In our continuing search for valuable resources that benefit the national audience of law and justice professionals, seeks to provide convenient links to assets produced by exemplary training academies, such as those created by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and make them available to all officers throughout the country. We greatly appreciated FBI’s cooperation in making the videos listed below available.
FBI Weekly Audio Repository
Origins of FBI Counterintelligence
CNN Perspectives, Quantico – Making of an FBI Agent
Hostage Rescue Team 1985 FBI Training Film
1986 FBI Miami Gunfight – Firefight & Personal Reflections
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) -Documentary
Burglary Investigation circa 1969 FBI Training Film
FBI – FBI Hostage Rescue Team – HRT
The FBI’s Secrets Interesting Documentary
The Techniques and Mechanics of Arrest
Police Questioning & Interrogation
Examination of Stolen Cars 1967
Hand to Hand Combat: “Defense Tactics”
Shooting for Survival
Gun Crime Investigation
Handwriting Analysis Evidence
Crime Scene Investigation: “Examination of Soil, Hair, Footprints…”
Crime Scene Investigation & Fingerprinting
Bank Robberies circa 1968
Forcible Entry: Excuse and Trickery 1974
Police Dogs In Action circa 1965
Police Cars: Patrol Vehicle Operation
Police Training Film: “Accident Investigation” 1974
Hostage Rescue Operations & Teams
Major Cases Investigated by the Bureau
The Vault – Contains 6700 Documents of Historical Significance