A very IMPORTANT message from a friend of this channel (who hasn’t been heard from in over a month). Please share!(1 of 2)Hello everyone, I'm a retired fauji officer, and am a post graduate in defence sciences, and have undergone formal training in electronics and telecommunications. I have done over a year of focused research in this area, and base all my statements on published research papers and technology textbooks.
Everybody seems to be clueless on radiation levels. So here's an ultra-brief primer.
1 micro tesla = 10 milli gauss.
RFR (radio frequency radiation) has been seen to be severely toxic at levels above 2 milli gauss (0.2 micro tesla).
It causes many effects, most relating to damage to cell membranes and DNA, disruption of cell physiology, and resultant tissue death.
In erythrocytes (red blood cells), it causes damage to cell membranes leading to haemoglobin leakage, unfolding of the haemoglobin molecule, and ferrous ion dissociation, removing the ability of blood to carry oxygen, creating breathing difficulty. The body responds to dropping oxygenation levels by increasing erythropoietin (
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erythropoietin) a hormone produced in the kidneys that increases red blood cell production. Too many red blood cells increases blood viscosity, leading to blood clots, in conjunction with some other factors.
RFR unwinds the DNA helix, and causes single and double strand breakage, causing the affected cells to die through cellular apoltosis. Cell death and tissue loss causes worsening of existing metabolic conditions such as those from kidney, liver and heart problems. If you've been heavily exposed to RFR, from 4G/5G phones, and more particularly from mobile towers, specifically the new ones that throw out beams that do not spread and therefore do not lose power with distance, you will suffer these symptoms. Pre-existing metabolic conditions will worsen, as the already damaged organs are damaged more. The body has an inbuilt immune response designed to counter infections, starting with fever, loss of appetite and a desire to rest, all of which help boost immunity. The coughing reflex and fluid collection in the lungs results from micro inflammation in the lungs. The prolonged weakness and weight loss called 'post-covid syndrome' is the result of cell death due to DNA and cell membrane damage.
There are hundreds of peer reviewed published research papers available online that Google et al will not show you. Most doctors believe the official narrative, the all-channel, all media, 24x7x365 propaganda, without questioning. Most have zero knowledge of bio-electromagnetics and its effects. Most are terrified of losing their jobs, and worse, if they dare speak out. Those do speak up are victimised, and targeted with the very same technology, which they don't understand.
Most are completely clueless about the DNA modifying injections they are propounding. Many are themselves taking them out of ignorance. The government is complicit. Most politicians and bureaucrats are compromised because of sensitive data relating to their finances, illegal activities, sexual activity, and more, being available to those who monitor these things. In case you aren't aware, every single online and phone activity of ours is monitored, recorded, 24x7x365.
What these poor idiots don't realise is that human society itself is being destroyed, it is being systematically dismantled. What will they do with money in a dystopic society/ civilisation that has become unviable because too many have died? Our technology based civilisation will implode quickly when its pillars of technological production collapse. Those who think this is going away are deluding themselves. It will get worse, much, much worse. The impact of the mass injections falsely called vaccines, will unfold in the coming months.
World War 3 has started. A hybrid war with a gruesome agenda that very few understand.
COVID 🇨🇦 Canada News - CCN
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