Earlier today I saw photos of the now empty streets of Ottawa. The truckers made sure to leave everything clean and tidy, as if nothing had happened, except something massive had happened.
They showed the world the best example of humanity with their courage, decency, kindness, honesty, empathy, generosity, compassion and love. And they brought joy to the hearts of millions of people around the world that saw in them, for the first time in a long time, a ray of hope and a possibility of coming together to heal our broken nations.
We must thank the Canadian truckers for igniting the fire that we will carry forward with us. It reminded us of how wonderful it is to be human, how incredibly powerful we become when we unite and how empowering it is to do everything in the name of love.
The streets of Ottawa may be empty but our hearts are full of love, of gratitude, of hope and of truth.
This is not the end. It’s the beginning.
Thank you Canada.