Wherz Waldo
For those who still prefer be in denial about the Illuminati.. here's a quick resume:
Organizers of many wars, financing both sides.
Documented since the 18th century but they didnt arrived from space, they must have transited from medieval times to the industrial revolution.
The Napoleonic Wars, WW1 and WW2 were organized by them, controlling every countries, not reacting to one.
The Federal Reserve, the United
Nations, and all relative industries. Energy source, pharma, food and drugs, cars and so on.
Even WW3 plans have been made in the 19th century and so far everything they want, they get it so dont be crying cuz we are the game, and they have the joystick.
Bible gave the rulebook of this game, told us not to idol and adore fake saviors and liars.
And we failed a long time ago.
But we been hijacked by other beings after ww2, when truly the shit hit the fan. So I'd say we are forgiven.
They are in no hurry at all - and will dance around what we tolerate, and achieve to stop.
Population is very stubborn to changes, and slow to wake up since it's hooked up on drugs and media shoving in the greatest lie ever told to so many people worldwide, that we are nothing without a government.
To idol a fake savior. To replace God by so-called leaders makes us weak and lost.
Lots of people in the country have paid their mortgage and flew on vacations with the bribes and gifts, coming from every angles if one is in position of control. Doctors, judges, news producers, law makers, food industry, agriculture, name it. And the easiest people to corrupt are always, and since ever, politicians. The weakest trait of humankind for thousands of years. But we envy luxury and want a piece of what they have
You people have to cancel your TV subscriptions, never watch news broadcasts again.
And treat Politicians like the criminal they are.
Sorry for those politician that are clean, but wait to have a taste of satan's cock and you too, like Trudeau, you'll want another good lick of the tip.