Gypsy Coe
Topic of ‘ Queen ‘ Romana
I hope you are kind in reply’s and I hope you all will read this with an open mind and a kind heart,,, I’m on your side of this fight too.
I was reluctant when I first heard of this ‘Queen’ and still the word triggers me, just as I know it is triggering you,, we have for so long connected that word to a monarchy, that in recent light has shown how truly evil it is.
So out of curiosity and encouragement through a true patriotic friend I joined the Telegram to follow what was happening and see just what this ‘ Queen’ was all about,,,, know what I saw?
I saw a group of Canadians together raising money to send hay donations across Canada for farmers that had non,, tens and thousands of pounds of hay to drought stricken farmers.
I saw a veteran get a much needed new scooter.
I saw boxes and boxes of donations going to fire , flood victims in BC
I saw A man that lost his home due to fire get a place to live for him and his grandkids
I saw 150 grocery pages be developed for people to support brothers and sisters in their area and thousand of people WORLDWIDE benefit from it.
Surgery completed for an autistic child that was refused service in our hospital for not wearing mask or being vaccinated.
Bills paid for for those about to lose their homes or places to live.
This was all done by Canadians,, we the people,,,coming together and raising millions in support of those who needed it.... so damn beautiful!!
Then I read what she supports:
A rebuilt government,, a change of how it runs,,, freedom to the people for choice of medical freedom,,, an end to the corruption in the banking system .. a rebuild of education,, and it goes on and on and on with things we all support.
I’m shaky while writing this,, and nervous for responses,, but I hope it just opens up some hearts and minds
I can’t see the future or even really understand what is going on, but Geez someone trying to do so much for humanity and bring people together to love and support each other doesn’t sound like such a bad thing to me.
I have always been so proud of Canada and the flag it waved,,, but recent light has pointed on how Canada is a corporation,, that red and white flag represents that old system,, the Monarchy and all that has controlled us.
And I understand why folks were upset, nobody understands,,, I’m just learning too.
And calling her followers a ‘ Cult’ is like calling this convoy Racist... it’s just what those who don’t know think.
I’m sending love to you all,, I don’t know how it all plays out,,, I just know what I saw and how I feel about what has been accomplished!
Thankyou Truckers,, I will be forever great full!❤️