

GAEs, gross auditing errors. (HCOB 21 Sept 65)




GALACTIC CONFEDERACY, the former political unit of which the solar system was a part. (LRH Def. Notes)


GAME, 1. any state of beingness wherein exist awareness, problems, havingness and freedom (separateness) each in some degree. (PAB 73) 2. a contest of person against person, or team against team. (PAB 84) 3. all games are continuing by definition, since an unstarted game isn’t a game and a finished game isn’t a game. (PAB 101) 4. a game consists of freedoms, barriers, and purposes. (POW, p. 60)


GAME CONDITIONS, game conditions are: attention, identity, effect on opponents, no-effect on self, can’t have on opponents and goals and their areas, have on tools of play, own goals and field, purpose, problems of play, self-determinism, opponents, the possibility of loss, the possibility of winning, communication, non-arrival. (FOT, pp. 93-94)


GAMES CONDITION, 1. when you say games condition you mean that somebody’s power of choice has been subjugated against his will into a fixated activity from which he must not take his attention. (SH Spec 32, 6107C20) 2. the word games condition is a derogatory actually. There is a technical thing goes along. When you say games condition you mean a package, and the package has to do with this: It means a fixated attention, an inability to escape coupled with an inability to attack, to the exclusion of other games. There is nothing wrong with having games. There is a lot wrong with being in a games condition because it is unknown, it is an aberrated activity, it is reactive, and one is performing it way outside of his power of choice and without his consent or will. (SH Spec 32, 6107C20) 3. have for self and can’t have for others; now that is a true games condition. (SH Spec 32, 6107C20) Abbr. G.C.


GAMES CONDITION PROCESS, when you say games condition process you mean that it is an interchangeable negative bracket. In other words, it’s interchanged between Person A and Person B, or Person B and Person C, and Person C and Person D. It is basically a denial of interchange. (SH Spec 32, 6107C20)


GARBAGE, Slang. 1. the term garbage isn’t used much more but it meant dub-in. (5009CM23B) 2. garbage was technically called delusion in the philosophic work of Dn but the term is too harsh and critical, for who has not some misconception of a past incident? (DMSMH, p. 191)


G.C., games condition. (HCOB 20 Aug 56)


GE, genetic entity. (PDC 43)


GENERALITY, 1. a general or nonspecific statement which is applicable to all and used in Scn to connotate a statement made in an effort to either hide cause or to overwhelm another person with the all-inclusive. (HCOB 11 May 65) 2. any unspecifity or unspecific statement or indication tends toward a generality. It is the substitute of a plural for a singular. (SH Spec 84, 6612C13) 3. multiple subject, not specific, such as "dogs" or "the public." (BCR, p. A-4)


GENERAL O/W (OVERT-WITHHOLD), "What have you done?" "What have you withheld?" (HCOB 3 Jul 62)


GENERAL TRs, are for use in regular auditing. They are natural, relaxed, while fully controlling the session and the pc. (BTB 13 Mar 75)


GENETIC, by line of protoplasm and by facsimiles and by mest forms the individual has arrived in the present age from a past beginning. Genetic applies to the protoplasm line of father and mother to child, grown child to new child and so forth. (HFP Gloss)




GENETIC BLUEPRINT, 1. the facsimiles of the evolutionary line. (HFP, p. 28) 2. the plans of construction of a new body in the orthodox manner of conception, birth, and growth. (HFP, p. 76)


GENETIC ENTITY, 1. that beingness not dissimilar to the thetan which has carried forward and developed the body from its earliest moments along the evolutionary line on earth and which, through experience, necessity and natural selection, hasemployed the counter-efforts of the environment to fashion an organism of the type best fitted for survival, limited only by the abilities of the genetic entity. The goal of the genetic entity is survival on a much grosser plane of materiality. (Scn 8-8008, p. 8) 2. formerly referred to as the somatic mind. It has no real personality, it is not the "I" of the body. This is the "mind" of an animal, a dog or a cat or a cow. (HOM, pp. 13-14) 3. that entity which is carrying along through time, that is making the body through the time stream, through the action of sex and so forth. (5410ClOD) Abbr. GE.


GENETIC INSANITY, genetic insanity is limited to the case of actually missing parts. A very small percentage of insanity falls into such a category and its manifestation is mental dullness or failure to coordinate and beyond these has no aberrative quality whatever. (DMSMH, p. 134)


GENETIC LINE, 1. the genetic line consists of the total of incidents which have occurred during the evolution of the mest body itself. The composite of these facsimiles has the semblance of a being. This being would be called the genetic entity or the GE. The GE is not an actual individual but a composite, of individualities assumed in the single lives along the evolutionary track. (HOM, p. 23) 2. protoplasm line. Its cycle is preconception, conception, birth, procreation, preconception and so on. That unending string of protoplasm goes through earth time. (HCL 15, 5203CMlOA) 3. a series of mocked up automaticities which produce according to a certain blueprint from the earliest times of life on this planet through until now. (PAB 130)


GENETIC PERSONALITY, personal characteristics and tendencies derived from the three inheritance sources (mest, organic line, theta). This might be said to be basic personality, or the core of basic personality. (SOS Gloss)


GEN NON-REMIMEO, [designation on HCO Policy Letters and HCO Bulletins indicates dissemination and restriction as follows:] All Saint Hill Staff, eight duplicated copies only are sent to each organization. (HCO PL 25 Jan 66)


GEOGRAPHICAL ANTIPATHIES, pain and unconsciousness have taken place at some point on the globe, some city, some ocean, some altitude, some depth. Afterwards, he avoids such a point. (PAB 9) 

GF, green form. (HCOB 6 Mar 71 I)


GF40RB, expanded green form forty revised. See GF40XRR.


GF40XRR, (green form forty expanded, revised, revised), a correction list used to handle resistive cases (TA in normal range but not responding well to auditing). Assess M3 with all reading items taken to F/N per instructions, then handled in depth with L&N and R3R processes. Normally done only once if done properly. EP is all reading items handled, pc no longer resistive and making good progress in auditing. Note that a pc can be made to appear resistive by poor basic auditing and failure to use the right correction list when needed. (BTB 11 Aug 72R) 2. this correction list was further revised in December 1974 and renumbered as Expanded GF40RB (HCOB 30 Jun 71R)


GF MS, goals finder model session. (HCO PL 8 Dec 62)


GIs, good indicators. (HCOB 9 May 69 II)


GITA, give and take processing. Expanded Gita was developed from phenomena discovered after I developed creative processing. It was originally plain GIve and TAke processing, hence the Gita. (PAB 16)


GLEE, a kind of insanity. Glee is a special kind of embarrassed giggling. You’ll know it when you see it. When you see glee on some fellow on a post, realize it’s because he doesn’t understand what he’s doing. He’s ignorant about something and above that is confusion and above the confusion is glee. (HCOB 20 Sept 68)


GLEE OF INSANITY, 1. a specialized case of irresponsibility. A thetan who cannot be killed and yet can be punished has only one answer to those punishing him and that is to demonstrate to them that he is no longer capable of force or action and is no longer responsible. He therefore states that he is insane and demonstrates that he cannot possibly harm them as he lacks any further rationality. This is the root and basis of insanity. (Scn 8-8008, p. 55) 2. also called the "glee of irresponsibility." Manifestation which takes the form of an actual wave emanation resulting basically from the individual dramatizing the condition of "must reach—can’t reach, must withdraw—can’t withdraw." (PXL Gloss)


GLIBIDITY, Slang. a condition in which a person gives very glib answers. (SH Spec 41, 6409C29)


GLIB STUDENT, one who can confront the words and ideas. He cannot confront the physical universe or people around him and so cannot apply. He does not see mest or people. The reason for this is that he is below nonexistence on one or more dynamics and so cannot align with the others. (HCOB 26 Apr 72)


GLUM AREA, that area which when the pc is supposedly "itsaing" about it, makes him glum and the TA rise, indicating that a service facsimile is doing the confronting on that area and not the pc. (HCOB 16 Oct 63)


GMTH, CCH-l is known as "Give me that hand." (PAB 133)


GOAL, 1. the prime postulate. It is the prime intention. It is a basic purpose for any cycle of lives the pc has lived. (SH Spec 160, 6206C12) 2. a solution to the problems which have been given the person usually by terminals. (SH Spec 5, 6106C01) 3. the signficance which surrounds the terminal. (SH Spec 5, 6106C01) 4. a whole track long-term matter. (HCO PL 6 Dec 70)


GOAL OF DIANETICS, a world without insanity, without criminals and without war—this is the goal of Dn. (SOS, p. v)


GOAL OF LIFE, the goal of life can be considered to be infinite survival. Man, as a life form, can be demonstrated to obey in all his actions and purposes the one command: "SURVIVE!" (DMSMH, p. 19)


GOAL OF PROCESSING, to bring an individual into such thorough communication with the physical universe that he can regain the power and ability of his own postulates. (COHA, p. xi)


GOAL SERIES, the actual goals in their sequence and pattern that repeats over and over forward through time. (HCOB 13 Apr 64, Scn VI Part One Glossary of Terms)


GOALS FINDER, 1. a person in an organization who has no other post or activity of any kind. He is simply Goals Finder and keeps more or less regular auditing hours. The Goals Finder finds goals of staff members when they are ready. (HCO PL 10 Sept 62) 2. the title Goals Finder is changed herewith to "A Clearing Consultant." (HCO PL 11 Apr 63) [The above are quoted from HCO PLs of the referenced date, however, the post of Goals Finder does not exist as such in today’s Church of Scientology.]


GOALS FINDER MODEL SESSION, where the pc has been well prepchecked and is well under auditor control, a goal finder in an R-3GA session may omit rudiments in model session, using only goals for session, and havingness, goals and gains at end and general O/W mid ruds and random ruds where needed in the session. (HCOB 15 Oct 62)


GOALS LIST, a full list of goals including childhood goals, withheld goals, antisocial goals, and (by meter reaction on question) "Any goal you have not told me about." Auditor gets every possible goal until the meter is null on the question of goals the pc might have. (HCOB 6 Apr 61)


GOALS PLOT, the pattern of the pc’s actual goals. (HCOB 13 Apr 64, Scn VI Part One Glossary of Terms)


GOALS PROBLEM MASS, 1. the goal has been balked for eons by opposing forces. The goal pointed one way, the opposing forces point exactly opposite and against it. If you took two fire hoses and pointed them at each other, their streams would not reach each other’s nozzles, but would splatter against one another in midair. If this splatter were to hang there, it would be a ball of messed up water. Call hose A the force the pc has used to execute his goal. Call hose B the force other dynamics have used to oppose that goal. Where these two forces have perpetually met, a mental mass is created. This is the picture of any problem—force opposing force with resultant mass. Where the pc’s goal meets constant opposition, you have in the reactive mind the resultant mass caused by the two forces— Goal=force of getting it done, Opposition=force opposing it getting done. This is the goal problem mass. (HCOB 20 Nov 61) 2. is fundamentally founded on a goal. They’re a conglomeration of identities which are counter-opposed, and these identities are hung up on the postulate-counter-postulate of a problem. (SH Spec 243, 6302C26) 3. constituted of items, beingnesses, that the person has been and has fought. (SH Spec 137, 6204C24) 4. the problem created by two or more opposing ideas which being opposed, balanced, and unresolved, make a mass. It’s a mental energy mass. (SH Spec 83, 6612C06) 5. items (valences) in opposition to one another. Any pair of these items, in opposition to each other, constitute a specific problem. (HCOB 23 Nov 62)


GOALS TERMINAL, something that epitomizes both the goal and the resistive modifier. (SH Spec 76, 6111C07)


GOES THROUGH 7, around the whole TA dial and back up. (HCOB 20 Aug 63)


GO IN, to go in; the act of the verb interiorizing. (HCOB 4 Jan 71 II)


GOING UP THE POLE, Slang. that’s when somebody doesn’t even begin to handle energy, but he just suddenly somehow or other latches onto about 40.0 and goes out the top and still holds onto the mest body on the bottom and he’s done the incredible thing of making a circle out of all this. He’s joined 0.0 up against 40.0 and to listen to the guy and to talk to the guy you couldn’t really tell whether he’s ecstatically alive or fatally dead. (PDC 27)


GOOD AUDITOR, one who knows Scn and its techniques and who audits with all basics in. (Aud 1 UK)


GOOD AUTOMATICITY, that which raised the self-determinism of others and let them more and more on a rising scale, think, act and provide for themselves. (PDC 21)


GOOD CASE CONDITION, attained the level of case for which the church is classified and now in training during staff study time for admin or tech certification. (HCO PL 21 Oct 73R)


GOOD CONDUCT, to do only those things which others can experience. (HCOB 1 Mar 59)


GOOD/EVIL, for the purpose of Dn and Scn good and evil must be defined. Those things which may be classified as good by an individual are only those things which aid himself, his family, his group, his race, mankind or life in its dynamic obedience to the command, modified by the observations of the individual, his family, his group, his race, or life. As evil, may be classified those things which tend to limit the dynamic thrust of the individual, his family, his group, his race, or life in general in the dynamic drive, also limited by the observation, the observer and his ability to observe. Good may be defined as constructive. Evil may be defined as destructive—definitions modified by viewpoint. (DTOT, p. 21)


GOOD INDICATORS, 1. what you are treating is getting better, by which we mean, less present; betterness to us is less present, his bad ankle is getting better. We mean the badness of the ankle is less present so that’s a good indicator. How much less present, is the degree of the goodness of the indicator. (SH Spec 3, 6401C09) 2. those indicators of a person (or group) indicating that the person is doing well, e.g. fast progress, high production statistics, person happy, winning, cogniting, are said to be good indicators. (BTB 12 Apr 72R) Abbr. GIs.


GOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION, not suffering from physical illness, not PTS, not currently physically damaged by accident. (HCO PL 21 Oct 73R)


GOVERNOR, mentioned in a lecture in the autumn of 1951. The speed of a preclear is the speed of his production of energy. The most important step in establishing a preclear’s self-determinism, the goal of the auditor, is the rehabilitation of the preclear’s ability to produce energy. (Scn 8-80, p. 33)


G PLUS M, goal plus modifier. (SH Spec 90, 6112C07)


GPM, goals problem mass. (HCOB 23 Aug 65)


GRAD, Graduate. (BPL 5 Nov 72RA)


GRADATION, it means there are grades, as to a road, or steps which are a gradual grade up. (Aud 107 ASHO)




GRADE, 1. the word used to describe the attainment of level achieved by a preclear. Grade is the personal points of progress on the bridge. A preclear is Grade 0, I, II, III, IV, V, VA or VI depending on the technology successfully applied. (Aud 72 UK) 2. a series of processes culminating in an exact ability attained, examined and attested to by the pc. (HCOB 23 Aug 71) 3. grade and level are the same but when one has a grade one is a pc and when one has a level one is studying its data. (HCOB 2 Apr 65)


GRADE 0, Communications Release. Ability to communicate freely with anyone on any subject. (CG&AC75)


GRADE I, Problems Release. Ability to recognize the source of problems and make them vanish. (CG&AC75)


GRADE II, Relief Release. Relief from hostilities and the sufferings of life. (CG&AC75)


GRADE III, Freedom Release. Freedom from the upsets of the past and ability to face the future. (CG&AC75)


GRADE IV, Ability Release. Moving out of fixed conditions and gaining abilities to do new things. (CG&AC75)


GRADE V, Power Release. Ability to handle power. (CG&AC75)


GRADE VA, Power Plus Release. Recovery of knowledge. (CG&AC75)


GRADE VI, Whole Track Release. Return of powers to act on own determinism. (CG&AC75)


GRADE VII, Clear. Ability to be at cause over mental matter, energy, space, and time on the first dynamic (survival for self). (CG&AC75)


GRADIENT, 1. a gradual approach to something, taken step by step, level by level, each step or level being, of itself, easily surmountable—so that, finally, quite complicated and difficult activities or high states of being can be achieved with relative ease. This principle is applied to both Scn processing and training. (Scn AD) 2. a steepening or an increasing from the slight to the heavy. (HCOB 3 Apr 66) 3. the essence of a gradient is just being able to do a little bit more and a little bit more and a little bit more until you finally make the grade. (Scn 0-8, p. 15)


GRADIENT SCALE, 1. the term can apply to anything, and means a scale of condition graduated from zero to infinity. Absolutes are considered to be unobtainable. (Scn 8-8008, p. 104) 2. the tool of infinity-valued logic. It is a tenet of Dn and Scn that absolutes are unattainable. Terms like good and bad, alive and dead, right and wrong are used only in conjunction with gradient scales. On the scale of right and wrong, everything above zero or center would be more and more right, approaching an infinite rightness, and everything below zero or center would be more and more wrong, approaching an infinite wrongness. The gradient scale is a way of thinking about the universe which approximates the actual conditions of the universe more closely than any other existing logical method. (SOS Gloss)


GRADIENTS OF CASES, the degree to which the person is overwhelmed by the bank. (SH Spec 46, 6108C29)


GRAND TOUR, 1. the process R1-9 in The Creation of Human Ability. (PXL Gloss) 2. Grand Tour is the Route 1 or exteriorized version of Spotting Spots. The allditor asks the preclear to be in a spot of a certain description, such as his home town, asks him to be in the auditing room, asks him to be in his home town, asks him to be in the auditing room. (PAB 51) 3. a very simple process. What you do is run change of space with enough interesting locales in it, to show the pc that he can choose around a great deal of universe and look at a great many things. (5410CM10C) 4. a process used on an exteriorized thetan to free him from the craving for mass and to bring into present time a greater portion of the mest universe. (COHA Gloss)


GRANT BEINGNESS, the ability to assume or grant (give, allow) beingness is probably the highest of human virtues. It is even more important to be able to permit (allow) other people to have beingness than to be able oneself to assume it. (FOT, p. 27)


GREASING THE TRACK, merely by running the preclear through various parts of his life, up and down the track, the auditor may relieve enough anaten and misemotion from the case to permit somatics to occur. This was once upon a time known as "greasing the track." However one should not run a preclear into a somatic unless one intends to reduce it or to discover the basic on the chain and reduce that. (SOS, p. 84)


GREASY ON THE TRACK, Slang. attention of the pc hard to control. (SH Spec 302A, 6309C03)


GREEN FORM, 1. used for general case cleanup particularly on an out-rud type pc or when ruds won’t fly. It is not used to handle high or low TA. Assessed M5 to provide data for the C/S then each read handled in accordance with C/S Series 44R. EP is each read handled to its EP. May be reassessed after handling all reading items if heavily charged on first assessment. Can also be done M3 to a good win and F/N VGIs. (BTB 11 Aug 72RA) 2. in HGC the Green Form is done on the order of the case supervisor to detect reasons for case trouble; prepared list. (HCO PL 7 Apr 70RA) Abbr. GF.


GREEN SHEET, an Expanded Dianetics program is written on a green sheet. (BTB 6 Nov 72R II)


GR ENG INT, group engram intensive. (HCOB 5 May 70)


GRIEF, 1. a ridge and is occasioned by loss. (Scn 8-8008, p. 21) 2. 0.5 on the tone scale. (SOS, p. 57) 3. Grief takes place where one recognizes his loss and failure as in the death of somebody he loved and tried to help. (HFP, p. 85)


GRIEF CHARGE, an outburst of tears that may continue for a considerable time, in a session, after which the preclear feels greatly relieved. This is occasioned by the discharge of grief or painful emotion from a secondary. (Scn AD)


GRINDING, 1. charge is held in place by the basic on a chain. When only later than basic incidents are run charge can be restimulated and then bottled up again with a very small amount blown. This is known as "grinding out" an incident. An engram is getting run, but as it is not basic on a chain, no adequate amount of charge is being relieved. (HCOB 8 Jun 63) 2. going over and over and over and over a lock, secondary or engram without obtaining an actual erasure. The Dn auditor who puts the pc through an incident four or five times without erasure or appreciable reduction is encountering "grinding." (HCOB 1 May 69) 3. a level below ARC breaking. A pc who just sits there and grinds is very often not up to getting ARC broken. (SH Spec 66, 6110C12)


GROOVE IN THE QUESTION, there are a variety of ways to do this, e.g., ask what the question means, what period or time the question covers, what activities would be included, where the pc has been that might be something to do with the question. If any other people are likely to be involved. In other words, you are steering the pc’s attention to various parts of his bank and getting him to have a preliminary look. When this has been done using very good TR-1, you give him the question again. (BTB 18 Dec 72)


GROSS AUDITING ERRORS, the five gross auditing errors are: (1) can’t handle and read an E-meter; (2) doesn’t know and can’t apply technical data; (3) can’t get and keep a pc in session; (4) can’t complete an auditing cycle; (5) can’t complete a repetitive auditing cycle (including repeating a command long enough to flatten a process). (HCOB 21 Sept 65) Abbr. GAEs.


GROUP ANALYTICAL MIND, the true analytical mind of the group is the composite of the analytical minds of the members of the group as guided by the rationale and ethics which initially founded the group or which it has developed into a culture. (NOTL, p. 137)


GROUP AUDITOR, 1. one who stands in front of, sits in front of, or relays by loudspeaker system to a group (and a group consists of two or more people), auditing, so as to improve their condition of beingness as thetans. (PXL, p. 284) 2. a group auditor is one who administers techniques, usually already codified, to groups of children or adults. (GAH, p. i)


GROUP AUDITOR’S HANDBOOK, this was a 1954 compilation of group auditing sessions resulting from the Advanced Clinical Courses of that year. (PXL, p. 288)




GROUPED, meaning everything in the same place. (21ACC-5, 5901C30)


GROUP ENGRAM, 1. each time instantaneous action is demanded of the group by compressed time situations, and commands are given by the selected individual or individuals to cope with those moments of emergency, it can be observed that an engram has been implanted in the group. The instantaneous orders and commands are indicators of an engram. The engram actually was received during a moment of shock when the ideals, ethics, rationale and general thought and energy of the group collided forcefully with mest. (NOTL, p. 132) 2. a group is composed of individuals. If they have a group engram, it only has force because of basics on that subject in their banks. Thus, if they are cleaned up on the general subject, the general group engram should blow off and disappear. (HCOB 27 Feb 70)


GROUP ENGRAM INTENSIVE, this is a process run to help a Scientology Church. A group is composed of individuals. If they have a group engram it only has force because of basics on that subject in their banks. Thus, if they are cleaned up on the general subject, the general group engram should blow off and disappear. This is done on every member of the group. Listing, nulling and TRs must be flawless. (HCOB 27 Feb 70)


GROUPER, 1. species of command which, literally translated, means that all incidents are in one place on the time track: "I’m jammed up," "Everything happens at once," "Everything comes in on me at once," "I’ll get even with you," etc. (DMSMH, p. 213) 2. anything which pulls the time track into a bunch at one or more points. When the grouper is gone the time track is perceived to be straight. (HCOB 15 May 63) 3. is a number of incidents becoming located apparently in one time instant. (SH Spec 56, 6109C20) 4. action phrase which would tend to bunch all incidents in one place, creates the illusion that the time track is collapsed and that all incidents are at the same point in time. Example: "Pull yourself together," "It all happens at once." (SOS, p. 103)


GROUP PROCESSING, techniques, usually already codified, administered to groups of children or adults. The group (preclears) is usually assembled and seated in a quiet room where they will not be disturbed by sudden noises or entrances. The group auditor then takes his position in the front of the group and talks to them briefly about what he is going to do and what he expects them to do. The auditor then begins with his first command. (GAH, p. i)


GROUP REACTIVE MIND, could be considered to lie in the actions of those individuals set up for emergency status during compressed time emergencies, which is to say, the reactive mind is composed of the composite engrams of the group itself. (NOTL, p. 136)


GROUP THETA, the theta of a group would be its ideas, ideals, rationale and ethic. This is an actual force. The culture is an accumulated soul which flows over and through a number of individuals and persists after the death of those individuals via other individuals or even other groups. (DAB, Vol. II, p. 136)


GROUP THINK, the common denominator of the group is the reactive bank. Thetans without banks have different responses. They only have their banks in common. They agree then only on bank principles. Person to person the bank is identical. So constructive ideas are individual and seldom get broad agreement in a human group. (HCO PL 7 Feb 65)


GUARD OF THE LEFT, you’ve got suppress, you’ve got careful of, and you’ve got fail to reveal. These buttons: suppress, careful of and fail to reveal produce sensation. When the goal doesn’t fire it’s in the left-hand column. (SH Spec 195, 6209C27)


GUARD OF THE RIGHT, invalidate, suggest and mistake. These buttons produce pain. The goal fires falsely on the buttons on the right. (SH Spec 195, 6209C27)


GUIDING SECONDARY STYLE, 1. steer plus itsa. You guide the guy into talking about something and get a tone arm blowdown and then you make him talk about it. You get the tone arm action out of it, and then while he’s talking about it he mentions several new things that give him tone arm action so you note those things down and you come back afterwards and talk about those things. (SH Spec 47, 6411C17) 2. differs from proper guiding style and is done by: (1) steering the pc toward revealing something or something revealed; (2) handling it with itsa. (HCOB 21 Feb 66)


GUIDING STYLE AUDITING (LEVEL TWO STYLE), the essentials of Guiding Style Auditing consist of two-way comm that steers the pc into revealing a difficulty followed by a repetitive process to handle what has been revealed. (HCOB 6 Nov 64)


GUILT COMPLEX, before you felt sympathy, you offended in some way. You did something. Then you were sorry for it. The offense may have taken place years or only minutes before your sympathy came about. This is the emotional curve of sympathy. It goes from antagonism or anger down to sympathy. This used to be called a "guilt complex." (HFP, pp. 125-126)


GUK BOMB, I have found that 600 milligrams of Vitamin E (minimum) assists Scn processing very markedly. It works by itself but is best taken with an old time "Guk Bomb." The formula of the bomb is variable but is basically 100 mg. of Vitamin B1, 15 gr. of calcium and 500 mg. of Vitamin C. (HCOB 27 Dec 65)