The Book of Ones

Suttas 188-210



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my Beggars
who have been here a long time,
is Aññákondañña.



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my Beggars
who are of great wisdom
is Sariputta.



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my Beggars
who are of great mental power
is Maha Moggalana.



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my Beggars
who observes and recommends
strict adherence to the smallest details
of proper behavior
under the The Word
is Maha Kassapa.



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my Beggars
who has the power
of the Dibba Cakkhu
is Anuruddha.



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my Beggars
who are high-born
is Bhaddiya Kaligodha’s son.



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my Beggars
who speak with a sweetly-flowing voice
is Bhaddiya the Dwarf.



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my Beggars
who roar the lion’s roar
is Bharadvaja the Scrap-hunter.



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my Beggars
who teach The Word is
Punno Mantani-putto.



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my Beggars
who explain in full
that which was said in brief
is Maha Kaccana.



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my Beggars
who are able to conjure up bodies
by way of higher mental power
is Cula-panthako.



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my Beggars
who are evolvers of mind
is Cula-panthako.



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my Beggars
who are evolvers of perception
is Maha-Panthaka.



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my Beggars
who’s habitat is in the solitude of the forest
is Subhuti.



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my Beggars
who is worthy to receive offerings
is Subhuti



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my Beggars
who has mastered living
in the solitude of the forest
is Revata, the Acacia-woodlander.



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my Beggars
who has mastered the burnings
is Revata the Doubter.



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my Beggars
who firmly established
energetic effort
is Sono Koliviso.



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my Beggars
who speak with a lustrous voice
is Sono Kutikanno, Sona-Million-Dollar-Ears.



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my Beggars
who gain offerings
is Sivali.



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my Beggars
who are freed through faith
is Vakkali.



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my Beggars
who want to study
is Rahula.



At the top, Beggars,
of those of my Beggars
who became homeless out of faith
is Ratthapalo.



The Book of Ones 1-97 ] The Book of Ones 98-187 ] The Book of Ones 188-210 ] The Book of Ones 211-234 ] The Book of Ones 235-247 ] The Book of Ones 248-257 ] The Book of Ones 258-295 ] The Book of Ones 296-393 ] The Book of Ones 394-494 ] The Book of Ones 495-584 ] The Book of Ones 585-654 ]