

F, fall. (HCOB 29 Apr 69)


F, female; the E-meter basically registers the female body at 2.0 on the tone arm. When a preclear is Clear he may occasionally get some tone arm motion due to purely body electronics but in the main reads at male or female on the tone arm (3 or 2) according to his or her sex. (EME, pp. 8 and 11)




FAC, Foundation Auditor’s Course. (HCOB 29 Sept 66)




FACSIMILE, 1. any mental picture, that is unknowingly created and part of the time track is a facsimile, whether an engram, secondary, lock or pleasure moment. (HCOB 15 May 63) 2. a theta recording. All physical perceptions, all effort, emotion and thought which a person experiences are recorded continuously, and these recordings are called "facsimiles." They are not dependent upon an organism for their continued existence. Any facsimile which has been recorded is there to be recalled -- when the individual has risen high enough on the tone scale, when he has regained enough of his self-determinism. (Abil 114A) 3. an energy picture made by a thetan or the body’s machinery of the physical universe environment. It is like a photograph. It is made of mental energy. It means copy of the physical universe. (PAB 99) 4. the pictures contained in the reactive mind. (Dn 55.!, p. 12) 5. a full facsimile is a sort of three-dimensional color picture with sound and smell and all other perceptions plus the conclusions or speculations of the individual. (HFP, p. 27) 6. a simple word meaning a picture of a thing, a copy of a thing, not the thing itself. (HFP, p. 25) 7. a facsimile is an energy picture which can be reviewed again. A facsimile contains more than fifty easily identified perceptions. It also contains emotion and thought. (Scn 8-8008, p. 37) 8. means the physical universe impression on thought and it means that section of thought which has a physical universe impression on it and it has a time tag on it. (5203CM03B)


FACSIMILE BANK, mental image pictures; the contents of the reactive mind; colloquially, "bank." (PXL, p. 52)


FACSIMILE ONE, 1. the basic on the service facsimile chain. (HCL 15, 5203CM10) 2. it is called facsimile one because it is the first proven-up whole track incident which, when audited out of a long series of people, was found to alleviate such things as asthma, sinus troubles, chronic chills and a host of other ills. (HOM, p. 64) 3. the one basic engram on top of which all this life engrams are mere locks. (HYLBTL? Gloss) Abbr. Fac One.


FACTORS, the Factors are the summation of the considerations and examinations of the human spirit and the material universe completed between A.D. 1923 and 1953. (COHA, p. 183)


FACTUAL HAVINGNESS, purpose: to remedy havingness objectively. To bring about the preclear’s ability to have or not have, his present time environment and to permit him to alter his considerations of what he has, what he would continue and what he would permit to vanish. (HCOB 3 Jul 59)


FADE-AWAY QUESTIONS, questions to which, because of the characteristics of the mind, there is no possible answer. One of these is "Give me an unknown time." As soon as the preclear starts to answer such a question, he of course has as-ised a certain amount of unknownness and will know the time. The answer to a fade-away question is measurable, however, it could be said arbitrarily to be answered when the preclear has as-ised enough unknownness to give a known time. There are relatively few of these questions. (PAB 43)


FAILED CASE, 1. a case in which thought can always be overpowered by mest. The pc’s inability to make his thinkingness prevail against mest has failed too often and cannot change. Only mest changes, therefore. This is usually the below zero on the APA pc. (HCOB 9 Sept 57) 2. medically ill or injured cases. (HCOB 12 Mar 69)


"FAILED" SESSIONS FORMULA, when you have an auditor giving a failed session, you ASK THE PC WHAT THE AUDITOR DID. Then you get a hold of the auditor and get it corrected. You send the pc to review. (LRH ED 18 INT)


FAILURE, 1. at 0.0 on the tone scale, we have failure. It’s an emotion. It’s just a little bit below apathy. It’s a realization that one has failed. (5904C08) 2. a cycle of action which one thinks he has completed which suddenly is demonstrated not to have been completed. (2ACC-31B, 5312CM22) 3. the inability to handle that which has been started after that course of action is entered. (PDC 5)


FALL, 1. a type of E-meter read. (HCOB 23 Aug 65) 2. a movement of the needle to your right as you face the meter. It can take place anywhere on the dial. It can be a short movement or a long movement even necessitating adjustment of the tone arm. The movement can be either fast or slow. (BIEM, p. 41) 3. also called a drop, a dip, and a register. It denotes that a disagreement with life on which the preclear has greater or lesser reality has met the question asked. (EME, p. 14) 4. fall (about one to two inches). (HCOB 29 Apr 69) Abbr. F.


FALL ON HIS HEAD, Slang. this refers to the fact of a person failing in one area or another. A pc "falls on his head" when he has been improperly audited or attests to grades or actions he has not really attained and then is continued on higher actions or levels of auditing. An administrator falls on his head by failing to handle situations and apply correct policy to an area he is responsible for thereby causing the area and himself to fail. A U.S. Western term meaning a person who has erred and fallen from grace such as a horseman who is bucked off a horse. (LRH Def. Notes)


FALSE, contrary to fact or truth; without grounds; incorrect. Without meaning or sincerity; deceiving. Not keeping faith. Treacherous. Resembling and being identified as a similar or related entity. (HCO PL 3 May 72)


FALSE CLEAR, a preclear whose circuits have been charged to the point where the auditor cannot find an engram and so assumes that he has a Clear, when he does not. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 272)




FALSE FOUR, the laughter and gaiety which the preclear exhibits when he has thoroughly exhausted an incident of charge. There is nothing really "false" about hlse four, except that it is often of very short duration. (SOS Gloss)


FALSE MOTIVATOR, when a person commits an overt or overt of omission with no motivator, he tends to believe or pretends that he has received a motivator which does not in fact exist. This is a false motivator. (HCOB 1 Nov 68 II)


FALSE OVERTS, the person has been hit hard for no reason. So they dream up reasons they were hit. (HCOB 1 Nov 68 II)


FALSE PIANOLA CASE, a case with dub-in circuitry. It is very highly supercharged control circuitry. This person will run on the track, go into this, or go into that, and can go on for years and years. Evidently has very good recall. Has visio and sonic. The only trouble is "I" isn’t even there. Sixty per cent of the material he gives you is strictly dub-in. (NOTL, p. 67)


FALSE READ, 1. if a rud gets any comment, natter or protest or bewilderment, put in false and clean it. "Has anyone said you had a . . . when you didn’t have one?" is the answer to protested ruds. (HCOB 15 Aug 69) 2. thinking something read which really didn’t. Protest can then give you a read. Clean up questions with "protest," "suppress," "invalidate" buttons where pc says there’s nothing there. (BTB 6 Jun 68R)


FALSE SOLUTIONS, the pretended knowingness that you see on the case. (SH Spec 43, 6108C22)


FALSE TA, two conditions in hands or feet can produce an incorrect TA position. The dry condition produces a false high TA. The overly wet condition produces a false low TA. The TA depends on normally moist hands. This does not mean the meter works on "sweat." It does mean the meter works only when there is correct electrical contact. (HCOB 23 Nov 73)


FALSE TA CHECKLIST, normally done early in auditing, especially if TA high or low. Prevents unnecessary repair due to wrong cans or grip. Is usually only done once. Do not suddenly interject this action into the middle of a session nor change from cans to footplates mid session due to TA going high. (BTB 11 Aug 72RA)


FALSE III, an OT who gaily went up the grades without doing them. You don’t have to know more about it than that. (HCOB 24 May 69)


FALSE VALENCE, a personality which never existed. (PAB 95)


FAST FLOW, the student attests his theory or practical class when he believes he has covered the materials and can do it. There is no examination. (LRH ED 2 INT)


FAST FLOW STUDENT, the fast flow student passes courses by an attestation at Certs and Awards that he (a) enrolled properly on the course, (b) has paid for the course (or signed a no-charge invoice for 2l/2 or 5 year contracted staff), (c) has studied and understands all the materials on the checksheet, (d) has done the drills called for by the checksheet, (e) can produce the result required in the course materials. Twin checkouts are suspended. Examinations are not required. (HCO PL 31 Aug 74 II)


FAT FOLDER, a lengthily audited case. (HCOB 6 Oct 70)


F.C., file clerk. (Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation)


FC, Freedom Congress. (HCOB 29 Sept 66)


FC, Founding Church of Scientology. (HCOB 23 Aug 65)


FCCI, Flag Case Completion Intensive. (BTB 22 Oct 72)


F.D., Fellow of Dianetics. (Scn Jour, Iss. 31-G)


FDN, Foundation. (BPL 5 Nov 72RA)


FEAR, l. a condition of alertness for counter-efforts that threaten survival. (HCL 7, 5203CM06A) 2. a fast uncontrolled flow. (PDC 8) 3. the emotion of fear and the dispersal of energy are one and the same thing because the dispersal of energy makes one feel like he wants to run away. (5208CM07C)




FEELING SHUT-OFF, 1. a case which manifests no emotion or cannot feel pain when emotion and pain should be present in some incident is suffering from a "feeling" shut-off. (DMSMH, p. 319) 2. this most likely will be found in the prenatal area. The word "feeling" means both pain and emotion: thus, the phrase "I can’t feel anything," may be an anesthetic for both. (DMSMN, pp. 319-320) 3. a "feeling" shut-off can deny all somatics so that the patient does not feel them. If the patient seems insensible to trouble on the track, be sure that he has a feeling shut-off. (DMSMH, p. 326)


FELLOW OF SCIENTOLOGY, this is an honorary award for signal contributions to Scn technology beyond the scope of a new process. The work must be complete and approved. Usually reserved for a Class IV or V auditor. (HCO PL 12 Aug 63, Certs and Awards )


FES, folder error summary. (BTB 3 Nov 72R)


FFD, full flow Dn. (HCOB 4 Apr 71-IR)


FFT, full flow table. (HCOB 4 Apr 71-IR) See DIANETIC FLOW TABLE.


FIELD, l. anything interposing between pc (thetan) and something he wishes to see, whether mest or mock-up. Fields are black, grey, purple, any substance, or invisible. In any field a pc was effect in an incident where he was being kept from going away. As all fields are incidents, and as a pc is the one who mocks up these incidents, all fields can be cleared by attaining knowing cause. (HCOB 1 Feb 58)


FIELD AUDITOR, 1. anyone who is active in the field, professionally, is classified as "field auditor." (HCOB 26 Oct 56) 2. a field auditor professionally processes preclears up to his classification but not power processes or above. He can run study courses. (HCO PL 21 Oct 66 II)


 FIFTEEN, n. a designation to denote a finished case, solely for case recording to designate a case advanced to current completion. This was a number system for preclears. A case is noted on record by the act number to which it has been advanced. (HFP Gloss)




FIFTH INVADER FORCE, a thetan from the fifth invader force believes himself to be a very strange insect-like creature with unthinkably horrible hands. He believes himself to be occupying such a body, but is in actuality simply a unit capable of producing space, time, energy and matter. (Scn 8-8008, p. 132)




FIGURE-FIGURE CASE, Slang. 1. somebody who will not ever admit to having done something to anybody. The person cannot face any terminal subjectively for fear of having ruined it or for fear of ruining it. (HCOB 3 Sept 59) 2. a person who is firmly convinced he is a body and therefore is being a body always has to have a reason for or a significance. Hence we get figurefigure-figure. Given a fact there must always be a reason for the fact. (PAB 24)


FILE CLERK, 1. Dn auditors’ slang for the mechanism of the mind which acts as a data monitor. Auditors could get instant or "flash" answers direct from the file clerk to aid in contacting incidents. (PXL, pp. 207-208) 2. the file clerk is the bank monitor. "He" monitors for both the reactive engram bank and the standard banks. When he is asked for a datum by the auditor or "I," he will hand out a datum to the auditor via "I." If we had a big computing machine of the most modern design, it would have a "memory bank" of punched cards or some such thing and it would have to have a selector and feeder device to thrust out the data the machine wants. The brain has one of these—it could not operate without it. This is the bank monitor—the file clerk. (DMSMH, p. 198) 3. a response mechanism which is instantaneous. One could postulate that the file clerk is a group of attention units with ready access to the reactive mind and to the standard memory banks, and which in common mental operation forwards data through to "I" as memory. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 162)


FIRE, 1. v. rocket read. (HCOB 30 Mar 63) 2. the auditor must be very sure of his rocket read. The correct RI will fire once when the pc says it. (HCOB 13 May 63)


FIREFIGHT, the action of a quarrel between an auditor and a pc is called a firefight. (HCOB 21 Apr 71RB)




FIRST GOAL CLEAR, one GPM run gives a first goal clear. (HCOB 9 Jul 63)


FIRST GPM, 1. the latest GPM on the track. (SH Spec 251, 6303C21) 2. meaning the first one contacted by the auditor, always, not the earliest one on the track. (HCOB 30 Mar 63)


FIRST OVERT, would be the first overt on a chain of overts. (SH Spec 84, 6612C13)


FIRST PHENOMENON, when a student misses understanding a word, the section right after that word is a blank in his memory. You can always trace back to the word just before the blank, get it understood and find miraculously that the former blank area is not now blank in the bulletin. The above is pure magic. (HCO PL 24 Sept 64)


FIRST POSTULATE, not know. (PAB 66)


FIRST (lST) STAGE RELEASED OT, if a being is a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd stage release and has also become exterior to his body in the process, we simply add "OT" to the state of release. This is all that is meant when a person is called a First Stage Released OT. The person has not only come out of his bank but also out of his body. (HCOB 12 Jul 65) See also STAGES OF RELEASE.


FIRST VALENCE, the preclear’s "own valence," which is his own concept of himself. (PAB 95)


FISH AND FUMBLE, cleaning a dirty needle. (HCOB 14 Jun 62)


FISHING A COGNITION, this is general ARC, answering the preclear’s origin process. When the preclear experiences a somatic, when he sighs, when he gives a reaction to a tone 40 process, the auditor repeats the process two or three more times (random number) and then pausing the process asks the preclear, "How are you doing now?" or "What is going on?" and finds out what happened to the preclear just as though the auditor has not noticed that the preclear had a reaction. The auditor does not point out the reaction but merely wants a discussion in general. During this discussion he brings the preclear up to at least a cognition that the preclear has had a somatic or a reaction and then merely continues the process without further bridge. This is done randomly. It is not always done every time the preclear experiences a reaction. (HCOB 11 Jun 57 Reissued 12 May 72)


5000 OHMS, the exact value for tone arm position 2 on the E-meter. Ohms is the term used for the unit used in measuring electrical resistance on a line. (EMD, p. 16A)


FIXED ATTENTION UNITS, attention units which are caught somewhere down the time track in one incident or another in the form of entheta. (HCOB 11 May 65)


FIXED IDEA, is something accepted without personal inspection or agreement. (HCO PL 19 May 70)


FIXED THETA, entheta. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 10)


FLAG, the Church of Scn of California operates a marine mission aboard a chartered vessel. This marine mission is commonly referred to as Flag. It is operated under the aegis (protection, support) of the Church of Scientology of California (BPL 9 Mar 74)


FLASH ANSWER, 1. the first flash response, the first impression a person receives in answer to a question. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 51) 2. instantaneous reply, the first thing that flashes into the preclear’s mind at the snap of the auditor’s fingers. (SOS, p. 104)


FLAT, meaning that the incident when "flat" has been discharged of all bad consequences to the preclear. (HYLBTL? Gloss)


FLAT BALL BEARING, Slang. 1. a defective product; a nonoperational person or thing. (PRD Gloss) 2. cases that don’t roll on the assembly line of the HGC. Qual is wholly in the flat ball bearing business. The HGC and Academy are wholly in the assembly line business, dealing in fairly round ball bearings. (HCOB 6 Aug 65)


FLAT BY TA, the test of "flat" is the TA moving only one-quarter to one-eighth of a division up or down in twenty minutes of auditing; not cumulative movement such as "the TA moves 1/16th twice so that’s 1/8th of a division—" This is wrong. If it moves from 2.25 to 2.50 to 2.25 two or three times in twenty minutes, this is called flat and has moved only one-quarter of a TA division. This is right. (HCOB 23 May 61)


FLAT COMM LAG, 1. the point at which the auditing question or command is no longer producing change of communication lag. (PXL, p. 45) 2. a comm lag is flat when it is consistent. A person may have an habitual lag of ten seconds. He may say everything after a ten-second pause. (Abil SW)


FLAT METER, a cadmium cell meter discharges very suddenly when it does go flat. In mid session the meter can run out of battery. If the needle doesn’t snap to the right hard or if it doesn’t quite get there on test, then that meter will go flat in mid session and give false TA and no reads or TA on hot subjects. (HCOB 24 Oct 71)


FLAT POINT (CCHs), three cycles with no change in comm lag, no physically observed change, and the pc doing it. (BTB 12 Sept 63R)


FLAT PROCESS, 1. a process is continued as long as it produces change and no longer, at which time the process is flat. (PXL p. 45) 2. a process is flat when 1) there is the same lag from the moment the command is given until the time the preclear answers the command at least three times in a row, 2) a cognition occurs, 3) the tone arm action is flat, 4) a major cognition occurs, 5) an ability regained. (SH Spec 290, 6307C25) 3. a question is flat when the communication lag has been similar for three successive questions. Now, that’s a flat question. The comm lag might be five seconds, five seconds, and five seconds. We would still say with some justice that the question lag was flat. However, the process lag would not be flat until the actual normal exchange lag was present. The question would no longer influence the communication factors of the preclear when the process was flat. (Abil SW)




FLATTEN A PROCESS, 1. to continue a process as long as it produces change and no longer. (Scn AD) 2. nattening something means to do it until it no longer produces a reaction. (HCOB 2 Jun 71 I) See also END PHENOMENA.


FLIP-FLOPPING, a process by which the preclear’s excess motion was taken off. We would say, "Mock up a man and make him nip-nop," and then make him insist that the body nip-nop even further and even more wildly until he himself knew that he was making the body flip-flop. We would do this with a woman’s body and would eventually take the motion off the case that was inhibiting the preclear from controlling the body. This is actually a motionectomy. (SCP, p. 15)


FLOATER, an engram which has not been restimulated in the individual during the lifetime succeeding it. A floater has not accumulated locks since it has not been restimulated. (DTOT, p. 45)


FLOATING NEEDLE, 1. the idle uninfluenced movement of the needle on the dial without any patterns or reactions in it. It can be as small as one inch or as large as dial wide. It does not fall or drop to the right of the dial. It moves to the left at the same speed as it moves to the right. It is observed on a Mark V E-meter calibrated with the TA between 2.0 and 3.0 with GIs in on the pc. It can occur after a cognition, blowdown of the TA or just moves into floating. The pc may or may not voice the cognition. (HCOB 7 May 69 V) 2. floating needles, free needles are the same thing. Once you’ve seen one you’ll never make a mistake on one again. For it floats. It ceases to register on the pc’s bank. It just idly floats about or won’t stand up even at low sensitivity. The TA goes to any place between 2 and 3 and the needle floats. (HCOB 2 Aug 65) Abbr. F/N.


FLOATING TA, the pc is so released the needle can’t be gotten onto the dial. The needle is swinging wider than the meter dial both ways from center and appears to lay first on one side and then the other. The TA can’t be moved fast enough to keep the extreme floating needle on the dial. (HCOB 24 Oct 71)


FLOW, 1. an impulse or direction of energy particles or thought or masses between terminals. (HCOB 3 Feb 69) 2. the progress of particles or impulses or waves from point A to point B. Flow has the connotation of being somewhat directional. (SH Spec 84, 6612C13) 3. a progress of energy between two points. The points may have masses. The points are fixed and the fixedness of the points and their opposition produce the phenomena of flows. (HCOB 1 Feb 62) 4. a change of position of particles in space. (PDC 30) 5. any line of flow, whether contracting or lengthening, is called a flow. A common manifestation is seen in an electric light wire. (Scn 8-80, p. 43)


F-l, flow one, something happening to self. (HCOB 4 Apr 71-lR)


F-2, flow two, doing something to another. (HCOB 4 Apr 71-lR)


F-3, now three, others doing things to others. (HCOB 4 Apr 71-lR)


F-0, flow zero, self doing something to self. (HCOB 4 Apr 71-lR)


FLUB, Slang. n. 1. an error. (HCOB 21 Aug 70)—v. 2. to blunder or make a mess of. (BTB 3 Jul 73 I)


FLUBBED COMMANDS, commands used incorrectly. (HCOB 9 Aug 69)


FLUB CATCH, 1. to notice, intercept and handle after the fact of the motion or action, a blunder or mistake being made. (BTB 3 Jul 73 I) 2. flub=to blunder or make a mess of. Catch=to intercept the motion or action of. It is a term coined and used to cover that exact action. Flub catch=to notice, intercept and handle after the fact of the motion or action, a blunder or mistake being made. (BTB 3 Jul 73 I)


FLUB CATCH SYSTEM, 1. on Flag, an FES is carefully done so as to detect areas of out tech in the world. This is called the "Flub Catch System." Auditors and C/Ses so detected are sent to cramming in their areas to smooth out their tech, knowledge, or TRs, all to improve delivery of tech. (HCOB 6 Oct 70) 2. flub catch means that system which detects, orders and gets corrected out tech. In other words, it catches the flub. (FO 2442R)


FLUNK, v. l. to make a mistake. Fail to apply the materials learned. Opposite of pass. (HCOB 19 Jun 7i III) —n. 1. in the grading of sessions, a flunk is given when (1) the F/N did not get to examiner and didn’t occur at session end, (2) major errors or flubs occurred like no EP, multiple somatic, unflown ruds, etc. (3) the C/S was not followed or completed, (4) Auditors’ Rights listed errors occurred, (5) no F/N and BIs at examiner. (HCOB 21 Aug 70) 2. in TRs, if the student falters, comm lags, fumbles a command or fails to get an execution on coach, coach says "flunk" and they start at beginning of command cycle in which error occurred. (HCOB 11 June 57)


FLYING NEEDLE, l. an F/N that is a real F/N and so forth, takes off, it flies. You can see it disconnect from the bank and start to function. So it’s just a colloquialism; ny a needle, float a needle, F/N, that’s all. (Class VIII No. 2) 2. an earlier definition—a constant rise, constant rapid rise. (SH Spec 181, 6208C07)


F/N, floating needle or free needle. (HCOB 2 Aug 65)


F/NING AUDITOR, an auditor who is auditing well could be said to be F/Ning the whole time. (HCOB 5 Oct 71)


F/NING LIST, meaning the whole list (all items and any added ones) F/N throughout the assessment of the full list with no reads or slows in the F/N as all the items are called. (BTB 27 Jul 71 II)


F/NING STUDENTS, l. students who study well are said to be F/Ning students. (HCOB 5 Oct 71) 2. one who is tearing along successfully in his studies. (BTB 7 Feb 72RA II)


FOLDER, l. a folded sheet of cardboard which encloses all the session reports and other items. The folder is foolscap size, light card, usually blue or green in color. (BTB 3 Nov 72R) 2. a compilation of data—the records kept by an auditor. (Abil 218)


FOLDER ERROR SUMMARY, a summary of auditing errors in a folder and on a pc’s case not corrected at the time the summary is done. (BTB 3 Nov 72R) Abbr. FES.


FOLDER SUMMARY, the folder summary is kept up every session by the auditor and is stapled to the left inside front cover of the folder as a running summary for C/S use. The folder summary is made up of all actions in consecutive date order and showing what was run plus the result at end of process, session time, admin time and exam result—F/N, VGIs or BER. (BTB 5 Nov 72R III) Abbr. F/S.


FOOTPLATES, metal footplates connected to the meter and the pc barefooted in session to handle false TA. (HCOB 24 Oct 71)


FORCE, l. random effort. (Scn 0-8, p. 75) 2. energy with some direction. (PDC 56) 3. force of course is made up of time, matter, energy, flows, particles, masses, solids, liquids, gasses, space and locations. (HCOB 16 Jun 70)


FORCE FIELD, actually nothing more or less than wave emanation like you get out of the headlight of a car. You change the wave-length of the headlight of a car and speed it up enough and hit somebody with it, it’ll knock him down. That’s an electronic field. That’s a force screen. (5206CM28A)




FORGET, l. forget is a harmonic of not know. (SH Spec 14, 6106C14) 2. an occlusion of observation. (SH Spec 58, 6109C26)


FORGETFULNESS, l. rapidity of change of state, unpredicted. (HCOB 17 Mar 60) 2. an individual starts to forget when he’s lost too much. He just dramatizes loss, too bad to remember. (HCAP-8, 5411C29)


FORGETTER, l. a forgetter mechanism is "Put it out of my mind," "If I remembered it I would go mad," "Can’t remember," and just plain "I don’t know," as well as the master of the family of phrases, "Forget it!" All bar information from the analyzer. A whole case, freshly opened, may keep answering everything with one of these denyers. A forgetter, used by an ally, all by itself and with practically no pain or emotion present will submerge data which, in recall, would not be aberrative but which, so buried—by a forgetter—makes things said just before it aberrative and literal. (DMSMH, p. 270) 2. any engram command which makes the individual believe he can’t remember. (NOTL Gloss)


FORGETTING, the process of not knowing the past. (FOT, p. 85)


FORMAL AUDITING, l. control by ARC. ARC formal auditing is not chatty or yap-yap, but it is itself. It has warmth, humanity, understanding and interest in it. (HCOB 2 Apr 58) 2. auditing done by use of model session and exact TRs. (LRH Def. Notes)


FORMULA, a method of getting a case started. The numbers are in order of development, not case level. (HCOB 1 Dec 60)


FORMULA H, the effort to reach and withdraw, to grasp, and let go of oneself, of others for themselves, of oneself, for others and others for oneself and others for others: For force, perception and admiration when run resolve the tenacity of engrams. Formula H is called Formula H because the H stands for hope. (PAB 9)


FORMULA 19, F19 (a process name). (BTB 20 Aug 71 II)


FOUNDING SCIENTOLOGIST, if you were with Scn before 1964 you were an old-timer, a Founding Scientologist. (HCO PL 5 Feb 64)


40 (as in GF+40), the addition no. 40 items are the original seven resistive cases. (HCOB 10 Jun 71 I)


4.0, a 4.0 on the tone scale is, by definition, one who has had all entheta in his current life converted to theta. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 120)




IV RUNDOWN, originally developed to catch cases that had somehow gotten up to OT III and were falling on their heads. It is a collection of actions. [See the referenced HCOB for full explanation and use of this rundown.] (HCOB 30 Jun 70R)




FOURTH DYNAMIC ENGRAM, l. the basic aberration of the planet. (LRH Def. Notes) 2. the humanitarian objective is to make a safe environment in which the fourth dynamic engram can be audited out. By engram we mean the mental block that prevents peace and tolerance. By fourth dynamic we mean that impulse to survive as mankind instead of just individuals. (Ron’s Jour 68)


FOURTH FLOW, flow 0. (HCOB 7 Mar 71)


FOURTH POSTULATE, remember. (PAB 66)


FOURTH STAGE RELEASE, to obtain Fourth Stage Release one has to take the lock end words off the R6 bank. (HCOB 5 Aug 65)


FOUR UNIVERSES, the four are: thetan or spirit, mind or brain, body or male body or female body, and physical universe or earth or continent or town or house or dwelling. (HCOB 29 Sept 59)


FRAGILE TA, l. TA susceptible to being stuck high or stuck low or stuck dead thetan. (SH Spec 302A, 6309C03) 2. just one wrong date or duration in R3R or just one wrong RI in R3N and tone arm action ceases, the TA going way up or down and staying there. (HCOB 28 Jul 63)


FRANCHISE, now termed mission; a group granted the privilege of delivering elementary Scn and Dn services. Does not have church status or rights. (B’rB 12 Apr 72R)


FRANCHISE HOLDER, a professional auditor with a classification to Level III or over who practices Scientology full or part time for remuneration, who conducts processing and training privately or to groups, whose understanding and experience of Dn and Scn is sufficiently broad for him to be publicized to others as a stable terminal, who has signed a franchise agreement, who receives bulletins, policy letters, advice, advertising, technical information, services and administrative data and who in return for same maintains regularly a weekly report and a weekly tithe to the church. (HCO PL 2 Jan 65)


FREEDOM, l. ability to create and position energy or matter in time and space. (Scn 8-8008 Gloss) 2. the absence of barriers. (Dn 55!, p. 55) 3. Iots of space, and ability to use it. (PDC 35) 4. the component parts of freedom, as we first gaze upon it, are then: affinity, reality, and communicaton, which summate into understanding. Once understanding is attained freedom is obtained. (Abil Mag 258)


FREEDOM RELEASE, expanded Grade III release. (CG&AC) See GRADE IV RELEASE.




FREE NEEDLE-ITIS, Slang. the auditor who is so unsure of what a floating needle is and whose TRs and basics are out, calls floating needles all over the place on the pc, when the needle is in fact not floating is said to have free needle-itis. It means, properly, an inflammatory disease. It is used to indicate "obsession with" or a mental obsession. In this case, it would mean an auditor who is obsessed with calling free needles (floating needles) on the E-meter when they don’t exist. (LRH Def. Notes)


FREE THETA, attention units free enough to be directed of your own volition. (Scn Jour 18-G)


FREE THETAN, was somebody who was free of a body. He wasn’t free of organizational commitments or ethics but he was free of a body, he didn’t require any body. (SH Spec 268, 6305C23)


FREE TRACK, that part of the time track that is free of pain and misadventure is simply called the free track, in that the pc doesn’t freeze up on it. (HCOB 15 May 63)


FREEZE, stand completely still. (LRH Def. Notes)


FREEZES, in CCHs freezes may be introduced at end of cycle, this being after the "Thank you" and before the next command, maintaining a solid comm line, to ascertain information from the coach or to bridge from the process. (HCOB 5 Jul 63)


F/S, folder summary. (BTB 23 Sept 71)


F. SCN, Fellow of Scientology. F. Scn is not an auditing degree. It is an honorary award extended by the HASI for spectacular contribution to the science itself. The F. Sen award carries with it the specific addition to the science for which the rating was awarded. An F. Sen is not necessarily a skilled or degreed auditor. (Scn Jour, Iss 31-G)


FULL FLOW DIANETICS, all former Dianetic items ever run are listed and what flows have been run on them and to what end phenomena. Such a list is then handled from the earliest forward by A) completing the bogged flow and B) completing the missing flow if it reads. (HCOB 7 Mar 71)


FULL RESPONSIBILITY, the willingness to mock or unmock barriers at will. (2ACC-4B, 5311CM18)


FUTURE, on the time track, that area later than present time. Perception of the future is postulated as a possibility. The creation of future realities through imagination is a recognized function. (SOS Gloss)