Well, in case you haven't heard, one of the main organizers of the Freedom Convoy, Tom Marazzo, held a press conference yesterday in which he said the organizers have decided to peacefully retreat from their protest in Ottawa. As you listen to him share (he starts at the 6 min mark) you can understand their reasoning. They realize that JT and his liberal partners have absolutely no intention of negotiating or even listening to the people. Instead, they are determined to beat the people into submission - literally. The police actions of the past few days are evidence of their ruthless and heartless response to a people simply asking to exercise their charter rights. Many believe, and I concur, that the "police" being used this weekend are being exported from outside of Canada (some suggest from the UN). They are not wearing badges or bodycams. These "heavy guns" have been brought in, not to keep the peace, but create chaos.
Tom says that they refuse to be treated as human punching bags and will not take their bait (he gets choked up numerous times during his message as you can see how passionate he is about this). Therefore, they are going to retreat and "regroup." They don't know what that looks like, yet, but I have a sense that many of these truckers are not ready to go home. Tom clarifies that he is not telling anyone what to do since this is a grassroots movement and every trucker needs to decide for themselves what they need to do. They are certainly not backing down - simply reevaluating their strategy for future momentum. (Plus - there are many things happening at once - videos and testimonies continue to be shared that show masses of people who are NOT leaving.)
I believe this is proof that we cannot "fight" this battle in the flesh, alone. As bold and brave as these folks have been, we are dealing with demonic forces. If we truly believe that, then we must also know that our heavenly army VASTLY outnumbers theirs! This battle will not be won simply by having more trucks parked in a city - it will be won by a people united in one heart and one mind. THIS is what is growing! Regardless of where these trucks are parked, our prayers of agreement are demolishing these spiritual strongholds and immobilizing these wicked warlords! We most certainly have not "lost!" If anything, the peoples' resolve is growing stronger by the day. Regardless of what the enemy tries to do, we will win because truth and love always shines brighter than lies and hate. "The government shall be on HIS shoulder...and of the increase of His government and of peace, there will be no end" (Isaiah 9:6-7).