The Justice Academy Journal is a periodical in the truest sense of the word and is devoted to providing a mechanism for practitioners of the law and justice disciplines to express their views about the issues of the day. If you have an interest in becoming a contributing author, please let us know.
The Importance of Perspective
Public Policy Debate, Leadership, and Governance
Rehabilitating Animal Abusers Through the Use of Technology
Crime Prevention is Not Just a Police Function
The Irreducible Complexity of the Law
The Face of Arrogance
Demanding Excellence from Higher Education
The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth
Risk Management and Public Safety Leadership – Jerry Harper
Leadership or Command Cycle – Jerry Harper
Arson and the Investigator’s Challenge
Thinking on a Higher Plane – Multidimensional Strategy
Critical Thinking, Common Fallacies, and Leadership
Certainty, the Search for Truth, and Leadership