The Book of Ones

Suttas 248-257



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my lay followers
who first took Refuge
are Tapassu and Bhallika, the tradesmen.



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my lay followers
who is a giver
is Sudatto Anathapindiko.



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my lay followers
who teach The Word
is Citto gahapati.



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my lay followers
who has gathered-round a group
by using the Four Basics for Making Friends
is Hatthako Alavako.



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my lay followers
who gives plentiful food
is Mahanamo Sakko.



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my lay followers
who gives pleasing gifts
is Uggo gahapati Vesaliko.



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my lay followers
who serves the Order
is Uggato gahapati.



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my lay followers
who is of uninterrupted faith
is Suro Ambattho.



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my lay followers
who is respected by the people
is Jivako Komarabhacco.



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my lay followers
who uses the intimate mode
is Nakulapita gahapati.



The Book of Ones 1-97 ] The Book of Ones 98-187 ] The Book of Ones 188-210 ] The Book of Ones 211-234 ] The Book of Ones 235-247 ] The Book of Ones 248-257 ] The Book of Ones 258-295 ] The Book of Ones 296-393 ] The Book of Ones 394-494 ] The Book of Ones 495-584 ] The Book of Ones 585-654 ]