As part of our ongoing effort to identify exemplary training resources the videos listed below are presented for your viewing. These exceptional training videos are created and provided by PersonalDefense.Net and offered through YouTube. PersonalDefense.Net provides a convenient method of attaining formalized professional training through their online services. You can contact them directly at PersonalDefense.Net. greatly appreciates PersonalDefense.Net’s willingness to make this valuable video collection publicly available.
Personal Defense Network Website
Using a Vehicle for Protection
Fundamentals of Contact Shooting
Vehicle Drawing and Shooting
Shooting Through Automotive Glass
Bullet Reflection Angles Off Hard Surfaces
Concrete Bullet Ricochet
Using a Firearm to Detain a Person
Holster Angle & Placement
What To Do After a Shooting
When Is Deadly Force Justified in Home Defense?
Misconceptions about ‘Castle Doctrine’ and ‘Stand your Ground
Why Not to Use the Weaver Stance
Why People Don’t Carry Guns
Defending Others During an Active Shooter Incident