U.S. Sentencing Commission

The U.S. Sentencing Commission, a bipartisan, independent agency located in the judicial branch of government, was created by Congress in 1984 to reduce sentencing disparities and promote transparency and proportionality in sentencing. The Commission collects, analyzes, and distributes a broad array of information on federal sentencing practices, continuously establishing and amending sentencing guidelines for the judicial branch and assisting the other branches in developing effective and efficient crime policy.


Sentencing Guidelines Manual by Chapter
Current and Previous Guidelines Manuals
Current and Previous Sourcebook of Federal Sentencing Statistics
Federal Sentencing Statistics by Geographic Region
Prison & Sentencing Impact Assessments
Retroactivity Analyses and Data Reports
Topical Index of Publications
Special Research Reports
Reports to Congress
Individual Offender Datafiles – SAS and SPSS Compatible
Summaries of Federal Sentencing Case Law by Court Jurisdiction