

PAB, Professional Auditors Bulletin (a series of technical booklet issues.) (BTB 20 Aug 71R II) 

PACK, a pack is a collection of written materials which match a checksheet. It is variously constituted—such as loose-leaf or a cardboard folder or bulletins in a cover stapled together. A pack does not necessarily include a booklet or hardcover book that may be called for as part of a checksheet. (HCOB 19 Jun 71 III)


PACKAGE, always consists of two RIs that are terminals and two RIs that are oppterms. (HCOB 27 Jan 63)


PAIN, 1. is composed of heat, cold, electrical, and the combined effect of sharp hurting. If one stuck a fork in his arm, he would experience pain. When one uses PAIN in connection with clearing one means awareness of heat, cold, electrical or hurting stemming from the reactive mind. According to experiments done at Harvard, if one were to make a grid with heated tubes going vertical and chilled tubes going horizontal and were to place a small current of electricity through the lot, the device, touched to a body, would produce the feeling of PAIN. It need not be composed of anything very hot or cold or of any high voltage to produce a very intense feeling of pain. Therefore what we call PAIN is itself, heat, cold and electrical. If a pc experiences one or more of these from his reactive mind, we say he is experiencing PAIN. Symbol: PN. (HCOB 8 Nov 62) 2. the sharp impulse or dull impulse of heat, cold and electrical. (SH Spec 202A, 6210C23) 3. the sensation of pain is actually a sensation of loss. It is a loss of beingness, loss of position and awareness . ( COHA, p . 210) 4. too much motion too fast . (5203CM05B) 5. pain, technically, is caused by an effort counter to the effort of the individual as a whole. (Scn Jour 5-G) 6. pain is the randomity produced by sudden or strong counter-efforts. (AP&A, p. 100) 7. the sudden impact of theta and mest together could be considered a turbulence which creates dissonance in theta. This is registered and recorded as pain. (SOS, p. 40) 8. theta and mest coming together too hard get into a turmoil which we call pain. (SOS, p. 5) 9. pain is a warning of non-survival or potential death. (SA, p. 27)


PAIN ASSOCIATION, the person is made to associate his "wrong ideas" with pain so that he "will not have these ideas," or will be "prevented from doing these things." A crude current example is to electric shock a person every time he smokes a cigarette. After several "treatments" he is supposed to associate the pain with the idea and so "give up smoking." (HCOB 16 Jul 70)


PAINFUL EMOTION ENGRAM, 1. similar to other engrams. It is caused by the shock of sudden loss such as the death of a loved one. (DMSMN, p. 62) 2. the death, departure or denial by an ally is a certain painful emotion engram. (DMSMN, p. 353)


PAINFUL INCIDENT, any incident which was painful; a death, an operation, a big failure, big enough to render you unconscious such as an accident. (NFP, p. 99)


PAN-DETERMINISM, 1. would mean a willingness to start, change and stop on any and all dynamics. That is its primary definition. A further definition, also a precision definition, is: the willingness to start, change and stop two or more forces, whether or not opposed, and this could be interpreted as two or more individuals, two or more groups, two or more planets, two or more like-species, two or more universes, two or more spirits whether or not opposed. This means that one would not necessarily fight, he would not necessarily choose sides. (Dn 55!, p. 100) 2. defined as determining the activities of two or more sides in a game simultaneously. (PAB 84) 3. the ability to regulate the considerations of two or more identities, whether or not opposed. (COHA, p. 110) 4. full responsibility for both sides of a game. (Scn 0-8, p. 119)


PAN-KNOWINGNESS, in his native state, a thetan knows everything without looking, or anything, but he doesn’t know any particulars of data. These are all invented. So what you would really call this would be a potentiality, or pan-knowingness. (PAB 64)


PAPER TRICK, there are cases around that have been "audited" for years who have never really done a process. This can be whipped by a Comm Process done with paper and pencil. [The comm process discussed in the reference HCOB is "From where could you communicate to a victim?"] You locate the terminal with an E-Meter and then you lay the instrument aside, give the pc a sheet of paper and a pencil, and every time he answers your auditing question, you have him or her draw the answer on the paper. As the Comm Process exceeds language, it can be easily checked. Even if the pc seems to be having some success but could succeed faster you can boost it along with the "paper trick" as this is called. (HCOB 27 Aug 59)


PARANOID, 1. a person with delusions, as of grandeur or, especially, persecution. (HCOB 11 May 65) 2. is one on whom everything is impinged. There isn’t really any such thing as a paranoid. There’s such a thing as collapsed space. (PDC 26)


PARA-SCIENTOLOGY, 1. includes all of the uncertainties and unknown territories of life which have not been completely explored and explained. (PAB 85) 2. that large bin which includes all greater or lesser uncertainties. Here are the questionable things, the things of which the common normal observer cannot be sure with a little study. Here are theories, here are groups of data, even groups commonly accepted as "known." (COHA, p. 188) 3. those things which are uncertainties, such as metaphysics, spirits, other worlds, space opera, whole track, GE line, are all being put into the bin called para-Scientology. (PAB 2)


PARTICLE, energy is subdivisible into a large motion, such as a flow, a dispersal, or a ridge, and a small motion which is itself commonly called a particle in nuclear physics. Agitation within agitation is the basic formation of particles of energy, such as electrons, protons and others. (Scn 8-80, p. 43)


PARTS OF MAN, 1. the individual man is divisible (separable) into three parts (divisions). The first of these is the spirit, called in Scn the Thetan. The second of these parts is the Mind. The third of these parts is the Body. (FOT, p. 54) 2. thetan, thetan machinery, body and the reactive-somatic mind. (8ACC 14, 5410C20)


PAST, on the time track, everything which is earlier than present time. (SOS Gloss)


PASTORAL COUNSELING, Dianetics practiced in the Church of Scientology as pastoral counseling, addresses the spirit in relation to his own body and intended to increase well-being and happiness. (BPL 24 Sept 73R I)


PAST POSTULATES, decisions or conclusions the preclear has made in the past and to which he is still subjected in the present. Past postulates are uniformly invalid since they cannot resolve present environment. (NFP Gloss)


PATHOLOGY, THREE STAGES OF, predisposition, by which is meant the factors which prepared the body for sickness, precipitation, by which is meant the factors which cause the sickness to manifest itself, and perpetuation, by which is meant the factors which cause the sickness to continue. (DMSMH, pp. 91-92)


PATIENT, preclear. (PAB 87)


PATTY-CAKED, Slang. the auditor left off simply because the preclear was having difficulty doing the process. (CONA, p. 113)


PC, preclear. (HCOB 23 Aug 65)


PC EXAMINER, that person in a Scn Church assigned to the duties of noting pcs’ statements, TA position and indicators after session or when pc wishes to volunteer information. (HCO PL 4 Dec 71 V)


PCRD, Primary Correction Rundown: a corrective action. Purpose: to get the person through the PRD. (HCOB 20 Jul 72 I)


PC TYPE A, has few personal problems. Even when they occur he isn’t upset by them. Handles life easily. Is energetic generally and able to work efficiently at things. Takes setbacks optimistically. Feels good most of the time. (HCOB 29 Jun 64)


PC TYPE B, is deluged with personal problems. Can’t see any way out. Gets upset easily or is just in plain apathy and is never upset because things aren’t real anyway (like a boulder wouldn’t get upset). Has a hard time in life. Is generally tired and can’t work very long at anything. Takes setbacks emotionally or just collapses. Feels ill most of the time. A type B can’t be cause. (HCOB 29 Jun 64)


PDH, 1. stands for pain drug hypnosis. It is known to some psychiatrists as a means of compelling obedience. They sometimes use it on psychotics. (LRH ED 2 US and 2WW Only) 2. pain drug hypnosis—a drug is administered to a person, the person is put into a trance and is told things. (5203CM05D)


PE, Personal Efficiency Foundation. (HCOB 23 Aug 65)


PECULIAR CASES, all peculiar cases were cases that weren’t run by standard tech. (Class VIII, No. 1)


PE FOUNDATION, a programmed drill calculated to introduce people to Scn and to bring their cases up to a high level of reality both on Scn and on life. (HCOB 29 Sept 59)




PERCEPTICS, 1. sense messages. (SOS, p. 9) 2. specialized data from the standard memory or reactive banks which represent and reproduce the sense messages of a moment in the past. The sense messages of present time, also; (formerly the word "percepts" was used to mean the sense messages of present time, but usage has dropped this distinction). (SOS Gloss)


PERCEPTION, 1. perception is the process of recording data from the physical universe and storing it as a theta facsimile. (HFP, p. 181) 2. channels through which one can contact the physical universe. (SA, p. 64) 3. any means of communicating below the level of knowingness. There are more than fifty perceptions used by the physical body, the best-known of which are sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. (CONA Gloss)


PERCEPTION POINT, there would be a viewpoint, which is a perception point, which would consist of look, and smell, and talk and hear, and all sorts of things could be thrown in under this category, viewpoint. Ordinarily we simply mean at that level of the scale, looking, but you can throw all the rest of the perceptions in at that level of the scale. (PX~, p. 257)


PERFECT COMMUNICATION, a perfect co munication is one which is duplicated perfectly at the effect point whatever emanated from the cause point. (UPC 1, 5406CM05)


PERFECT DUPLICATE, 1. a perfect duplicate is an additional creation of the object, its energy, and space, in its own space, in its own time, using its own energy. This violates the condition that two objects must not occupy the same space, and causes a vanishment of the object. (Scn 0-8, p. 31) 2. it means a copy in its own space with its own particles in its own time. It’ll disappear if you do that. (5410CM10B)


PERFECT DUPLICATION, cause and effect in the same point in space. (PXL, p. 114)


PERMANENT CERTIFICATE, in the case of an auditor, an internship or formal auditing experience is required. When actual honest evidence is presented to C&A that he has demonstrated that he can produce flubless results his certificate is validated with a gold seal and is a permanent certificate. With other courses the person must demonstrate that he can apply the materials studied by producing an actual, honest statistic in the materials studied. He presents this evidence to C&A and receives a validation gold seal on his certificate. (HCO PL 31 Aug 74 II)


PERMANENT RESTIMULATION, the mechanism of permanent restimulation consists of opposing forces of comparable magnitude which cause a balance which does not respond to current time and remains "timeless." (HCOB 13 Apr 64, Scn VIPart One Tone Arrn Act~on)


PERPETUATION, by which is meant the factors which cause the sickness to continue. (DMSMH, p. 92)


PERSISTENCE, the ability to exert continuance of effort toward survival goals. (Scn 0-8, p. 73)


PERSISTENT F/N, unkillable F/N. It’s persistent at least for that day. (HCOB 8 Oct 70)


PERSONAL IDENTITY, the composite of all your experience plus an initial decision to be and occasional decisions not to be. You do not die as an identity or a personality or an individual. You and the mest body "separate" and the mest body gets a funeral. (HFP, p. 76)


PERSONAL INTEGRITY, is knowing what you know. What you know is what you know, and to have the courage to know and say what you have observed. And that is integrity and there is no other integrity. (B&C, p. 21)


PERSONALITY, 1. the individual, the personality, is the awareness of awareness unit, and the awareness of awareness unit is the person. (Dn 55!, p. 17) 2. a complex of inherited (mest, organic, theta) and environmental (aberration, education, present time environment, nutrition, etc.) factors. (SOS Gloss)


PERSONALITY ACCESSIBLE, means a person who will talk to you about his condition without being antagonistic. (NOTL, p. 34)


PERSONALITY GRAPH, a picture of a valence. On any human being, he himself is not really enough there to have a personality. (SH Spec 70, 6607C21) See also OCA GRAPH.


PERSONAL MOTION, this is awareness of change of position in space. This perception is assisted by sight, the feel of wind, changes in body weight, and by the observation of external environment. (SA, p. 106)


PERSONAL PRESENCE ALTITUDE, the individual who leads or makes an impression upon others merely by his presence, by his example and the fact of his existence, has personal presence altitude. Ghandi had this to a very high degree. (SOS Gloss)


PERSONAL ROLLER COASTER, (From HCOB 5 Dec 68). Same as roller coaster. (LRH Def. Notes)


PERSONNEL PROGRAMMER, a Personnel Programmer works with individual staff members and draws up workable personnel programmes and sees that they are fully executed. The purpose of a Personnel Programmer is to help LRH to expertly programme each staff member to a point of real success on their own post, to operate well as a member of the group and attain higher and higher levels of skill, knowledge and ability, through full use of the technology of Dn and Scn. (HCO PL 22 Jan 72 II)


PGM, Program (FO 2192)


PHANTOM SLAM, always comes on and goes off and comes on and goes off and a phantom slam has this characteristic; that it never obeys the auditor. The phantom slam may turn on and louse you up on the list as to which item is rockslamming. You don’t ever get a phantom slam on an uncharged list. The list has to be "hotter than a pistol" to turn the slam on. Completely aside from the phantom slam this type of case will never do what you tell them. You say, "Has anything been suppressed?" and they don’t think about suppressing something, they think about something else. (SH Spec 225, 6212C13)


PHC, First Phoenix Congress. (HCOB 29 Sept 66)


PHD, Philadelphia Doctorate Course. (HCOB 29 Sept 66)


PHI (o), mest. (NOTL, p. 142)


PHILOSOPHY, 1. the pursuit of knowledge. The knowledge of the causes and laws of all things. (SPB, p. 1) 2. a love or pursuit of wisdom or a search for the underlying causes and principles of reality. (Ron’s Jour 68)


PHRASE, can be an enforced command thing which an individual then takes as a superior command or even can take as his own postulate. (PDC 7)


PHS, Philadelphia Doctorate Course Supplementary Lectures. (HCOB 29 Sept 66)


PHYSICALLY ILL PC, he is in suppressed pain and each time he gets a change, he puts on full stops as it started to hurt. He won’t get the same gain again and tomorrow the same process or type of process won’t work. He stops the pain if it starts to hurt, puts a new stop on his case. Slow gain, poor result is a physically ill pc. (HCOB 12 Mar 69)


PHYSICAL PAIN, the alarm reaction to theta that the organism has been too heavily impinged upon mest. Physical pain is an abrupt and sharp warning of non-survival. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 22) 2. theta and mest are many times brought together in disorderly collision. This creates the phenomenon known as physical pain. (505, Bk. 2, p. 4)


PHYSICAL UNIVERSE, 1. the universe of matter, energy, space and time. It would be the universe of the planets, their rocks, rivers, and oceans, the universe of stars and galaxies, the universe of burning suns and time. In this universe we would not include theta as an integral portion, although theta obviously impinges upon it as life. (505, p. 4) 2. the physical universe is reducible to motion of energy operating in space through time. (Scn 0-8, p. 71)


PHYSICAL WELL-BEING, absence of factors which predispose him to illness. (SOS, p. 15)


PHYSIO-ANIMAL BRAIN, the physio-animal section of the brain, contains the motor controls, the sub-brains, and the physical nervous system in general, including the physical aspect of the analytical section of the brain. The control of all voluntary and involuntary muscles is contained in this section. It commands all body fluids, blood flow, respiration, glandular secretion, cellular construction, and the activity of various parts of the body. (DTOT, p. 23)




PHYSIO-ANIMAL MIND, the physio-animal mind has specific methods of "thinking." These are entirely reactive; animal experimentation—rats, dogs, etc.—is experimentation on and with precisely this mind and little more. It is a fully conscious mind. There is no period in the life of the organism from conception to death when this mind is not awake, observing, and recording perceptics. This is the mind of a dog, cat or rat and is also the basic mind of a man so far as its operating characteristics are concerned. (DTOT, p. 24)


PIANOLA CASE, 1. a case that was wide open, had sonic recall, visio recall, no pain shut-offs or anything and you just said "Go back to the earliest moment of pain or unconsciousness" and the fellow went and you say, "Go to the beginning of the engram" and he goes, and you run it out and it erases. Well, they’d begun to call this the pianola case, because it plays itself. (5009CM23B) 2. in a pianola case, the file clerk works with you. The somatic strip does what you tell it to do. (NOTL, p. 68) 3. a case that has easy running in all perceptics. (NOTL, p. 25)


PICTURE, facsimile. (PAB 136) See FACSIMILE.


PICTURE AND MASSES REMEDY, the anaten pc—dopes off in session—high TA. The handling of the pcs or pre-OTs that fall under the above category, even though they were well rested before session consists of: the case supervisor sends the pc or pre-OT to a Dn auditor who would list: "What pictures or masses have you touched on in life or in auditing that have been left unflat?" The Dn auditor would get the best reading item from the list, gets the somatic or pain, or sensation or unwanted emotion or attitude that goes with that picture or mass, makes sure that it reads well, and he would follow down to basic and erasure that item that read with the picture or the mass by standard R3R. The list is reassessed and is exhausted as above. (BTB 3 Oct 69R) [Note: The referenced BTB gives two additional remedies for handling the anaten pc—dopes off in session —high TA.]


PINCH TEST, for demos you can do a "pinch test" where you explain to the pc that to show him how the meter registers mental mass—you will give him a pinch as part of the demo. Then get him to think of the pinch (while he is holding the cans) showing him the meter reaction and explaining how it registers mental mass. (BTB 8 Jan 71R)


PINK SHEET, pink sheets are issued by a course supervisor as a corrective measure. A student is given a pink sheet when something earlier was missed that should have been learned. The principle of the pink sheet is that a student is responsible for all the material he has studied earlier. If he is unable to apply or use any of this material then the pink sheet is issued to remedy the situation. It gives the student a study assignment calling for restudy and checkout of the specific materials pertaining. It is a quick and precise remedy. (HCOB 19 Jun 71 III)


PL, policy letter. (BPL 5 Nov 72RA)


PLATEN, a card with holes in it that is put on another paper and has in it the line plot mostly written out. (HCOB 8 Dec 64)


PLAY, 1. somebody invented the difference between work and play. Play was seen to be something interesting and work was seen to be something arduous and necessary. Play is almost purposeless. Work has a purpose. Play should be called work without a purpose. Activity without a purpose. (POW, p. 32) 2. unreal or delusory motion about which you are not supposed to be serious; you are not supposed to as-is it. (SH Spec 19, 6106C23)


PLEASURE, 1. the Dn definition of pleasure is that the organism tending toward survival obtains pleasure by survival actions and the seeking of survival goals. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 84) 2. the perception of well being or an advance toward the ultimate goal. (DTOT, p. 20) 3. creative and constructive effort. (DASF)


PLEASURE MOMENTS, mental image pictures containing pleasure sensations. They respond to R3R. One seldom addresses them unless the preclear is fixated on some type of "pleasure" to a point where it has become highly aberrated. (HCOB 23 Apr 69)


PLOTTING, the action of obtaining goals or items from the pc and positioning them in their correct sequence on their respective plots. (HCOB 13 Apr 64, Scn VI Part One Glossary of Terms) PLS, Public Lecture Series (American). (HCOB 29 Sept 66)


PLUS-POINT LIST, they are the elements of logic and sanity. (HCOB 28 Aug 70RA)


PLUS RANDOMITY, from the viewpoint of the individual, something which has in it too much motion or unexpectedness for his tolerance is plus randomity. (Abil 36)


P.M., pleasure moment. (Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation)


PN, symbol for pain or electrical. (HCOB 19 Jan 67)


POINT OF VIEW, point from which he was looking, rather than his opinions. (Dn 55!, p. 69)


POINTS, the arbitrary assignment of a credit value to a part of study materials. "One page equals one point.""That drill is worth 25 points." (HCOB 19 Jun 71 III)


POINTS SYSTEM, the system of assigning and counting up points for studies and drills that give the progress of a student and measure his speed of study. They are kept track of by the student and course administrator and added up each week as the student’s statistic. The statistic of the course is the combined study points of the class. (HCOB 19 Jun 71 III)


POLE THETA TRAP, the being is shot into the implant area put on a post wobbled around and then ran through this implant of goals, on a little monowheel pole trap which had the effigy of a body on it, the being didn’t have a body and was put on a pole trap. The pole trap has a body on it. (SH Spec 266, 6305C21)


POLITICAL DIANETICS, embraces the field of group activity and organization to establish the optimum conditions and processes of leadership and inter-group relations. (DMSMH, p. 152)


POOR CASE CONDITION OR INCOMPLETE, a staff member who is in a state of chronic repair or who is not in good physical condition or good case condition as they are defined. (HCO PL 21 Oct 73R)


POOR MEMORY, a poor memory means a curtained memory, the memory being complete. Every perception observed in a lifetime is to be found in the banks. (SOS, p. 54)


POSITIONAL ALTITUDE, deriving from an arbitrarily assigned position. Military officers and bureaucrats often depend heavily upon positional altitude. (SOS Gloss)


POSITIVE POSTULATE, it’s not only that there is no negative given attention to, but it does not assume that any negative is possible. (ESTO 6, 7203C03 SO II)


POSITIVE PROCESSING, this consists of addressing the theta on the case and bringing it to view. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 281)


POST INJURY, after injury. (HCOB 12 Mar 69)


POSTOPERATIVE, after operation. (HCOB 12 Mar 69)


POSTPARTUM PSYCHOSIS, mental upset due to delivery of a baby. (HCOB 15 Jan 70)


POST PURPOSE CLEARING, an essential part of hatting; to get the person’s post purpose cleared by an auditor. This requires an auditor, an E-meter, and is done in session. Staff member must bring hat folder to the PPC session so if there is any confusion on purposes in it they can be cleared up from the hat folder. (HCOB 4 Aug 71R) Abbr. PPC.


POSTULATE, n. 1. a self-created truth would be simply the consideration generated by self. Well, we just borrow the word which is in seldom use in the English language, we call that postulate. And we mean by postulate, self-created truth. He posts something. He puts something up and that’s what a postulate is. (HPC A6-4, 5608C--) 2. a postulate is, of course, that thing which is a directed desire or order, or inhibition, or enforcement, on the part of the individual in the form of an idea. (2ACC 23A, 5312CM14) 3. that self-determined thought which starts, stops or changes past, present or future efforts. (APIA, p. 33) 4. is actually a prediction. (5112CM30B)—v. 1. in Scn the word postulate means to cause a thinkingness or consideration. It is a specially applied word and is defined as causative thinkingness. (FOT, p. 71) 2. to conclude, decide or resolve a problem or to set a pattern for the future or to nullify a pattern of the past. (HFP, p. 155) 3. to generate or "thunk" a concept. A postulate infers conditions and actions rather than just plain thinks. It has a dynamic connotation. (SH Spec 84, 6612C13)


POSTULATE PROCESSING, 1. that processing which addresses the postulates, evaluations and conclusions of the preclear at the level of self-determined thought, yet postulate processing has some value when addressed to stimulus-response ideas. Postulate processing is the primary and highest method of processing a thetan. With creative processing, it constitutes Scn 8-8008. (Scn 8-8008, p. 37) 2. the process or any process which permits an individual to change his postulates. (PDC 37)


POSTULATED REALITY, a second type of reality is postulated reality, which is brought into being by creative or destructive imagination. (SOS, p. 97)


POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE, 1. a person or preclear who "roller-coasters," i.e., gets better, then worse. This occurs only when his connection to a suppressive person or group is unhandled and he must, in order to make his gains from Scn permanent, receive processing intended to handle such. (ISE, p. 48) 2. somebody who is connected with an SP who is invalidating him, his beingness, his processing, his life. (SH Spec 63, 6506C08) 3. means the case is going to go up and fall down. He’s a trouble source because he’s going to get upset. He’s a trouble source because he’s going to make trouble. And he’s trouble for the auditor and he’s trouble for us and he’s trouble for himself. (SH Spec 68, 6510C14) 4. it means someone connected to a person or group opposed to Scn. It is a technical thing. It results in illness and roller-coaster and is the cause of illness and roller-coaster. (HCOB 17 Apr 72) Abbr. PTS.


POTENTIAL VALUE, 1. the potential value of the individual is derived from his ability to think and his power in the following fashion, where PV equals potential value, A equals ability to think and D equals power. PV= ADX . (DASF) 2 . equal to intelligence multiplied by the dynamics of the individual to a certain power. This might be restated as meaning that the potential value of any man was equal to some numerical factor, denoting his structural intelligence and capability, multiplied by his free theta to a power. This was written in the handbook in an effort to encourage some psychologist to discover what the power of the dynamic might be and conclude some means of establishing potential value by psychometry. (SOS, p. 126) 3. the potential value of an individual or a group may be expressed by the equation PV= IDX where I is intelligence and D is dynamic. The worth of an individual is computed in terms of the alignment, on any dynamic, of his potential value with optimum survival along that dynamic. (DMSMH, p. 40)


POWER, 1. the amount of work which can be accomplished in a unit of time, or the amount of force which can be applied in a unit of time. Power has the connotation of being potential. Power does not necessarily mean application of it . ( SH Spec 83, 6612C06) 2. the ability to maintain a position in space. (PAB 131)


POWER AUDITOR, a graduate of the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course who has also served the Saint Hill Internship. Only they are qualified to do the power processes of Grade V. They are Class VII auditors. (ISE, p. 45)


POWER PROCESSES, the processes audited only by Class VII auditors which make Grade V Power Releases. (Scn AD)


PPC, Post Purpose Clearing. (HCOB 4 Aug 71R)


PR, process. (BTB 20 Aug 71R II)


PR (PUBLIC RELATIONS), 1. Slang. to cover up, putting up a lot of false reports to serve as a smoke screen for idleness or bad actions. (HCO PL 4 Apr 72) 2. public relations cheery falsehoods. (HCOB 22 Sept 71) 3. a technique of communicating ideas. (HCO PL 13 Aug 70 I)


PRACTICAL, the drills which permit the student to associate and coordinate theory with the actual items and objects to which the theory applies. Practical is application of what one knows to what one is being taught to understand, handle or control. (HCOB 19 Jun 71 III)


PRACTICAL INSTRUCTOR, assists the practical supervisor, handles all practical administration and acts as auditing supervisor. (HCO PL 18 Dec 64)


PRACTICAL SUPERVISOR, handles all practical instruction, acts as auditing supervisor. (HCO PL 18 Dec 64)


PR AUDITING REPORT, meaning promoting instead of auditing. A false auditing report. (HCOB 16 Aug 70)


PRD, Primary Rundown. (HCOB 20 Jul 72 I)


PRECIPITATION, the factors which cause the sickness to manifest itself. (DMSMH, p. 92)


PRECLEAR, 1. a person who, through Scn processing, is finding out more about himself and life. (PXL, p. 20) 2. a spiritual being who is now on the road to becoming Clear, hence preclear. (HCOB 5 Apr 69) 3. one who is discovering things about himself and who is becoming clearer. (HCO PL 21 Aug 63)


PRECLEAR ASSESSMENT SHEET, the purpose of this form is to establish auditor control over the preclear, to better acquaint the auditor with his preclear, and to provide essential information required. (BTB 24 Apr 69R)


PRECURSOR, earlier engram. (DTOT, p. 98)


PREDICTION, 1. when we speak of prediction we mean that he should be in communication with his environment as it will exist, as well as it exists. (Dn 55!, p. 62) 2. the process of knowing the future. Living only for today is the process of not knowing the future. (FOT, p. 85)


PREDISPOSITION, 1. before the fact, the guy is disposed to get sick. (7204C07SO III) 2. the factors which prepared the body for sickness. (DMSMH, p. 92)


PREFRONTAL LOBOTOMY, uses a scalpel or ice pick to perform an operation on the prefrontal lobes of the brain. (DMSMH, p. 151)


PRE-HAVE, before one attained havingness he ran a "beforehavingness" process hence "pre (before) have." When the full scale was achieved he could have. (LRH Def. Notes)


PREHAVINGNESS BUTTONS, the things that prevent people from having. (SH Spec 18, 6106C22)


PREHAVINGNESS SCALE, 1. an assessment scale which takes in most possible formulas and regimens: Havingness is the make-break point of a case. Before havingness can be tested for, all heavy areas on the lower part of the scale must be flat. The most elementary use of the scale is to assess the points on the scale upwards until a fall is observed and then to run this fall out. (HCOB 28 Jan 61) 2. any scale giving degrees of doingness or not doingness. (HCOB 7 Nov 62 III)


PREMATURE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, occurs when you "coax" a person to talk after he has begun with a nod or a low "yes" you ack, make him forget, then make him believe you haven’t got it and then make him tell you at great length. He feels bad and doesn’t cognite and may ARC break. Any habit of agreeable noises and nods can be mistaken for acknowledgement, ends cycle on the speaker, causes him to forget, feel dull, believe the listener is stupid, get cross, get exhausted explaining and ARC break. The missed withhold is inadvertent. One didn’t get a chance to say what one was going to say because one was stopped by premature acknowledgement. Result, missed W/H in the speaker, with all its consequences. (HCOB 7 Apr 65)


PRENATAL ESP, another manifestation of charge and circuits. A circuit may exist which says, "I know what you’re thinking about," and when returned to its vicinity the preclear seems to get the thoughts of mother and father by ESP. Actually these "thoughts" are composites of phrases which occur in the reactive and standard banks of the preclear. There may well be extrasensory perception, but "prenatal ESP" is false. (SOS, Bk. 2,


PRENATALS, a Dn term used to denote engrams received before birth. (BTB 12 Apr 72R)


PRENATAL VISIO, there actually is a prenatal visio, but it is black. The blackness of the prenatal, when the individual is stuck in a prenatal engram, will actually blot out his visio. There is no mechanism save that of the imagination which is known to produce the pictures that come zbout with "prenatal visio." (SOS, p. 209)


PRE-OT, a thetan beyond the state of Clear who, through the advanced courses, is advancing to the full state of operating thetan. (PRD Gloss)


PREPARED LIST, 1. prepared by the auditor, prepared by me, prepared by somebody else. It is not given by the pc—it is made up, listed by somebody else, not the preclear. (Class VIII, No. 11) 2. lists designed to find by-passed charge and repair a faulty auditing action or life situation. (HCOB 28 May 70) 3. is one which is issued in an HCOB and is used to correct cases. There are many of these. Notable amongst them is C/S 53 and its corrections. (HCOB 15 Oct 73)


PREPCHECK, 1. sec checking=security checking, so it couldn’t be used as a purely auditing action for the pc. So I had to have a new word. Prep for preparatory to auditing. It’s a forerunner of ruds. (LRH Def. Notes) 2. preparatory check. A process. (HCOB 23 Aug 65) 3. on a prepcheck run each reading item (SF, F, LF, BD) from the assessed list of items on the prepcheck buttons. Each button is run to F/N, Cog. Take up each reading button in turn until you get full EP for the subject. (BTB 10 Apr 72R)


PREPCHECK BUTTONS, the following order and number of prepcheck buttons should be used wherever an "18-button prepcheck" is recommended. Do not use the older order of buttons. For all uses the 18 prepcheck buttons now are: suppressed, careful of, didn’t reveal, not-ised, suggested, mistake been made, protested, anxious about, decided, withdrawn from, reached, ignored, stated, helped, altered, revealed, asserted, agreed (with). (HCOB 14 Aug 64)


PREPCHECKING, 1. a way of cleaning up a case in order to run Routine 3D Criss Cross. I developed prepchecking in order to get around an auditor’s difficulty in "varying the question" in pulling withholds. Auditors had a hard time doing this, hence prepchecking. Prepchecking became more important than a "rote procedure for sec checking." The target of a prepcheck question is a chain of withholds. The purpose of prepchecking is to set up a pc’s rudiments so they will stay in during further clearing of the bank. (HCOB 1 Mar 62) 2. the reason this is called prepchecking and the reason it isn’t called withhold system and it isn’t called anything else but prepchecking is it’s preparatory to clearing. (SH Spec 114, 6202C21) 3. is the system of getting each rudiment in with a crunch, so it’s more or less permanently in during the auditing in 3DXX and that’s prepchecking. (SH Spec 110, 6202C13)


PREPCLEARING, 1. preparatory to clearing. Prepclearing for short. Abandon all further reference to security checking or sec checking. The task of the auditor in prepclearing is to prepare a pc’s rudiments so that they can’t go out during 3D Criss Cross. We have just risen well above security checking in ease of auditing and in case gains. (HCOB 12 Feb 62) 2. prepchecking is synonymous at the present moment. (SH Spec 114, 6202C21)


PRE-RELEASE, any patient who is entered into therapy to accomplish a release from his chief difficulties, psychosomatic or aberrational. (DMSMHGloss)


PRESENT TIME, 1. the time which is now and which becomes the past almost as rapidly as it is observed. It is a term loosely applied to the environment existing in now, as in "The preclear came up to present time," meaning the preclear became aware of the existing matter, energy, space, and time of now. The point on anyone’s time track where his physical body (if alive) may be found. "Now." (HCOB 11 May 65) 2. when we say that somebody should be in present time we mean he should be in communication with his environment. We mean, further, that he should be in communication with his environment as it exists, not as it existed. (Abil Mi 246) 3. a response to the continuous rhythm of the physical universe, resulting in a hereness in nowness. (HCOB 15 May 63) 4. the ground, sky, walls, objects, and people of the immediate environment. In other words, the anatomy of present time is the anatomy of the room or area in which you are at the moment when you view it. (PAB 35) 5. a continuing series of instants in which, moment to moment, theta goes on changing mest. (SOS, p. 36) 6. an ever extending moment; and a person who is free on his time track is generally in present time, moving forward through the consecutive moments of time. (SOS, p. 102) 7. an arbitrary time, agreed upon, and is the same across a whole universe. It is the point of coincidence of three universes. (PAB 29) 8. people go out of present time because they can’t have the mest of present time, that’s it. Present time is only the referral point that exists. In its absence all becomes bank. (HCOB 29 Sept 60) Abbr. PT.


PRESENT TIME ENVIRONMENT, the whole area covering the pc’s life and livingness over a definite period. It may be the last day, the last week, the last year, depending on the pc. (HCOB 16 Oct 63)


PRESENT TIME PROBLEM, 1. technically, a special problem that exists in the physical universe now, on which the pc has his attention fixed. (HCOB 31 Mar 60) 2. is one that exists in present time, in a real universe. It is any set of circumstances that so engages the attention of the preclear that he feels he should be doing something about it instead of being audited. (HCOB 3 Jul 59) 3. a present time problem is one which has its elements in the material universe in present time, which is going on now, and which would demand the preclear’s attention to such an extent that he would feel he had better be doing something about it rather than be audited. (HCOB 16 Dec 57) 4. any worry that keeps a pc out of session, which worry must exist in present time in the real universe. (PAB 142) Abbr. PTP.


PRE-SESSION PROCESS, 1. a process that is used to get into session (a) a stranger who isn’t receiving well; (b) a person antagonistic to Scn; (c) a person who ARC breaks easily in session; (d) a person who makes few gains in auditing; (e) a person who relapses after being helped; (f) a person who makes no gains in auditing; (g) a person who, having been audited, refused further auditing; (h) any person being audited as a checkoff before session, aloud to pc or silently by auditor. (HCOB 21 Apr 60) 2. designed as classes of processes to handle these four points: (1) help factor; (2) control factor; (3) pc communication factor; (4) interest factor. These four are vital to auditing itself and without them auditing doesn’t happen. (HCOB 21 Apr 60)


PRESSOR BEAM, 1. the pressor is a beam which can be put out by a thetan which acts as a stick and with which one can thrust oneself away or thrust things away. The pressor beam can be lengthened, and in lengthening, pushes away. Pressor beams are used to direct action. (Scn 8-8008, pp. 48-49) 2. a pressor beam which is exerting pressure expands when it is energized. (PDC 8)


PRESSOR RIDGE, that ridge formed by two or more pressor beams operating against each other in conflict. (Scn 8-8008, p. 49)


PRESSOR-TRACTOR RIDGE, a combination of pressor-tractor flows in sufficient collision as to form a solidification of energy. (Scn 8-8008, p. 49)


PRESSURE, if one took a fork and pressed it against the arm, that would be pressure. A bank solidity is a form of pressure. (HCOB 19 Jan 67)


PRESSURE SOMATIC, is, in Dn, considered to be a symptom in a lock, secondary or engram, simply part of the content. (HCOB 23 Apr 69)


PRETENDED DEATH CASE, the pretended death case has come to a point where he considers the environment so fraught with menace that nothing in the environment has any intent save to kill him and that death is immediate. He has insufficient energy or reason remaining even to appeal for help and, indeed, he considers that there is no person or object to which he can so appeal, and so he attempts to demonstrate to anything in the environment that it has won and that he is already dead. (SOS, p. 172)


PRETENDED KNOWINGNESS, is actually denial of knowingness. (SH Spec 35, 6108C08)


PRETENSE, a false reason or excuse. A mere show without reality. (HCO PL 3 May 72)


PREVENT, is to a large degree an anatomy of a problem. (SH Spec 29, 6107C14)


PREVENTIVE DIANETICS, a large subject, infiltrating the fields of industry and agriculture and other specialized activities of man, its basic principle is the scientific fact that engrams can be held to minimal content or prevented entirely with large gains in favor of mental health and physical well-being as well as social adjustment. (DMSMH, pp. 152-153)


PREVENTIVE SCIENTOLOGY, in this branch of processing, an individual is freed from assuming states lower than those he has already suffered from. In other words, the progress of tendencies, neuroses, habits and deteriorating activities can be halted by Scn or their occurrence can be prevented. This is done by processing the individual on standard Scn processes without particular attention to the aberration involved. (FOT, pp. 87-88)


PRICE OF FREEDOM, constant alertness, constant willingness to fight back. There is no other price. (AHMC-1, 6012C31)


PRIDE, pride is aesthetic sensitivity. (5208CM07D)


PRIMAL CAUSE, communication origin. (Dn 55!, p. 85)


PRIMARY CORRECTION RUNDOWN, 1. it consists of auditing and study correction actions. The Primary Correction Rundown takes care of people who have trouble on the Primary Rundown. (HCOB 4 Apr 72R) 2. the rundown consists of ethics orientation on the first dynamic, potential trouble source handling for connections with hostile elements, drug handling, case handling, the why of not using study tech or study, the Study Correction List and handling, Method 7, a review of grammar, and then back to a Primary RD. (HCOB 30 Mar 72R) Abbr. PCRD.


PRIMARY ENGRAM, one that contains physical pain and unconsciousness. (NOTL, p. 46)


PRIMARY LOCK, the key-in of an engram takes place at some future date from the time the engram was actually received. The key-in moment contains analytical reduction from weariness or slight illness. A situation similar to the engram, which contained "unconsciousness," came about and keyed-in the engram. This is a primary lock. (DMSMH, p. 304)


PRIMARY MID-RUDS, suppress and invalidate. Those are the primary mid-ruds. (SH Spec 229, 6301C10)


PRIMARY RUNDOWN, 1. the Primary Rundown consists of word clearing and study tech. It makes a student super-literate. (HCOB 4 Apr 72R) 2. consists of Method 1 word clearing and Method 8 on study tapes and Student Hat. (HCOB 30 Mar 72R) Abbr. PRD.


PRIMARY SCALE, a list of NOUNS or CONDITIONS which are key items in mental reaction. When these are assessed one assessed the VERB needed to complete a command from the SECONDARY SCALE. (HCOB 23 May 61) See HCOB 23 May 61, Prehav Scale Revised for the actual scale. (LRH Def. Notes)


PRIMARY UNIVERSE, the physical universe. (Abil 24)


PRIMARY UNMOTIVATED ACT, as any energy or space condition survives only because it has been and is being altered, the primary unmotivated act would be changing the condition of energy, space and objects. (COHA, p. 159)


PRIME CAUSE, prime postulate: "to be." (DAB, Vol. II, 1951-52, p. 229)


PRIME POSTULATE, 1. a postulate may spring from past effort or prime thought. A prime postulate is the decision to change from a state of not beingness to a state of beingness. (AP&A, p. 34) 2. we call the prime postulate the basic purpose of the individual in Dianetics: Modern Science of Mental Health, or his goal. (SH Spec 168, 6207C10)


PRIME THOUGHT, the decision moving the original potential being from the state of not beingness to the state of beingness. Prime thought can occur at any moment during any lifetime, moving the individual from the state of not beingness to the state of beingness. A common name for this phenomenon is necessity level. (AP&A, p. 22)


PRINCIPLE OF A-R-C, the A-R-C triangle is affinity, reality, and communication. The basic principle here is that as one raises or lowers any of the three, the others are raised or lowered, and that the key entrance point to these is communication. (PXL, p. 38)


PRIOR ASSESSMENT, 1. the person looked on drugs or alcohol as a cure for unwanted feelings. One has to assess what was wrong before or prior to the cure. All it requires is a special assessment called a prior assessment. (HCOB 19 May 69, Drug and Alcohol Cases Prior Assessing) 2. AESPs listed separately and run R3R, prior to first drug or alcohol taken. (HCOB 31 Aug 74)


PRIOR CAUSE, it is one of the "facts" of objects that space and energy must have been caused before the object could exist in the mest universe. Thus any object has prior cause. (Scn 8-8008)


PRIOR CONFUSION, 1. all sticks on the time track stick because of a prior confusion. The most stuck point on the track is a problem. The confusion occurred minutes, days, weeks before this problem. (HCOB 9 Nov 61) 2. all somatics, circuits, problems and difficulties including ARC breaks are all preceded by a prior confusion. Therefore it is possible to eradicate somatics by sec checking the area of confusion which occurred just before the pc noticed the somatic for the first time. (HCOB 2 Nov 61)


PRIOR READS, 1. reads which occur prior to the completion of the major thought. (EMD, p. 38) 2. any non-instantaneousness before the end of the sentence. (SH Spec 148, 6205C24)


PRO, Professional Course. (HCOB 29 Sept 66)


PROB, problem. (BTB 20 Aug 71R II)


PROB INT, problems intensive. (BTB 20 Aug 71R II)


PROBLEM, 1. a problem is postulate-counter-postulate, terminalcounter-terminal, force-counter-force. It’s one thing versus another thing. You’ve got two forces or two ideas which are interlocked of comparable magnitude and the thing stops right there. All right, now with these two things one stuck against the other you get a sort of a timelessness, it floats in time. (SH Spec 82, 6111C21) 2. a problem is a postulate-counter-postulate resulting in indecision. That is the first manifestation of problems, and the first consequence of a problem is indecision. (SH Spec 27, 6107C11) 3. a multiple confusion. (SH Spec 26X, 6107C03) 4. an intention counter-intention that worries the preclear. (HCOB 23 Feb 61) 5. a problem is the conflict arising from two opposing intentions. A present time problem is one that exists in present time, in a real universe. (HCOB 3 Jul 59) 6. something which is persisting, the as-is-ness of which cannot be attained easily. (PRO 16, 5408CM20)


PROBLEMS INTENSIVES, 1. can key out present time problems of long duration, chronic somatics, circuits and hidden standards. To give a problems intensive the auditor first fills in the Preclear Assessment Form on the preclear. The auditor then asks the preclear for all self-determined changes the preclear has made this life. (HCOB 9 Nov 61) 2. each change or turning point, was preceded by a period of confusion. Find the persons present in the confusion. Assess the persons for most reaction, take the one with most reaction and run a processing check on that person to get the withholds the pc had from that person. (HCOB 17 Oct 61) [This rundown was later revised as follows.] 3. get the self-determined changes, handle each reading change in order of largest read. Locate the prior confusion to the change by asking the pc for it. You want the time. Predate the time of the prior confusion by one month. Prepcheck "Since (date) has anything been (prepcheck button)?" References are HCOB 30 July 1962, A Smooth HGC 25 Hour Intensive and HCOB 27 Sept 62, Problems Intensive Use (BTB 9 Oct 71RA III) [The above is a very brief summary only. The full series of steps can be found in the referenced HCOBs and BTB.]


PROBLEMS LONG DURATION, is spotted by no real change in characteristics or OCA or general case. (LRH Def. Notes)


PROBLEMS RELEASE, expanded Grade I release. (CG&AC 75) See GRADE I RELEASE.


PROCEDURE CCH, CCH is a very sloppy title, for Procedure CCH is really C for control, D for duplication, C for communication, Ct for control of thought=havingness; and that is the real name of it. First, we get the person under control, get him into the capability of duplicating and then we move him up into communication more or less on a person level. Now we take the mind. The mind consists of mental image pictures and if duplication is addressed to the mind we get communication. The third zone is the control of the thetan, which brings us to the control of thinkingness, Ct. (PAB 122)


PROCEDURE 30, the special auditing procedure of which Opening Procedure by Duplication (R2-17 Creation of Human Ability) is the first step. (PXL Gloss)


PROCESS, a set of questions asked by an auditor to help a person find out things about himself or life. More fully, a process is a patterned action, done by the auditor and preclear under the auditor’s direction, which is invariable and unchanging, composed of certain steps or actions calculated to release or free a thetan. There are many processes and these are aligned with the levels taught to students and with grades as applied to preclears, all of which lead the student or the preclear gradiently to higher understanding and awareness. Any single process is run only so long as it produces change and no longer. (Scn AD)


PROCESS BITING, Skmg. If the TA is moving, the process is biting and if it is not moving the process is not biting. No motion on the tone arm dial= no action in the bank . ( SH Spec 1, 6105C07)


PROCESS BY TONE ARM, theoretically when I say process by the tone arm I mean keeping the needle somewhere in the vicinity of set and that gives you your tone arm motion. (SH Spec 3, 6105Cl9)


PROCESS COMPLETION, defined as the end phenomena of the process. (HCOB 26 May 71)


PROCESS CYCLE, selecting a process to be run on the preclear, running the tone arm action into it (if necessary) and running the tone arm action out of it. (HCOB 7 Apr 64)


PROCESSED, drilled in Scn with Scn exercises. (PAB 82)


PROCESSES OF SCIENTOLOGY, methods of "unhypnotizing" men to their own freer choice and better life. (CONA, p. 251)




PROCESSING, 1. called "auditing" by which the auditor (practitioner) "listens and commands." The auditor and the preclear (patient) are together out of doors or in a quiet place where they will not be disturbed or where they are not being subjected to interrupting influences. The purpose of the auditor is to give the preclear certain and exact commands which the preclear can follow and perform. The purpose of the auditor is to increase the ability of the preclear. The Auditor’s Code is the governing set of rules for the general activity of auditing. (PAB 87) 2. the principle of making an individual look at his own existence, and improve his ability to confront what he is and where he is. (Aud 21 UK) 3. a series of methods arranged on an increasingly deep scale of bringing the preclear to confront the no-confront sources of his aberrations and leading them to a simple, powerful, effective being! (HCO PL 18 Sept 67) 4. the verbal exercising of a patient (preclear) in exact Scn processes. (PAB 87) 5. processing is not getting data out of the preclear; it is not assembling his life for him as a complete, consecutive play—it is increasing his self-determinism and his right to reason. (DAB, Vol. II, p. 70 1951-52) 6. a procedure by which an individual recovers his self-determinism. No procedure which does not bring about increased self-determinism is processing. (Abil 114A)


PROCESSING CHECKS, you will see processing checks in literature going out, so don’t let it throw you. I’m talking about security checks. (SH Spec 91, 6112C12)


PROCESS LAG, 1. the length of time it takes the whole circuit to clean or clear or get free and of course that length of time is how long it takes you to run out that question and we call that a process lag. If you are running Opening Procedure 8-C and you have to run it on a preclear fourteen hours before he seems to be in good shape on the thing, you have done then a process lag and you’ve cleaned up a process lag. How long did it take for this process to be effective on the preclear, fourteen hours. (5411CM05) 2. this is the length of time it requires for the preclear to obtain a result from a process. (PAB 43) 3. the length of time it takes to reduce all communication lag from a type of question or action in auditing. (PAB 43) 4. another kind of communication lag is simply a processing lag. It’s the length of time that it takes the process to be effective on the preclear. (5410C M06)


PRODUCTION, an org must produce to survive. By production is meant training auditors who can audit, auditing pcs to a good result and making money, or in a total socialism obtaining adequate support in ratio to production. (HCOB 21 Nov 71 I)


PRODUCT PROGRAM, is an experimental program. It remains experimental and has not been released. (BTB 1 Nov 72)


PROFESSIONAL AUDITING, sessions given by a trained auditor who is governed by ethical codes and technical skill, who directs the pc’s attention to areas which when examined by the preclear will cause a release of sufficient charge to cause tone arm action, thus reaching the eventual state of Clear. (HCO PL 21 Aug 63)


PROFESSIONAL SCIENTOLOGIST, one who expertly uses Scn on any area or level of the society. (HCOB 10 Jun 60)


PROFESSIONAL STUDENTS, are defined as (1) those students who are holding a valid, in force and in hand Class IV or above certificate; (2) those students who are holding a valid, in force and in hand old HCA/HPA certificate or (3) those students who are fully paid up through HAA and actually on the course. At a Church of Scientology SH organization, a student to receive the professional discount would have to be either (a) on the SHSBC or (b) holding a valid, in force and in hand SHSBC Class VI certificate. A valid in force cert has a fully paid up membership. (HCO PL 6 Aug 72R)


PROFILE, an APA or OCA profile was a picture of a valence or of valences—artificial overlays. (PAB 138)


PROGRAM, 1. is defined as the sequence of actions session by session to be undertaken on a case by the C/S in his directions to the auditor or auditors auditing the case. (HCOB 12 Jun 70) 2. any series of actions designed by a C/S to bring about definite results in a pc. A program usually includes several sessions. (HCOB 23 Aug 71) 3. the consecutive layout of what has to be done in the next many sessions. (HCOB 14 Jun 70)


PROGRAM COMPLETION, a program is complete when the end phenomena of the program is attained. (HCOB 26 May 71)


PROGRAM CYCLE, selecting an action to be performed, performing that action and completing it. (HCOB 7 Apr 64)


PROGRAMMING, 1. the overall planning for a person of the courses, auditing and study he should follow for the next extended time period. (HCOB 19 Jun 71 III) 2. is simply how we are going to take the charge off the case. (SH Spec 271, 6305C30)


PROGRAM SHEET, a sheet which outlines the sequence of actions, session by session, to be run on the pc to bring about a definite result. (BTB 30 Nov 72R)


PROGRESS PROGRAM, 1. when you are doing something to bring a case back up to where the case ought to be on his grade chart. (7204C07 SO I) 2. a Scn auditing program to clean up upsets in life. (HCOB 6 Sept 71) 3. a program to eradicate case mishandling by current life or auditing errors. (Aud 58 UK) 4. what is called a "Repair Program" on the first issue of C/S Series HCOB is renamed a progress program. (HCOB 25 Jun 70 II)


PROLONGATION, continuously gone on with. (7204C07 SO III)


PROMPTERS, THE, in Listen Style Auditing if the auditor believes the pc has stopped because of embarrassment or some similar reason, the auditor has the prompters, the only things he is allowed to use. Prompter (a) "Have you found something you think would make me think less of you?" Prompter (b) "Is there something you thought of that you think I wouldn’t understand?" Prompter (c) "Have you said something you felt I didn’t understand? If so, tell me again." Prompter (d) "Have you found something you haven’t understood? If so, tell me about it." (HCOB 10 Dec 64)


PROPITIATION, 1. the strange manifestation of the individual attempting to buy off the imagined danger by propitiation. Cases which are far down on the tone scale will, when they reach 1.0, quite commonly offer the auditor presents and attempt to do things for him. (SOS, p. 57) 2. propitiation is an apathy effort to hold away a dangerous "source" of pain. To nullify the possible anger of a person perhaps long since dead but living now again in a partner, is the hope of propitiation. (DMSMH, p. 309) 3. this conciliation is an effort to feed or sacrifice to an all destructive force. (DMSMH, p. 307)


PRO-SURVIVAL ENGRAM, 1. an engram which seems to be in favor of survival. (DMSMH, p. 62) 2. pro-survival engrams containing the ally computation can be described as those which contain personnel who defended the patient’s existence in moments when the patient conceived that his existence was under attack. (DMSMH, p. 244) 3. any engram which, by content only, not by any real aids to the individual containing it, pretended to assist survival. (DMSMH, p. 264)


PROTEST READ, an item, possibly already run, is seen to read. The pc frowns. He is protesting and the meter is registering protest, not the item. A protest almost never blows down the TA. (HCOB 29 Apr 69)


PROVISIONAL, meaning "not permanent." (HCO PL 9 May 65)


PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE, the student graduate is given a provisional certfflcate. This looks like any other certificate but is not gold-sealed and has provisional plainly on it. Provisional certificates expire after one year if not validated. (HCO PL 31 Aug 74 II) See also PERMANENT CERTIFICATE.


PR PR, power processes. (Class VIII No. 17)


PSEA, pain, sensation, emotion, attitude. (7203C30S0)


PSEUDO-ALLY, 1. a person about whom the preclear has a similar computation as an ally not based directly on an engram recording but on a similarity to an ally. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 112) 2. a person whom the reactive mind has confused with the real ally. (DMSMH, p. 251)


PSEUDO-CENTERS, the personalities of people whom you’ve tried to help and have failed. These are "valences." (HFP, p. 96)


PSYCHE, 1. a thetan, the spirit, the being himself. (SH Spec 31, 6407C29) 2. soul. (5506C03) 3. a Greek word meaning spirit. (PAB 82)


PSYCHIATRY, the primary difference between Scn and psychiatry is that psychiatry is authoritarian and tells the person what’s wrong with him, often introducing a new lie. Scn finds out what’s wrong with the person from the person. (SH Spec 294, 6308C14)


PSYCHO, Slang. the bank has total effect upon him and he has no effect of any kind on the bank. A psycho is actually an engram bank in full dramatization. (SH Spec 4, 6105C26)


PSYCHO-, combining form: refers to mind. (DMSMH, p. 92)


PSYCHO-ANALYSIS, is a system of mental therapy developed by Sigmund Freud in Austria in 1894 and which depends upon the following practices for its effects: the patient is made to discourse (free associate) on and recall his childhood for years while the practitioner effects a transfer of the patient’s personality to his own and searches for hidden sexual incidents believed by Freud to be the only cause of aberration; the practitioner reads sexual significance into all discourse and evaluates it for the patient along sexual lines; the entirety of the cases of psycho-analysis have never been tabulated and little or no testing has been done to establish the validity of the system. (PAB 92)


PSYCHOLOGY, 1. defined this way: psyche-ology; spirit, study of. (AHMC 1, 6012C31) 2. that body of practice devoted to the creation of an effect on living forms. It is not a science since it is not an organized body of knowledge. In actual use it is a dramatization of Axiom 10, wholly reactive. In this wise the word can be used by Scientologists, and this definition can be used legally to prove Scn isn’t psychology. (HCOB 22 Jul 59) 3. the study of the spirit (or mind) that came into the peculiar position of being a study of the spirit which denied the spirit. (PAB 82) 4. a study of the brain and nervous system and its reaction patterns. (ASMC 3, 5506C03) 5. an anglicized word, not today true to its original meaning. Psychology is composited from psyche and ology, and psyche is mind or soul, but leading psychological texts begin very, very carefully by saying that today the word does not refer to the mind or to the soul. To quote one, it "has to be studied by its own history," since it no longer refers to the soul, or even to the mind. So we don’t know what psycholoa refers to today. (PXL, p. 2) 6. the study of the human brain and stimulus-response mechanism and its code word was "man to be happy, must adjust to his environment." In other words—man, to be happy must be a total effect. (2ACC lB, 5311CM17)


PSYCHOPOLITICS, the technical name for brainwashing. (Op Bull No. 9)


PSYCHOSIS, 1. the root word "psych" refers only to a being or soul and the "osis" could loosely be defined as "the condition of." (Cert, Vol. 13, No. 2) 2. psychosis could be technically called an inability to be; so it naturally is an inability to communicate because beingness is a problem in anchor points and that’s a problem in communication . ( Spr Lect 9, 5303CM27) 3. an inability to cope with the routine problems of the first and second dynamics . ( Spr Lect 9, 5303CM27) 4. psychosis is a complete inability to assign time and space. (Scn 8-80, p. 44) 5. any major form of mental affliction or disease. (SOS, p. 25) 6. a conflict of commands which seriously reduce the individual’s ability to solve his problems in his environment to a point where he cannot adjust some vital phase of his environmental needs. (DTOT, p. 58) 7. the guy is just generally the effect of everything. (SH Spec 70, 6607C21) 8. is simply an evil purpose. It means a definite obsessive desire to destroy. (ESTO No. 3, 7203C02 SO I)


PSYCHOSOMATIC, 1. psycho of course refers to mind and somatic refers to body; the term psychosomatic means the mind making the body ill or illnesses which have been created physically within the body by derangement of the mind. (DMSMH, p. 92) 2. a chronic pain which amounts to a physical illness with which the pc has been afflicted for a very long time. They turn on and they don’t turn off. (SH Spec 92, 6112C13)


PSYCHOSOMATICALLY ILL CASE, one in which the entheta side of the engram is suppressed and the somatic side of the engram is in restimulation. (SOS, p. 82)


PSYCHOSOMATIC ILLNESS, 1. it is the pain contained in a past experience or the physical malfunction of a past experience. The facsimile of that experience gets into present time and stays with the person until a shock drops it out of sight again or until it is processed out. A shock or necessity however permits it to come back. (NSOL, pp. 139-140) 2. this we call physical illness caused by the mind. In brief, such illness is caused by perceptions received in the reactive mind during moments of pain and unconsciousness. (PAB 85) 3. physiological insanity. It is being expressed by the body rather than by the mind. (8ACC 6, 5410CM08) 4. illnesses which have a mental origin but which are nevertheless organic. (DMSMH, p. 91)


PSYCHOTHERAPY, 1. is an effort to remove neurosis and psychosis from man by immediate address to the individual and the group. (LPLS 1, 5510C08) 2. a series of processes by which the past is addressed to remedy the present or by which physical matter, such as the human brain, is rearranged (as in a prefrontal lobotomy) in order to inhibit odious conduct in present time. (Scn Jour 14-G)


PSYCHOTIC, 1. does not know what is going on in his environment and does not know what is going on inside himself. It is all unknown and therefore unobservational—unobserved. He doesn’t know what’s happening inside himself and he doesn’t know what’s happening with himself and he doesn’t know what’s happening where he is and he doesn’t know what’s happening in front of him or behind him at any given time of the day or night. This is the one common denominator of all psychosis. (SH Spec 41, 6108C17) 2. that person who cannot receive orders of any kind, who sits unmoving or goes berserk at the thought of doing anything told him by another determinism. (HCOB 25 Aug 60 II) 3. the complete subject of one or more unknown causes to which he is the unwilling effect and any effort on his part to be cause is interfered with by the things to which he is the effect. (PAB 144) 4. when a person has lost his ability to impose time and space upon his facsimiles and his memories he’s psychotic, he’s gone. (5209CM04B) 5. an avoidance of both the future and present time and a shift into the past. (PAB 17) 6. the case which cannot observe but thinks obsessively is known to us as the psychotic. (PAB 8) 7. that person according to Dn definition whose theta has become entheta completely, and who is either entirely locked up in an engram or chain of engrams and does nothing but dramatize them or who is under the command of a control circuit and does some computation, if limited and unreasonable. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 190) 8. an individual who cannot handle himself or his environment well enough to survive and who must be cared for to protect others from him or to protect him from himself. (SOS, p. 25) 9. a person who is physically or mentally harmful to those about him out of proportion to the amount of use he is to them. (SOS, p. 26) 10. computation only of past situations. (Scn 0-8, p. 89)


PSYCHOTIC BREAK, 1. when a person drops below the 2.0 level he has so much entheta compared to his theta that a sudden shock may simply enturbulate the remaining theta and send him into a psychotic break. When all the theta is enturbulated, its reaction is to kick apart theta and mest, in other words, cause death and remove the organism from the path of other organisms. (SOS, p. 28) 2. some person disorients a human being one time too many and it’s just that, disorientation. The person tells him he’s here when he’s there and fouls him up one way or the other and pulls the space out, or tells him he can’t stay there anymore, or tells him that he can’t have that space, or tells him that he can’t have that matter which also contains space. He loses something in other words. But what he loses most importantly is space. So he loses this space, and one day he feels with several facsimiles a clank, and he doesn’t feel good at all. (PDC 25) 3. a neurotic person has not given up the strain of keeping some of his attention in present time, and will not do so until forced by chronic, constant restimulation to do so. When this happens the neurotic suddenly becomes psychotic. A psychotic break has occurred. (DAB, Vol. I, No. 6, 1950)


P.T., present time. (SH Spec 72, 6607C28)


PT ENVIRONMENT LIST, 1. an Expanded Dianetics Rundown. The auditor finds out what is charged in the pc’s present time environment, then gets PSEAs connected with that and runs standard R3R on the items. (7203C30S0) 2. life and livingness environment, the workaday world of the pc is a source of restimulation. (HCOB 1 Oct 63)


PTP, present time problem. (BCR, p. 21)


PTP, basically the inability to confront the dual-terminal nature of the universe. It iS an inability to span attention and denotes that the pc who is having lots of PTPs has his attention very fixed on something. (HCOB 31 Mar 60)


PTP OF LONG DURATION, 1. by long duration we mean this lifetime absolute maximum limit. As soon as we exceed this lifetime we have case. (SH Spec 42, 6108C18) 2. the attention is fixed on something in present time all right but it’s also been fixed on this thing for a long time and is usually subjective. (SH Spec 42, 6108C18)


PTP OF SHORT DURATION, fixed attention on the immediate environment. (SH Spec 42, 6108C18)


PTS, 1. means potential trouble source which itself means a person connected to a suppressive person. All sick persons are PTS. All pcs who roller-coaster (regularly lose gains) are PTS. Suppressive persons are themselves PTS to themselves. (HCOB 20 Apr 72) 2. is the manifestation of a postulate-counterpostulate. (SH Spec 68, 6510C14) 3. environmental menace that keeps something continuously keyed in. This can be a constant recurring somatic, a continual, recurring pressure or a mass. The menace in the environment is not imaginary in such extreme cases. (HCOB 5 Dec 68)


PTS RD CORRECTION LIST, this correction list is assessed and handled after a PTS Rundown has been done on the pc. It also serves as a check list of expected actions with the Rundown. It is always assessed M5. EP is pc no longer upset, each reading item taken to EP. (BTB 11 Aug 72RA)


PTS TYPE A, a person intimately connected with persons (such as marital or familial ties) of known antagonism to mental or spiritual treatment or Scn. (HCO PL 5 Apr 72 I)


PTS TYPE ONE, the SP on the case is right in present time, actively suppressing the person. Type one is normally handled by an ethics officer in the course of a hearing. (HCOB 24 Nov 65)


PTS TYPE TWO, type two is harder to handle than type one, for the apparent suppressive person in present time is only a restimulator for the actual suppreSsive. The pc who isn’t sure, won’t disconnect, or still roller-coasters, or who doesn’t brighten up, can’t name any SP at all is a type two. (HCOB 24 Nov 65)


PTS TYPE THREE, the type three PTS is mostly in institutions or would be. On this case the type two’s apparent SP is spread all over the world and is often more than all the people there are—for the person sometimes has ghosts about him or demons and they are just more apparent SPs but imaginary as beings as well. (HCOB 24 Nov 65)


PURE RESEARCH, study without thought of possible application. (HCOB 30 Aug 65)


PURPOSE, the survival route chosen by an individual, a species, or a unit of matter or energy in the accomplishment of its goal. (NOTE: the purpose is specific and may be closely defined being a subdivision of one of the sub-dynamics. It has been tentatively established by investigation that an individual human being has established his purpose for life at the age of two years and that the actual purpose is not derived in any degree from engrams but is only warped by them.) (DTOT Gloss)




PV, potential value. (DMSMN, p. 40)