

M, stands for males on the E-meter. (SH Spec 195A, 6209C27)


MA, designation on HCO Policy Letters and HCO Bulletins indicates dissemination and restriction as follows: Magazine Article. To go into any and all official magazines. (HCO PL 22 May 59)


MAA, master at arms. This is a naval term used in the Sea Org and is equivalent (but senior) to the ethics officer in a Scientology Church. (BTB 12 Apr 72R)


MACC, Melbourne Advanced Clinical Course. (HCOB 29 Sept 66)


MACHINE, 1. an actual machine in the mind, (like ordinary machinery) constructed out of mental mass and energy, that has been made by the individual to do work for him, usually having been set up so as to come into operation automatically under certain predetermined circumstances. (Scn AD) 2. a very special kind of circuit, and they have wheels and cogwheels and belts and barrels and steam boilers and electronic electrodes and dials and switches and meters, almost anything you can think of as a machine, you will find in some thetan’s bank as a machine, doing something that any machine does. (5 LACC-10, 5811C07) 3. the individual got disinterested in what he was doing but he felt he had to go on doing it so he set it up automatically. (5410ClOD)


MAGNETIC FIELD, strong electrical currents produce in the vicinity of their flow what are called magnetic fields. If you wrap an electrical wire around a bar of iron and run current through the wire, you have a magnet. When you put a new piece of iron near this magnet the field of the magnet snaps the piece of iron up against the magnet. (HOM, p. 53)


MAJOR ACTION, any—but any—action designed to change a case or general considerations or handle continual illness or improve ability. This means a process or even a series of processes like three flows. It doesn’t mean a grade. It is any process the case hasn’t had. (HCOB 24 May 70R)


MAJOR THOUGHT, by major thought is meant the complete thought being expressed in words by the auditor. (HCOB 25 May 62)


MAN, 1. man is actually a body run by an awareness of awareness unit which has infinite survival power—even though it can get into a great deal of trouble. (Abil Mi 5) 2. a structure of cells which are seeking to survive, and only to survive. (DMSMH, p. 50) 3. a composite being of four distinct and divisible actualities: these parts are termed the thetan, the memory banks, the genetic entity and the body. (Scn 8-8008, p. 7) 4. man is basically a machine only as far as his body goes. Man is otherwise a spiritual entity which has no finite survival. It has, this entity, an infinite survival. (Abil Mi 5) See HOMO SAPIENS.


MANAGEMENT POWER RUNDOWN, the Management Power Rundown was developed at Flag to increase the trained skill of any church student and greatly enhance the most valuable final product of a Church Academy—a student able to use and apply brilliantly, the skills taught. This rundown solves the basic why of learning slowness, misunderstoods, third dynamic and management aberration, chronic illness and what is commonly referred to as "psychosis." (HCOB 11 Dec 70) Abbr. MPR.


MANIC, 1. a highly complimentary prosurvival engram. (DMSMH, p. 233) 2. an engram which is highly complimentary and any compliment which it contains in it will be obeyed to its most literal fullest extent. (5009CM28) 3. the extremes of too quiet and never quiet have a number of psychiatric names such as "catatonia" (withdrawn totally) and "manic" (too hectic). (HCOB 24 Nov 65)


MANIC DEPRESSIVE, symptomatic of a person being next to an undetected suppressive. (SH Spec 67, 6509C21)


MARCAB CONFEDERACY, various planets united into a very vast civilization which has come forward up through the last 200,000 years, is formed out of the fragments of earlier civilizations. In the last 10,000 years they have gone on with a sort of a decadent kicked-in-the-head civilization that contains automobiles, business suits, fedora hats, telephones, spaceships. A civilization which looks almost exact duplicate but is worse off than the current U.S. civilization. (SH Spec 291, 6308C06)


MASS (IN THE GPM), 1. when we say mass we mean mass. It’s electronic standing waves actually, and they usually appear black to the pc and these become visible. (SH Spec 96, 6112C21) 2. no more and no less than a confusion of mismanaged communication. (Dn 55.!, p. 65)


MASSES, masses are masses and they are not by the way particles unless you consider particles as a subdivisible singular. Masses are something that are shed from a thetan by mock-up and particles are something that are shed from masses. That’s usually the way we find things. (17 ACC-5, 5703PM01)


MASTER PROCESS, one which ran out all other processes and processing. (HCOB 14 May 62)


MASTER PROGRAM, the master program for every case is given on the Classification and Gradation Chart issued from time to time. (HCOB 12 Jun 70)


MATCHED TERMINALS, the way one does matched terminals is to have the preclear facing the preclear or his father facing his father; in other words, two of each of anything, one facing the other. These two things will discharge one into the other. Thus running off the difficulty. (Scn 8-8008, p. 127) See also DOUBLE TERMINALING.


MATCHING TERMINALS, putting up a person facing a person, the same person facing the same person. (5304M07) See also DOUBLE TERMINALING.


MATERIALS OF SCIENTOLOGY, the materials of Scn are not its tools. Its tools are processes—its materials are books, tapes, Professional Auditor’s Bulletins, journals, letters and experience. (PAB 36)


MATERIAL UNIVERSE, the universe of matter, energy, space and time. (Scn Jour 16-G)


MATTER, 1. a group of particles of energy located in a relatively stable relationship to each other. (9ACC-24, 5501C14) 2. thought, effort and emotion all in one place at the same time. (PDC 62) 3. a particle with no space to go anyplace. (PDC 16) 4. it is evidently a very solid thought which is chaotic enough in its arrangement of attention units that you can’t do too much about it. (5206CM23B)


MAYBE, 1. simply a counter-balanee insistenee on must and must not. It is and it is not. And these things equally insistent add up into the indeeisions of maybe. (SH Spee 28, 6107C12) 2. a maybe is a double flow or a controversion to such a degree that an individual is hung up on it. ( Spr Lect 17, 5304CM08) 3. a confusion of beingness, a confusion of doingness, and a confusion of havingness, and it’s too badly balanced to resolve itself. (PDC 44) 4. neither no nor yes. (PDC 15)


MCSC, Mini Course Supervisor’s Course. (HCO PL 5 Nov 72R)


MEAN GRAPH, not an average graph. It’s just a graph that a person isn’t in too bad shape, just sort of loused up, but they kind of know it. (SH Spec 22, 6106C28)


MECHANICAL ABERRATION, there is a type of aberration source which is simply the amount of charge there is on the case. This might be called mechanical aberration. It does not stern from specific commands but stems from mental inefficiency by reason of cumulative entheta. Entheta by itself can charge up a case to the point where the case will behave in certain definite ways regardless of the command content of the engrams. (SOS, Bk. 2, pp. 102-103)


MECHANICAL DEFINITION, called "mechanical" as it is defined in terms of distance and position. Mechanical in this sense means interpreting or explaining the phenomena of the universe by referring to causally determined physical forces; mechanistic. A being can put out objects to view (or anchor points) and also put out points which will view them, even while the being himself is elsewhere. Thus one can achieve space. "Mechanical" also applies to "acting or performing like a machine—automatic." Thus a "mechanical definition" would be one which defined in terms of space or location such as "the car over by the old oak tree" or "the man who lives in the big house." Here "the old oak tree" and "the big house" are fixed objects and the unfixed objects ("car," "man") are a sort of viewpoint. One has identified things by location. (LRH Def. Notes)


MECHANICS, 1. when we say mechanics we mean space, energy, objects and time. And when something has those things in it we’re talking about something mechanical. (PXL, p. 166) 2. by mechanics we mean any and all of the objects, motions, or spaces which exist. Mechanics are always quantitative. There is always just so much distance or so much mass or so many hours. We have a word for mechanics compounded from matter, energy, space, and time which is MEST. By MEST we mean any or all arrangements of energy of whatever kind, whether in fluid or object form, in space or spaces. (Dn 55.!, p. 8)


MEDIUM CLEAN NEEDLE, offers many prior and latent reads, but reads instantly when a question is asked. (HCOB 14 Jun 62)


MEDIUM DIRTY NEEDLE, agitated throughout check but with periods of no agitation when a read can be obtained easily. Reacts to checker’s voice (rudiments checker). (HCOB 14 Jun 62)


MEGALOMANIA, a person who has delusions of grandeur, wealth, power, etc. (HCOB 11 May 65)


MEL 4, Melbourne 4. Process from 1st Advanced Clinical Course in Melbourne. (BTB 20 Aug 71R II)


MEMORY, 1. a recording of the physical universe. Any memory contains a time index (when it happened) and a pattern of motion. As a lake reflects the trees and moving clouds, so does a memory reflect the physical universe. Sight, sound, pain, emotion, effort, conclusions, and many other things are recorded in this static for any given instant of observation. Such a memory we call a facsimile. (Scn 8-80, p. 13) 2. memory in Dn is considered to be any concept of perceptions stored in the standard memory banks which is potentially recallable by the "I." (DMSMH, p. 61) 3. memory usually means recalling data of recent times. (NFP, p. 26) 4. memory would have the connotation of you simply know it had happened. (SH Spec 84, 6612C13)


MEMORY BANKS, STANDARD, the analytical mind has its standard memory banks. Just where these are located structurally is no concern of ours at this time. To operate, the analytical mind has to have percepts (data), memory (data), and imagination (data), whether or not the data contained in the standard memory banks is evaluated correctly or not, it is all there. (DMSMH, p. 45)


MENTAL IMAGE PICTURES, 1. copies of the physical universe as it goes by. (6101C22) 2. in Scn we call a mental image picture a facsimile when it is a "photograph" of the physical universe sometime in the past. We call a mental image picture a mock-up when it is created by the thetan or for the thetan and does not consist of a photograph of the physical universe. We call a mental image picture an hallucination or more properly an automaticity (something uncontrolled) when it is created by another and seen by self. (FOT, pp. 56-57)


MERCHANTS OF CHAOS, there are in our civilization some very disturbing elements. These disturbing elements are the Merchants of Chaos. They deal in confusion and upset. Their daily bread is made by creating chaos. If chaos were to lessen, so would their incomes. It is to their interest to make the environment seem as threatening as possible, for only then can they profit. Their incomes, force, and power rise in direct ratio to the amount of threat they can inject into the surroundings of the people. (NSOL, pp. 17-18) 2. Merchant of Fear or Chaos Merchant and which we can now technically call the suppressive person. (HCO PL 5 Apr 65)


MERCHANTS OF FEAR, 1. probably the truly aberrative personalities in our society do not number more than five or ten per cent. They have very special traits. Where you find in the preclear’s bank a person with one or more of these characteristics, you will have the person who most thoroughly tried the preclear’s sanity. Such people would be better understood if I called them the "Merchants of Fear." (PAB 13) 2. We can now technically call the suppressive person. (HCO PL 5 Apr 65, Handling the Suppressive Person)


MESMERISM, mesmerism is no relation to hypnotism at all. Mesmerism is animal magnetism. It’s a physiological rapport, not a concentration on mental but on mental-physiological. (BTB 7 Apr 72R)


MEST, 1. a coined word, meaning matter, energy, space and time, the physical universe. All physical phenomena may be considered as energy operating in space and time. The movement of matter or energy in time is the measure of space. All things are mest except theta. (Abil 114-A) 2. the symbol for the physical universe in use hereafter is mest, from the first letters of the words matter, energy, space and time, or the Greek letter phi (ø). (HFP, p. 166) 3. simply a composite of energies and particles and spaces which are agreed upon and which are looked at. (PXL, p. 193) 4. a solid object, and the space and energy and so forth which comprise such solid objects. (PDC 12) 5. any or all arrangements of energy, of whatever kind, whether in fluid or object form, in space or spaces. (Dn 55.!, p. 9)


MEST BODY, 1. the physical body. The organism in all the mest aspects. (SOS Gloss) 2. the mest body should not be thought of as a harbor or vessel for the theta being. A better example would be a sliver inserted unwantedly in the thumb where the thumb would be the theta being, the mest body the sliver. Mest bodies are good identification tags, they generate exciting emotions, they are fun to operate at times, but they are no end of existence. (HOM, p. 16)


MEST CLEAR, 1. by mest clear is meant a Book One clear. Here we defined clear in terms of facsimiles. This is a rather simple mechanical definition. It said in effect that so far as human beings were concerned our preclear finally arrived at a point where he had full color-visio-sonic, had no psychoses or neuroses and could recall what had happened to him in this lifetime. (SCP, p. 3) 2. someone who knows he has reached the bottom rung of the ladder on his way up. He also knows the rest of humanity uncleared is below this state but that they don’t know that they are. A mest clear still thinks of himself more or less as a body and is more or less subject to one. All engrams are effectually keyed out without being examined. For practical purposes they are erased. He has excellent recalls. They may or may not be eidetic. (Abil 87) 3. if a fellow can exist without synthetic beingnesses, which are solutions to problems he can’t confront, you’ve got a mest clear. He is still in a body. He’s got body beingness yet, but he’s gotten rid of these synthetic valences. (SH Spec 36, 6108C09)


MEST LOCKS, locks which come about through the inhibition or enforcement of the individual’s experience or control of matter or energy or space or time. It is postulated that the reduction of the mest locks in which the individual was made to go up or not permitted to come down will make any bouncer phrases in the case inactive, and so on with all types of action phrases. (SOS Gloss)


MEST PERCEPTICS, common garden-variety sense data— perceptions, new and recorded, of matter, energy, space, and time, and combinations of these. (SOS Gloss)


MEST PERCEPTION, recordings the thetan takes from the organs of perception of the human body as a short cut to perception (lazy perception). The body records actual wave emanations from the mest universe, the thetan uses these recordings. (Scn 8-8008 Gloss)


MEST REALITY, the reality which can be sensed, measured, and experienced in the physical universe. (SOS, p. 97)


MEST STRAIGHTWIRE, self-analysis. (5209CM04A)


MEST TECHNIQUE, straightwire, repetitive straightwire (slow, auditor-managed lock scanning), and lock scanning on mest locks. Language locks are found by straightwire only as a clue to the underlying mest locks. Mest technique and validation technique may be combined and should be. (SOS Gloss)


MEST UNIVERSE, 1. that agreed-upon reality of matter, energy, space and time which we use as anchor points and through which we communicate. (Scn 8-8008, p. 27) 2. a mutual system of barriers on which we have agreed so we can have a game. (5311CM17A) 3. is a two-terminal universe. (Scn 8-8008, p. 31)


METALOSIS, Osis, Greek, action: process, condition abnormal or diseased condition caused by. Metal, any of a large group of substances (as bronze, steel) that typically show a characteristic luster, are good conductors of electricity and heat, are opaque, can be fused or are usually malleable or ductile. A psychosomatic condition caused by the interaction of body electric flows and the magnetic and other fields of metal. The effect takes a long time to occur. Engrams are formed. (LRH Def. Notes)


METALOSIS RUNDOWN, the procedure used in Expanded Dianetics to cure metalosis. (LRH Def. Notes)


METAPHYSICS, 1. it means after physics because the original classes in it were given in the period which immediately followed the physics period. That is where that gets its name, because it was the unexplained, inexplicable and upsetting things that no one knew the answer of. (Unidentified LRH tape) 2. the study of the ultimate reality of all things. (B&C, p. 16)




METER CHECK, 1. the action of checking the reaction of a student to subject matter, words or other things, isolating blocks to study, interpersonal relations or life. It is done with an E-meter. (HCOB 19 Jun 71 III) 2. the procedure whereby an ethics officer or trained auditor establishes the state of a person in regard to ethical or technical matters by using the technology of the E-meter. (ISE, p. 40)


METER DEPENDENCE, meter dependence is created by invalidation by or poor acknowledgment of the auditor. If the auditor seems not to accept the pc’s data, then the pc may insist that the auditor "see it read on the meter." This can grow up into a formidable meter dependence on the part of the pc. (HCOB 13 Apr 64, Scn VI Part One Tone Arm Action)


M 1 to 9 (WC), see WORD CLEARING.














METHODS OF WORD CLEARING, see WORD CLEARING for definitions of Methods 1-9 word clearing.




MGMT, management. (BPL 5 Nov 72RA)


MID-INTEGRITY PROCESSING SHORT ASSESSMENT, for use during an integrity processing session if a question won’t F/N but before starting that question, the TA range was 2-3, or there was an F/N. (BTB 7 Dec 72R)


MIDDLE RUDIMENTS, 1. middle rudiments are rudiments used one after another; inquiries about various rudiments during a session. Of course you are then to keep the session progressing and keep the rudiments in. (SH Spec 45, 6108C24) 2. the middle rudiment consists of a package question which handles suppressions, invalidations, missed withholds and "careful of." This is your standard, basic middle rudiment. (SH Spec 155, 6205C31) 3. middle rudiments may also contain (this is less often, but may also contain) the half-truths, untruths, impress and damage end rudiment; the question or command end rudiment; and the influence of the E-meter rudiment. (SH Spec 155, 6205C31) 4. mid ruds are called mid ruds because middle of session was the earliest use, plus rudiments of a session. (HCOB 14 Aug 64)


MID RUDS, middle rudiments. (HCOB 23 Aug 65)


MIMICRY, 1. a non-verbal technique wherein the auditor mimics the preclear and persuades the preclear to mimic the auditor. Various processes are used, such as passing a ball back and forth between them, nodding, shaking hands, sitting down, standing up, walking across the room and back and sitting down, all of which are effective. (Dn 55.!, p. 110) 2. he does something, you do something [the same thing], and therefore he becomes aware that he's doing it because he sees you doing it. (SH Spec 59, 6504C27)


MIND, 1. pictures which have been made of experiences and plotted against time and preserved in energy and mass in the vicinity of the being and which when restimulated are re-created without his analytical awareness. (SH Spec 72, 6607C28) 2. a literal record of experience plotted against time from the earliest moment of aberration until now plus additional ideas the fellow got about it, plus other things he may have mocked up or created on top of it in mental mass, plus some machines, plus some valences. (SH Spec 70, 6607C21) 3. a network of communications and pictures, energies and masses, which are brought into being by the activities of the thetan versus the physical universe or other thetans. The mind is a communication and control system between the thetan and his environment. (FOT, p. 56) 4. the purpose of the mind is to pose and resolve problems relating to survival and to direct the effort of the organism according to these solutions. (Scn 0-8, p. 76) 5. a natively self-determined computer which poses, observes and resolves problems to accomplish survival. It does its thinking with facsimiles of experience or facsimiles of synthetic experience. It is natively cause. It seeks to be minimally an effect. (HFP, p. 33) 6. the human mind is an observer, postulator, creator and storage place of knowledge. (HFP, p. 163) 7. the mind is a self-protecting mechanism and will not permit itself to be seriously overloaded so long as it can retain partial awareness of itself. (DMSMH, p. 165) 8. the mind is composed of energy which exists in space and which condenses down into masses. (SH Spec 133, 6204C17)


MINOR THOUGHT, by minor thoughts is meant subsidiary thoughts expressed by words within the major thought. They are caused by the reactivity of individual words within the full words. Example: "Have you ever injured dirty pigs?" To the pc the words "you," "injured," and "dirty" are all reactive. Therefore, the minor thoughts expressed by these words also read on the meter. (HCOB 25 May 62)


MINUS-FREEDOM, freedom is not the plus of a condition where slavery is the minus unless we are dealing entirely with the political organism. Where we are dealing with the individual better terminology is necessary and more understanding of the anatomy of minus-freedom is required. Minus-freedom is entrapment. Freedom is the absence of barriers. Less freedom is the presence of barriers. Entirely minus-freedom would be the omnipresence of barriers. (Dn 55.!, p. 55)


MINUS RANDOMITY, 1. from the viewpoint of the individual, that thing which has too little motion in it for his tolerance is minus randomity. (Abil 36) 2. a good statement of minus randomity would be: things are too slow. Things are certainly slow around here, life is dull, there is nothing happening. (Abil 36)


MINUS SCALE, the minus awareness levels of the Classification Gradation and Awareness Chart. (HCOB 20 Sept 66)


MINUS SCALE RELEASE, there are several Grades of Release below Zero, in the Minus Scale of the original complete Gradation Chart. Many of the Minus Scale can be attained by simple assessment. (And ceasing to assess the moment the release occurs is vital—don't keep on assessing as the same session auditing action . ) There are three specific Grades of Release below Zero and above the lower Minus Scale. These are, from lowest: Straightwire Release, Dianetic Secondary Release, Dianetic Engram Release. (HCOB 20 Sept 66)


MINUS TONE SCALE, the subtones below the Emotional Tone Scale which are so low as to constitute by the individual a no-affinity, no-emotion, no-problem, no-consequence state of mind on things which are actually tremendously important. (Scn AD)


MIS-ACKNOWLEDGMENT, there are many ways to misacknowledge a pc. But any mis-acknowledgment is only and always a failure to end the cycle of a command. If the pc is not sure he has answered and that the auditor has accepted the answer, the pc will get no benefit from the auditing. (PAB 145)


MISASSESSMENT, multiple item or narrative item or both or taking an item that doesn’t read or in which pc has no interest. (HCOB 9 Aug 69)


MISASSIST, an incident wherein the preclear has tried to help on some dynamic and failed. (HOM, p. 75)


MISCELLANEOUS REPORT, a report such as an MO report, a D of P interview, an ethics report, a success story, etc. which is put in the pc’s folder and gives a C/S more information about the case. (BTB 3 Nov 72R)


MISDIRECTOR, 1. a phrase which, when the auditor sends the preclear in one direction, makes the preclear go in another direction. (SOS, p. 106) 2. a command which sends the preclear in the wrong direction, makes him go earlier when he should be going later, go later when he should go earlier, etc. "You can’t go back at this point," "You’re turned around," etc. (DMSMH, p. 213)


MISEMOTION, 1. anything that is unpleasant emotion such as antagonism, anger, fear, grief, apathy or a death feeling. (HCOB 23 Apr 69) 2. emotion and misemotion include all levels of the complete tone scale except "pain"; emotion and misemotion are closely allied to "motion," being only a finer particle action. (HCOB 19 Jan 67)


MISEMOTIONAL, 1. such a word would indicate that a person did not display the emotion called for by the actual circumstances of the situation. (SOS, p. 49) 2. being misemotional is synonymous with being irrational. (SOS, p. 49)


MIS-MEMORY, forgettingness. (Abil SW, p. 11)


MISPROGRAMMED, the current program has neglected or misplaced an urgently needed action. (BTB 23 Oct 71 V)


MISSED OVERT, a done, that people didn’t find out about. (SH Spec 181, 6208C07)


MISSED WITHHOLD, 1. an undisclosed contra-survival act which has been restimulated by another but not disclosed. (HCOB 3 May 62) 2. a missed withhold is a should have known. The pc feels you should have found out about something and you didn’t. (SH Spec 136, 6204C24) 3. the missed withhold is something people nearly found out. It’s another person’s action. It’s nothing the pc did or is doing. It is another person’s action and the pc’s wonder about it. (SH Spec 206, 6211C01) Abbr. M/W/H .


MISSED WITHHOLD OF NOTHING, 1. there is nothing there, yet the auditor tries to get it and the pc ARC breaks. This gives the pc a missed withhold of nothing. (HCO PL 16 Apr 65) 2. "cleaning" a rudiment that has already registered null gives the pc a missed withhold of nothingness. His nothingness was not accepted. The pc has no answer. A missed no-answer then occurs. To ask again something already null is to leave the pc baffled—he has a missed withhold which is a nothingness. (HCOB 4 Jul 62)


MISSED WITHHOLD PROGRAM, where the auditor searched for and found when and where withholds had been available but had been MISSED. (HCOB 8 Feb 62)


MISSION, a group granted the privilege of delivering elementary Scn and Dn services. Does not have Church status or rights. (BTB 12 Apr 72R)


MO, medical officer. (Abil 272)


MOCKERY BAND, there is a little band down very close to death on the tone scale which is a mockery band and in that band anything that’s in that band is a mockerv of anything higher. (5405CM12)


MOCK-UP, v. 1. to get an imaginary picture of. (COHA, p. 100) —n. 1. "mock-up" is derived from the World War II phrase which indicated a symbolized weapon or area of attack. Here, it means in essence, something which a person makes up himself. (Scn Jour, Iss 14-G) 2. a mock-up is more than a mental picture; it is a self-created object which exists as itself or symbolizes some object in the mest universe. It is a thing which one can be. (Scn Jour, Iss 14-G) 3. a full perceptic energy picture in three dimensions created by the thetan and having location in space and time. Now, that’s the ideal definition. A mock-up is something the thetan puts up and says is there. That’s what a mock-up is. (9ACC-24, 5501C14) 4. we call a mental image picture a mock-up when it is created by the thetan or for the thetan and does not consist of a photograph of the physical universe. (FOT, pp. 56-57) 5. any knowingly created mental picture that is not part of a time track. (HCOB 15 May 63)


MODEL SESSION, 1. the same exact pattern and script (patter) with which an auditing session is begun and ended; the overall form of all Scn auditing sessions which is the same anywhere in the world. (Scn AD) 2. its wording is very fixed. All refinements of model session are in the direction of causing less ARC breaks and getting more auditing done. (SH Spec 289, 6307C24) 3. the patter wording of a model session is what is said and fixed. By always using the same words to open, continue and close a session, to begin and end processes, a duplication of sessions is achieved which as they continue, runs them out. The patter wording of a model session should be learned by heart and not changed. (HCOB 26 Aug 60)


MODIFIER, a modifier is that consideration which opposes the attainment of a goal and tends to suspend it in time. Example: goal, "to be a willow wand;" modifier, "so as never to be reached." (HCOB 7 Nov 61)


MOISTURE PERCEPTION, moisture perception permits us to sense the dampness or dryness of the atmosphere and so judge further our environment. (SOS, p. 59)


M1 CS 1,1. method 1 word clearing CS 1. [as in case supervisor direction.] (HCOB 14 Sept 71 II Revised 24 Sept 71) [Note this HCOB has been cancelled by HCOB 14 June 73 Word Clearing C/S No. 1R Cancelled.] 2. standard C/S for word clearing in session Method 1. (HCOB 30 Jun 71 II)


M 1 WC, Method One word clearing. (HCO PL 8 Jan 72 I) See WORD CLEARING.


MONEY ASSIST, this action is simply a tool and use of our tech to get the result of the person able to handle the subject of money and take the major services of the Church. (BTB 1 Jul 73, Money Assist)


MONITOR, could be called the center of awareness of the person. It, inexactly speaking, is the person. It has been approximated by various names for thousands of years, each one reducing down to "I." The monitor is in control of the analytical mind. (DMSMH, p. 43)


MOOD DRILLS, developed to handle stuck or fixated auditor moods or where some auditor’s mood entered into the session would rough up or upset a pc or slow his progress. Mood drills consist of TRs 1 to 4 done out of session on each tone level of the full tone scale, hitting each mood up and down the scale. The coach calls the mood, the auditor does TRs 1 to 4 in that mood. It doesn’t really require much coaching. "You just start low on the scale and TR that mood then the next, then the next. Like, all TRs done "hopeless," etc. Lots of laughs doing it really. Doing TRs as a dead auditor is pretty tricky." Once begun mood drills should be continued until the whole scale is flat so the auditor doesn’t get stuck on the tone scale but can do any mood easily and without strain. (BTB 13 Mar 75)


MORAL CODE, 1. that series of agreements to which a person has subscribed to guarantee the survival of a group. (SH Spec 62, 6110C04) 2. a series of solutions to problems which have not been confronted or analyzed. (SH Spec 27X, 6107C04)


MORALS, n. pl. 1. the principles of right and wrong conduct. (HCO PL 3 May 72) 2. morals should be defined as a code of good conduct laid down out of the experience of the race to serve as a uniform yardstick for the conduct of individuals and groups. Such a codification has its place; morals are actually laws. Morals are, to some degree, arbitraries, in that they continue beyond their time. All morals originate out of the discovery by the group that some act contains more pain than pleasure. (SOS, p. 129) 3. are things which were introduced into the society to resolve harmful practices which could not be explained or treated in a rational manner. (5008C30) 4. those things which are considered to be at any given time survival characteristics. A survival action is a moral action and those things are considered immoral which are considered contrasurvival. (SH Spec 62, 6110C04) 5. an arbitrary code of conduct not necessarily related to reason. (Scn 8-8008, p. 100)


MORES, are those things which make a society possible. They are the heavily agreed-upon, policed codes of conduct of a society. (PAB 40)


MOTION, 1. uncomfortable perceptions stemming from the reactive mind are called sensation. These are basically "pressure," "motion,""dizziness," "sexual sensation," and "emotion and misemotion." "Motion" is just that, a feeling of being in motion when one is not. "Motion" includes the "winds of space," a feeling of being blown upon especially from in front of the face. (HCOB 19 Jan 67) 2. dimension points, by shifting, can give the viewpoint the illusion of motion. The viewpoint, by shifting, can give the dimension points the illusion of motion. Motion is the manifestation of change of viewpoint of dimension points. (Scn 8-8008, p. 16) 3. is a consecutive appear and disappear in infinitely small gradients. (2ACC-19A, 5312CM09) 4. a change of position in space. (HFP, p. 110)


MOTIVATOR, 1. an aggressive or destructive act received by the person or one of the dynamics. It is called a motivator because it tends to prompt that one pays it back—it "motivates" a new overt. (HCOB 20 May 68) 2. something which the person feels has been done to him, which he is not willing to have happen. (HCO Info Ltr 2 Sept 64) 3. an act received by the person or individual causing injury, reduction or degradation of his beingness, person, associations or dynamics. (HCOB 1 Nov 68 II) 4. an overt act against oneself by another. In other words, a motivator is a harmful action performed by somebody else against oneself. (8ACC-14, 5410CM20)


MOTIVATOR HUNGER, 1. a motivator is called a "motivator" because it tends to prompt an overt. It gives a person a motive or reason or justification for an overt. When a person commits an overt or overt of omission with no motivator he tends to believe or pretends that he has received a motivator which does not in fact exist. This is a false motivator. Beings suffering from this are said to have "motivator hunger" and are often aggrieved over nothing. (HCOB 1 Nov 68) 2. Homo sapiens goes around trying to get force applied hard enough so that he gets sympathy for it and we call that motivator hunger. (2ACC-30B, 5312CM21 )


MOTIVATORISH CASE, a preclear who only gets off motivators in a session. The motivator case is well aware that each motivator answer is not truly real, but reactively he is incapable of looking at the cause side of the picture and considers any effort on the part of anyone to attempt to get him to do so as an effort on the part of that person to punish him or to make him guilty. Such a person has many overts of blaming others and uses any motivator as a justification of his overts against others. (BTB 12 Jul 62)


MOTIVATOR-OVERT ACT, whereby something is done to the preclear and then the preclear does the same thing to somebody else. (PAB 18)


MOTOR CONTROL TIME TRACK, this time track is not connected to the analytical mind and speech, but is apparently a parallel time track with greater reliability than the sensory track. The precision of data contained in the motor control time track is enormous. The motor strip time track can be asked questions down to the smallest moment of time, and the area of an engram can be so located and its character determined. (DTOT, pp. 88-89)


MOTOR STRIP, the pc’s sensory perceptions. (Exp Jour, WinterSpring, 1950)






MS, model session. (HCO PL 8 Dec 62)


MSH, Mary Sue Hubbard. (HCOB 23 Aug 65)


M/U or MIS-U, abbreviation for misunderstood. (BTB 12 Apr 72R)




MULTIPLE DECLARE, declaring Grades 0 to IV all at one time mostly without any mention of the end phenomena of the grade. (HCOB 30 Jun 70R)


MULTIPLE ILLNESS, the preclear is physically uncomfortable or ill from several engrams of different types all restimulated. (HCOB 23 Apr 69)


MULTIPLE SOMATICS, several somatics as one item. (HCOB 19 May 69, Health Form, Use of)


MULTIVALENCE, valens means "powerful" in Latin. It is a good term because it is the second half of ambivalent (power in two directions) and exists in any good dictionary. It is a good term because it describes (although the dictionary did not mean it to) the intent of the organism when dramatizing an engram. Multivalence would mean "many powerfuls." It would embrace the phenomena of split personality, the strange differences of personality in people in one and then another situation. Valence in Dn means the personality of one of the dramatic personnel in an engram. (DMSMH, p. 80)


MURDER ROUTINE, a slang title for the "worse than" technique. One gets the pc to give off his overts by inferring he has done very bad things, including murder. Auditor, "Did you murder your wife?" Pc, "Oh no! I only cheated on her!" Described in full in BTB 30 Aug 72 I, issued 28 Mar 74 Ex Dn Series 8. Actually developed in 1961 in South Africa. (LRH Def. Notes)


MUTTER TR, a drill to perfect the muzzled auditing comm cycle. (1) The coach has student give command. (2) Coach mutters an unintelligible answer at different times. (3) Student acknowledges. (4) Coach flunks if student does anything else but acknowledge. This is the entirety of this drill. It is not to be confused with any other training drill. (HCOB 1 Oct 65R)


MUTUALLY RESTIMULATIVE, two people may discover that they are mutually restimulative—which is to say each is a pseudo-person in the other’s engrams or one is restimulated (voice tone, incidents) by the other. (DMSMH, p. 389)


MUTUAL OUT RUDS, this means two or more people who mutually have ruds out on the wider group or other dynamics and do not get them in. (HCOB 17 Feb 74)


MUZZLED AUDITING, 1. stating only the model session patter and commands and TRs. It always gets the best results. (HCOB 20 Jul 72 II) 2. this could also be called rote style auditing. Muzzled auditing has been with us many years. It is the stark total of TRs 0 to 4 and not anything else added. Repetitive command auditing, using TRs 0 to 4, at Level I is done completely muzzled. (HCOB 6 Nov 64) 3. in muzzled auditing, the auditor says only two things. He gives the command and acknowledges the answer to that command. If the pc says anything that is not an answer to that command, the auditor nods his head and awaits an answer before giving acknowledgment. (HCOB 25 Mar 59)


MUZZLED COACHING, the coach says fine when he thinks it is fine and otherwise keeps his mouth shut. This is muzzled coaching. (HCOB 29 Sept 59)


MW/H (also M/W/H), missed withhold. (HCOB 23 Aug 65)


MYSTERY, 1. the anatomy of mystery is unprediction, confusion and then total blackout. Mystery is the level of always pretending there’s always something to know earlier than the mystery. (PXL, p. 170) 2. oblivion of knowing. (COHA, p. 151) 3. the glue that sticks thetans to things. (SH Spec 206, 6211C01)


MYSTERY SANDWICH, 1. the principle of mystery is, of course, this: the only way anybody gets stuck to anything is by a mystery sandwich. A person cannot be connected to his body, but he can have a mystery between him and his body which will connect him. You have to understand this thing about the mystery sandwich. It’s two pieces of bread, one of which represents the body, and one of which represents the thetan, and the two pieces of bread are pulled together by a mystery. They are kept together by a volition to know the mystery. (PAB 66) 2. a thetan stuck to anything is of course just a mystery sandwich. Thetan, mystery, object—mystery sandwich. (SH Spec 48, 6108C31)


MYSTICAL MYSTIC, Slang. a type of case. The person will be totally reasonable about anything that happens in his vicinity but not do anything about it, and see nothing but good in anything including murdering babies. (SH Spec 42, 6410C13)


MYSTIQUE, qualifications or skills that set a person or thing apart and beyond the understanding of an outsider. (HCO PL 29 Oct 71 III)