"I", 1. the will, the determining force of the organism, the awareness. (DMSMN, p. 87) 2. the awareness of awareness unit. (NOTL, p. 69) 3. the thetan, the center of awareness, that part of the total organism that is fundamentally cause. (CONA Gloss)
IATROGENIC, means illness generated by doctors. An operation during which the doctor’s knife slipped, and accidentally harmed the patient might cause an iatrogenic illness or injury since the fault would have been with the surgeons. (DMSMN, p. 172)
ICDS, International Congress of Dianeticists and Scientologists. (HCOB 29 Sept 66)
IDEAL STATE, what do we mean by an ideal state. A state somebody wanted to be in over which he had full power of choice. That would be an ideal state. (SH Spec 273, 6306C12)
IDENTIFICATION, 1. the inability to evaluate differences in time, location, form, composition, or importance. ( SOS, p. 153) 2. identification is a monotone assignment of importance. (SOS, p. 153) 3. the lowest level of reasoning is complete inability to differentiate, which is to say, identification. (SOS, p.153) 4. Duplicating in one space continually, is in itself identification. (2ACC-25B, 5312CM17)
ILL, being medically diagnosed as suffering from a known, well defined physical illness susceptible to medical care and relief. (HCO PL 6 Oct 58)
ILLUSION, 1. a surface manifestation which disappears when experience is consulted. (SH Spec 70, 6607C21) 2. a product of the actual. (SH Spec 70, 6607C21) 3. any idea, space, energy, object or time concept which one creates himself. (Scn 8-8008 Gloss)
IMAGINARY CAUSE, imagining they do or cause things bad or good. (HCOB 1 Nov 68 II)
IMAGINARY VISIO, the scenery imagination constructs. (SOS, p. 72) See DUB-IN.
IMAGINATION, 1. the recombination of things one has sensed, thought or intellectually computed into existence, which do not necessarily have existence. This is the mind’s method of envisioning desirable goals or forecasting futures. (DMSMH, p. 14) 2. the ability to create or forecast a future or to create, change or destroy a present or past. (Scn 8-8008, p. 7) 3. if you take the word imagination apart, you will discover that it means merely the postulating of images or the assembly of perceptions into creations as you desire them. (SA, p. 158)
IMMORTALITY, infinite survival, the absolute goal of survival. The individual seeks this on the first dynamic as an organism and as a theta entity and in the perpetuation of his name by his group. On the second dynamic he seeks it through children and so on through the eight dynamics. Life survives through the persistence of theta. A species survives through the persistence of the life in it. A culture survives through the persistence of the species using it. There is evidence that the theta of an individual may survive as a personal entity from life to life through many lives on earth. (SOS Gloss)
IMPACT, cause and effect simultaneously. (PAB 30)
IMPLANT, 1. a painful and forceful means of overwhelming a being with artificial purpose or false concepts in a malicious attempt to control and suppress him. (Aud 71 ASHO) 2. an electronic means of overwhelming the thetan with a significance. (HCOB 8 May 63) 3. an unwilling and unknowing receipt of a thought. An intentional installation of fixed ideas, contrasurvival to the thetan. (SH Spec 83, 6612C06)
IMPLANT GOAL, an implanted goal—a goal the thetan himself has not decided upon—but which has been induced in him by overwhelming force or persuasion. (HCOB 13 Apr 64, Scn VI Part One Glossary of Terms)
IMPLANT GPM, an implanted goal problem mass. An electronic means of overwhelming the thetan with a signficance using the mechanics of the actual pattern of living to entrap the thetan and force obedience to behavior patterns. (HCOB 13 Apr 64, Scn VI Part One Glossary of Terms)
IMPLOSION, something that could be likened to the collapse of a field of energy such as a sphere toward a common center point, making an inflow. It can happen with the same violence as an explosion; but does not necessarily do so. (Scn 8-8008, p. 49)
IMPORTANCE, is mass. In thinkingness when you say importance you mean mass. (SH Spec 39, 6108C15)
IN, things which should be there and are or should be done and are, are said to be "in"; i.e. "We got scheduling in." (HCOB 19 Jun 71 III)
INACCESSIBLE CASE, that person who is bound and determined to stay sick, who won’t talk to you, will have nothing to do with being healed in any way, is an inaccessible case. (5011C22)
INADVERTENT WITHHOLD, 1. the pc thinks he is withholding because the auditor didn’t hear or acknowledge. (HCOB 13 Sept 65) 2. he didn’t intend to withhold it, just nobody would acknowledge it. He never intended to withhold it at all. An inadvertent withhold will cause very near the same phenomenon as an actual withhold. (SH Spec 60, 6506Cll)
INCIDENT, an experience, simple or complex, related by the same subject, location, perception or people that takes place in a short and finite time period such as minutes, hours or days; also, mental image pictures of such experiences. (HCOB 12 Dec 71 IX)
INCREDIBLE CHAIN, it’s the things that have happened on his track which are, to him, incredible. And because they are so incredible he doesn’t believe them, and neither does anybody else. But it’s most because nobody else believed them. And he doesn’t believe them himself so the chain itself remains hidden because it’s incredible; the incredible chain. (ESTO 5, 7203C03 SO I)
IND, "Ind" for indicated to pc. (HCOB 26 Jun 71)
INDICATOR, a condition or circumstance arising in a session which indicates whether the session is running well or badly. (HCOB 28 Dec 63) 2. the little flag sticking out that shows there is a possible situation underneath that needs attention. (HCO PL 15 May 70 II)
INDICATORS, those manifestations in a person or group that indicate whether it is doing well or poorly, signal an approaching change, or show that the auditing process has reached the desired end point. (HCOB 20 Feb 70)
IN-DISPERSAL, where the flows are all travelling toward a common center. One might call this an implosion. (Scn 8-8008, pp. 17-18)
INDIVIDUAL, 1. an individual is a collection of "memories" going back to his first appearance on earth. In other words, he is the composite of all his facsimiles plus his impulse to be. Individuality dependes upon facsimiles. (HFP, p. 111) 2. somebody who is operating in coordination with himself twenty-four hours a day. That’s an individual. An organism which is unhappy, aberrated, is an organism which is working at cross purposes with itself twenty-four hours a day. (5110CMllB) 3. when we say the individual we are talking about something as precise as an apple. We are not talking about a collection of behavior patterns which we all learned about in the study of rats. We are talking about something that is finite. We are talking about somebody. The somethingness that you are and the capabilities you can be and this is what we are talking about. We are not talking about the color of your hair or the length of your feet. We are talking about you. (Abil Mi 5)
INDIVIDUATION, a separation from knowingness. (5203CMlOB)
INDOC, indoctrination. (HCOB 10 Apr 57)
INERT INCIDENT, 1. an incident which is an inert incident is not having any effect on the pc. It’s not part of his aberrative picture. (SH Spec 300, 6308C28) 2. an incident, unrestimulated. (SH Spec 300, 6308C28)
IN ETHICS, see ETHICS, Def. 5.
INFINITY SYMBOL, oo. As seen in some Scientology books, stood upright—8. (HCOB 23 Aug 65)
INFINITY-VALUED LOGIC, in Dn, there is a new way of thinking about things which underlies a great deal of its technology. Instead of two-valued logic or three-valued logic we have infinity-valued logic. Here is a gradient scale which permits no absolute at either end. In other words, there is not an absolute right and an absolute wrong, just as there is no absolute stillness and no absolute motion. Of course, it is one of the tenets of Dn that absolutes are not attainable but only approachable. (SOS, Bk. 2, pp. 249-250) See also LOGIC.
INSANE, 1. the truly insane cannot control or withhold their evil impulses and dramatize them at least covertly. The insane are not always visible. But they are visible enough. And they are malicious. (HCOB 10 May 72) 2. having been pronounced insane by a psychiatrist or being incapable of any responsibility for social conduct. (HCO PL 6 Oct 58)
INSANE CERTAINTY, would be no certainty at all, or a certainty asserted by only one or two people and disagreed with by all others. (Cert, Vol. 10, No. 12)
INSANE PC, by insane pc is meant one who is subject to highly irrational and destructive behavior. (HCO PL 12 Jun 69)
INSANITY, 1. the overt or covert but always complex and continuous determination to harm or destroy. (HCOB 28 Nov 70) 2. insanity is most often the suppressed agony of actual physical illness and injury. (HCOB 2 Apr 69) 3. the obsessive adaptation of a solution to the exclusion of all other solutions in the absence of a problem . ( SH Spec 27X, 6107C04) 4. the inability to associate or differentiate properly. (Scn 8-8008, p. 44) 5. insanity is an emotion which is brought about by the compulsion to reach and the inhibition not to reach or the compulsion not to reach and the inhibition to reach. (2ACC-18A, 5312CM08) 6. the best definition of which I know would be: the person widely believes that the symbols are the things. (PDC 20) 7. insanity is an individual assisting things which inhibit survival and destroying things which assist survival. (5109CM24A) 8. if an individual is incapable of adjusting himself to his environment so as to get along with or obey or command his fellows, or, more importantly, if he is incapable of adjusting his environment, then he can be considered to be "insane." But it is a relative term. (DMSMH, p. 380) 9. the point between where a person who is sane goes thereafter insane is very precise. It’s the exact point at which he begins to stop something. At that moment he is insane. At first he is insane on that one subject; then he can get another idee fixe and become insane on another subject, thus getting cumulative insanity. But there is no doubt of his insanity on that one subject, something that he is trying to stop. (6711C18SO) 10. insanity itself is simply must reack—can’t reach, must withdraw—can’t withdraw. (SH Spec 98, 6201C10)
IN-SCANNING, taking energy manifestations that were in the incident as they flowed in toward the preclear. That’s in-scanning. That’s environment to the preclear in the incident. (5203CM04B)
IN SESSION, the definition of in session is interested in own case and willing to talk to the auditor. When this definition describes the session in progress, then of course the pc will be able to as-is and will cognite. (HCOB 26 Apr 73 I)
INSTANT READ, 1. that reaction of the needle which occurs at the precise end of any major thought voiced by the auditor. (HCOB 25 May 62) 2. if the needle reacts within 1/5 to 1/10 of a second after the question is asked, it is an instant read. This is valid. If it reacts 1/2 to 1 second after the question, this is invalid. (HCOB 28 Sept 61)
INSTANT ROCK SLAM, that "rock slam" which begins at the end of the major thought of any item. Symbol IRS. (HCOB 8 Nov 62)
INSTANT RUDIMENT READ, on rudiments, repetitive or fast, the instant read can occur anywhere within the last word of the question or when the thought major has been anticipated by the preclear, and must be taken up by the auditor. This is not a prior read. Preclears poorly in session, being handled by auditors with indifferent TR-l, anticipate the instant read reactively as they are under their own control. Such a read occurs in the body of the last meaningful word in the question. It never occurs latent. (EMD, p. 37)
INST CONF, Instructors’ Conference. (HCOB 29 Sept 66)
INSTITUTIONALIZED, having been committed to a public or private institution for the insane. (HCO PL 6 Oct 58)
IN TECH, when tech is in, we mean that Scn is being applied and is being correctly applied. (HCOB 13 Sept 65)
INTEG, Integrity. (BPL 5 Nov 72RA)
INTEGRITY, (1.) the condition of having no part or element taken away or wanting; undivided or unbroken state; wholeness. (2.) the condition of not being marred or violated; unimpaired or uncorrupted condition; soundness. (3.) soundness or moral principle; the character of uncorrupted virtue, especially in relation to truth and fair dealing; uprightness, honesty, sincerity. (BTB 4 Dec 72)
INTEGRITY PROCESSING, that processing which enables a person, within the reality of his own moral codes and those of the group, to reveal his overts so he no longer requires to withhold and so enhances his own integrity and that of the group. (BTB 4 Dec 72) Abbr. IP.
INTELLIGENCE, 1. is the ability to recognize differences, similarities and identities. (HCO PL 26 Apr 70R) 2. the ability to perceive, pose and resolve problems. (Scn 0-8, p. 64) 3. the ability of an individual, group or race to resolve problems relating to survival. (Scn 0-8, p. 61)
INTELLIGENCE GAIN, loss of restimulation by stupidity by reason of attempts to confront or experience the problems of life (intelligence appears when stupidity is keyed out or erased). Intelligence is a confronting ability. (HCOB 28 Feb 59)
INTENSIVE, an intensive is defined as any one single period of 12 1/2 hours or 25 hours of auditing delivered all within one single week or weekends on a set schedule. (HCO PL 20 Oct 71)
INTENSIVE PROCEDURE, the Standard Operating Procedure, 1954, given in The Creation of Human Ability, by L. Ron Hubbard. (PXL, p. 277)
INTENTION, 1. intention is the command factor as much as anything else. If you intend something to happen it happens if you intend it to happen. Verbalization is not the intention. The intention is the carrier wave which takes the verbalization along with it. (Abil 270) 2. degree of relative beingness which an individual desires to assume as plotted on the tone scale. (5203CM04A)
INTENTIONAL WITHHOLD, one which is a withhold because he would be punished if he admitted it. (SH Spec 63, 6110C05)
INTEREST, 1. interest is more consideration than attention, and is therefore attention with intention. Interest, therefore, could be defined as this; attention with an intention to give or attract attention. (COHA, p. 103) 2. interest does not mean happiness and joy. Interest is only absorbed attention and a desire to talk about it. (HCOB 1 Jul 63)
INTERESTED/INTERESTING, 1. a thetan is interested, and an object is interesting. A thetan is not interesting. He is interested. And when a person becomes terribly interesting he has lots of problems. That is the chasm that is crossed by all of your celebrities, anybody who is foolish enough to become famous. He crosses over from being interested in life to being interesting, and people who are interesting are really no longer interested in life. (PXL, p. 191) 2. "A" has the intention of interesting "b." "B" to be talked to, becomes interesting. Similarly "b," when he emanates a communication, is interested and "a" is interesting. Cause is interested, effect is interesting. (Dn 55.!, p. 66)
INTERIORIZATION, 1. interiorization means going into it too fixedly, and becoming part of it too fixedly. It doesn’t mean just going into your head. (SH Spec 84, 6612C13) 2. if the havingness of the preclear is low, he is apt to close in tight to the body because this gives him more havingness and if the preclear fears that the body is going to go out of control he will also move in closer to the body. Thus we get interiorization as no more complicated than fear of loss of control and drops in havingness. (SCP, p. 18) Abbr. Int.
INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN, 1. also known as Int-Ext RD for Interiorization-Exteriorization Rundown. (HCOB 24 Sept 71) 2. the Interiorization Rundown is a remedy designed to permit the pc to be further audited after he has gone exterior. The Int Rundown is not meant to be sold or passed off as a method of exteriorizing a pc. (HCOB 17 Dec 71R) See EXTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN.
INTERN(E), an advanced graduate or a recent graduate in a professional field who is getting practical experience under the supervision of an experienced worker. (HCOB 19 Jul 71)
INTERN(E)SHIP, serving a period as an intern, or an activity offered by a Church of Scientology by which experience can be gained. The apprenticeship of an auditor is done as a Scientology Church intern. A course graduate becomes an auditor by auditing. That means lots of auditing. (HCOB 19 Jul 71)
INTERROGATION, ( SILENT), how to read an E -meter on a silent subject. When the person placed on a meter will not talk but can be made to hold the cans, it is still possible to obtain full information from the person asking questions, one expects no reply, asks for no pictures. The auditor just watches the needle for dips when questions are asked. (HCOB 30 Mar 60)
INT-EXT, interiorization-exteriorization. (HCOB 30 May 70)
INT-EXT RD, Interiorization-Exteriorization Rundown. (HCOB 24 Sept 71)
IN THE WHITE, Slang. on an OCA, the center line of 00 is the critical point of the graph. A little bit into the lower gray-shaded area is not too bad. But when they go down into the white, like a minus 62 or a minus 76 or even a minus 26, they’re said to be "in the white." (7203C30SO)
INT RD, Interiorization Rundown also known as Int-Ext RD for Interiorization-Exteriorization Rundown. (HCOB 24 Sept 71)
INTRODUCTION OF AN ARBITRARY, an arbitrary may be considered as a factor introduced into a problem’s solution when that factor does not derive from a known natural law but only from an opinion or authoritarian command. A problem resolved by data derived from known natural laws resolves well and smoothly and has a useful solution. When a problem is resolved by introducing arbitraries (factors based on opinion or command but not natural law) then that solution, when used, will ordinarily require more arbitraries to make the solution applicable. The harder one tries to apply the solution corrupted by arbitraries to any situation, the more arbitraries have to be introduced. (SOS Gloss)
INTROSPECTION RUNDOWN, the essence of the Introspection Rundown is looking for and correcting all those things which caused the person to look inward, worriedly and wrestle with the mystery of some incorrectly designated error. The end phenomena is the person extroverted, no longer looking inward worriedly in a continuous self-audit without end. (HCOB 23 Jan 74RA)
INTROVERSION, 1. looking in too closely. (POW, p. 92) 2. a manifestation of the analytical mind trying to solve problems on improper data, and observing the organism being engaged in activities which are not conducive to survival along the dynamics. (DTOT, p. 105)
INTROVERTED, he would look in on himself . ( SH Spec 84, 6612C13)
INT RUNDOWN CORRECTION LIST, used when Int-Ext reads on any repair list and the Int RD has already been done or corrected, when a bog occurs on the Int RD itself, or if pc upset after Int RD and/or TA gone high or low immediately after. Don’t re-run Int RD—use the correction list. EP is all reading items handled to F/N, EP of Int RD, and INT-Ext no longer reading. (BTB 11 Aug 72RA)
INVADER FORCES, 1. an electronics people. The electronics people usually happen to be an evolutionary line which is on heavy gravity planeti and so they develop electronics. The reason you say invader force at all is because at some time along the line fairly early in its youth it took off to conquer the whole mest universe. You could expect almost anything in terms of physical form particularly physical form which matched the peculiar purpose of this group. They’ve usually got some gimmick like Fac One. Control has been the main thing. The way to control territory is control people. (5206CM27A) 2. there are five invader forces active and one aborning, but the one aborning is not active. It will probably be several million years before you begin to see this one, some of you hit the track 60 trillion years ago mest universe and some of you didn’t get into the mest universe until about 3 trillion years ago that is invader force one and invader force two. This is E-meter data confirmed from preclear to preclear. Now we don’t see anything of invader force three here on earth. I just haven’t found any threes. Invader force four is really holding the fort someplace or other. Every little while, a few million years, some planet will get taken over by an invader force. (5206CM27A) See also FIFTH INVADER FORCE.
IN VALENCE, what we mean by "in valence" is simply in the valence he was in when the engram occurred. Now when we say out of valence we mean simply and entirely the pc was not in the body he was occupying during the incident . ( SH Spec 51, 6109C07)
INVALIDATION, 1. refuting or degrading or discrediting or denying something someone else considers to be fact. (HCOB 2 Jun 71 I) 2. any thought, emotion or effort, or counter-thought, counter-emotion or counter-effort which denies or smothers the thought, emotion or effort of the individual. (NOM, p. 56) 3. invalidation by words is the symbolic level of being struck. (2ACC-19B, 5312CM09) 4. basically, non-attention. Attention itself is quite important for attention is necessary before an effect can be created. (PAB 8) 5. invalidation is force applied. You apply enough force to anybody and you’ve invalidated him. How invalidated can he get? Dead! (5207CM24B) Abbr. Inval.
INVALIDATION OF AUDITORS, could be defined as (a) letting an auditor lose, (b) correcting things he does right. (HCOB 1 Sept 71 I)
INVENTION PROCESSING, this is done by having the preclear invent various ideas or considerations by which he creates stable data to displace aberrated stable data, and to handle confusions. (Op. Bull. No. 1)
INVERSION, 1. a switch to an opposite obsessive consideration such as from compulsion to inhibition. There may be many inversions on any consideration, each leading further from self-determinism. (COHA Gloss) 2. his resistance has been overcome so that when it tries to outflow, it inflows. That’s an inversion and that’s what’s meant by inversion. A person tries to outflow, he inflows—in other words, he exactly reverses his consideration on the thing. (8ACC-8, 5410CM12) 3. the flows have exactly turned around and that’s what we know as an inversion and that’s exactly why we call it an inversion; because it’s a flow going backwards. (SH Spec 6, 6106C02)
INVERTED DYNAMICS, we can take a person and actually have him be someplace else when he is right there. See, he’ll still keep this body but he’ll actually be and operate someplace else and you’ll run into this every once in a while in a preclear. We call this inverted dynamics. (2ACC-lB, 5311CM17)
INVISIBLE CASE, cannot see mock-ups. They have no field and do not see anything when they close their eyes, everything is invisible, they have no facsimiles, no mock-ups. (PAB 154)
INVISIBLE FIELD, a part of some lock, secondary or engram that is "invisible." It like a black field responds to R3R. (HCOB 23 Apr 69)
IQ, 1. intelligence quotient. IQ ratings are a measure of an individual’s capacity for learning something new; they are scales based upon how old in years a person has become compared to how "old," he is mentally. (SOS, p. xxi) 2. the degree that a person can observe, understand actions. (SH Spec 100, 6201C16)
IRRATIONALITY, the inability to get right answers from data. (DMSMH, p. 16)
IRS, instant rock slam. (HCOB 8 Nov 62)
IS-ES, THE, S11mg. the four conditions of existence. (PXL, p. 214) [These four conditions are listed separately under AS-ISNESS, ALTER-ISNESS, IS-NESS, NOT-ISNESS.]
IS-NESS, 1. is-ness is an apparency of existence brought about by the continuous alteration of an as-isness. This is called, when agreed upon, reality. (PXL, p. 154) 2. something that is persisting on a continuum. That is our basic definition of is-ness. (PXL, p. 91) 3. is-ness is an apparency, it is not an actuality. (PXL, p. 175)
"ISSUE I", first issue of that date. ["issue" as seen on HCOBs and HCO PLs.] (HCOB 4 Sept 71 III)
ITEM, 1. any one of a list of things, people, ideas, significances, purposes, etc., given by a preclear to an auditor while listing; any separate thing or article; in particular, one placed on a list by a pc. (Dn Today, p. 1028) 2. somatic or sensation etc. (HCOB 27 May 70) 3. any terminal, opposition terminal, combination terminal, significance, or idea (but not a doingness, which is called "a level") appearing on a list derived from the pc. (HCOB 8 Nov 62) Symbol IT.
ITSA, 1. the action of the pc saying "It’s a this or it’s a that." (HCOB 6 Nov 64) 2. letting the pc say what’s there that was put there to hold back a confusion or problem. (HCOB 1 Oct 63) 3. pc saying what is, what is there, who is there, where it is, what it looks like, ideas about, decisions about, solutions to, things in his environment. The pc talking continuously about problems or puzzlements or wondering about things in his environment, is not itsaing. (HCOB 16 Oct 63) 4. a pc who is itsaing is simply looking at and identifying some thing. (SH Spec 320, 6310C31) 5. TA comes from saying "It is . . ." Itsa isn’t even a comm line. It’s what travels on a comm line from pc to auditor, if that which travels is saying with certainty "It is." (HCOB 1 Oct 63)
ITSA LINE, the pc’s line to the auditor. (HCOB 23 May 71 III)
ITSA MAKER LINE, the pc’s line to his bank. (HCOB 23 May 71
IVORY TOWER RULE, the case supervisor is most successful when he supervises in seclusion. This is called the Ivory Tower rule. (HCOB 8 Aug 71)