Parent Directory | | |  | Children’s Logical and Mathematical Cognition - (Springer Series in Cognitive Development _ Progress in Cognitive Development Research) Curt Acredolo (auth.), Charles J. Brainerd (eds.).pdf | 2022-02-21 09:55 | 6660 KB |
 | Concepts and Definitions of Consciousness.pdf | 2022-02-21 09:55 | 142 KB |
 | Creative Model Construction in Scientists and Students. The Role of Imagery, Analogy, and Mental Simulation. John J. Clement (2008).pdf | 2022-02-21 09:55 | 1973 KB |
 | Mental Models & the Mind, Volume 138. Current developments in Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience and Philosophy of Mind. (Advances in Psychology) Carsten Held, Gottfried M-GV Vosgerau, Markus Knauff.pdf | 2022-02-21 09:55 | 15990 KB |
 | Mental Models as Representations of Discourse and Text. Prentice Hall, (Ellis Horwood Series in Cognitive Science) Alan Garnham (1987).djvu | 2022-02-21 09:54 | 4246 KB |
 | Mobile Learning. Structures, Agency, Practices. Springer US, Norbert Pachler, Ben Bachmair, John Cook (auth.) (2010).pdf | 2022-02-21 09:55 | 5187 KB |
 | Model Based Learning and Instruction in Science Models and Modeling in Science Education. John J. Clement, Mary Anne Rea-Ramirez 2007.pdf | 2022-02-21 09:55 | 2225 KB |
 | Modeling and Simulation in Science and Mathematics Education. Jon Ogborn auth., Wallace Feurzeig, Nancy Roberts eds. 1999.pdf | 2022-02-21 09:55 | 18004 KB |
 | Modeling Theory in Science Education. Ibrahim A. Halloun 2006.pdf | 2022-02-21 09:54 | 759 KB |
 | Models and Modeling. Cognitive Tools for Scientific Enquiry. Myint Swe Khine, Issa M. Saleh 2011.pdf | 2022-02-21 09:55 | 2978 KB |
 | The Mind and Its Stories_ Narrative Universals and Human Emotion - Patrick Colm Hogan 2003.pdf | 2022-02-21 09:55 | 1078 KB |
 | Understanding and Teaching the Intuitive Mind - Student and Teacher Learning.pdf | 2022-02-21 09:55 | 1412 KB |
 | Visualization in Mathematics, Reading and Science Education. Linda M. Phillips, Stephen P. Norris, John S. Macnab 2010.pdf | 2022-02-21 09:55 | 831 KB |