This section of the Justice Academy is designed specifically to encourage all members of the profession to get actively involved in creating and sharing their insights, experiences, and knowledge about issues they deem important and specialties they have mastered with the national community of law and justice professionals. Submissions to this section should be no longer than ten minutes in duration and may involve ANY topic that you believe is important to the profession. The goal of this effort is to encourage each of you to get involved in sharing your knowledge and to provide a platform for the distribution of your creations. Submissions may be either in text format using PDF, or you may want to consider narrating a Powerpoint Slideshow.
Rick Management and Public Safety Leadership – Jerry Harper
LEOLAT – Strieff Supreme Court Decision – Andrew Tallmer, J.D.
Last Chance Program – Judge Hal Campbell, Ph.D.
The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth