The Book of Ones

Suttas 585-654



In the same way, beggars,
as one whose heart suffuses a great body of water
includes the small streams
flowing into and becoming part of
that body of water.

In the Same Way, Beggars,
one who makes become,
makes a big thing of minding body,
includes those skillful things
that conduce to vision.



One thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of,
made a big thing,
evolves into something thrilling.

What is that one thing?

It is minding body.
This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of,
made a big thing,
evolves into something thrilling.



One thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of,
made a big thing,
evolves into great attainment.

What is that one thing?

It is minding body.
This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of,
made a big thing,
evolves into great attainment.



One thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of,
made a big thing,
evolves into the ease
that comes from a sense of accomplishment.

What is that one thing?

It is minding body.
This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of,
made a big thing,
evolves into the ease
that comes from a sense of accomplishment.



One thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of,
made a big thing,
evolves into awareness of mind.

What is that one thing?

It is minding body.
This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of,
made a big thing,
evolves into awareness of mind.



One thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of,
made a big thing,
evolves into obtaining knowledge and vision.

What is that one thing?

It is minding body.
This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of,
made a big thing,
evolves into obtaining knowledge and vision.



One thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of,
made a big thing,
evolves into living pleasantly
in the here and now.

What is that one thing?

It is minding body.
This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of,
made a big thing,
evolves into living pleasantly
in the here and now.



One thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of,
made a big thing,
evolves into enjoying the vision of freedom
of one who has served his time.

What is that one thing?

It is minding body.
This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of,
made a big thing,
evolves into enjoying the vision of freedom
of one who has served his time.



One thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of
tranquillizes the body.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of
indeed tranquillizes the body.



One thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of
tranquillizes the heart.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of
indeed tranquillizes the heart.



One thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of
settles down the inner dialogue
and meandering thoughts.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of
indeed settles down the inner dialogue
and meandering thoughts.



One thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of
leads to the completion
of that which conduces to vision.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of
indeed leads to the completion
of that which conduces to vision.



One thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of
conduces to the non-arising
of unskillful things
not present in the here and now.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of
indeed conduces to the non-arising
of unskillful things
not present in the here and now.



One thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of
conduces to the disappearance
of unskillful things
that are present in the here and now.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of
indeed conduces to the disappearance
of unskillful things
that are present in the here and now.



One thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of
conduces to the arising of skillful things
not yet present in the here and now.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of
indeed conduces to the arising
of skillful things
not yet present in the here and now.



One thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of
conduces to the maturation
of skillful things
that are present in the here and now.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of
indeed conduces to the maturation
of skillful things
that are present in the here and now.



If one thing, Beggars,
is made to become,
made much of
blindness passes off.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

Indeed, Beggars,
if this one thing is made to become,
made much of
blindness passes off.



If one thing, Beggars,
is made to become,
made much of
vision is acquired.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

Indeed, Beggars,
if this one thing is made to become,
made much of
vision is acquired.



If one thing, Beggars,
is made to become,
made much of the
‘I-am’-pride passes off.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

Indeed, Beggars,
if this one thing is made to become,
made much of
the ‘I-am’-pride passes off.



If one thing, Beggars,
is made to become,
made much of
bias gets uprooted.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

Indeed, Beggars,
if this one thing is made to become,
made much of
bias gets uprooted.



If one thing, Beggars,
is made to become,
made much of
the attachments pass off.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

Indeed, Beggars,
if this one thing is made to become,
made much of
the attachments pass off.



If one thing, Beggars,
is made to become,
made much of
it develops into wisdom.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

Indeed, Beggars,
if this one thing is made to become,
made much of
it develops into wisdom.



If one thing, Beggars,
is made to become,
made much of
it develops into the complete mastery of awakening.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

Indeed, Beggars,
if this one thing is made to become,
made much of
it develops into the complete mastery of awakening.



If one thing, Beggars,
is made to become,
made much of
not only just one data is penetrated.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

Indeed, Beggars,
if this one thing is made to become,
made much of
not only just one data is penetrated.



If one thing, Beggars,
is made to become,
made much of
a diversity of data is penetrated.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

Indeed, Beggars,
if this one thing is made to become,
made much of
a diversity of data is penetrated.



If one thing, Beggars,
is made to become,
made much of
not only just one data is synthesized.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

Indeed, Beggars,
if this one thing is made to become,
made much of
not only just one data is synthesized.



If one thing, Beggars,
is made to become,
made much of
the fruit of Streamwinning
may be seen with one’s own eyes.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

If this one thing, Beggars,
is made to become,
made much of,
the fruit of Streamwinning
may be seen with one’s own eyes.



If one thing, Beggars,
is made to become,
made much of
the fruit of Once-Returning
may be seen with one’s own eyes.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

If this one thing, Beggars,
is made to become,
made much of,
the fruit of Once-Returning
may be seen with one’s own eyes.



If one thing, Beggars,
is made to become,
made much of
the fruit of Non-Returning
may be seen with one’s own eyes.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

If this one thing, Beggars,
is made to become,
made much of,
the fruit of Non-Returning
may be seen with one’s own eyes.



If one thing, Beggars,
is made to become,
made much of
the fruit of being an Aristocrat
may be seen with one’s own eyes.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

If this one thing, Beggars,
is made to become,
made much of,
the fruit of being an Aristocrat
may be seen with one’s own eyes.



One thing, Beggars,
made to become,
made much of,
develops the gaining of wisdom.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of,
develops the gaining of wisdom.



One thing, Beggars,
made to become,
made much of,
develops the empowerment of wisdom.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of,
develops the empowerment of wisdom.



One thing, Beggars,
made to become,
made much of,
develops the fullness of wisdom.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of,
develops the fullness of wisdom.



One thing, Beggars,
made to become,
made much of,
develops great scope of wisdom.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of,
develops great scope of wisdom.



One thing, Beggars,
made to become,
made much of,
develops broad scope of wisdom.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of,
develops broad scope of wisdom.



One thing, Beggars,
made to become,
made much of,
develops full scope of wisdom.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of,
develops full scope of wisdom.



One thing, Beggars,
made to become,
made much of,
develops deep scope of wisdom.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of,
develops deep scope of wisdom.



One thing, Beggars,
made to become,
made much of,
develops scope of wisdom beyond knowing.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of,
develops scope of wisdom beyond knowing.



One thing, Beggars,
made to become,
made much of,
develops other worldly scope of wisdom.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of,
develops other worldly scope of wisdom.



One thing, Beggars,
made to become,
made much of,
develops wisdom made much of.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of,
develops wisdom made much of.



One thing, Beggars,
made to become,
made much of,
develops swift scope of wisdom.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of,
develops swift scope of wisdom.



One thing, Beggars,
made to become,
made much of,
develops quick scope of wisdom.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of,
develops quick scope of wisdom.



One thing, Beggars,
made to become,
made much of,
develops ready scope of wisdom.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of,
develops ready scope of wisdom.



One thing, Beggars,
made to become,
made much of,
develops speedy scope of wisdom.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of,
develops speedy scope of wisdom.



One thing, Beggars,
made to become,
made much of,
develops sharp scope of wisdom.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of,
develops sharp scope of wisdom.



One thing, Beggars,
made to become,
made much of,
develops penetrating scope of wisdom.

What is that one thing?

Minding body.

This one thing, Beggars,
if made to become,
made much of,
develops penetrating scope of wisdom.



Beggars, they do not savor immortality
who do not savor minding body.



Beggars, they indeed savor immortality
who savor minding body.



Beggars, they have not tasted immortality
who have not tasted minding body.



Beggars, they indeed have tasted immortality
who have tasted minding body.



Beggars, they have bypassed immortality
who have bypassed minding body.



Beggars, they indeed have not bypassed immortality
who have not bypassed minding body.



Beggars, they have restrained immortality
who have restrained minding body.



Beggars, they indeed have embarked on immortality
who have embarked on minding body.



Beggars, they have been careless with immortality
who have been careless with minding body.



Beggars, they indeed have not been careless with immortality
who have not been careless with minding body.



Beggars, they have forgotten immortality
who have forgotten minding body.



Beggars, they indeed have not forgotten immortality
who have not forgotten minding body.



Beggars, they have not visited immortality
who have not visited minding body.



Beggars, they indeed have visited immortality
who have visited minding body.



Beggars, they have not made immortality become
who have not made minding body become.



Beggars, they indeed have made immortality become
who have made minding body become.



Beggars, they have not made a big thing of immortality
who have not made a big thing of minding body.



Beggars, they indeed have made a big thing of immortality
who have made a big thing of minding body.



Beggars, they have no higher knowledge of immortality
who have not got higher knowledge of minding body.



Beggars, they indeed have higher knowledge of immortality
who have higher knowledge of minding body.



Beggars, they have no thorough knowledge of immortality
who have no thorough knowledge of minding body.



Beggars, they indeed have thorough knowledge of immortality
who have thorough knowledge of minding body.



Beggars, they have not realized the truth of immortality
who have not realized the truth of minding body.

Beggars, they indeed have realized the truth of immortality
who have realized the truth of minding body.

Here Ends the Ones



The Book of Ones 1-97 ] The Book of Ones 98-187 ] The Book of Ones 188-210 ] The Book of Ones 211-234 ] The Book of Ones 235-247 ] The Book of Ones 248-257 ] The Book of Ones 258-295 ] The Book of Ones 296-393 ] The Book of Ones 394-494 ] The Book of Ones 495-584 ] The Book of Ones 585-654 ]