Police One Videos

As part of our ongoing effort to identify exemplary training resources the videos listed below are presented for your viewing. These exceptional training videos are created and provided by Police One Academy and offered through YouTube. Police One Academy provide officers throughout the nation with a convenient method of attaining formalized professional training through their online services. You can contact them directly at PoliceOne.com. JusticeAcademy.org greatly appreciates Police One’s willingness to make this valuable video collection publicly available.


Police One Website
Surviving a Sudden Shooting at a Traffic Stop
Controlling a Crime Scene When the Suspect Returns
Reality Training: Dealing with Aggressive Dogs
Enduring an Ambush During an Arrest
Why Didn’t You Just Tase Him?
Control your Risk Factors
Will to Win: Jim Van Alstine
Subduing a Dangerous Armed Suspect
Why Searching and Frisking a Subject is Crucial
How to Survive an Off-Duty Encounter
Sudden Attack in a Booking Area
How to Avoid Accidents at Shooting Ranges
Correcting Bad Habits
Why Mental Rehearsal Is Crucial to Officer Safety
How Do You Handle a Non-Compliant Subject
How Do You Conduct Frisks and Foot Pursuits?
How to Handle a Suspicious Activity Call
Using an ECD on a Suspect with a Deadly Weapon
How to render first aid to a downed suspect
How to Survive an Off Duty Encounter
Responding to an Incident in Plainclothes
How Cops Can Avoid an Ambush
How to Handle a Suspicious Activity Call
Why Cops Should Stay Vigilant during Traffic Stops
Sudden Attack at a Traffic Stop
Reacting to Unpredictable Suspects
Will to Win: Josh Kenworthy
Will to Win: Jared Reston
Will to Win: Brandy Roell
Always Carry Off-Duty
How Cops Can Stay Safe During a Domestic Call
Managing Stress in the Wake of an Officer-Involved Shooting
Winning a Confrontation
Winning a Confrontation after You’re Hurt
High Speed Pursuit
Traffic Stops and the Elderly
The Misuse of Miranda Rights
What Cops Should Know About the Right to Photograph
Smiles Can Kill
How to Implement Quick Closure in Confrontations
Motorcycle Gangs
Traffic Stops: Control your Risk Factors
Staying in Control When the Suspect Is Aggressive
Subduing a Dangerous Armed Suspect