The Compilation


There are, friends, three-part Dhammas
consummately taught by the Bhagava,
that #1-Consummately-Awakened-One,
an Arahant who knows and sees.
In this situation,
let us all gather together as one,
so that this Best of Lives
will stay on track
and stand for a long time
as a benefit to the many,
as a pleasure for the many,
out of compassion for the world,
for the benefit and pleasure of dieties and man.
What are these threes?




Three Roots of Unskill:





Three Roots of Skill:





Three Modes of poor behavior:

of speech,
of mind.




Three Modes of good behavior:

of speech,
of mind.




Three unskillful subjects of thought:

on pleasure,
on anger,
on harming.




Three skillful subjects of thought:

on giving up,
on non-anger,
on non-harm.




Three unskillful principles:

the pleasure-principle,
the anger-principle,
the harm-principle.




Three skillful principles:

the giving-up principle,
the non-anger principle,
the non-harm principle.




Three unskillful perceptions:

the pleasure-perception,
the anger-perception,
the harm-perception.




Three skillful perceptions:

the giving-up perception,
the non-anger perception,
the non-harm perception.




Three unskillful elements:

the pleasure-element,
the anger-element,
the harm-element.




Three skillful elements:

the giving-up element,
the non-anger element,
the non-harm element.




Three additional elements:

the pleasure-element,
the materiality-element,
the immateriality-element.




Three additional elements:

the materiality-element,
the immateriality-element,
the ending-element.




Three additional elements:

the inferior-element,
the middle-element,
the superior-element.




Three Modes of Hunger/Thirst:

for pleasure,
for living,
for un-living.




Three additional hungers:

for pleasure,
for materiality,
for immateriality.




Three additional hungers:

for materiality,
for immateriality,
for ending.




Three yokes to rebirth:

faith in good deeds and ethical conduct.




Three No-goods:

No-good pleasures,
no-good living,
no-good blindness.




Three livings:





Three wishes:

for pleasure,
for life,
for the full glory of the holy life




Three evaluations:

the evaluation that "I am better than,"
the evaluation that "I am equal to,"
the evaluation that "I am less than."




Three whiles:

up ahead a-while,




Three oppositions:

the opposition to own body;
the opposition to the arising of own body;
the opposition to the ending of own body.




Three sensations:

pleasant sense experience,
unpleasant sense experience,
not-unpleasant-but-not-pleasant sense experience.




Three types of pain:

The pain of pain;
the pain of the confounded;
the pain of reversal.




Three piles:

certainly disagreeable piles;
certainly consummate piles;
uncertain piles.




Three confusions:

The onset of and lingering confusion, doubt, inability to clear up one's mind and distress about the past.

The onset of and lingering confusion, doubt, inability to clear up one's mind and distress about the future.

The onset of and lingering confusion, doubt, inability to clear up one's mind and distress about the present.




Three unguarded things of a Tathagata.

A Tathagatha, friends is entirely pure with regard to that done by the body, such that he need not think: "Let none know this of me."

A Tathagata, friends, is entirely pure with regard to that done by way of speech, such that he need not think: "Let none know this of me."

A Tathagata, friends, is entirely pure with regard to that done by way of mind, such that he need not think: "Let none know this of me."




Three Somethings-There:





Three Fires:





Three additional Fires:

the fire of the honor-worthy,
the fire of the householder,
the fire of the gift-worthy.




Three Forms of Matter:

visible and producing resistance;
not visible and producing resistance;
not visible and not producing resistance.




Three confoundings:





Three persons:

the person who is a seeker,
the person who is a seer,
the person who is neither seeker nor seer.




Three elders:

by birth,
in the Dhamma,
by rank.




Three bases for the expectation of benefit:

the expectation of benefit based on making gifts,
the expectation of benefit based on ethical behavior,
the expectation of benefit based on self-improvement.




Three bases for making testimony:

based on the seen,
based on the heard,
based on the suspected.




Three ways of taking carnal enjoyment:

There are beings, friends, to whom carnal enjoyments appear and who are bound up in and in the power of the carnal enjoyments that appear to them in the same way as man, for example, or dieties for another, or some reborn below.
This is the first way of taking carnal enjoyment.

There are beings, friends, taking carnal enjoyment in plans and creations and who are bound up in and in the power of the carnal enjoyment of making creation upon creation in the same way as are The Gods of Creation.
This is the second way of taking carnal enjoyment.

There are beings, friends, taking carnal enjoyment in having power over plans and creations and who are bound up in and in the power of the carnal enjoyment of having power over plans and creations in the same way as are The Gods of Power Over Creation.
This is the third way of taking carnal enjoyment.




Three ways of feeling pleasure:

There are beings, friends, that, producing and having produced pleasure, live therein,
in the same way as the deities of the Brahma worlds.

There are beings, friends, that are soaked, permeated, suffused and saturated with happiness who time and time again exclaim: 'Ah the joy! Ah the joy!"
in the same way as the deities of Radiance.

There are beings, friends, that are soaked, permeated, suffused and saturated with happiness who are swept away by the experience of such delight
in the same way as the deities of Luminescence.




Three wisdoms:

The seeker's wisdom.
The seer's wisdom.
The wisdom of one who is neither.




Three additional wisdoms:

Wisdom based on reason.
Wisdom based on hearsay.
Wisdom based on experience.




Three weapons:

the weapon of knowledge,
the weapon of detachment,
the weapon of wisdom.




Three Guiding Forces:

The Guiding Force that is knowing the unknown;
The Guiding Force of Omnicience;
The Guiding Force of Attaining Omnicience.




Three eyes:

The organ of the eye;
the dietyly eye;
the eye of wisdom.




Three trainings:

training in higher ethics,
training in higher thought,
training in higher wisdom.




Three Developments:

Development of Body,
Development of Mind,
Development of Wisdom




Three ultimates:

The ultimate sight,
the ultimate undertaking,
the ultimate freedom.




Three Highs:

With Thought and with Reaction;
Without Thought and with only a small amount of Reaction;
Without Thought and without reaction




Three additional Highs:





Three cleansings:

cleansing the body,
cleansing the speech,
cleansing the mind.




Three attributes of the wiseman:

the body of a wiseman,
the speech of a wiseman,
the mind of a wiseman.




Three attributes of the skilled:

skill at arriving,
skill at departing,
skill in knowhow.




Three forms of madness:

The madness of health,
the madness of youth,
the madness of life.




Three controlers:

the influence of The Word.




Three areas of dispute:

There is the area of dispute over the past that begins:
'Thus it was in the past.'

There is the area of dispute over the future that begins:
'Thus it will be in the future.'

There is the area of dispute over the present that begins:
'This is how it is now.'




Three visions:

knowledge of past lives;
knowledge of the outcome of deeds;
knowledge of the eradication of the no-goods




Three habitats:

the habitat of the deities,
the habitat of Brahma,
the habitat of the Aristocrats.




Three wonders:

the wonders of magic power,
the wonders of mindreading,
the wonders of teaching




These then, friends,
are those three-part Dhammas
consummately taught by the Bhagava,
that #1-Consummately-Awakened-One,
an Arahant who knows and sees.
In this situation,
let us all gather to gether as one,
so that this Best of Lives
will stay on track
and stand for a long time
as a benefit to the many,
as a pleasure for the many,
out of compassion for the world,
for the benefit and pleasure of dieties and man.

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