The Compilation


There are, friends, seven-part Dhammas
consummately taught by the Bhagava,
that #1-Consummately-Awakened-One,
an Arahant who knows and sees.
In this situation,
let us all gather together as one,
so that this Best of Lives
will stay on track
and stand for a long time
as a benefit to the many,
as a pleasure for the many,
out of compassion for the world,
for the benefit and pleasure of dieties and man.
What are these sevens?




Seven Aristocratic Treasures:

The faith-treasure,
the ethics-treasure,
the sense-of-shame-treasure,
the fear-of-blame-treasure,
the knowledge-threasure,
the generosity-treasure,
the wisdom-treasure.




The Seven Dimensions of Self-Awakening:

The mental dimension of self-awakening,
the Dhamma-research dimension of self-awakening,
the energizing dimension of self-awakening,
the impassivity dimension of self-awakening,
the getting high dimension of self-awakening,
the objective detachment dimension of self awakening.




Seven requisites of getting high:

High view,
high principles,
high speech,
high works,
high lifestyle,
high self-control,
high mindedness.




Seven that are not True Dhamma:

Here friends a beggar is without faith,
without sense of shame,
without fear of blame,
is of little learning,
is lazy,
is absent-minded,
lacking in wisdom.




Seven that are True Dhamma:

Here friends a beggar has faith,
has a sense of shame,
has fear of blame,
has heard much,
is enterprising and energetic,
is wise.




Seven Dhammas of a Good Man:

Here friends a beggar has knowledge of Dhamma,
knowledge of the goal,
has knowledge of the self,
has knowledge of measure,
has knowledge of timing,
knowledge of classes of men,
knowledge of individuals.




Seven characteristics of distinction:

Here friends a beggar has a great desire to undertake training,
and likes the workout undertaking the training involves.

He has a great desire to get down the Dhamma
and likes the workout getting down the Dhamma involves.

He has a great desire to control his wishes
and likes the workout controlling his wishes involves.

He has a great desire for retirement in seclusion
and likes the workout retirement in seclusion involves.

He has a great desire for arousing of energy
and likes the workout arousing energy involves.

He has a great desire for mental discipline
and likes the workout mental discipline involves.

He has a great desire for penetrting view
and likes the workout penetrating view involves.




Seven perceptions:

Perception of impermanance,
perception of not-self,
perception of the impure,
perception of misery,
perception of letting go,
perception of dispassion,
perception of ending.




Seven powers:

energy power,




Seven footholds of consciousness:

There are beings, friends, diverse in body, diverse in perception suchas man, some dieties and some on the path to ruin. This is the first foothold of consciousness.

There are beings, friends, diverse in body, similar in perception, such as the deities in the Brahma group. This is the second foothold of consciousness.

There are beings, friends, similar in body, diverse in perception, suchas the deities of the Abhassara. This is the third foothold of consciousness.

There are beings, friends, similar in body and similar in perception, such as the deities of the Subhaki¼h¤. This is the fourth foothold of consciousness.

There are beings, friends that, passing past all perception of materiality, leaving behind perception of reaction, averting the mind from perception of diversity, thinking 'Unending is space,' experience the Realm of Space. This is the fifth foothold of consciousness.

There are beings, friends that, wholly passing past the Realm of Space, thinking "Unending is Consciousness,' experience the Realm of Consciousness. This is the sixth foothold of consciousness.

There are beings, friends that, wholly passing past the Realm of Consciousness, thinking 'There are No Things There,' experience the Realm Where There is No Thing There. This is the seventh foothold of consciousness.




Seven individuals worthy of receivings:

the body-seer,
the liberated-at-heart,
the Dhamma-follower,
the faith follower.




Seven biases:

The bias towards lust for sense pleasures,
the bias towards reaction,
the bias towards views,
the bias towards doubt,
the bias towards pride,
the bias towards lust for living,
the bias towards blindness.




Seven yokes to rebirth:

The yoke to rebirth which is compliance,
the yoke to rebirth which is reaction,
the yoke to rebirth which is views,
the yoke to rebirth with is doubt,
the yoke to rebirth which is pride,
the yoke to rebirth which is lust for living,
the yoke to rebirth which is blindness.




Seven that calm and settle disputatious disrupting-eruptions:

Setting up discipline by confrontation,
Setting up discipline by reminder,
Setting up discipline of the deranged,
Allowing rehabilitation after admission of guilt,
Settling disputes by majority rule,
Sanctioning evil-doers,
Settling an issue by burying it, covering it as with a grass garment.




These then, friends,
are those seven-part Dhammas
consummately taught by the Bhagava,
that #1-Consummately-Awakened-One,
an Arahant who knows and sees.
In this situation,
let us all gather to gether as one,
so that this Best of Lives
will stay on track
and stand for a long time
as a benefit to the many,
as a pleasure for the many,
out of compassion for the world,
for the benefit and pleasure of dieties and man.

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