NIJ – Gangs

The NIJ-Gangs section of the Justice Academy provides a convenient portal to a variety of reports and analysis sources that are made available for your use, and which are provided directly from the National Institute of Justice server. Please note and respect the copyright requirements associated with each article (if any) within this collection. The Justice Academy greatly appreciates the cooperation and support of the NIJ in making these valuable resources available to the law and justice profession. For a complete list of resources by topical area we invite you to visit the National Institute of Justice repository at


1. Changing Course: Preventing Gang Membership
NCJ 239234, September 2013, by National Institute of Justice and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (166 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


2. Changing Course: Preventing Gang Membership – Executive Summary
NCJ 239233, September 2013, by National Institute of Justice and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (20 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


3. Comprehensive Community Based Information System to Reduce Youth and Gang Violence in Los Angeles County and Beyond
NCJ 242277, August 2012, Geography and Public Safety Bulletin, by Lieutenant Cheryl Newman-Tarwater, Detective Ray Bercini
Summary/Abstract | PDF


4. Gangs Research Working Group Meeting
NCJ 242259, February 2011, by National Institute of Justice


5. Diminishing Resources & Gang Prevention – Interview with Mario Maciel
NCJ 236389, June 2011, Remarks/Interview, by Mario Maciel
Summary/Abstract | HTML(Transcript) | Video(00:03:08)


6. Preventing Kids From Gang-Joining: Collaboration Matters – Interview with Tom Simon
NCJ 236390, June 2011, Remarks/Interview, by Tom Simon
Summary/Abstract | HTML(Transcript) | Video(00:04:59)


7. Gang Membership Prevention – Panel at the 2010 NIJ Conference
NCJ 234787, June 2010, Panel Discussion, by Louis Tuthill, Gretchen C.F. Shappert, James Buddy Howell, Jorja Leap
Summary/Abstract | HTML(Transcript) | Audio(4 segments, 01:05:08)


8. Juvenile Gun Violence and Gun Markets in Boston
NCJ 184375, March 1997, Research in Progress Preview, by David M. Kennedy (4 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


9. The Long View of Crime
NCJ 229889, April 2010, NIJ Journal, by Pat Kaufman (3 pages)


10. CeaseFire: A Public Health Approach to Reduce Shootings and Killings
NCJ 228386, November 2009, NIJ Journal, by Nancy Ritter (6 pages)


11. Youth Gangs in Rural America
NCJ 204516, July 2004, NIJ Journal, by Ralph A. Weisheit, L. Edward Wells (5 pages)


12. Reducing Gun Violence: Operation Ceasefire in Los Angeles
NCJ 192378, February 2005, Research Report, by George E. Tita, Jack Riley, Greg Ridgeway, Peter W. Greenwood (32 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


13. Evaluating G.R.E.A.T.: A School-Based Gang Prevention Program
NCJ 198604, June 2004, Research for Policy, by Finn-Aage Esbensen (7 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


14. Fighting Urban Crime: The Evolution of Federal-Local Collaboration, Research in Brief
NCJ 197040, December 2003, Research in Brief, by Malcolm L. Russell-Einhorn (19 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


15. Responding to Gangs: Evaluation and Research
NCJ 190351, July 2002, Research Report, by Scott H. Decker, Winifred L. Reed (334 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


16. Reducing Gun Violence: The Boston Gun Project’s Operation Ceasefire
NCJ 188741, September 2001, Research Report, by David M. Kennedy, Anthony A. Braga, Anne M. Piehl, Elin J. Waring (77 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


17. "Designing Out" Gang Homicides and Street Assaults, Research in Brief
NCJ 173398, November 1999, Research in Brief, by James Lasley (6 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


18. Looking at Crime From the Street Level: Plenary Papers of the 1999 Conference on Criminal Justice Research and Evaluation; Enhancing Policy and Practice Through Research, Volume 1
NCJ 178260, November 1999, Research Forum, by Sudhir Venkatesh, Richard Curtis, Charles H. Ramsey (37 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


19. Proceedings of the Homicide Research Working Group Meetings, 1997 and 1998
NCJ 175709, May 1999, Research Forum, by National Institute of Justice (305 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


20. Comparing the Criminal Behavior of Youth Gangs and At-Risk Youths, Research in Brief
NCJ 172852, October 1998, Research in Brief, by C. Ronald Huff (8 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


21. Criminal Behavior of Gang Members and At-Risk Youths
NCJ 200868, January 1998, by C. Ronald Huff (4 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


22. National Evaluation of G.R.E.A.T.
NCJ 167264, November 1997, by F-A Esbensen, D W. Osgood (8 pages)
Summary/Abstract | Text | PDF


23. Preventing Gang and Drug-Related Witness Intimidation
NCJ 163067, November 1996, Issues and Practices, by Kerry Murphy Healey, Peter Finn (164 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


24. Prosecuting Gangs: A National Assessment, Research in Brief
NCJ 151785, February 1995, Research in Brief, by Claire Johnson, Barbara Webster, Edward Connors (12 pages)
Summary/Abstract | Text | PDF


25. Street Gangs and Drug Sales in Two Suburban Cities, Research in Brief
NCJ 155185, July 1995, Research in Brief, by Cheryl L. Maxson (15 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


26. Victim and Witness Intimidation: New Developments and Emerging Responses
NCJ 156555, October 1995, Research in Action, by Kerry Murphy Healey (14 pages)
Summary/Abstract | Text | PDF | PDF


27. Gang Crime and Law Enforcement Recordkeeping, Research in Brief
NCJ 148345, June 1994, Research in Brief, by G. David Curry, Richard A. Ball, Robert J. Fox (11 pages)
Summary/Abstract | Text | PDF


1. Assessment of the Comprehensive Anti-Gang Initiative: Executive Summary
NCJ 240758, July 2012, Grant Report, by Edmund F. McGarrell, Nicholas Corsaro, Chris Melde, Natalie Hipple, Jennifer Cobbina, Timothy Bynum, Heather Perez (8 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


2. Assessment of the Comprehensive Anti-Gang Initiative: Final Project Report
NCJ 240757, July 2012, Grant Report, by Edmund F. McGarrell, Nicholas Corsaro, Chris Melde, Natalie Hipple, Jennifer Cobbina, Timothy Bynum, Heather Perez (197 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


3. Evaluation of Youth Gang Drug Intervention/Prevention Programs for Female Adolescents
NCJ 239855, July 1999, Grant Report, by Katherine Williams Ph.D., Marcia I. Cohen, David Curry Ph.D. (482 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


4. Non-Criminal Consequences of Gang Membership: Impacts on Education and Employment in the Life-Course
NCJ 239241, May 2012, by David C. Pyrooz (192 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


5. Gang Hot Spots Policing in Chicago: An
Evaluation of the Deployment Operations Center Process

NCJ 239207, March 2011, Grant Report, by Megan A. Alderden, Amie M. Schuck, Cody D. Stephens, Timothy A. Lavery, Rachel M. Johnston, Dennis P. Rosenbaum (117 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


6. Managing Gangs in Schools
NCJ 242247, February 2012, by National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center, TechBeat Article


7. Event Dynamics and the Role of Third Parties in Urban Youth Violence
NCJ 227781, May 2009, Grant Report, by Deanna Wilkinson (215 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


8. Dreams, Gangs and Guns: The Interplay Between Adolescent Violence and Immigration in a New York City Neighborhood
NCJ 192993, January 2001, by Pedro Mateu-Gelabert (41 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


9. Ganging Up on Gangs
NCJ 211812, 1999, by National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center, TechBeat Article (2 pages)


10. Can Civil Gang Injunctions Change Communities? A Community Assessment of the Impact of Civil Gang Injunctions
NCJ 208345, April 2004, Grant Report, by Hennigan, Karen; Kolnick, Kathy A.; Maxson, Cheryl L.; Sloane, David (101 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


11. Specialized Gang Units: Form and Function in Community Policing, Final Report
NCJ 207204, October 2004, Grant Report, by Lamm Weisel, Deborah; O’Connor Shelley, Tara (241 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


12. Police Response to Gangs: A Multi-Site Study
NCJ 205003, December 2003, Grant Report, by Katz, Charles M.; Webb, Vincent J. (523 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


13. Federal-Local Law Enforcement Collaboration in Investigating and Prosecuting Urban Crime, 1982-1999: Drugs, Weapons, and Gangs, Final Report
NCJ 201782, May 2000, Grant Report, by Russel-Einhorn, Malcom; Seeherman, Amy; Ward, Shawn (210 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


14. Adolescent Homicides in Los Angeles: Are They Different From Other Homicides? Summary
NCJ 193811, March 2000, Grant Report, by Klein, Malcolm W.; Maxson, Cheryl L.; Sternheimer, Karen (17 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


15. Gang Structures, Crime Patterns, and Police Responses: A Summary Report
NCJ 188510, April 1996, Grant Report, by Klein, Malcolm W.; Maxson, Cheryl L. (16 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


16. Diffusion Processes in Homicide
NCJ 193425, 1999, Grant Report, by Blumstein, Alfred; Cohen, Jacquiline; Cork, Daniel; Engberg, John; Tita, George (16 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


17. Gang Structures, Crime Patterns, and Police Responses
NCJ 188511, April 1996, Grant Report, by Klein, Malcolm W.; Maxson, Cheryl L. (84 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


18. Policing by Injunction: Problem-Oriented Dimensions of Civil Gang Abatement in the State of California
NCJ 197138, 2002, Grant Report, by Allan, Edward L. (419 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


19. National Evaluation of the Gang Resistance Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.) Program, Final Report
NCJ 196477, November 2001, Grant Report, by Esbensen, Finn-Aage (332 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


20. Homicide in Los Angeles: An Analysis of the Differential Character of Adolescent and Other Homicides
NCJ 193812, March 2000, Grant Report, by Klein, Malcolm W.; Maxson, Cheryl L.; Sternheimer, Karen (34 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


21. Northeast Gang Information System: Description of the System and Lessons Learned
NCJ 183468, October 1999, Grant Report, by Pitts, Lenny (15 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


22. Northeast Gang Information System (NEGIS) Participant Survey: Police Executive Research Forum
NCJ 183469, January 1998, Grant Report, by Pitts, Lenny (46 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


23. Community Gang Prevention Team Survey
NCJ 194717, 1997, Grant Report, by Christensen, Wendy; Crank, John (13 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


24. Assessment of a Multi-Agency Approach to Drug Involved Gang Members
NCJ 185252, June 1996, Grant Report, by Hoctor, Darlanne; Melton, Roni; Pennell, Susan (97 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


25. Gangs in Rural America, Final Report
NCJ 190228, August 2001, by Ralph A. Weisheit, L. Edward Wells (104 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


26. Gang Activity in Orange County, California: Final Report to the National Institute of Justice
NCJ 181242, August 1999, Grant Report, by Meeker, James W.; Vila, Bryan J. (188 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


27. Female Gang Involvement in a Midwestern City: Correlates, Nature and Meanings
NCJ 179979, December 1996, Grant Report, by Jody A. Miller (453 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


28. Establishment of a Police Gang Unit: An Examination of Rational and Institutional Considerations
NCJ 185725, 2000, Grant Report, by Katz, Charles M. (42 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


1. Changing Course: Preventing Gang Membership
NCJ 239234, September 2013, by National Institute of Justice and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (166 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


2. Changing Course: Preventing Gang Membership – Executive Summary
NCJ 239233, September 2013, by National Institute of Justice and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (20 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


3. Assessment of the Comprehensive Anti-Gang Initiative: Executive Summary
NCJ 240758, July 2012, Grant Report, by Edmund F. McGarrell, Nicholas Corsaro, Chris Melde, Natalie Hipple, Jennifer Cobbina, Timothy Bynum, Heather Perez (8 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


4. Assessment of the Comprehensive Anti-Gang Initiative: Final Project Report
NCJ 240757, July 2012, Grant Report, by Edmund F. McGarrell, Nicholas Corsaro, Chris Melde, Natalie Hipple, Jennifer Cobbina, Timothy Bynum, Heather Perez (197 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


5. Comprehensive Community Based Information System to Reduce Youth and Gang Violence in Los Angeles County and Beyond
NCJ 242277, August 2012, Geography and Public Safety Bulletin, by Lieutenant Cheryl Newman-Tarwater, Detective Ray Bercini
Summary/Abstract | PDF


6. Evaluation of Youth Gang Drug Intervention/Prevention Programs for Female Adolescents
NCJ 239855, July 1999, Grant Report, by Katherine Williams Ph.D., Marcia I. Cohen, David Curry Ph.D. (482 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


7. Non-Criminal Consequences of Gang Membership: Impacts on Education and Employment in the Life-Course
NCJ 239241, May 2012, by David C. Pyrooz (192 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


8. Gang Hot Spots Policing in Chicago: An
Evaluation of the Deployment Operations Center Process

NCJ 239207, March 2011, Grant Report, by Megan A. Alderden, Amie M. Schuck, Cody D. Stephens, Timothy A. Lavery, Rachel M. Johnston, Dennis P. Rosenbaum (117 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


9. Gangs Research Working Group Meeting
NCJ 242259, February 2011, by National Institute of Justice


10. Managing Gangs in Schools
NCJ 242247, February 2012, by National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center, TechBeat Article


11. Diminishing Resources & Gang Prevention – Interview with Mario Maciel
NCJ 236389, June 2011, Remarks/Interview, by Mario Maciel
Summary/Abstract | HTML(Transcript) | Video(00:03:08)


12. Preventing Kids From Gang-Joining: Collaboration Matters – Interview with Tom Simon
NCJ 236390, June 2011, Remarks/Interview, by Tom Simon
Summary/Abstract | HTML(Transcript) | Video(00:04:59)


13. Gang Membership Prevention – Panel at the 2010 NIJ Conference
NCJ 234787, June 2010, Panel Discussion, by Louis Tuthill, Gretchen C.F. Shappert, James Buddy Howell, Jorja Leap
Summary/Abstract | HTML(Transcript) | Audio(4 segments, 01:05:08)


14. Juvenile Gun Violence and Gun Markets in Boston
NCJ 184375, March 1997, Research in Progress Preview, by David M. Kennedy (4 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


15. The Long View of Crime
NCJ 229889, April 2010, NIJ Journal, by Pat Kaufman (3 pages)


16. CeaseFire: A Public Health Approach to Reduce Shootings and Killings
NCJ 228386, November 2009, NIJ Journal, by Nancy Ritter (6 pages)


17. Event Dynamics and the Role of Third Parties in Urban Youth Violence
NCJ 227781, May 2009, Grant Report, by Deanna Wilkinson (215 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


18. Dreams, Gangs and Guns: The Interplay Between Adolescent Violence and Immigration in a New York City Neighborhood
NCJ 192993, January 2001, by Pedro Mateu-Gelabert (41 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


19. Ganging Up on Gangs
NCJ 211812, 1999, by National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center, TechBeat Article (2 pages)


20. Youth Gangs in Rural America
NCJ 204516, July 2004, NIJ Journal, by Ralph A. Weisheit, L. Edward Wells (5 pages)


21. Reducing Gun Violence: Operation Ceasefire in Los Angeles
NCJ 192378, February 2005, Research Report, by George E. Tita, Jack Riley, Greg Ridgeway, Peter W. Greenwood (32 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


22. Can Civil Gang Injunctions Change Communities? A Community Assessment of the Impact of Civil Gang Injunctions
NCJ 208345, April 2004, Grant Report, by Hennigan, Karen; Kolnick, Kathy A.; Maxson, Cheryl L.; Sloane, David (101 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


23. Specialized Gang Units: Form and Function in Community Policing, Final Report
NCJ 207204, October 2004, Grant Report, by Lamm Weisel, Deborah; O’Connor Shelley, Tara (241 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


24. Evaluating G.R.E.A.T.: A School-Based Gang Prevention Program
NCJ 198604, June 2004, Research for Policy, by Finn-Aage Esbensen (7 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


25. Police Response to Gangs: A Multi-Site Study
NCJ 205003, December 2003, Grant Report, by Katz, Charles M.; Webb, Vincent J. (523 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


26. Federal-Local Law Enforcement Collaboration in Investigating and Prosecuting Urban Crime, 1982-1999: Drugs, Weapons, and Gangs, Final Report
NCJ 201782, May 2000, Grant Report, by Russel-Einhorn, Malcom; Seeherman, Amy; Ward, Shawn (210 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


27. Adolescent Homicides in Los Angeles: Are They Different From Other Homicides? Summary
NCJ 193811, March 2000, Grant Report, by Klein, Malcolm W.; Maxson, Cheryl L.; Sternheimer, Karen (17 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


28. Gang Structures, Crime Patterns, and Police Responses: A Summary Report
NCJ 188510, April 1996, Grant Report, by Klein, Malcolm W.; Maxson, Cheryl L. (16 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


29. Diffusion Processes in Homicide
NCJ 193425, 1999, Grant Report, by Blumstein, Alfred; Cohen, Jacquiline; Cork, Daniel; Engberg, John; Tita, George (16 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


30. Gang Structures, Crime Patterns, and Police Responses
NCJ 188511, April 1996, Grant Report, by Klein, Malcolm W.; Maxson, Cheryl L. (84 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


31. Fighting Urban Crime: The Evolution of Federal-Local Collaboration, Research in Brief
NCJ 197040, December 2003, Research in Brief, by Malcolm L. Russell-Einhorn (19 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


32. Policing by Injunction: Problem-Oriented Dimensions of Civil Gang Abatement in the State of California
NCJ 197138, 2002, Grant Report, by Allan, Edward L. (419 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


33. National Evaluation of the Gang Resistance Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.) Program, Final Report
NCJ 196477, November 2001, Grant Report, by Esbensen, Finn-Aage (332 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


34. Homicide in Los Angeles: An Analysis of the Differential Character of Adolescent and Other Homicides
NCJ 193812, March 2000, Grant Report, by Klein, Malcolm W.; Maxson, Cheryl L.; Sternheimer, Karen (34 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


35. Northeast Gang Information System: Description of the System and Lessons Learned
NCJ 183468, October 1999, Grant Report, by Pitts, Lenny (15 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


36. Northeast Gang Information System (NEGIS) Participant Survey: Police Executive Research Forum
NCJ 183469, January 1998, Grant Report, by Pitts, Lenny (46 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


37. Community Gang Prevention Team Survey
NCJ 194717, 1997, Grant Report, by Christensen, Wendy; Crank, John (13 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


38. Assessment of a Multi-Agency Approach to Drug Involved Gang Members
NCJ 185252, June 1996, Grant Report, by Hoctor, Darlanne; Melton, Roni; Pennell, Susan (97 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


39. Responding to Gangs: Evaluation and Research
NCJ 190351, July 2002, Research Report, by Scott H. Decker, Winifred L. Reed (334 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


40. Gangs in Rural America, Final Report
NCJ 190228, August 2001, by Ralph A. Weisheit, L. Edward Wells (104 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


41. Gang Activity in Orange County, California: Final Report to the National Institute of Justice
NCJ 181242, August 1999, Grant Report, by Meeker, James W.; Vila, Bryan J. (188 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


42. Female Gang Involvement in a Midwestern City: Correlates, Nature and Meanings
NCJ 179979, December 1996, Grant Report, by Jody A. Miller (453 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


43. Establishment of a Police Gang Unit: An Examination of Rational and Institutional Considerations
NCJ 185725, 2000, Grant Report, by Katz, Charles M. (42 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


44. Reducing Gun Violence: The Boston Gun Project’s Operation Ceasefire
NCJ 188741, September 2001, Research Report, by David M. Kennedy, Anthony A. Braga, Anne M. Piehl, Elin J. Waring (77 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


45. "Designing Out" Gang Homicides and Street Assaults, Research in Brief
NCJ 173398, November 1999, Research in Brief, by James Lasley (6 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


46. Looking at Crime From the Street Level: Plenary Papers of the 1999 Conference on Criminal Justice Research and Evaluation; Enhancing Policy and Practice Through Research, Volume 1
NCJ 178260, November 1999, Research Forum, by Sudhir Venkatesh, Richard Curtis, Charles H. Ramsey (37 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


47. Proceedings of the Homicide Research Working Group Meetings, 1997 and 1998
NCJ 175709, May 1999, Research Forum, by National Institute of Justice (305 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF


48. Comparing the Criminal Behavior of Youth Gangs and At-Risk Youths, Research in Brief
NCJ 172852, October 1998, Research in Brief, by C. Ronald Huff (8 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


49. Criminal Behavior of Gang Members and At-Risk Youths
NCJ 200868, January 1998, by C. Ronald Huff (4 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


50. National Evaluation of G.R.E.A.T.
NCJ 167264, November 1997, by F-A Esbensen, D W. Osgood (8 pages)
Summary/Abstract | Text | PDF


51. Preventing Gang and Drug-Related Witness Intimidation
NCJ 163067, November 1996, Issues and Practices, by Kerry Murphy Healey, Peter Finn (164 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


52. Prosecuting Gangs: A National Assessment, Research in Brief
NCJ 151785, February 1995, Research in Brief, by Claire Johnson, Barbara Webster, Edward Connors (12 pages)
Summary/Abstract | Text | PDF


53. Street Gangs and Drug Sales in Two Suburban Cities, Research in Brief
NCJ 155185, July 1995, Research in Brief, by Cheryl L. Maxson (15 pages)
Summary/Abstract | PDF | Text


54. Victim and Witness Intimidation: New Developments and Emerging Responses
NCJ 156555, October 1995, Research in Action, by Kerry Murphy Healey (14 pages)
Summary/Abstract | Text | PDF | PDF


55. Gang Crime and Law Enforcement Recordkeeping, Research in Brief
NCJ 148345, June 1994, Research in Brief, by G. David Curry, Richard A. Ball, Robert J. Fox (11 pages)
Summary/Abstract | Text | PDF