Lacey G
I too work in healthcare, specifically in behavioral health & I too am on a R.A. When the healthcare vaccine mandate came out, our employer was devastated as he told us that those who were unvaxxed, he would have to let go if we didn't get vaxxed. I'm in upper management... I worked my tail off and have been promoted twice since being employed there, for the last (almost) 3 years. My employer asked me what I was going to do. He was super nervous I would say "see ya later". And I pretty much did. I told him that come the day it goes into effect, he could let me go. He was shocked and definitely did not want to do that. I told him "I wear many hats. But above all else, I am a mother. And what mind of a mother would I be if I caved and compromised my morals and values in fear of losing my job? That's not the message I want to give my kids. That when threatened or in fear of losing money, they should bow and comply. I will not get the vaccine, they will not get the vaccine".
Then I went and became an ordained minister before the mandate went into effect & told all of my staff that was both vaxxed and unvaxxed that they were welcome to join the church I was starting & I even ordered baptism certificates so I could baptise them & show proof they were members of my church. I researched ALOT & found out that to be considered a church, you don't have to be registered as one, not even with the IRS. You just had to meet regular with the congregation, not even at a particular place of worship, and have a list of beliefs and values for the church & a leader. So I stepped the heck up to the plate.
I've already "had covid"... which I don't really believe in anymore, but at the time I did & it seemed ludicrous to get an experimental vaccine with a lot of adverse effects, and no long term studies to show will happen down the road. I have been "exposed" sooo many times to people who have tested positive with an antigen test. Because I'm usually the one administering the test... maskless. Because I don't believe in those, either.
I have not been sick again, I have not tested positive again, and I have sought out medication that actually works for 5hose around me who have been sick and even dropped off care packages with food, fluids, vitamins and herbs, as well as the medications that our government has kept from those that are sick. I "had covid" in May of 2021. Still going strong... a lot stronger than my vaxxed friends who have had it multiple times.
I pulled my kindergartener out of public school, a couple weeks ago & ordered homeschooling curriculum that his daycare provider was more thsn willing to work on with him.
I went into a doc check up for my 16 month old last Monday & refused all the vaccines that hes so far behind on and told them he absolutely WILL NOT be receiving anymore vaccines of any kind.
And most recently, I served my county DA with a proposed indictment against against FDA. CDC, Fauci, and many more. I'm gonna check in with him on Monday or Tuesday to see of he's opening the investigation. If not, I will be filing against his bond. The school board will be next.