UK-Law and Justice
The Global Cyber Game
Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Finance
Providing anonymity to those accused of rape:
British Crime Survey
Provisional Quarterly Criminal Justice System Information
The Dedicated Drug Courts Pilot Evaluation Process Study
Protecting Crowded Places: Design and
Technical Issues
Drink Drive Rehabilitation Scheme- Course Syllabus
The early years of the DSPD
The effect of early release of prisoners on Home Detention Curfew (HDC) on recidivism
Transforming Rehabilitation:
Gender differences in substance misuse and mental health among prisoners
The effectiveness of partnership working in a crime and disorder context
Exploring the links between homicide and organised crime
Tackling organised crime
Home Office Alcohol Arrest Referral pilot schemes
Understanding organised crime:
Understanding Criminal Careers in Organised Crime
Chapter 1: Cyber-dependent crimes
Chapter 2: Cyber-enabled crimes – fraud and theft
Chapter 3: Cyber-enabled crimes – sexual offending against children
Chapter 4: Improving the cyber crime evidence base
Human Trafficking: The Government’s Strategy
Countering the terrorist threat
Integrated Offender Management
Performance Measurement for Justice Information System Projects
A New Approach to Fighting Crime
Assessing young people in police custody
Learning from the Neighbourhood Agreements Pathfinder Programme
Crowded Places: The Planning System and Counter-Terrorism
Surveying Prisoner Crime Reduction
Understanding the psychology of gang violence:
A Review of the Science of Low Template DNA Analysis
Findings from the Witness and Victim Experience Survey
An exploration of staff – prisoner relationships
United Kingdom Strategy for Counter-terrorism
The strengths and skills of the Judiciary in the Magistrates’ Courts
Does Supervision After Release From Prison Reduce Re-offending?
Swift and Sure Justice: The Government’s Plans for Reform of the Criminal Justice System
Virtual Court pilot Outcome evaluation
Re-offending analysis of women offenders referred to Together Women (TW)