| Name | Last modified | Size |
 | Parent Directory | | |
 | An Introduction to Computer Science and Problem Solving.pdf | 2022-02-22 06:15 | 1299 KB |
 | Approved notation for developing pseudocode.pdf | 2022-02-22 06:15 | 124 KB |
 | Brave New World Pseudocode Reference.pdf | 2022-02-22 06:15 | 340 KB |
 | Code and Pseudo Code - Ilan Vardi.pdf | 2022-02-22 06:15 | 757 KB |
 | Computers in Engineering Pseudocode and C Language Review.pdf | 2022-02-22 06:15 | 55 KB |
 | Documenting Spreadsheets with Pseudo-Code. an Exercise with Cash-Flow and Loans.pdf | 2022-02-22 06:15 | 308 KB |
 | Handout for Pseudo-code convention.pdf | 2022-02-22 06:15 | 82 KB |
 | How to improve your pseudocode - Alexandra Schultz.pdf | 2022-02-22 06:15 | 65 KB |
 | Introduction Pseudo-Code.pdf | 2022-02-22 06:15 | 34 KB |
 | Introduction to Pseudo Code.pdf | 2022-02-22 06:15 | 22 KB |
 | Lecture11.pdf | 2022-02-22 06:15 | 934 KB |
 | Notes on Algorithms, Pseudocode, and Flowcharts.pdf | 2022-02-22 06:15 | 108 KB |
 | Problem solving and program design.pdf | 2022-02-22 06:15 | 129 KB |
 | Pseudo Code Reference.pdf | 2022-02-22 06:15 | 19 KB |
 | Pseudocode and Flowchart Reference.pdf | 2022-02-22 06:15 | 104 KB |
 | Pseudocode Examples.pdf | 2022-02-22 06:15 | 112 KB |
 | Pseudocode Notation Reference.pdf | 2022-02-22 06:15 | 21 KB |
 | Pseudocode Reference Sheet.pdf | 2022-02-22 06:15 | 94 KB |
 | Pseudocode. An Introduction.pdf | 2022-02-22 06:15 | 124 KB |
 | Pseudocode.pdf | 2022-02-22 06:15 | 30 KB |
 | Teaching programming with objects - Geoffrey G. Roy and Jocelyn Armarego.pdf | 2022-02-22 06:15 | 176 KB |
 | The Computational Universe Pseudocode Reference.pdf | 2022-02-22 06:15 | 142 KB |
 | Using Introductory Computer Science as a Tool for Teaching General Problem Solving - Major Timothy G. Nix.pdf | 2022-02-22 06:15 | 42 KB |