The Book of Ones

Suttas 495-584



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the first burning
while making become the guiding force of faith
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the first burning
while making become the guiding force of energy,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the first burning
while making become the guiding force of memory,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the first burning
while making become the guiding force of high-getting,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the first burning
while making become the guiding force of wisdom,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the first burning
while making become the power of faith,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the first burning
while making become the power of energy,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the first burning
while making become the power of memory,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the first burning
while making become the power of high-getting,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the first burning
while making become the power of wisdom,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the second burning
while making become the guiding force of faith,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the second burning
while making become the guiding force of energy,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the second burning
while making become the guiding force of memory,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the second burning
while making become the guiding force of high-getting,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the second burning
while making become the guiding force of wisdom,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the second burning
while making become the power of faith,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the second burning
while making become the power of energy,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the second burning
while making become the power of memory,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the second burning
while making become the power of high-getting,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the second burning
while making become the power of wisdom,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the third burning
while making become the guiding force of faith,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the third burning
while making become the guiding force of energy,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the third burning
while making become the guiding force of memory,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the third burning
while making become the guiding force of high-getting,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the third burning
while making become the guiding force of wisdom,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the third burning
while making become the power of faith,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the third burning
while making become the power of energy,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the third burning
while making become the power of memory,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the third burning
while making become the power of high-getting,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the third burning
while making become the power of wisdom,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the fourth burning
while making become the guiding force of faith,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the fourth burning
while making become the guiding force of energy,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the fourth burning
while making become the guiding force of memory,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the fourth burning
while making become the guiding force of high-getting,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the fourth burning
while making become the guiding force of wisdom,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the fourth burning
while making become the power of faith,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the fourth burning
while making become the power of energy,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the fourth burning
while making become the power of memory,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the fourth burning
while making become the power of high-getting,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains the fourth burning
while making become the power of wisdom,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains friendly vibrations
while making become the guiding force of faith,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains friendly vibrations
while making become the guiding force of energy,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains friendly vibrations
while making become the guiding force of memory,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains friendly vibrations
while making become the guiding force of high-getting,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains friendly vibrations
while making become the guiding force of wisdom,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains friendly vibrations
while making become the power of faith,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains friendly vibrations
while making become the power of energy,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains friendly vibrations
while making become the power of memory,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains friendly vibrations
while making become the power of high-getting,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains friendly vibrations
while making become the power of wisdom,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains sympathetic vibrations
while making become the guiding force of faith,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains sympathetic vibrations
while making become the guiding force of energy,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains sympathetic vibrations
while making become the guiding force of memory,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains sympathetic vibrations
while making become the guiding force of high-getting,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains sympathetic vibrations
while making become the guiding force of wisdom,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains sympathetic vibrations
while making become the power of faith,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains sympathetic vibrations
while making become the power of energy,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains sympathetic vibrations
while making become the power of memory,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains sympathetic vibrations
while making become the power of high-getting,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains sympathetic vibrations
while making become the power of wisdom,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains empathetic vibrations
while making become the guiding force of faith,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains empathetic vibrations
while making become the guiding force of energy,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains empathetic vibrations
while making become the guiding force of memory,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains empathetic vibrations
while making become the guiding force of high-getting,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains empathetic vibrations
while making become the guiding force of wisdom,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains empathetic vibrations
while making become the power of faith,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains empathetic vibrations
while making become the power of energy,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains empathetic vibrations
while making become the power of memory,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains empathetic vibrations
while making become the power of high-getting,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains empathetic vibrations
while making become the power of wisdom,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains objective detachment
while making become the guiding force of faith,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains objective detachment
while making become the guiding force of energy,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains objective detachment
while making become the guiding force of memory,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains objective detachment
while making become the guiding force of high-getting,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains objective detachment
while making become the guiding force of wisdom,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains objective detachment
while making become the power of faith,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains objective detachment
while making become the power of energy,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains objective detachment
while making become the power of memory,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains objective detachment
while making become the power of high-getting,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
attains objective detachment
while making become the power of wisdom,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
makes become the guiding force of faith,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
makes become the guiding force of energy,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
makes become the guiding force of memory,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
makes become the guiding force of high-getting,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
makes become the guiding force of wisdom,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
makes become the power of faith,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
makes become the power of energy,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
makes become the power of memory,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
makes become the power of high-getting,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



If Beggars, a beggar
makes become the power of wisdom,
if even for only so short a time
as it takes to snap the fingers,
that Beggar may be called a Bhikkhu;
his burning is not rudderless;
he lives the Master’s teaching;
he follows advice;
not without purpose does he enjoy
the handouts of the realm.
What then can be said
of one who makes much of such a thing?



The Book of Ones 1-97 ] The Book of Ones 98-187 ] The Book of Ones 188-210 ] The Book of Ones 211-234 ] The Book of Ones 235-247 ] The Book of Ones 248-257 ] The Book of Ones 258-295 ] The Book of Ones 296-393 ] The Book of Ones 394-494 ] The Book of Ones 495-584 ] The Book of Ones 585-654 ]