisciplinary research. The course is designed to teach students, whose careers will begin in a period of information transition, how to handle traditional and electronic sources and formats and make efficient choices.

LJS 313          Civil Law and Procedure II  
This seminar deals with the myriad disciplinary, procedural, and malpractice pitfalls that lawyers encounter in civil litigation. By the conclusion of the seminar, students will be acquainted with common law-of-lawyering issues including: conflicts of interest, investigation and discovery (including the attorney-client privilege, perjury, ex parte contacts, and document destruction), motions practice, settlement negotiations, and forensic tactics. The seminar is designed to expose students to problems typically faced by litigators in medium-sized to large law firms handling complex disputes, but is also applicable to lawyers working in small firms or government agencies who do a significant amount of civil litigation.

LJS 314          Constitutional Law II
A comprehensive discussion of freedom of speech, press, and association. The free-exercise-of-religion clause and the establishment clause of the First Amendment are treated less extensively. The purpose of the seminar is to explore theories of freedom of speech and theories of equality. How are the ideas of freedom, equality, association, and community linked in doctrine, and how should they be linked?

LJS 315          Public Law and Policy
This course will focus on a comparison between the constitutional and administrative law of the United States and the United Kingdom and the structure and influences of the legislative, executive and judicial branches in those systems. Comparisons will also be drawn from the European Union, the Commonwealth and, where helpful, other foreign jurisdictions to illustrate the ways in which legal systems influence one another and evolve.

LJS 401          Principles of Justice Management   
Effect of organizational structure and administrative procedure of the implementation of police function; assessment of processes of recruitment, career advancement and leadership; administrative problems of staffing, supervision and morale.

LJS 402          Forensic Science and Criminalistics II
This course provides students with exposure to advanced methods of scientific analysis, comparison, identification, and individualization of physical evidence and its presentation in court.  Study includes prints and imprints, tool marks, weapons, bullets and cartridges, toxicology, serology, photographic evidence, and other forms of forensic crime analysis.

LJS 403          Crime Analysis II
Advanced study in the use of computer based analysis software including geographic information systems to identify, detect, evaluate, and respond to evolving crime trends.

LJS 404          Advanced Research Methods in Justice
This course deals with the subjects of methodology, research strategy, question development, and research ethics along with a detailed review of methods appropriate for criminal justice. Instruction includes advanced statistical methods as applied to problems in crime and criminal justice: data description, data analysis, hypothesis testing, and inference using packaged statistical programs

LJS 405          Operations Management
This course concentrates upon the study and use of scientific methods to assure effective resource utilization and deployment.  Topics include PERT, CPM, Queuing Theory, multivariate analysis, and discriminant function analysis.

LJS 411          Advanced Torts
This course explores selected topics in the tort field not typically covered in the first-year Torts course. Three broad areas of civil liability receive particular attention: privacy (including defamation), relational, and economic interests (or business torts). The course also surveys leading theoretical background topics germane to tort law as a complement to the doctrinal coverage (e.g., economic analysis of tort law and relations between tort and contract regimes).

LJS 412          Environmental Law
The course surveys the major environmental laws, with a primary focus on federal statutes. Emphasis will be placed on the various sources of liability to both individuals and corporations from common law, statutory provisions, administrative regulation and enforcement policy. Corporate successor liability through mergers and acquisitions will be included, including the increasing importance of performing a full range due diligence review for environmental conditions in such transactions. Special attention is paid to the economic, social, and political obstacles to efficient regulation of the environment.

LJS 413          Family Law    
Broadly understood, family law is the study of state-imposed rules regulating intimacy and intimate relationships in society. In this course we use scientific and social scientific information to evaluate our assumptions and beliefs and to call into question the appropriateness of a number of current state laws regulating families. We examine the evolution of our society’s understanding of and expectations for marriage, as well as shifts over the past several decades in the nature of and justification for state regulation of that institution. Substantial attention is devoted to the social and legal consequences of marriage dissolution, including child custody, child support, property distribution, and spousal maintenance. Other topics considered include: definitions, policy, and trends in American family law; the legal significance of marriage-rights and obligations; private ordering within the marital context; and non-marital relationships-rights and obligations.

LJS 414          Trial Advocacy
This course is devoted to the study of the trial. Fundamental skills are taught in the context of challenging procedural and substantive law problems. Each stage of the trial is examined: jury selection, opening, objections, direct examination, cross-examination, exhibits, impeachment, expert witnesses, child witnesses, summation, and pretrial. In addition to exercises every week on a particular segment of a trial, the student also does a full-day jury trial at the completion of the course. Video equipment is used to teach and critique student performance. There are occasional written assignments and class attendance is mandatory.

LJS 415          Moot Court   
In order to adequately prepare Legal Studies majors for the experiences they will encounter as law school students and as legal practitioners, this course concentrates on the development, fabrication, presentation, and argument of a case before the court. Students will participate in the preparation, research, and arguing of a real world case against an adversary trial lawyer and before a moot court judge and jury.

LJS 482          Directed Study
Students participating in either the Law or Criminal Justice programs are required to complete eight units of directed study.  The charge will be to work with the professor to complete a detailed study of a particular aspect of the law or criminal justice system. The intent of the course is to provide students with an opportunity to garner in depth knowledge of a specific aspect of the profession.

 Graduate Majors Classes

LJS 500 Scientific Reasoning and Empirical Analysis
Science is an activity that consists in the explanation, prediction, and control of empirical phenomena in a rational manner. By “scientific reasoning” we mean the principles of reasoning relevant to the pursuit of this activity. They include principles governing experimental design, hypothesis testing, and the interpretation of data. This class provides graduate students with an introduction to scientific reason and logic as applied to all forms of deductive and inductive analysis.

LJS 501 Principles of Justice Planning and Management
This course concentrates on the essential methodologies and principles associated with strategic and tactical level planning. The empirical orientation of the course focuses on the identification of critical level data, the computation of relevant statistical information needed to forecast demand and service rates, as well as the strategic considerations associated with program management and service delivery.

LJS 502 Operations Management and Strategic Planning
This course addresses the management of operations in law enforcement and criminal justice. Intuitive styles of management are not sufficient in modern day society, given the complexity of the services provided and consequences of failing to assure the efficient and effective deployment and control of finite resources. This class will include a basic overview of the more scientific aspects of operations management as well as application of these principles to the justice profession.

LJS 503 Research Methods in Justice (Univariate)
One of the more fundamental skill sets associated with research, management, and administration within the justice community involves the understanding of research methods and the ability to design, develop, analyze, or interpret research findings. This course centers on the fundamental descriptive and univariate forms of research and will include research designs, data collection and processing, hypothesis formulation and testing, and analysis of findings.

LJS 504 Advanced Research Methods (Multivariate)
Prerequisite LJS 503. This course concentrates on the multivariate aspects of research and includes multiple correlation theory, correlation arrays, multiple regression, discriminant analysis, multi-directional correlations, and forecasting methods.

LJS 505 Administrative Policy and Strategy
This course is designed to acquaint the student with strategic management through an in depth examination of the administrative policy and management concepts. It introduces administrative processes under conditions of uncertainty including integrative analysis and formulation of strategy and supporting policy at the administrative and executive levels.

LJS 506 Complex Organizations and Systems
This course presents fundamental concepts, tools, and solutions from strategic management and organization studies to initiate students into the challenges that managers in criminal justice organizations typically encounter. The focus of the class includes complex organizational structures, organizational theory and purpose, systemic interrelations and processes.

LJS 507 Political Philosophy and Strategy
This course is intended to serve as an introduction to political philosophy and strategy and examines many of the major texts and thinkers who have contributed to this discipline. The course includes an examination of the postulates offered by Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Hobbes, and St. Thomas Aquinas.

LJS 508 Legal Research  Methods
The fundamental methods and techniques associated legal research are covered in this course, which focuses on the location and use of statutes, judicial opinions, and secondary sources of rulings and opinions. Students acquire the basic techniques of legal research through assignments designed to instruct students on the proper method to find and use statutes, cases, and secondary sources.

LJS 509 Public Law and Policy
This foundational course centers on the survey of laws and doctrine across a broad spectrum. The class presents fundamental laws and intention of public laws in the areas of administrative law, constitutional law, employment law, health law, labor law immigration law, state statutes, and local ordinances.

LJS 510 Database Design
This class presents the fundamentals of relational database design skills and techniques and methodologies such as entity relationship diagrams and normalization. Attention is placed on designing for data integrity and efficiency at the same time. Students are required to design multiple database models from expressed requirements and specifications.

LJS 511 Structured Query Language
This course provides an in depth level of instruction in the concepts of programming applications using fourth generation language tools. The course of instruction includes; Ad hoc interaction with databases using SQL; the logic and programming of SQL scripts; and design of applications using forms and menus.

LJS 512 Geographic Information Systems
his introductory course examines the fundamental concepts of geographic information systems to include; vector- and raster-based systems. file types and structures, geocoding and georeferencing, component file layering, representation methods, analytical operations, and information management/integration. Specific topics of instruction will include the application of GIS to law enforcement and the justice system.

LJS 513 Crime Analysis Methods (Descriptive)
The advancing sophistication of analytical processes and methodologies used within the criminal justice discipline demands of contemporary leaders a familiarity and functionality with crime analysis methods. This class serves as an introduction to the descriptive methods used within crime analysis to determine crime distribution and frequency, seasonality trends, crimes by type and time of occurrence, and enforcement patterns and effectiveness measures.

LJS 514 Crime Analysis Methods (Inferential)
Inferential forms of analysis hold significant promise for defining crime, determining the causal factors associated with criminality, examining the premises that serve to support conclusions and policies of how to deal with crime, as well as anticipating future crime trends based on the assessment of an aggregate set of correlated variables.  This course concentrates on the inferential forms of crime analysis including hypothesis testing using statistical analysis, correlation modeling, discriminate function analysis, and multiple regression models.

LJS 515 Justice Systems Analysis and Design
Information systems have evolved over the past several decades and now permeate most forms of enterprise. Like most forms of human endeavor, law and justice rely heavily on the application of information systems.  This class examines the intricacies of systems design, interoperability, telecommunications, security, and data flow and retrieval within justice systems.  The course also includes an in depth level of instructions in systems analysis and design principles, as applied to the creation of information systems that support the criminal justice system.

LJS 516 Database Management Systems
Database management systems have grown in scope, complexity, an application to a point where they now reach into virtually every facet of justice operations.  This course provides a detailed examination of leading database management systems in operation within the justice network and concentrates on illustrating the importance of information structure, the establishment of standards to support data transfer and integration, inter-system functionality, and the protection of critical level data.

LJS 517 Telecommunications and Networking
This course focuses on the conceptual and technical aspects of data communications including the principles and applications, administering and managing communications systems, protocols, networks, communication hardware, design, and performance analysis.

LJS 518 Management Information Systems
Management information systems have evolved into a complex and comprehensive specialty within the criminal justice community. Accordingly, systems analysts, as well as all levels of management must maintain a thorough familiarity with the design concepts, purpose, and intricacies of MIS systems.  This class concentrates on the more technical aspects of MIS design to include data structures, queries, forms, reports, inter-system requirements, data transfer, system backup requirements, data security, and interoperability requirements.

LJS 520 Compassionate Justice
This course will focus on the notion of compassionate and restorative justice with concentrations in such areas as; the history of Judeo Christian Jurisprudence, the roles and functions of the police and prison chaplain, understanding of the purpose and objectives of prison ministries, compassionate sentencing, and restorative forms of punishment.

LJS 521 History of Police and Prison Chaplaincy
This class provides the historical view and perspective on the American justice system relative to the evolution of police and prison ministries. The course will explore the role, purpose, function, and application of the Chaplain to both police and prisons.  The concentration will center on the historical evolutions that have occurred and contrast these changes to contemporary practices.

LJS 522 Criminology
This class addresses the study of criminal behavior from an interdisciplinary perspective.  The main focus is on the classical and contemporary theories developed over the past two hundred years to explain and predict criminal behavior in society. The propositions, assumptions, empirical validity, and policy implications of these criminological theories, as well as the social context in which they were developed, will be examined. The concentration will be on multivariate nature of criminological theories and explanations relative forms of criminality.

LJS 523 The Dynamics and Cultures of Jails and Prisons
This class is structured as a survey course that examines the dynamics and cultural aspects of incarceration.  The course will be presented using a variety of methods to examine the inner workings of jails and prisons to include; prisoner intake, processing, classification, cell assignments, daily activities, gangs, stressors, codes and expectations of inmate behavior, racism, coping and survival mechanisms, and values.

LJS 524 Law Enforcement Culture and Community
The police culture in contemporary society is highly complex and involves a variety of situational and cultural aspects. From initial candidate screening and selection, to considerations of aptitude and disposition by officers, academy and field training, officer survival orientation and practices, the closed cultural values of the police brotherhood, and the adversarial outlook toward non-policeman, all present a unique challenge for understanding the culture and community of law enforcement professionals. This course will focus on illuminating these and other pertinent aspects of the law enforcement community.

LJS 525 The Police and Prison Chaplain
This course concentrates on identifying and exploration of the roles, responsibilities, and function of the police and prison chaplain. The class includes study of the police view of the supernatural, the challenges of pasturing an organization of men and women devoted to a cause of law and justice, crisis intervention, grief counseling, and presiding over important departmental functions.

LJS 526 Abnormal Psychology
This class explores the historical views and current perspectives of abnormal behavior. Emphasizes major diagnostic categories and criteria, individual and social factors of maladaptive behavior, and types of therapy. Instruction includes methods of clinical assessment and research strategies.

LJS 527 Criminal Psychology
This course is designed to introduce graduate students to the use of psychological methodologies and theoretical models within the criminal justice system. Special attention is applied to criminal and police psychology with some coverage of forensic psychology.

LJS 528 The Police and Prison Chaplain – Counseling
Perhaps one of the most important and fundamental aspects of the Chaplaincy resides in the area of pastoral counseling and the provision of guidance and insights to those in need. This course examines this most demonstrative area of specialization from both the police and prison chaplain’s role.  Specific areas of instruction involve grief counseling, survival counseling, tolerance and compassion counseling, and values counseling.

LJS 529 Chaplaincy – Administration and Management
Like all forms of human endeavor, there are administrative and managerial requirements associated with the operation and delivery of services. This course outlines and accentuates the administration and management for police and prison chaplains as they oversee and discharge such responsibilities.

LJS 530 Forensic Medicine 1 – Pathology of Forensics
The course introduces the pathology of the human body with emphasis on scientific name and technique used in medico-legal investigations of death. The course concentrates on the types of death, the mechanisms of death and death reflex, and the determining of the cause of death by postmortem examination.

LJS 531 Forensic Medicine 2 – Principles of Forensics
This class serves as a study in forensic terminology, anatomy and physiology of the human body. Emphasizes the underlying pathology of traumatic and sudden unexpected deaths encountered in forensics. Also discusses bone growth and repair as it relates to child abuse, structure and functions of the heart relating to sudden deaths and anatomic areas of the brain prone to hemorrhagic lesions following trauma.

LJS 532 Evidence Based Forensics
This course will provide instruction in the proper procedures in detection, collection, documentation and preservation of all aspects of physical evidence. Lecture topics will include safety, handling of evidence, documentation, packaging of physical evidence, chain of custody Issues, evidence definitions, evidence collection methods, and analytical processes.

LJS 533 Human Biology in Forensics
Students will study the basics of forensic science and criminalistics. Study focuses on gross anatomy/physiology and human body systems. Additional topics include the cultivation, examination, and preservation of evidence, microscopy, recordation, and analysis methods.

LJS 534 Law and Evidential Procedure
This course concentrates on the concepts and doctrines in the areas of criminal and civil law, the roles of the expert, pertinent rules of evidence, and wrongful convictions will be covered. The importance of ethical considerations in forensic science and law is emphasized and well as the procedures pertinent to evidentiary procedure. Included is an introduction to the classical areas of the forensic sciences and how the sciences interrelate with the law.

LJS 535 National Security Strategies

National Security Strategies will address the influences of international events on the decision making and policy processes of the United States government. The class will review current issues and how the US determines plans and methods to protect and promote its interests. Students will provide analysis and discussion on how to address contemporary national security challenges and how the us meets transnational and asymmetric threats.

LJS 536 Terrorism

This course will review global terrorism issues over the past several decades, analyze the practices and methods of terrorist organizations, and determine how terrorist threats affect policies of both the US and other countries. The student will examine cases of both domestic and international terrorism, the issues of failed states and terrorism, and how legal issues affect counter terrorism in the US.

LJS 537 Intelligence and Counterintelligence

This course will prepare students to identify and evaluate foreign security intelligence threats to the United States. The student will analyze foreign intelligence organizations’ objectives, motives, methods, and techniques for collecting and evaluating information.  Additionally, the course will study the US intelligence agency approaches to counter intelligence, and strategic counter intelligence programs.

LJS 538  World Cultures, Conflict, and Threat

This course develops the student’s knowledge on countries in conflict, reviewing the culture, history, and governmental structure of a select group of nations. Because nations in conflict can lead to transnational issues and threats, understanding the root of these problems, as well as the potential for solutions is critical in today’s world. Patterns of cooperation and conflict between states will be discussed.

LJS 539  Information Collection and Analysis

Students in this class will review the various methods of intelligence and information collection, to include HUMINT, SIGINT, ELINT and OSINT, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the criticality of these methods for US national security. The intelligence cycle will be reviewed. Students will apply evaluation and analysis techniques to understanding and making suggestions for change in  gaps, strengths and weaknesses of the intelligence collection and analysis process.

LJS 540 UCMJ and Criminal Procedure

This course provides students specializing in military law enforcement and security with a comprehensive course of study in the legal aspects of authority as prescribed within the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Additionally, the class provides an in depth examination of the criminal procedures used by the armed forces.

LJS 541 Military Law Enforcement and Investigations

The unique nature of the armed services demands enforcement strategies and practices that differ considerably from their civilian counterparts. Due process liberties are not the overriding concern on a military reservation and this class concentrates on illustrating the enforcement and investigative practices used throughout the world within military reservations. 

LJS 542 Base Defense and Emergency Response

This class focuses on identifying and examining the variety of defensive strategies and tactics used to protect military assets from sabotage and terrorist acts. The course will provide students with a comparative analysis of defensive strategies and operational tactics used throughout the world, in a variety of scenarios. The class uses a case analysis approach to illustrate and dissect situations to uncover effective methods of defense and emergency response.

LJS 543 Nuclear Weapon Security

This unique responsibility of military law enforcement and security personnel is perhaps the hallmark of professional responsibility within the profession.  This course looks at the standard operating procedures used by all branches of the service to protect, secure, and defend strategic and tactical nuclear weapons.  In addition, the class will promote discourse regarding threat assessment, contingency response planning, and technological methods of elevating nuclear weapons security.

LJS 544 International Laws, Treaties, and Enforcement

The global nature of military law enforcement demands of each practitioner an elevated level of understanding and subject mastery pertaining to international law, treaties, and enforcement practices. This course will be conducted in a survey format and is designed to familiarize each student with the existing treaties and laws that effect military law enforcement.

LJS 545 History of Corrections

The course provides an excellent opportunity for students of this discipline to closely examine the history of corrections.  This course will review every significant change in the philosophy of punishment and corrections as it has evolved over time. 

LJS 546  Prison and Jail Leadership

Leadership is a quality that differs significantly from management and as such requires of those who find themselves in these positions a necessity to exercise vision, imagination, critical thinking, awareness, and insight. This course concentrates on identifying and examining effective leadership skills.

LJS 547 Corrections Management and Organization

This class examines the standard management theories and methodologies, but from the viewpoint of corrections.  Management philosophies, tactics, and practices differ from profession to profession, and this class examines the best practices and approaches as applied specifically to corrections.

LJS 548 Legal Aspects of Corrections

This course examines the relevant legal statutes pertaining to inmate/prisoner rights, parolee responsibilities and limitations, the operation of a correctional facility, and the treatment of offenders.

LJS 549 Special Operations Management

This course provides a forum for the exploration of contemporary special operations within the correctional setting to include search and seizure, response to crisis, emergency planning and operations, and the use of such assets to assure the safe and secure operation of such facilities.

LJS 550 Securities Law

This course offers an intensive overview of the two most important federal securities laws: the Securities Act of 1933; and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Topics will include corporate requirements for reporting and conformance, as well as statutes governing the transactions of broker-dealers. The focus of the course will be to establish a foundational understanding of pertinent securities laws as they relate to detection, enforcement, and prosecution.

LJS 551 Securities Information and Trading Systems

The class concentrates on the contemporary systems and procedures associated with electronic trading. The class is designed to identify the major information systems and networks used in the exchange of securities, bonds, commodities, and equities, as well as how such systems can be exploited for criminal purposes.

LJS 552 Securities Exchange and Trading Practices

Each level of certification within the securities industry brings with it added obligations and requirements for the assurance of a fair and equitable trading practice.  This class concentrates of the requirements associated with each level of the “series” license and will examine the obligations, requirements, and duties of each level of license holder.

LJS 553 Securities Crimes and Fraud

This course is designed to provide a thorough exposure to each student relative to crimes committed by people within the securities profession and to highlight the various methods used by securities criminals to defraud clientele and shareholders of their assets.  The class will explore technical trading principles, abuses of the level 3 trading system, exploitation of the Depository Trust Corporation to support naked short selling, and a variety of common insider oriented crimes.

LJS 554 Securities Investigation Methods

The securities industry is perhaps one of a handful of self-regulated industries that oversee operations on the trading floor and which use in-house compliance officers to assure conformance with established regulations and statutes.  This course will delve into the investigations practices used by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to detect crimes and explore the sufficiency of such practices.

LJS 555 Training Program Evaluation and Assessment

This course is designed to introduce students to the critical role of evaluation in the learning process and will provide the student with knowledge of how to develop appropriate assessment tools for the adult learner. The course will familiarizes students the various types of evaluation models and design, data collection methods and analysis, and how to calculate the return on investment. Practical uses of program evaluation in the field of law enforcement will also be reviewed.

LJS 556 Distance Education Pedagogy and Design

This course provides an overview of the field of distance learning as well as reviews the  application of distance learning principles to the training setting. The course also describes best practices for designing online programs and courses, examines the concepts surrounding the topic of distance learning, program and course planning, design and delivery; multicultural and gender issues; program evaluation; student evaluation of online teaching, and institutional and program accreditation. The course will also examine the theory and research that inform distance learning and will assess managerial and administrative issues that may arise in the distance learning environment.

LJS 557 Justice Training and Development

The course provides students with a solid background in the fundamentals of training and development, such as needs assessment, transfer of training, learning environment design, methods, and the importance of training evaluation.  The course will outline six steps:  P—Prepare for training  O—Open the session  P—Present the subject  P—Practice the skills  E—Evaluate the performance  R—Review the subject, which allow the trainer to apply the system to virtually any job or skill. Additional areas to be reviewed  are  the importance of familiarization with the educational audience,  training with a  purpose, and how do our actions as trainers influence the target audience and reflect on the organization’s  mission and values.

LJS 558  Andragogical Education and Training Methods

This course focuses on both the theory and practice of adult learning, and will examine andragogy, self-directed learning, and transformational learning. The course gives a comprehensive overview and synthesis of what we know about adult learning: the context in which it takes place, who the participants are, what they learn and why, the nature of the learning process itself, new approaches to adult learning, the development of theory in adult learning, and other issues relevant to understanding adult learning.

LJS 559  Management of Criminal Justice Training Programs

The course provides a comprehensive overview of the technical, organizational, administrative, and interpersonal elements of successful project management. Issues to be examined are the essentials of project planning–from risk management to resource allocation to scheduling, importance of team-building, motivational, and conflict-management challenges that project leaders face. The course will also introduce students to project management by providing an overview of project management activities including technical, administration, and human resource components. The focus of the course is to provide a standardized body of knowledge that can be used to manage projects within an organization, specifically focused on the field of criminal justice.

JSD 500  The American Judiciary

This course centers on America’s courts, the judiciary, and the courtroom work group with particular attention given to the dual role of the courts in adjudicating cases and interpreting the U.S. and state constitutions.

JSD 501 Judicial Ethics

This course concentrates on the central issues associated with judicial ethics to include traditional ethical theories and standards for conduct by judges and how they are applied to such topics as plea bargaining, bail and preventive detention, the right’s of the accused, wiretapping and other forms of evidence gathering, enforcement of morality, sentencing, punishment, prisoners’ rights, and parole.

JSD 502 Courts of Limited Jurisdiction

This class focuses on the purview, legal authority, composition, conduct, and operation of courts of limited jurisdiction.  These crucial elements of the justice system (justice, city, and municipal courts) are largely responsible for the adjudication of a majority of cases within the criminal justice system, and as such represent a significant component of our judicial architecture. This course provides an in depth look at how these courts are established, the laws governing their jurisdiction, and the intricacies associated with the operations of these courts.

JSD 503 State Courts and State Constitutional Law

The sovereignty of each state within our nation serves as a fundamental cornerstone of our society, as well as our system of laws and justice. The legislatures of each state exercise a significant level of independence and discretion, as applied to the enactment of laws that governs the conduct of its citizenry and which, in turn, empower the judiciary. This class provides a forum for the comparative analysis of state constitutions, laws, and systems of justice and examines the establishment and operation of state courts for similarity, differences, intricacies, uniqueness, and effects.

JSD 504 Federal Courts and the U.S. Constitution

This course examines the structure of the federal court system, the jurisdiction of the courts, as well as the role and function of the federal district courts, federal courts of appeal, the Supreme Court, and other Article 1 federal courts. Included within the course will be the structure of the judicial system, the scope and limits of federal judicial power, essential aspects of federal court procedure, and the evolving structural response of the federal courts to changes in technology, commerce, government, and a multitude of factors that affect the business of the federal courts and the role of federal judges.

JSD 510 Judicial Decisions

This course will provide an overview and detailed look into the judicial decision-making process and will focus on the structure, methods, and outcomes of judicial deliberation and judgments. The class will provide an emphasis on the fundamental tenants of decision making that underlies the judgments rendered by judges as they contend with deciding cases and rendering court opinions, decisions, and rulings. Decomposition of the rationale and reasoning used in landmark and lesser known decisions will be combined with established protocols to illustrate the thought processes used in support of the decisions rendered by the bench and the contemplative processes involved in the rulings.

JSD 511 Legal and Judicial Reasoning 

This course focuses on the nature of judicial reasoning, placing special emphasis on the relation between logical reasoning and judicial reasoning. The central question to be examined is whether judicial reasoning can be analyzed as a distinct form of logic or whether it relies on traditional deductive and inductive processes. The class will be divided into three distinct components. The first segment of the class will provide a brief overview of philosophical treatments of the nature of law, logic, and reason.. The second part of the course will be devoted to studying several different modes of legal reasoning. The final element of the course will be devoted to exploring the strengths and weaknesses of the different modes of legal reasoning in the context of specific problem scenarios that develop in law.

JSD 512 The Judiciary and Politics

This course examines the varying approaches to the regulation of contacts between the public and elected officials. The seminar will review the laws that govern lobbying, political and policy communications with government officials and the public, government ethics laws and rules, restrictions on the use of corporate and labor facilities in politics, and special rules applicable to the activities of foreign agents in the United States. In addition, the course will examine the interrelationships that exist between the judiciary, legal decisions and rulings, and the impact upon the legislature and society.

JSD 513 Judicial Writing

The ability to communicate serves as one of the hallmarks of serving as a judge. This requirement necessitates not only an extraordinary grasp of the English language, but also demands that one possess a proficiency in organizing and articulating their thoughts, deliberations, rulings, and decisions in writing. This course is a writing class, designed specifically for aspiring judges and will provide an expansive look at the writing styles used in contemporary jurisprudence, along with a series of formalized scenarios designed to develop each individual student’s proficiency at written forms of expression. 

JSD 514 Court Administration

This course provides an introduction to the essential components of court administration. Like many enterprises, what goes on behind the scenes often dictates the effectiveness and efficiency of the public image. This class concentrates on the essential components of the court, how the court is organized, and the administrative requirements associated to assure court operations. 

JSD 515 Philosophy of Punishment

This course examines, in depth, the fundamental concepts, theories, and applications of punishment. Within this course students will be exposed to the notion of punishment as a mechanism of deterrence and as a consequence of criminal behavior. The two principle bodies of theory examined within this course will be the consequentialist theories and retributive theories.

JSD 516 The Supreme Court

This course will examine various aspects of the Supreme Court – how Justices are selected, how the Court chooses its cases, the extent to which the Justices’ political preferences influence the decisions, etc. A significant component of the class will be devoted to critiquing the logic and rationale associated with major decisions of the Court and contrasting the logic used between the Justice’s opinions.

JSD 517 International Law and Crimes Against Humanity

This course provides a thorough examination of the political, historical, philosophical, and legal explanations for the category of human rights violations known as crimes against humanity. This category includes individual and collective acts of violence, extermination, torture, and enslavement of human beings.

JSD 518 Law and Literature

Throughout history law, justice, and responsibility have been major themes in many notable and influential works of literature. This course concentrates on examining the tenants, styles, inference, and circumstances of a number of such works, with an eye toward both what such works can tell us about law and justice, and how elaboration of the law and justice themes can provide insight into the works as a whole.

JSD 519 The Philosophy of Law and Justice

The philosophy of law and justice is concerned with providing a general philosophical analysis of law and legal institutions. Issues in the field range from abstract conceptual questions about the nature of law and legal systems to normative questions about the relationship between law and morality and the justification for various legal institutions. This course will take an in depth look at the underlying philosophical tenants of contemporary law and justice to uncover the motives, intent, and effectiveness.

JSD 520 Foundations of Law and Order

This course examines the global foundations of law and order. The intent of the class is to afford students with the opportunity to examine complimentary systems, competing systems, and disassociated forms of law and order prevalent throughout the world.  The class will focus on the philosophical, religious, cultural, political, and economic factors effecting the enactment of laws and systems of justice, as well as provide a foundation for comparative assessment of these variables and applications in contemporary jurisprudence.

JSD 521The International Criminal Court

The International Criminal Court (ICC), governed by the Rome Statute, is the first permanent, treaty based, international criminal court established to help end impunity for the perpetrators of the most serious crimes of concern to the international community. The ICC is an independent international organization, and is not part of the United Nations system. Although the Court’s expenses are funded primarily by States Parties, it also receives voluntary contributions from governments, international organizations, individuals, corporations and other entities. The international community has long aspired to the creation of a permanent international court, and, in the 20th century, it reached consensus on definitions of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.  This course is devoted to an in depth look at the trials conducted at the ICC, along with a comprehensive review and analysis of its jurisdiction, the decisions rendered by the court, and its legal authority.

JSD 522 Courts Martial and Military Justice

Matters of military criminal justice are governed by federal law. The Uniform Code of Military Justice can be thought of as the criminal statute for the United States Armed Forces (Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard). With some exceptions, criminal offenses committed by active duty service members are prosecuted before the Courts-Martial of the United States This class concentrates on nuances of the Uniform Code of Military Justice and the Manual for Courts Martial that is used to prosecute criminal offenders subject to military authority.  The course will examine the differences and similarities to civilian forms of criminal justice, with an emphasis on the legal doctrine and rationale for specific forms of justice, such as that applicable to members of the armed services.

JSD 523 Canon Law

Although one of the oldest body of laws still in existence, few students are familiar with the basic tenants and rationale behind canon law. This course is devoted to the study of ecclesiastical laws, decrees, common norms, precepts, rescripts, privileges, and dispensations governed by Canon law. Also covered will be studies into the specific statutes and rules of order, juridic acts, protocols, the power of governance, the hierarchical constitution of the church, and sanctions.

JSD 598 Dissertation Research and Proposal

This course is devoted to preparing the doctoral dissertation and culminates in the authoring and submission of a dissertation proposal to the chair of the dissertation committee. This class affords each doctoral candidate with an opportunity to devote adequate time and energy to preparing their doctoral dissertation proposal and presentation of this plan to the committee.

LJS 598 Dissertation Research and Proposal

This course is devoted to preparing the doctoral dissertation and culminates in the authoring and submission of a dissertation proposal to the chair of the dissertation committee. This class affords each doctoral candidate with an opportunity to devote adequate time and energy to preparing their doctoral dissertation proposal and presentation of this plan to the committee.

LJS 599 Criminal Justice Thesis

Students enrolled in this course will devote their energies to articulating the prescribed elements of the thesis, as dictated by the Thesis Committee, and conducting required research, analysis, and interpretation to meet the guidelines and specifications prescribed. This is a six unit class. Upon completion, each student must successfully defend their submission before the Thesis Committee in a public forum.

JSD 599 Master of Laws Thesis

Students enrolled in this course will devote their energies to articulating the prescribed elements of the thesis, as dictated by the Thesis Committee, and conducting required research, analysis, and interpretation to meet the guidelines and specifications prescribed. This is a six unit class. Upon completion, each student must successfully defend their submission before the Thesis Committee in a public forum.

JSD 600 Dissertation Composition and Defense

Students enrolled in this course will devote their energies to articulating the prescribed elements of the doctoral dissertation, as dictated by the Dissertation Committee, and conducting required research, analysis, and interpretation to meet the guidelines and specifications prescribed. This is a six unit class. Upon completion, each student must successfully defend their submission before the Dissertation Committee in a public forum.

LJS 600 Dissertation Composition and Defense

Students enrolled in this course will devote their energies to articulating the prescribed elements of the doctoral dissertation, as dictated by the Dissertation Committee, and conducting required research, analysis, and interpretation to meet the guidelines and specifications prescribed. This is a six unit class. Upon completion, each student must successfully defend their submission before the Dissertation Committee in a public forum.

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