UK-Law and Justice

The United Kingdom – Law and Justice section of the Justice Academy Library has been assembled from assets made available by the Home Office and the Ministry of Justice of the United Kingdom for your use, and is provided under the Fair Use Doctrine. The Justice Academy greatly appreciates the contribution of these resources. Please note and respect the copyright requirements associated with each article in this collection.


The Global Cyber Game
Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Finance
Providing anonymity to those accused of rape:
British Crime Survey
Provisional Quarterly Criminal Justice System Information
The Dedicated Drug Courts Pilot Evaluation Process Study
Protecting Crowded Places: Design and
Technical Issues

Drink Drive Rehabilitation Scheme- Course Syllabus
The early years of the DSPD
The effect of early release of prisoners on Home Detention Curfew (HDC) on recidivism
Transforming Rehabilitation:
Gender differences in substance misuse and mental health among prisoners
The effectiveness of partnership working in a crime and disorder context
Exploring the links between homicide and organised crime
Tackling organised crime
Home Office Alcohol Arrest Referral pilot schemes
Understanding organised crime:
Understanding Criminal Careers in Organised Crime
Chapter 1: Cyber-dependent crimes
Chapter 2: Cyber-enabled crimes – fraud and theft
Chapter 3: Cyber-enabled crimes – sexual offending against children
Chapter 4: Improving the cyber crime evidence base
Human Trafficking: The Government’s Strategy
Countering the terrorist threat
Integrated Offender Management
Performance Measurement for Justice Information System Projects
A New Approach to Fighting Crime
Assessing young people in police custody
Learning from the Neighbourhood Agreements Pathfinder Programme
Crowded Places: The Planning System and Counter-Terrorism
Surveying Prisoner Crime Reduction
Understanding the psychology of gang violence:
A Review of the Science of Low Template DNA Analysis
Findings from the Witness and Victim Experience Survey
An exploration of staff – prisoner relationships
United Kingdom Strategy for Counter-terrorism
The strengths and skills of the Judiciary in the Magistrates’ Courts
Does Supervision After Release From Prison Reduce Re-offending?
Swift and Sure Justice: The Government’s Plans for Reform of the Criminal Justice System
Virtual Court pilot Outcome evaluation
Re-offending analysis of women offenders referred to Together Women (TW)