Police Strategies

Police and researchers have developed a variety of different policing strategies, philosophies, and methods for dealing with crime. Often, different approaches to policing overlap because different groups come up with similar solutions to the same problems. These various approaches may be aimed at goals that include crime prevention, effective use of police resources, or suspect location. Rigorous research can determine which strategies are the most effective in various circumstances. Listed below are some valuable reference materials that may be of assistance.


Gun Violence Prevention
Hot Spot Policing
Predictive Policing
Police Strategy Ratings by Program Type
Future Trends in Policing – Police Executive Research Forum
Reducing Violent Crime Through Law Enforcement Strategies
Planning and Assessing a Law Enforcement Reentry Strategy
Know Your Policing Strategies – IACP
The Effectiveness of Police Activities in Reducing Crime
International Journal of Police Strategies & Management
Cost-Reduction Strategies in Policing
Community Policing Strategies – COPS
Police-Led Crime Prevention and Reduction Strategies
Traffic Safety Strategies for Law Enforcement
Crime Forecasting and Strategic Enforcement Effectiveness