Cryptome CIC Archive - 03 March 2018

US Army Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC)
Italian Frontier Control Detachment
CIC Agent Reports DECEMBER 1944 - JANUARY 1947

10AUG42 Approach Roads from Switzerland: Extract From ITALY Ch. II/3/e/3b

26DEC44 Memorandum for Major Powers, CIC AFHQ: Personnel Needs
27DEC44 Italo-Swiss Frontier Control Discussions
28DEC44 Proposed Control of the Italo-Swiss Frontier

02JAN45 Personnel Needs for the French-Italian Frontier
04JAN45 Communications for the Italo-French Frontier
05JAN45 Italo-Swiss Frontier Communications
06JAN45 The CIC Function in Travel Control
17JAN45 Decisions Taken on Supplies to Partisans in North Italy
08FEB45 Proposed Control of the Franco-Italian Frontier
16FEB45 Signals Personnel and Equipment for CIC Italian Frontier Control
19FEB45 Communications Problem on Italo-French and Italo-Swiss Frontiers
12MAR45 Radio Communications for CIC Italian Frontier Control Detachment
14APR45 Revised War Department Policies on CIC Organization and Function
04MAY45 Road-Block at "Pas de Paradis"
09MAY45 List of Persons Arrested While Crossing the Frontier
00MAY45 CIC Border Control Short-handed
10MAY45 Italo-French Frontier: Preliminary Situation Report
11MAY45 Italo-French Frontier: Arrival of Allied Military Government at Susa
13MAY45 Interrogation of KAUFFER, Roger, of Corredo Sabotage School
15MAY45 Unauthorized Crossing Franco-Ital. Frontier: PEZZOTA, NESSI, RUFFINI
15MAY45 French Maquis and Partisan Activities
15MAY45 French Propaganda in Frontier Region: Newspapers, Leaflets
15MAY45 Frontier Incidents: Violations of the American Flag
17MAY45 War Criminal Wanted by French: Vichy General ANTOINE GABRIEL DURAND
17MAY45 Proposed Survey of Italo-French Frontier
17MAY45 Members of SABOTAGE SCHOOL at Corredo: Roll of Parachutist Battalion
17MAY45 Minor Riot and Demonstration in Aosta: French Propaganda
18MAY45 Situation Report: Susa Sub-Section
21MAY45 Information Requested by Headquarters
22MAY45 Aggression from French Military Soldiers against Commander
23MAY45 Italian Garrison at Moncenisio: Ousting of Italian Guards by French
24MAY45 AFHQ Frontier Regulations: Violations of Same
25MAY45 Ousting of Italian Guards by French at Moncenisio
25MAY45 Italo-French Frontier: Miscellaneous Information
25MAY45 French Military Personnel in the Turin Area
28MAY45 General Survey Areas from Susa to Moncenisio and to Claviers
01JUN45 Vetting of Guarda di Finanza Border Guards
02JUN45 Italian Frontier Control (Dispersal of Personnel)
02JUN45 Use of Vehicles
09JUN45 Approved Frontaliers for Issue
12JUN45 Frontaliers (Tessera di Frontiera) Traffic: Statement for the Press
12JUN45 Frontalier Crossing Points (Italo-Swiss Frontier)
13JUN45 Communist Party: Russian Sponsored Activity in Frontier Area
01JUL45 Contraband Activity in Aosta Province
01JUL45 Violation of Frontier Regulations by Allied Frontier Guards
05JUL45 CIC Detachment Order: Trieste, Verona, Milan, Leghorn, Rome, Naples
12JUL45 Weekly Intelligence Summary Report: Contraband, Repatriation, etc.
24JUL45 Use of Vehicles
24JUL45 Control of Austro/Italian Frontier Covering VORALBERG and TIROL
24JUL45 Survey of Security Controls in Venezia Giulia
14AUG45 Visits by Russian Officers to Communist Headquarters
28AUG45 Swiss Secret Police Request Identity of Himler Officers in Photo
30AUG45 Supplies for CIC Officers
30AUG45 War Department: Destruction of Classified Communications Matter
8SEPT45 War Department: Instructions to Officer-Couriers
8SEPT45 Arrest of MULLER, Wolf Mittler
9SEPT45 Civilians w/ AMG Permits Attempting to Cross Italo-French Frontier
11SEP45 German Nationals Expelled from Switzerland: GRIPP, GRIPP and JANSSEN
17SEP45 Requesting Swiss Black-list Clearance
17SEP45 Larceny of 1/4 Ton Vehicle, WD No. 20656544
29SEP45 Stolen 1/4 ton Jeep, WD USA No. 20684089
04DEC45 Communist Activities

09JAN46 Enemy Agents: CASUL, Pierre, alias LUSSAC, Pierre, alias Mr. PETER
10JAN46 Illegal Crossing and Contraband
14JAN46 Arrest of Confidential Informant: Nick, PALIGORICH, Lt.,RYA, Italy
15JAN46 Demonstration at the Municipal Building
15JAN46 Denunciation of DOTT. GIUSEPPE CEI
16JAN46 Avvocato Camillo DONATI: re Sequestration of Bus
17JAN46 Neo-Fascist Organizations in Northern Italy
21JAN46 Arrest of Allied Personnel Involved in Armed Robbery
23JAN46 Investigating Permits to Trieste: Yugoslav Welfare Society, Milan
25JAN46 French Intelligence Activity in Northern Italy
06FEB46 Investigation of Unauthorized Control of Italo-French Frontier
15FEB46 Proposed Transfer of Dr. BOLOGNESI, PS, Frontier Control
18FEB46 Investigation of Unauthorized Control of Italo-French Frontier
19FEB46 Misrepresentation of Ex-FSS Informants as Allied Police
28FEB46 Letter to Mssrs. Mascioni
02MAR46 TOP SECRET: Foreign Information Service D.G.E.R. - France
04MAR46 Allied Force Permits
08MAR46 TOP SECRET:  Activity of French D.G.E.R. Intelligence Organization
09MAR46 Georg WACHS, alias Dr. Georgio SCARDONA, Member German Armed Forces
13MAR46 Planned Escape from San Vittore Prison
25MAR46 Intercepted Letter From Belgrade
25MAR46 Secret Field Police (Feld Polizei: Denunciation by Dr. CORBELLINI
26MAR46 Telegrams from General MIHALOVIC Headquarters
31MAR46 Yugoslave Troop Dispositions Near Italian Frontier
02APR46 TOP SECRET: DGER French Intelligence Anti-American Activity
08APR46 Fifth Column in Trieste
09APR46 Request for Release: Enrico Trojsi MUELLER
16APR46 Information Regarding Irma FIORIN
16APR46 Arrest and Interrogation: TARLE Marchk di Simone
24APR46 Stealing of Mussolini's Corpse from Musocco Cemetery in Milano
24APR46 Military Situation in Jugoslavia
25APR46 Investigation: Armed Revolt in S. Vittore Prison, Milano
27APR46 Military Situation in Yugoslavia
30APR46 Summary of Information: PARRILLI, Luigi, Baron a.k.a. "Baron X"
10MAY46 Yugoslav Intelligence Activity in Italy (TITO)
11MAY46 Rumors of Uprising: PCI and PSI
14MAY46 Investigation: MAZZONIS, Baronessa
16MAY46 Communist Party Plan: Preparations for Over-throwing Existing Govmt
17MAY46 D.G.E.R. Reorganization
17MAY46 Spanish Subjects in Milan: Recruitment of Anti-Fascist Elements
17MAY46 General Military Situation in Lubjliana Area
18MAY46 Greater Belgrade Garrison Locations
22MAY46 Speech by Guglielmo GIANNINI, "L'UOMO QUALUNQUE"
01JUN46 Capture of General Draja MIHAILOVIC
07JUN46 Re-Arrest and Interrogation: BAUMGARTNER, Franz, Lt.
10JUN46 Investigation and Interrogation: BERTHIER, Robert - BERTHIER, Jean
10JUN46 Loss of Military Intelligence Division (MID) Badge No. C-3267
13JUN46 Monarchist Newspaper: Yugoslav Herald 
17JUN46 U.S.S.R. Activity in Switzerland
19JUN46 Communist Activity, Italy
19JUN46 Escaped P.O.W. FRASE, Karl Heins alias MORRISON, Jack
20JUN46 Yugoslav Activities
21JUN46 Yugoslav Activities
09JUL46 Communist and Yugoslav Activity in Trieste Area
16JUL46 Communist Party Activity
16JUL46 "Il Corriere Lombardo" Sold
17JUL46 Yugoslave Army (TITO) Activity in Venezia Giulia
19JUL46 Suspected OZNA Informants
21JUL46 French Intelligence Activity in Italy
22JUL46 Suspected OZNA Officials, Agents & Informers
23JUL46 Demonstration of Unemployed in Milan
24JUL46 City Policemen in Milan
24JUL46 "TEPRO" Yugoslav Commercial Activities
30JUL46 Italian Air Force Personnel
05AUG46 OZNA Suspects
05AUG46 Attitude of Press towards Allies Especially Great Britain
05AUG46 Anti-British Propaganda - ANSA
05AUG46 French Intelligence Activity in Piedmonte
05AUG46 Veterans' Demonstration in Milan
05AUG46 Summary of Information: Palmiro TOGLIATTI
05AUG46 PCI-OZNA-USSR in Central and Southern Italy
06AUG46 Activities of Albanian Organizations in Italy
06AUG46 Economic and Military Activity in Albania
06AUG46 TOP SECRET: Clandestine Jewish Immigration
06AUG46 Pro-USSR and Anti-Allied propaganda
09AUG46 Propaganda Methods of the P.C.I.
09AUG46 Arrest of Sergeant Fernand D'ALBY
09AUG46 Suspected Jugoslav Agents
09AUG46 Jugoslav Activity, Suspected OZNA Informants and Agents in Italy
09AUG46 Jugoslav Activity
09AUG46 Summary of Information: "Squadra Celere"
09AUG46 Neo-Fascist Activity: Arrest of GASPARINI, GRASSI, TORREGIANI
09AUG46 TOP SECRET: Communist Party Funds
09AUG46 USSR Citizens in Italy
11AUG46 Information on STEFANOVICH, Radmila
12AUG46 French Intelligence Agents
12AUG46 PCI and OZNA activity in Trieste
19AUG46 USSR Internal Situation: Marshal ZUKHOW
20AUG46 Recovery of MUSSOLINI's Corpse
20AUG46 Departure of Colonel George S. Smith, G.S.C., A.C. of S., G-2
21AUG46 Communist Party Activity
22AUG46 French Intelligence Activity
22AUG46 Location of Jugoslav Headquarters in Zone "B"
22AUG46 Italian Air Force Personnel: Recruitment in Jugoslav Air Force
23AUG46 Commercial Transactions in Italy: MARCONI, ERICSSON, PHILLIPS
23AUG46 "LES AMIS DE LA LIBERTÉ" Political Association
23AUG46 Summary of Information: Giacomo PELLEGRINI, PCI
25AUG46 PCI and PSI Collaboration
27AUG46 Discovery of Uranium Deposits in France
27AUG46 Italian Air Force Personnel: Recruitment in Yugoslav Air Force
27AUG46 Bomb-Throwing Incident Against the "CASA del Popolo" at Lambrate
30AUG46 Claims Against the U.S.: Investigation in Zone 3
30AUG46 Further Information on STEFANOVICH, Radmila
01SEP46 Threatening Note to CIC
06SEP46 Identification of Communist Propaganda Agents
06SEP46 Present Location of Alessandro POLACCI, Luigi DE PACE
06SEP46 USSR - Activity of Soviet Agents in Milan
10SEP46 Jugoslav Documents
13SEP46 Italian Air Force Personnel: Recruitment for Jugoslav Air Force
23SEP46 TRASMISSIONE - di una tabella dei convenzionali
27SEP46 Suspected OZNA Agents
27SEP46 Mario MONTAGNA, PCI Intelligence and Counter Intelligence Chief
27SEP46 Newspaper circulation in Milan for August 1946
27SEP46 Counter Intelligence Activity in Switzerland
27SEP46 Jugoslav Commercial Activity
27SEP46 Italian Anarchist Federation
27SEP46 "BALLI KOMBETARE" (National Front) Albanian Refugee Movement
27SEP46 Jugoslav and OZNA Activity in Italy
27SEP46 Betty WIESER Marriage Check
01OCT46 Uranium Deposits in France: Confirmation from Switzerland
04OCT46 Summary of Information: Albania
05OCT46 Investigation: URBANC, Peter
07OCT46 Facilitate Travel by Confidential Informant VASIC, Zakorka
08OCT46 Jugoslav Commercial Activity
08OCT46 Meeting of Two Leaders of Serbian Agrarian Party
08OCT46 Russian Intelligence Activity
11OCT46 Rumors of Jugoslav Annexation of Albania
11OCT46 Activity of Macek (Matchek)
11OCT46 Summary of Information: "Les Amis de la Liberté"
11OCT46 Suspected OZNA Agents in Venezia Giulia
11OCT46 Macek Supporters in Italy
11OCT46 Croat Communist Party
14OCT46 Royal Jugoslav Soldiers in Milan
15OCT46 Investigation: Polish Consular Personnel in Milan
17OCT46 Indian Communists in Milan
17OCT46 Summary of Information: Leo BERKOVIC, alias Josef LEVINSKI
18OCT46 "Intraco" - Jugoslav Commercial Activity
18OCT46 Bank Account of Russian Embassy
18OCT46 Summary of Information: Piero PURICELLI
18OCT46 Summary of Information: Vittorio SHENIZA
18OCT46 Summary of Information: Raoul BRETZEL
18OCT46 Communist Agents' Activity
18OCT46 Jugoslav Activity in Venezia Julia
18OCT46 Summary of Information: Jugoslavia
19OCT46 Italo-British Conversations on Commercial Problems
19OCT46 Anglo-Swiss Textile industries
21OCT46 Wage Settlement for Industrial Workers
21OCT46 Commercial Agreements between Fiat and Kaiser-Frazer
21OCT46 Italian Industry - Data on Industrial Production, September 1946
22OCT46 Electric Power Industries - Increased Costs and Prices
05NOV46 Explosion at the "Casa del Popolo" Porta Genova, Milan, 9 October
05NOV46 Further Investigation: Yugoslav Commercial Activity
05NOV46 OZNA Activity
12NOV46 Summary of Information: Guglielmo Giannini
12NOV46 Summary of Information: "Dynamopress"
12NOV46 Summary of Information: GAUN (fnu)
19NOV46 Suspected OZNA Agents in Venezia Giulia
21NOV46 Investigation: OSTALER, Maria
21NOV46 Summary of Information: TOLENTINO (fnu)
21NOV46 Summary of Information: Momcilo DJUJIC
21NOV46 Summary of Information: Odette Jacqueret MARINKOVIC
21NOV46 Investigation: John J. GIARRATANO, ASN 0671340
23NOV46 Yugoslav Commercial Activity
23NOV46 Suspected Agents and Informants in the Venezia Giulia
29NOV46 Resistance Movement in Yugoslavia
29NOV46 Communist Activity in Trieste and Venezia Giulia
29NOV49 Summary of Information: Zarko, STREKELJ - MILIC
29NOV46 Yugoslav Military Activity in Zone "B"
29NOV46 Communist Party Arms Cache
29NOV46 Royal Yugoslav Propaganda Leaflets in Zone "B" of Venezia Giulia
30NOV46 Communist-Jewish Activity
02DEC46 Czechoslovakian Consulate, Milan
02DEC46 Activities of the USSR Consulate General in Milan
02DEC46 Alleged meeting with Soviets DI VITTORIO, ALBERGANTI, NICOLA
02DEC46 Summary of Information: Gasparini, Sindace of Legnano
02DEC46 Social-Communist Collaboration
06DEC46 Investigation: "DYNAMOPRESS"
09DEC46 OZNA Suspect: Pubo NENADIC
09DEC46 Yugoslav Commercial Activity
17DEC46 Investigation: Attempted Anti-Allied Provocation
17DEC46 OZNA Suspects in the Venezia Giulia
27DEC46 Arrest of Subject: Haimza MELAMED (alias ZIVOJIN MELAMED)
28DEC46 Excerpt Article on CIC and SS Col. Eugen DOLLMANN (in Italian)
31DEC46 General Situation Report

04JAN47 Investigation: Dottore GERINO, Giancarlo
07JAN47 Yugoslav Army Activity in Fiume Area
10JAN47 Possiblity of Strike among Textile Workers
10JAN47 Strengthening of Swiss Army: New Border Fortifications
10JAN47 "Partisan Day of Solidarity"
13JAN47 Organization of the "B.M" Squads (Brigate Milano)
16JAN47 Summary of Information: LUZZATO, Giancarlo, alias "SCORPIONE"
28JAN47 OZNA Personalities in Milan, Italy
28JAN47 Organization of "B.M" Squads (Brigate Milano)
31JAN47 General Situation Report