The Compilation


There are, friends, ten-part Dhammas
consummately taught by the Bhagava,
that #1-Consummately-Awakened-One,
an Arahant who knows and sees.
In this situation,
let us all gather together as one,
so that this Best of Lives
will stay on track
and stand for a long time
as a benefit to the many,
as a pleasure for the many,
out of compassion for the world,
for the benefit and pleasure of dieties and man.
What are these tens?




Ten things giving protection:

Here friends, a beggar has ethics, he lives self-controlled by the Patimokkha-self-control, having arrived at conduct's pasture he sees the fearfulness in any measure of what should be shunned and stays on the seeker's course. It is, friends a beggar's ethics, his living self-controlled by the Patimokkha-self-control, his having arrived at conduct's pasture seeing the fearfulness in any measure of what should be shunned that gives him protection.

Again, additionally friends, a beggar has heard much, retains what he has heard, has got down what he has heard of that Dhamma, so helpful in the beginning, helpful in the middle, helpful in conclusion, that points out the surpassingly pure Brahma-Life with it's goal and with it's terms in complete congruity. It is this matter of being learned in Dhamma, his having got a grasp of it, his ablity to speak about it, his detached understanding of it, and his throrough penetration of it in theory that gives him protection.

Again, additionally friends, a beggar is a helpful friend, a helpful companion, a helpful comrade. It is, friends, this beggar's being a helpful friend, a helpful companion, a helpful comrade that gives him protection.

Again, additionally friends, a beggar is well-spoken and is possessed of forbearance making for gentleness, he is right handy at supervising. It is, friends, this beggars well-spokenness and possession of forebearance making for gentleness, his competence at supervising, that gives him protection.

Again, additionally friends, a beggar, whatever needs to be done with his fellow Brahma-farers, whether lofty or menial, at that he is handy, not lax, he is skilled in recollecting what needs to be done, and in all such matters is competant, willing and able. It is, friends, that this beggar, whatever needs to be done with his fellow Brahma-farers, whether lofty or menial, is at that, handy, not lax, skilled in recollecting what needs to be done, and in all such matters is competant, willing and able, that gives him protection.

Again, additionally friends, a beggar takes pleasure in Dhamma, loves discussing, and derives great enjoyment from, higher Dhamma, higher discipline. It is, friends, that this beggar takes pleasure in Dhamma, loves discussing, and derives great enjoyment from, higher Dhamma, higher discipline that gives him protection.

Again, additionally friends, a beggar is content with having the requisites: any sort of robes, handouts, sitting and sleeping place, remedy for sickness that may arise. It is, friends, that this beggar is content with having the requisites: any sort of robes, handouts, sitting and sleeping place, remedy for sickness that may arise that gives him protection.

Again, additionally friends, a beggar lives striving for the energy to let go of unskillful things, to acquire skillful things, steadfast, passionately holding on to, not throwing off the yoke to, skillful things. It is, friends, that that this beggar lives striving for the energy to let go of unskillful things, to acquire skillful things, steadfast, passionately holding on to, not throwing off the yoke to, skillful things, that gives him protection.

Again, additionally friends, a beggar lives with a far-reaching, discriminating mind, possessed of mastery over the calling to mind and remembering of the long-ago said and done. It is, friends, that this beggar lives with a far-reaching, discriminating mind, possessed of mastery over the calling to mind and remembering of the long-ago said and done, that gives him protection.

Again, additionally friends, a beggar is wise to what causes growth and termination, has possession of that Aristocratic wisdom that leads to the consummate ending of pain. It is, friends, that this beggar is wise to what causes growth and termination, has possession of that Aristocratic wisdom that leads to the consummate ending of pain, that gives him protection.




Ten complete spheres:

One recognizes the earth device above, below, across, as non-dual, unbounded.

One recognizes the water device above, below, across, non-dual, unbounded.

One recognizes the fire device above, below, across, non-dual, unbounded.

One recognizes the wind device above, below, across, non-dual, unbounded.

One recognizes the deep-blue device above, below, across, non-dual, unbounded.

One recognizes the golden-colored device above, below, across, non-dual, unbounded.

One recognizes the blood-read device above, below, across, non-dual, unbounded.

One recognizes the white device above, below, across, non-dual, unbounded.

One recognizes the space device above, below, across, non-dual, unbounded.

One recognizes the consciousness device above, below, across, non-dual, unbounded.




Ten unskillful paths of action:

Malicious destruction,
taking the ungiven,
misbegotten carnal lusts,
lying speech,
provocative speech,
harsh speech,
mistaken views.




Ten skillful paths of action:

Abstaining from malicious destruction,
abstention from taking the ungiven,
abstention from misbegotten carnal lusts,
abstention from lying speech,
abstention from provocative speech,
abstention from harsh speech,
abstention from idle-lip-flapping,
high views.




Ten Aristocratic Garbs:

Here friends, a beggar has let go of five,
has control of six,
guards one,
calculates four,
separates individual truths,
annihilates wishes,
purifies his principles,
creates impassivity of body,
is well freed in mind,
is well freed in wisdom.

How, friends, has a beggar let go of five?
Here, friends, a beggar, has let go of pleasure-wishing, has let go of anger, has let go of lazy ways and inertia, has let go of fear and trembling, has let go of vascillation. Even so, friends, has a beggar let go of five.

How, friends, does a beggar have control of six?
Here, friends, a beggar seeing a material shape with the eye is neither pleased in mind nor upset in mind and he lives detached, mindful, self-aware. Here, friends, a beggar hearing a sound with the ear is neither pleased in mind nor upset in mind and he lives detached, mindful, self-aware. Here, friends, a beggar smelling a scent with the nose is neither pleased in mind nor upset in mind and he lives detached, mindful, self-aware. Here, friends, a beggar tasting a flavor with the tongue is neither pleased in mind nor upset in mind and he lives detached, mindful, self-aware. Here, friends, a beggar feeling a touch with the body is neither pleased in mind nor upset in mind and he lives detached, mindful, self-aware. Here, friends, a beggar conscious of a thought with the mind is neither pleased in mind nor upset in mind and he lives detached, mindful, self-aware. Even so, friends, does a beggar have control of six.

How, friends, does a beggar guard one?
Here, friends, a beggar guards his mind by getting control of his intentions. Even so, friends, does a beggar guard one.

How, friends, does a beggar calculate four?
Here, friends, a beggar figures a thing is to be gone after, a thing is to be endured, a thing is to be avoided, a thing is to be got rid of. Even so, friends, does a beggar calculate four.

How, friends, does a beggar separate individual truths?
Here, friends, a begar, however many there may be of ordinary shamen or brahmen or the number of their truths about separate individuality, from all those he has separated himself, he has thrust off, tossed away, abandoned, vomited them up and released them. Even so, friends, does a beggar separate individual truths.

How, friends, does a beggar annihilate wishes?
Here, friends, a beggar has let go of wishing for pleasures, has let go of wishing to become, has let go of wishing to live the Brahma-life. Even so, friends, does a beggar annihilate wishes.

How, friends, does a beggar purifiy his principles?
Here, friends, a beggar lets go of the pleasure principle, lets go of the anger principle, lets go of the injury principle. Even so, friends, does a beggar purify his principles.

How, friends, does a beggar create impassivity of body?
Here, friends, a beggar lets go of pleasure, lets go of pain, allows his former mental ease and misery to subside, without pain, without pleasure, with an utterly pure and detached mind he enters into and makes a habitat of the Fourth Burning. Even so, friends, does a beggar create impassivity of body.

How, friends, does a beggar get well-freed in heart?
Here, friends, a beggar is free from lustful thoughts, is free from hateful thoughts, is free from deluded thoughts. Even so, friends, does a beggar get well-freed heart.

How, friends, does a beggar get well-freed in wisdom?

Here friends, a beggar knows:
'I have let go of lust,
taken it out by the roots,
like a palm cut off at its base
it is a thing that no longer has life,
a thing that cannot come into existance again.'

He knows: 'I have let go of hate,
taken it out by the roots,
like a palm cut off at its base
it is a thing that no longer has life,
a thing that cannot come into existance again.'

He knows: 'I have let go of delusion,
taken it out by the roots,
like a palm cut off at its base
it is a thing that no longer has life,
a thing that cannot come into existance again.'




Ten Dhammas of the Seer:

The seer's high view,
The seer's high principles,
the seer's high speech,
the seer's high works,
the seer's high lifestyle,
the seer's high self-control,
the seer's high mind,
the seer's high getting high,
the seer's high knowledge,
the seer's high freedom.




These then, friends,
are those ten-part Dhammas
consummately taught by the Bhagava,
that #1-Consummately-Awakened-One,
an Arahant who knows and sees.
In this situation,
let us all gather to gether as one,
so that this Best of Lives
will stay on track
and stand for a long time
as a benefit to the many,
as a pleasure for the many,
out of compassion for the world,
for the benefit and pleasure of dieties and man.


[ Ones and Twos ] [ Threes ] [ Fours ] [ Fives ] [ Sixes ] [ Sevens ] [ Eights ] [ Nines ]