

0=, denotes an item which simply has the requirement of you reading, understanding and attesting in the space opposite the item on the checksheet. Your initials in the space provided indicate that you have read, understood and can apply the data concerned. (HCO PL 13 Apr 71)


OBJECT, 1. an object could be considered to be any unit manifestation of energy including matter. It has been found that the duration of an object roughly approximates its solidity. (Scn 8-8008, p. 14) 2. objects consist of grouped particles. (PRO 13, 5408C20) 3. a condensed piece of energy. (PDC 46) OBJECTIVE, dictionary definition "of or having to do with a material object as distinguished from a mental concept, idea or belief." Means here and now objects in PT as opposed to "subjective." (HCOB 2 Nov 57RA)


OBJECTIVE DUB-IN, the manifestation of putting, unknowingly, perceptions which do not in actual fact exist, in the environment. (HCOB 11 May 65)


OBJECTIVE ENVIRONMENT, is the environment everyone agrees is there. (HFP Gloss)


OBJECTIVE HAVINGNESS PROCESSES, objective duplication increase. (HCOB 29 Sept 60)


OBJECTIVE PROCESSES, 1. objective processes deal with body motions and observing and touching objects in the auditing room. (HCOB 30 Sept 71 V) 2. Iook around or physical contact processes are obviously "objective." Pcs who have been on drugs obviously have to be run on objective not subjective processes. Anyone can be brought more into present time with objective processes. (HCOB 2 Nov 57RA)


OBNOSIS, 1. the observation of the obvious; the ability to look at the obvious. (SH Spec 48, 6411C04) 2. this is a coined (invented) word meaning observing the obvious. There is no English or any other language precise equivalent for it. (HCO PL 26 Jun 72)


OBSERVER, condition where the preclear cannot be anything— cannot occupy a source point or receipt point. (COHA, p. 169)


OBSESSION, he's just returning motion on something where he's had too much motion thrown at him on this subject. That's an obsession, and that's all an obsession is. It's just bouncing back the motion which has been bounced at him. (5206CM24C)


OBSESSIVE COMMUNICATION, an outflow which is not pertinent to the surrounding terminals and situation. In other words, compulsive or obsessive communication is an outflow which is not in reality with the existing reality. (Dn 55.!, p. 93)


OCA GRAPH, 1. personality graph, Oxford Capacity Analysis. (HCOB 7 Sept 71) 2. a specially prepared graph which plots ten traits of a pc's personality from a personality test taken by the pc. (BTB 5 Nov 72 IV)


OCCLUDED, memory not available for recall. Someone who is occluded has a poor memory and poor recalls of the past. (NSOL, p. 144)


OCCLUDED CASE, 1. is fixed, most likely, in the effort of a heavy facsimile. The occluded case is using a service facsimile so heavily that it is in constant restimulation, and that service facsimile is occluded by heavy effort. The occluded case complains of illness, ordinarily. (AP&A, p. 41) 2. your occluded case is simply a balled-up track. (5206CM24F) 3. simply a heavily ridged case. (5203CM04B)


OCCLUSION, 1. something hidden, an occlusion of memory is something forgotten, i.e. not available to conscious recall. An occluded case is one whose memory is usually largely occluded and whose field of awareness is black or very dark. (COHA Gloss) 2. occlusion is simply using remote viewpoints and then having the remote viewpoints go blank. (5410CMlOB) 3. loss of viewpoint of effects. When one has lost a viewpoint with which to perceive effects and upon which he depended for all perception of effect he is very occluded. (PAB 4)


OCCLUSION TYPE OF CIRCUIT, the circuit which drops curtains across certain pieces of information or may mask "I" from contact with the standard bank or the reactive bank. This circuit might be worded, "For your own good I have to protect you from yourself." (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 206)


OCTSER, October series. (HCOB 29 Sept 66)


OFF, officer. (BPL 5 Nov 72RA)


OFF TECH, off technical. (HCOB 23 Aug 65)


OFF THE TRACK, whenever you find a patient, returned, outside himself and seeing himself, that patient is off the track. (DMSMH, p. 320)


OJ, overt justification (a process name). (BTB 20 Aug 71R II)


OKAY TO AUDIT, an okay to audit means two things. There are two okays to audit. One is okay to audit as an intern. This means one has done the checksheet to the satisfaction of the intern supervisor. One can now audit for intern qualifications. The other is okay to audit as an HGC auditor. This means one has done the intern checksheet, has audited flublessly to many program completions and is passed by the HGC C/S. (HCO PL 24 Aug 71)


OLD AGE, is nothing more than a confirmed low tone on the physiological side. (5203CM05B)


OLD CUFFS, 1. [refers to a habit of writing on his cuffs of Ole Doc Methuselah's, a hero of an LRH science fiction book.] "Ole Doc sat in the sunlight and puffed his pipe and occasionally made intricate calculations on his gold cuff—his filing case was full of torn cuffs containing solutions which would have rocked even his brothers of the Universal Medical Society." (L. Ron Hubbard, Ole Doc Methuselah, p. 75) 2. they're just suppositions and so forth, theories. (5410CMlOC)




OLFACTORY, 1. with olfactory perception we perceive the minute particles of matter which register as smell. (SOS, p. 59) 2. the sense of smell is evidently activated by small particles escaping from the object, which is thus sensed traveling through space and meeting the nerves. (SA, p. 87)


-OLOGY, means study. (5407C19)


O-METER, in 1955 a planned new and better E-meter than had ever been built before, under the trademarked name of physiogalvanometer, or O-meter. (PAB 52)


ONE-FIVE (1.5 on the tone scale), 1. numerical equivalent on the Chart of Human Evaluation for the person who is in overt hostility. Anger is his standard state. He is capable of taking destructive action and is characteristically trying to stop things. (PXL Gloss) 2. total obstacle. The definition of 1.5 would be just that, total obstacle. (2ACC-30A, 5312CM21) 3. a case of chronic anger or one which enturbulates easily into anger. (SOS, p. 51)


ONENESS, people have had the idea that there was a main body of theta and everybody became "one" when you got to the top of the tone scale. Fortunately that isn't true. But you go down tone scale and everybody becomes one. And the oneness is mest. There's no individuality whatsoever in mest. (PDC 6)


ONE-SHOT CLEAR, 1. there was a great deal of discussion in the '50s concerning the fact that there ought to be some chemical which one would load up into a syringe and the word one-shot clear became current. But it is actually a sarcastic word. I can absolutely assure you completely and 100 per cent that there is no magic single button. (Cl. VIII No. 13) 2. the command "Be three feet back of your head." This is the one-shot clear. (5410CMlOB) 3. by one-shot clear we meant one phrase or one action given once or repeated, which would bring into being the Clear as described in Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, Chapter II. (Dn 55.! p. 134)




ONE WITH THE UNIVERSE, one of the control mechanisms which has been used on thetans is that when they rise in potential they are led to believe themselves one with the universe. This is distinctly untrue. Thetans are individuals. They do not as they rise up the scale, merge with other individualities. (Scn 8-8008, p. 25)


ONLY ONE, 1. if an individual can discover that he is only playing on the first dynamic and that he belongs to no other team it is certain that this individual will lose for he has before him seven remaining dynamics. And the first dynamic is seldom capable of besting by itself all the remaining dynamics. In Scn we call this condition the "only one." Here is self-determinism in the guise of selfish-determinism and here is an individual who will most certainly be overwhelmed. To enjoy life one must be some part of life. (PAB 84) 2. just above zero on the tone scale. An individual must have no effect on self and total effect on everything and everybody else. Now that is the category of only one. This person can never communicate on a team basis. (5707C25) 3. you can look at any person who is being dishonest or who is upsetting his environment or who is getting people into trouble all the time. You could look at that person and the actuality is he has no reality on his fellow man. He doesn't know they live. That's a very low-toned thing we call "only one." And when they get into that then they are able to do most anything. All criminals are in this bracket. (ASMC 2, 5506C03) 4. the preclear has gotten into a state, ordinarily, where he is the only one who can grant beingness, but he has so long restrained other people from granting life to things that he himself will no longer grant any life to things. (COHA, p. 56)


OPENING PROCEDURE BY DUPLICATION, gets the preclear to examine, communicate with and own two dissimilar objects. These objects are placed several feet apart and at a level so that the preclear can pick them up without bending over, but so he has to walk between them. (COHA, p. 48)


OPENING PROCEDURE OF 8-C, 1. the basic theory of Opening Procedure of 8-C is to make and break communication with the physical universe. Once an individual discovers that he can make and break communication with walls and objects, it will be discovered that he can let go of various pieces of his engram bank. (PAB 47) 2. consists of having the preclear move his body around the room under the auditor's direction until (a) he finds he is in actual communication with many spots on the surface of things in the room, (b) until he can select spots in the room and know that he is selecting them and can communicate with them, and (c) select spots and move to them, decide when to touch them and when to let go. (COHA, p. 44)


OPERATING, able to act and handle things. (Aud 10 UK)


OPERATING THETAN, 1. a thetan exterior who can have but doesn't have to have a body in order to control or operate thought, life, matter, energy, space and time. ( SH Spec 82, 6611C29) 2. willing and knowing cause over life, thought, matter, energy, space and time. And that would of course be mind and that would of course be universe. ( SH Spec 80, 6609C08) 3. an individual who could operate totally independently of his body whether he had one or didn't have one. He's now himself, he's not dependent on the universe around him. (SH Spec 66, 6509C09) 4. a Clear who has been refamiliarized with his capabilities. (HCOB 12 Jul 65) 5. a being at cause over matter, energy, space, time, form and life. Operating comes from "able to operate without dependency on things" and thetan is the Greek letter theta (ø), which the Greeks used to represent "thought" or perhaps "spirit" to which an "n" is added to make a new noun in the modern style used to create words in engineering. (BCR, p. 10) 6. by operating thetan we mean theta clear plus ability to operate functionally against or with mest and other life forms. (SCP, p. 3) 7. this state of being is attained by drills and familiarity after the state of Clear has been obtained. A real OT has no reactive bank, is cause over matter, energy, space, time and thought and is completely free. (HCOB 12 Jul 65)


OPERATION CLEAR, it is CLEAR you, then CLEAR your environment, then CLEAR the country. (Cert, Vol. 5, No. 2,1958)


OPERATIVE SHOCK, a shock to the person sufficient to blow up a few facsimiles. (5207CM24B)


OPPOSE LIST, a list in Routine 2-12 where if the reliable item found turned on pain, you list "Who or what would . . . (reliable item) oppose?" If it turned on sensation, list "Who or what would oppose . . . (the reliable item)?" (HCOB 23 Nov 62)


OPPOSITE POSTULATE, an individual who has made a postulate on a subject experiences "failure" when he has to make an opposite postulate later. The opposite postulate has the effect of a negative postulate. The opposite postulate is distinguished from a negative postulate because it depends upon effort which a negative postulate does not necessarily have to do. (AP&A, P- 34)


OPPOSITE VECTOR CASE, has private goals quite the reverse of getting better. (HCOB 24 Mar 60)


OPPOSITION TERMINAL, l. a designation of a type of GPM item (R6 material). (HCOB 23 Aug 65) 2. one of a pair of reliable items of equal mass and force, the significance of which the thetan has in opposition to his own intentions. (HCOB 13 Apr 64, Scn VI Part One Glossary of Terms) 3. an item or identity the pc has actually opposed (fought, been an enemy of) sometime in the past (or present) is called an opposition terminal. As the person identified himself as not it, he could experience from it only sensation. An opposition terminal when its mental residues (black masses) are recontacted in processing, produces only sensation, never pain. Symbol: oppterm. (HCOB 8 Nov 62)


OP PRO BY DUP, Opening Procedure by Duplication. (SH Spec 67, 6509C21)


OPPTERM, opposition terminal. (HCOB 8 Nov 62)


OPTIMUM PRECLEAR, would be one who had average response to noises and sights, who had accurate sonic and visio and who could imagine and know that he was imagining, in color-visio and tone-sonic. This person, understand clearly, may have aberrations which make him climb every chimney in town, drink every drop in every bar every night (or try it anyway), beat his wife, drown his children and suppose himself to be a jub-jub bird. In the psychosomatic line he may have arthritis, gallbladder trouble, dermatitis, migraine headaches and flat feet. Or he may have that much more horrible aberration—pride in being average and "adjusted." He is still a relatively easy case to clear. (DMSMH, p. 191)


OPTIMUM RANDOMITY, 1. from the viewpoint of the individual, something which has in it the right amount of motion or unexpectedness for his tolerance. (Scn AD) 2. the amount of unexpectedness and rapidness of motion he would be comfortable about. (Abil 36, p.6) 3. optimum randomity is a 50/50 ratio between cause and effect or a 50 percent offensive and 50 per cent defensive potential. (PAB 30)


OPTIMUM SOLUTION, the solution which brings the greatest benefit to the greatest number of dynamics. The infinitely perfect solution would be one which brought infinite survival on all dynamics. (NOTL, p. 96)


O-RATING, read and listen to the data and understanding of (HCO PL 26 Jun 72 V) See also ZERO RATE.


ORG, organization. (HCOB 23 Aug 65)


ORGANIC, internal sensations and, by new definition, emotion. (Abil 71)


ORGANICALLY INSANE, missing or seared portions of the brain bringing about insanity, mainly genetic or iatrogenic and relatively rare except in institutions. (DMSMH, p. 172)


ORGANIC PERCEPTIONS, through organic perceptions we perceive the states of our own bodies, internally. (SOS, p. 59)


ORGANIC SENSATION, that sense which tells the central nervous system the state of the various organs of the body. (SA, p. 104)


ORGANISM, 1. a portion of mest which has been organized and is being controlled by theta. Organisms are alive. They are the physical manifestation of life. Theta is said, then, to be the "energy" of life. (It is not to be confused with physical energy, which is the "e" of "mest.") (Abil 114A) 2. an organism is composed of theta and mest and their altered form, entheta and enmest. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 246)


ORIENTATION, determination of location in space and time and determination of energy quantity present. This applies to past, present, future. (Scn 8-8008 Gloss)


ORIENTATION POINT, 1. that point in relation to which others have location. It is also that point from which the space containing the locations is being created. (COHA, p. 54) 2. a point of reference from which the position of other objects is judged. People are often found still using orientation points from childhood which may be thousands of miles from their present time location. The goal of Scientology is that the thetan be his own principal orientation point, and that he have the ability to use or discard any other point of reference. (COHA Gloss)


ORIGIN, a point of no-dimension, a point has neither length, breadth, nor depth. But it is something from which you could view length, breadth and depth. (PDC 11)


ORIGINAL FORMULA, the original formula which led us into Scientology was: having found the conditions, I found it was necessary to communicate with them in order to perceive, orient myself in them and with the resulting understandings find out what my purpose really was. And so that was a formula, and it was the original formula by which we moved in. (SH Spec 57, 6504C06)


ORIGINATION, in TR-4 all originations concern the coach, his ideas, reactions or difficulties, none concern the auditor. By originate is meant a statement or remark referring to the state of the coach or fancied case. (HCOB 16 Aug 71 II)


ORIGIN "I", a viewpoint from which one can perceive anchor points. (PDC 13)


ORIGIN OF THE PRECLEAR, the preclear volunteers something all on his own. The preclear is as well as he can originate a communication. That means he can stand at cause on the communication formula. (PAB 151)


O/R LISTING, one clears "overrun" as "gone on too long" or "happened too often." Then one lists smoothly, calmly to the BD F/N item which simply appears. There is no nulling. (HCOB 19 May 71)


-OSIS, the condition of. (Abil 180)


O.T., operating thetan, highest state there is. (SH Spec 66, 6509C09)


O.T. ACTIVITIES, would be those programs conducted by OTs to assist Scientology. (SH Spec 84, 6612C13)


OTHER-DETERMINED REALITY, somebody has given him a facsimile and has really impressed him with it and so this looks more real to him than reality. (PRO 15, 5408CM20)


OTHER-DETERMINISM, 1. simply something else giving you orders or directions. (8ACC-6, 5410CM08) 2. something has so thoroughly overwhelmed the pc that he is it. (HCOB 7 May 59)


OTHER SIDE OF WITHHOLDS, type of case, the person who is afraid to find out. (HCOB 15 Mar 62)


OTHER TECH, is defined as any tech which is not standard tech. (FO 800)


OT METERS (future meters), an entirely different meter for an entirely different purpose. It is for use above Clear up to OT. (EME, p. 26)


OT-3A, procedure tested and released in 1960 for use on staff clearing course, in the HGC, and co-audit to produce theta clears. (HCOB 24 Jan 60) [The full rundown is contained in the HCOB 25 Jan 1960, OT-3A Procedure, HGC Allowed Processes. ]


OT TR-0, a drill to train students to be there comfortably and confront another person. The idea is to get the student able to be there comfortably in a position three feet in front of another person, to be there and not do anything else but be there. Student and coach sit facing each other with eyes closed. (HCOB 16 Aug 71 II)


OUT, things which should be there and aren't or should be done and aren't are said to be "out," i.e. "Enrollment books are out." (HCOB 19 Jun 71 III)


OUT-CREATED, created against too thoroughly. (PAB 85)


OUT-ETHICS, 1. an action or situation in which an individual is involved contrary to the ideals and best interests of his group. An act or situation or relationship contrary to the ethics standards, codes or ideals of the group or other members of the group. An act of omission or commission by an individual that could or has reduced the general effectiveness of a group or its other members. An individual act of omission or commssion which impedes the general well-being of a group or impedes it in achieving its goals. (HCO PL 3 May 72) 2. a person who acts against his own moral codes and the mores of the group violates his integrity and is said to be out-ethics. (BTB 4 Dec 72)


OUTFLOW, 1. a person talking to somebody else, communicating to that person. (Dn 55.!, p. 62) 2. a thetan who is being interested is simply outflowing. Interested=outflowing. Interesting=inflowing. (PXL, p. 193)


OUT LIST, a wrong list item or a wrong list. (HCOB 20 Apr 72 II)


OUT OF, in heavily restimulated circumstances the person goes "out of." In such a condition people want to stop things, cease to act, halt life, and failing this they try to run away. As soon as the actual by-passed charge is found and recognized as the charge by the person, up goes affinity and reality and communication and life can be lived. (HCOB 19 Aug 63)


OUT OF ARC PROCESS, this is the command which asks for out of affinity moments, out of reality moments and out of communication moments. (HCOB 12 Jul 64)


OUT OF PLUMB, a room has eight points at the baseboard and ceiling, and those will sometimes go completely askew. The eight points no longer make a box. They make a twisted space. The room looks like that to the person. (SH Spec 195A, 6209C27)


OUT OF SESSION, 1. when the preclear controls the session he is out of session. Therefore, it is necessary for the preclear not to stop or alter the course of action of an auditor. The moment that a preclear can satisfactorily, to himself, stop the auditor, that preclear is out of session and the probability of doing him much good while he is out of session is very remote. (HCOB 4 Oct 56) 2. there are various degrees of being out of session. The most severe of these is the person who refuses auditing. The next degree is sitting in the chair but refusing to answer questions. The next degree is sitting in the chair and being uncooperative or even choppy. (HCOB 17 Nov 60) 3. the definition of "in session" is (a) interested in own case, (b) willing to talk to the auditor. When either of these are violated the pc is "out of session" and is receiving no benefit from processing. (HCOB 17 Nov 60)


OUT OF VALENCE, 1. simply and entirely the pc was not in the body he was occupying during the incident . ( SH Spec 51, 6109C07) 2. in the pictures you get of old incidents, you may be seeing yourself "outside of yourself," not seeing the scene as you saw it then. This is being out of valence. (HFP, p. 92) 3. it means the case is too heavily charged. It is very, very, very heavily charged. So the person cannot even come to the center of his bank, he can't be in the middle of his bank and look at it. He has been living for eons watching himself so that the pictures he takes are outside. (7203C30SO) 4. if you look into suppressive person tech you will find an SP has to be out of valence to be SP. He does not know that he is because he is himself in a non-self valence. He is "somebody else" and is denying that he himself exists, which is to say denying himself as a self. (HCOB 17 Jul 71)


POINT LIST, these are the elements of illogic and insanity. (HCOB 28 Aug 70RA)


OUT RUDIMENT, a rudiment is out if it reads and in if it does not read. (EMD, p. 37)


OUT RUDS, are easy to spot. The person with an ARC break, won't talk or is misemotional or antagonistic. A problem produces fixated attention. Natter and 1.1 remarks means a withhold. (HCOB 15 Oct 74)


OUT-SCANNING, you get the energy emanating from the preclear to the environment in the incident. That's out scanning. (HCL 4, 5203CM04B)


OUT TECH, means that Scientology is not being applied or is not being correctly applied. (HCOB 13 Sept 65)


OUT THE BOTTOM, Slang. the individual drops down the tone scale so far he can go no further down. It symbolized being worse off than merely being on the bottom of the ladder. Gone downward from the bottom. (LRH Def. Notes)


OVER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, 1. acknowledging before the pc has said all. (HCOB 13 Apr 64, Scn VI Part One Tone Arm Action) 2. giving an unnecessary number of Goods, Thank yous, etc., which will have the same effect as under acknowledging. (BTB 29 Jun 62)


OVERAUDITING, auditing beyond a grade of release attained. (Aud 10 UK)


OVERBURDEN, the incident is too charged in one place to be confronted. (HCOB 15 Jul 70)


OVERLISTED LIST, the pc is just kind of in apathy about it all and upset and sort of audited into the ground, and it's all sort of tight and the rnass is tight and the needle is tight. The auditor had a complete Ust and didn't know when to stop. (SH Spec 255, 6304C04)


OVER-PERCEPTION, this is not necessarily imagination, but it can go to the length of seeing and hearing things which are not there at all, which happens to be a common insanity. (DMSMH, p. 189)


OVER-RESTIMULATION, 1. pc goes into more charge than he or she can itsa easily. The TA slows down. (HCOB 13 Apr 64, Scn VI Part One Tone Ar7n Action) 2. something that is over-restimulated is not easily discharged because in some fashion or another the discharge has been prevented. It comes from getting a hold of too much and not discharging it. (SH Spec 300, 6308C28) 3. there is a condition of over-restimulation. Its definition is, it will not discharge by ordinary means. (SH Spec 300, 6308C28)


OVERRUN, 1. an overrun means doing something too long that has engrams connected with it which means an engram chain with too many engrams on it being restimulated by life or auditing. Hence overrun. If this overrun persisted unhandled eventually the pc would be overwhelmed and one in theory, would have a low TA. (HCOB 16 Jun 70) 2. gone on too long or happened too often. (HCOB 3 Jun 71) 3. means the pc came out of the bank and the pc went back into it again. (Class VIII, No. 2) 4. continuing a process past the optimum point. (Abil 218) 5. running past a free, floating needle on any type of process. (HCOB 2 Aug 65)


OVERRUNNING, means accumulating protests and upsets about it until it is just a mass of stops. Anyone can do anything forever unless he begins to stop it. (HCOB 2 Jun 71 I)


OVERSHOOTING, going beyond a completion or completing a completion. (HCOB 16 Aug 70)


OVERSHOT, entered the case too high. (PAB 61)


OVERT ACT, 1. an overt act is not just injuring someone or something; an overt act is an act of omission or commission which does the least good for the least number of dynamics or the most harm to the greatest number of dynamics. (HCO PL 1 Nov 70 III) 2. an intentionally committed harmful act committed in an effort to resolve a problem. (SH Spec 44, 6410C27) 3. that thing which you do which you aren't willing to have happen to you. (lSH ACC 10, 6009C14)


OVERT HOSTILITY, here is the occasional grouch, the complaining individual who yet makes no mistake about what he finds wrong. The "blunt, honest" type who tactlessly tears up the tenderer feelings of companions is found in this band. (SOS, p. 20)


OVERT-MOTIVATOR SEQUENCE, 1. if a fellow does an overt, he will then believe he's got to have a motivator or that he has had a motivator. (AHMC 2, 6012C31) 2. the sequence wherein someone who has committed an overt has to claim the existence of motivators. The motivators are then likely to be used to justify committing further overt acts. (PXL Gloss) OVERT OF OMISSION, a failure to act resulting in the injury, reduction or degradation of another or others in their beingness, persons, possessions or dynamics. (HCOB 1 Nov 68 II) 

OVERWHELMING, 1. as a person begins to be unwilling to overwhelm, he, of course, begins to be unwilling to win and so loses pan-determinism and sinks into self-determinism. Games are, for our auditing purposes, "contests in overwhelmings." The primary overwhelming is to take space. (PAB 80) 2. overwhelming does not consist of space, energy et al. It is the idea that an overwhelming has occurred. The winner is convinced that he has overwhelmed the opposing player. The loser is convinced that he has been overwhelmed. (PAB 80) 3. to push in too tight. (SH Spec 57, 6109C21)


OVERWHUMPED, Slang. over-restimulated. (SH Spec 302A, 6309C03)


O/W, overt/withhold. (HCOB 23 Aug 65)


O-W BY TRANSFER, most pcs are on O-W by transfer which is to say when they kick George in the head they get a headache themselves. This makes them think they are George. (HCOB 22 Dec 60)


OWN, to own is not to label or cart away. To own is to be able to see or touch or occupy. (FOT, p. 33)


OWNERSHIP, 1. ownership is a problem of havingness. If you own something you can have it, if you don't own it you can't have it. (2ACC-29B, 5312CM20) 2. ownership could be said to be that area being covered and protected by the preclear. (PAB 8)


OWN VALENCE, his own concept of himself. (PAB 95)