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fileAugmented Cognition - An Approach to Increasing Universal Benefit from Information Technology.pdf2022-02-22 06:23417 KB
fileAugmented Cognition Technologies Applied to Training - A Roadmap for the Future - nicholson.pdf2022-02-22 06:23116 KB
fileBuilding Honeywell's Adaptive System for the Augmented Cognition Program.pdf2022-02-22 06:23182 KB
fileExploring the Exocortex - An Approach to Optimizing Human Productivity.pdf2022-02-22 06:2363 KB
fileFoundations of Augmented Cognition - FAC 2011 - Dylan D. Schmorrow, Cali M. Fidopiastis 2011.pdf2022-02-22 06:2315091 KB
fileFoundations of Augmented Cognition. Neuroergonomics and Operational Neuroscience. 5th International Conference, FAC 2009, held as part of HCI Intern - Dylan Schmorrow Ivy V Estabrooke Marc Grootjen eds.pdf2022-02-22 06:2323040 KB
fileHandbook of Neuroprosthetic Methods. Finn, Lopresti 2003.pdf2022-02-22 06:2310731 KB
fileUbiquitous Complex Event Processing in Exocortex. Applications and Mathematical Approaches.pdf2022-02-22 06:23196 KB