Patriots and Frog Family
One of our staunch Patriots had a very interesting post that I feel everyone should know this or review it. The Gab post came from KiwiBlokeDaza.
“We all should very much care about the evil Georgia GuideStones existing.
Carved into stone, the cabal want to CULL 7 Billion from the planet, believing it over-populated.
Erected 1980. Obviously with full knowledge and approval by the "government authorities" = complicit.
[Context: Some States have been Dem controlled for 60+ continuous years. ALL the ones with voting machine irregularities & “issues”]
The cabal NEVER expected Killary to lose.
[Hubris = 1of 7 Deadly sins, is it not?]
“Symbolism will be their Down Fall”
The cabal is an Ancient, satan-worshipping, Global cabal of government, media, Hollywood, woke Corporations, UN, Red Cross, Vatican, Thrones, NGO’s ++ embedded for Generations of Blood Lines & Hundreds of years Globally – it’s huge!
Bigger than anyone knows! Massive! [D.U.M.B’s]
Swamp have had the entire planet and Humanity under their cabal control for centuries and so full of Hubris and over-confidence were they, they publicly declared their intent to the world - carved in stone in 12 different languages – announced in 1980. Helped by local & State government - [by implication advocating for this Genocide carved in stone]
This SCAMdemic PLANNEDemic has been just another skirmish in the Centuries-old WAR for Humanity... and the cabal’s rationale and catalyst for lockdowns = Mail-in voter ballots to steal US Election & other Elections world-wide,[YES – NZ] while also imploding locked-down economies world-wide over a few years.
Solution = WEF "Great Financial Reset" [Build Back Better]
Swamp need to hide over $100Tn stolen by Wall Street and the other $100Tn laundered by Wall Street in the WEF reset...[except kek – GESARA from the Gold-Backed Standard, QFS – Quantum Financial System totally rat-fucks ALL their Financial Reset plans, while also turning it into a Global Sting to catch all the Global swamp BIG Finance …it’s Epic]
President Trump is not only ending all their evil to Humanity and the trafficked children. He's caught them ALL. World-wide whoever, wherever and they have EVERYTHING - all the evidence - all mapped out, all monies tracked and traced, all with all the evidence for the Military Tribunals... that will then become Nuremberg2.0 Military Tribunals.
President Trump has caught every single one of them Globally.
#Kraken5EYESNuremberg2021EvidenceNo one wants it all to end sooner than President Trump and all those Hero Mighty Warriors of Almighty God - who are on the front line, rescuing all the children from these evil - Beings [Mankind descendants of Cain/Satan - not Human descendants of Seth/Adam] - enslaving Humanity for Centuries!
Almighty God Wins
*Dr. Ashley Bloomfield - NZ Director General of Health - CLEARLY of obvious bloodline with mangele - Dr. Ash is Dr. DeathV2.0 bloodline
Planned or pure coincidence?
Event201 - Planned or pure coincidence?
2+2 = 1984”
Interesting, heh? Personally I think we should hold a “rock crushing party” at that site although it may be taken down by the Rods of God??? Hmmm sounds good to me either way. Everyone have a fun Sunday. Stay alert. Stay prepared. WWG1WGA. GOD BLESS YOU ALL! Love and peace!
Mar ❤️❤️❤️ 2/6/22