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fileLa Collection Mathématique. 1-2 - Desclée de Brouwer. Pappus d'Alexandrie, ed. Paul Ver Eecke (1933).pdf2022-02-22 06:2441549 KB
filePappus of Alexandria Book 7 of the Collection_ Part 1. Introduction, Text, and Translation - (Sources in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences 8) Alexander Jones (auth.), Alexander Jones (eds.).pdf2022-02-22 06:2417122 KB
filePappus of Alexandria_ Book 4 of the Collection - Springer-Verlag London. (Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences) Heike Sefrin-Weis (auth.), Heike Sefrin-Weis (eds.) (20.pdf2022-02-22 06:242049 KB