


TA, 1. tone arm action. A technical term for a quantitative measure of case gain in the Scn processing of a preclear for a given unit of time. (ISE, p. 38) 2. tone arm refers to the tone arm or its motion. (HCOB 13 Apr 64, Scn VI Part One Glossary of Terms) 3. the total number of divisions down, a tone arm has moved accurately in a unit of time. (HCOB 24 Jul 64) 4. a measure of the amount of encysted force which is leaving the case. ( SH Spec 291, 6308C06)


TACIT CONSENT, 1. in the case of two preclears working on each other, each one assuming in his turn the auditor’s role, a condition can arise where each prevents the other from contacting certain engrams. This is tacit consent. A husband and wife may have a mutual period of quarrels or unhappiness. Engaged upon clearing each other, working alternately as auditor, they avoid, unknowingly, but by reactive computation, the mutual period, thus leaving in place painfully emotional engrams. (DMSMH, p. 319) 2. mutual avoidance of certain subjects. (SH Spec 63, 6110C05)


TACTILE, 1. by tactile we perceive the shape and texture of surfaces and compounds. (SOS, p. 59) 2. touch. (DMSMH, p. 14)


TALKING THE TA DOWN, it is done by the simple time-honored action of asking the right question, getting it answered, and letting the tone arm blow down. To ask the right question on this technique, you must first know what you are trying to accomplish. Why do you want to bring the TA down? The answer is simply, that the TA being high (3.5 or above), indicates that there is some mass the preclear’s attention is on. You want that mass out of way so that you can direct the preclear’s attention where you want it. So what you simply do is get the preclear to tell you what is in restimulation so that it will key out without driving the preclear further into his bank—and thus restimulating more mass. (BTB 14 Mar 71 II)


TAO, 1. it meant the way to solving the mystery which underlies all mysteries. It wasn’t simply "The Way." (7ACC-25, 5407Cl9) 2. means knowingness. Now that is the literal translation of the word if you want to translate it that way; in other words, it’s an ancester to the word Scn just as such. (5407Cl9)


TAPE COURSE, a course relayed by tape recorded lectures or translations. (BTB 12 Apr 72R)


TAPE LECTURE NUMBER, 6408Cll SH Spec 35, Study—Evaluation of Information (example of tape lecture number and title). The first two numbers (64) give the year, 1964. The second two (08) give the month, August, the eighth month. (C) stands for copy. The third two numbers (11) give the day, the 11th. SH Spec gives the course, the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, and then the title. From all this you know the lecture was given on 11 August, 1964, that the (35) is one of the consecutive numbers assigned for record purposes. (HCOB 23 Aug 65)


TAPE PLAYERS, are the machines used on a tape course for phying back on already recorded magnetic tape. Tape recorders are the machines used to record the tapes in the first place. (BTB 22 Nov 71 II)


TAPE RECORDERS, the machines used to record the tape in the first place. (BTB 22 Nov 71 II)


TA SINK, drops below 2.0 (HCOB 9 Jun 71 I)


TCC, Theta Clear Congress. (HCOB 29 Sept 66)


TD, Tiger Drill. (HCOB 8 Nov 62)


TEARACULI APATHIA MAGNUS, Latinated nonsense for sad effect. (HCOB 14 Mar 63)


TECH, 1. by tech is meant technology, referring of course to the application of the precise scientific drills and processes of Scn. (HCOB 13 Sept 65) 2. abbreviation for "technology" or "technical," depending on context. The technology referred to is normally that contained in HCOBs. It also means the "Technical Division" in a Scientology Church (Division 4, the division of the org that delivers training and processing). (BTB 12 Apr 72R) 3. technical. (HCOB 23 Aug 65)


TECH DIV, Technical Division. (HCOB 23 Aug 65)


TECH IS IN, Scn is being applied and is being correctly applied. (HCOB 13 Sept 65)


TECHNICAL EXPERTISE, is composed of all the little and large bits of technique known to the skilled painter, musician, actor, any artist. He adds these things together in his basic presentation. He knows what he is doing. And how to do it. And then to this he adds his message. (HCOB 29 Jul 73)


TECHNICAL HIERARCHY, a sort of ex office technical committee on the subject of technical matters composed generally of the Senior C/S, C/Ses, Qual Sec, Cramming Officer and Intern Supervisor that monitors the quality of HGC auditing. (HCOB 1 Sept 71 I)


TECHNICAL TERM, it’s something that has a specialized meaning in one subject which doesn’t have any broader meaning, but may appear in another subject meaning something else. (HCO PL 22 Sept 72)


TECHNIQUE, a process or some action that is done by auditor and pc under the auditor’s direction. A technique is a patterned action, invariable and unchanging, composed of certain steps or actions calculated to bring about tone arm action and thus better or free a thetan. (HCOB 26 Nov 63)


TECHNIQUE 8-80, a specialized form of Scn. It is, specifically the electronics of human thought and beingness. The "8-8" stands for "Infinity-Infinity" upright, the 0 represents the static, theta. (Scn 8-80, p. 9)


TECHNIQUE 80, 1. is a method; an application which can be applied to (1) mest bodies; (2) one lifetime; (3) some segment of the whole track; or (4) which can be applied to the whole track. When I say segment of the whole track I mean that you can take and specialize with Technique 80 on addressing the genetic line of the mest body only. You can take someone and process only space opera (the two or ten million years somebody spent in space). The process is Technique 80. We use motivators, overts and deds. (5206CM27A) 2. we call Technique 80 the "to be or not to be" technique which balances out the motivator, the overt act and the ded. It’s the anatomy of maybe. It becomes an entire subject of how to take apart maybe. How to get an indecision, how to get an involved grouped series of incidents apart. Any method which does this falls under the category of Technique 80. (5206CM23A)


TECHNIQUE 88, 1. a technique is in there for everything. And that’s why we say Technique 88. There’s an infinity of techniques inside of Technique 88. Technique 88 includes all of the technology of doing anything that man or any other being has ever done. (5206CM25B) 2. is processing the theta body and actually anything that pertains to processing the theta body can be lumped into Technique 88. (5206CM27A) 3. the knowledge and know-how necessary to clear a theta body. (5206CM27A)


TECHNOLOGY, 1. the methods of application of an art or science as opposed to mere knowledge of the science or art itself. (HCOB 13 Sept 65) 2. a body of truths. (Class VIII No. 4)


TECH SEC, 1. technical secretary. (HCOB 23 Aug 65) 2. abbreviation for technical secretary. The title of the person who is head of the Technical Divsion in a Church of Scientology. (BTB 12 Apr 72)


TECH ( TECHNICAL) SERVICES, the activity which enrolls, routes, schedules, distributes the mail of and assists the housing of students. (HCO13 21 Sept 70)


TECH TRAINING CORPS, the purpose of the TTC is to produce well trained auditors, C/Ses and supervisors for the Church in excess of its delivery demands so as to bring about a 1:1 Tech Admin Ratio and a superlative level of tech delivery that does credit to LRH and Scn. All persons currently on full-time training are automatically part of the TTC. Every Church of Scientology (Class IV), Saint Hill Organization, Advanced Organization and Flag has its own TTC. (BPL 13 Apr 75) Abbr. TTC .


T80, Technique 80 lectures. (HCOB 29 Sept 66)


T88, Technique 88 lectures. (HCOB 29 Sept 66)


TEMPERATURE ASSIST, assist for a pc running a temperature. The temperature process is most effective on a low order persistent fever that goes on and on for days or even weeks. (HCOB 23 Jul 71)


TEMPORARILY ENTURBULATED THETA, entheta can exist as temporary enturbulence in the individual’s life force or reason when he is confronted by unreasonable or non-survival circumstances in his environment. This could be called temporarily enturbulated theta. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 118)


TEN, 1. a preclear carried through to a chronic somatic release. The tenth act consists of running out, by effort, emotion and thought, the service facsimile. (AP&A, pp. 18-20) 2. a case advanced to the point of released service facsimile. (HFP Gloss)


TENSION, a collapsed communication line. (Spr Lect 18, 5304 CM08)


TENSOR BEAM, tractor beam. (Abil 34)


TENTH DYNAMIC, would probably be ethics. (PDC 2)


TEO, the Technical Division Establishment Officer (TEO) establishes and maintains the tech division. (HCO PL 7 Mar 72)


TERM, terminal—designation of a type of GPM item (R6 materials). (HCOB 23 Aug 65)


TERMINAL, 1. it would be any fixed mass utilized in a communication system. That, I think, is the best of the various definitions that have come out for this. Any mass used in a fixed position in any communications system. Thus you see a man would be a terminal, but a post could also be a terminal. (5703PM01) 2. something that has mass and meaning which originates, receives, relays and changes particles on a flow line. (HCO PL 25 Jul 72) 3. anything used in a communication system; something that has mass in it. Something with mass, meaning and mobility. Anything that can receive, relay or send a communication. (HCOB 25 Jan 65) 4. any point of no form or any form or dimension from which energy can flow or by which energy can be received. (Scn 8-8008, p. 32) 5. a terminal is what you need in order to get a perception. (Spr Lect 3, 5303M24) 6. one of a pair of reliable items of equal mass and force, the significance of which the thetan has aligned with his own intentions. (HCOB 13 Apr 64, Scn VI Part One Glossary of Terms) 7. an item or identity the pc has actually been sometime in the past (or present) is called a terminal. It is "the pc’s own valence" at that time. In the goals problem mass (the black masses of the reactive mind) those identities which, when contacted, produce pain, tell us at once that they are terminals. The person could feel pain only as himself (thetan plus body) and therefore identities he has been produce pain when its mental residues (black masses) are recontacted in processing Symbol: term. (HCOB 8 Nov 62)


TERMINAL ASSESSMENT, locating the terminals in the case which, when run, will produce an increase in the responsibility and reality level of the preclear. (HCOB 3 Jul 59)


TERRIBLE TRIO, well, amongst all havingness, what is the super-gold process? There is one. It is terribly certain, it does not fail in our experience and its gains are permanent. It is a process known as the Terrible Trio. The commands of the Terrible Trio are "Look around the room and tell me what you could have." "Look around the room and tell me what you would let remain." And, "Look around the room and tell me what you could dispense with." When I originally gave the triple havingness process to staff auditors somebody sensing its effectiveness, dubbed it "the Terrible Trio." (PAB 80)


TERROR, 1. the result of something having appeared engramically and then later on threatening to appear again. (SH Spec 122, 6203C19) 2. terror is a magnitude of fear. (NOTL, p. 21) 3. fear with lots of volume. (SOS, p. 13)


TERROR STOMACH, simply a confusion in a high degree of restimulation in the vicinity of the vagus nerve. This is one of the larger nerves and it goes into agitation under restimulation. (PAB 107)


TESTED RELEASE, stable release, which would be the fellow who had no adverse needle reactions on the buttons of help, control and communication.(SH Spec 4, 6105C26)


THAT’S IT!, when the coach says "That’s it" he means "we are through. We are going to take a breather." (PAB 152)


THEETIE-WEETIE, 1. Slang. it’s from England, means "sweetness and light" (but they can’t face mest or any outness). Cannot go deeper into the bank than a thought. (LRH Def Notes) 2. a person with a terribly high OCA who is absolutely for the birds. The Chart of Human Evaluation will tell you the truth. (7203C30)


THEETIE-WEETIE CASE, 1. he operates in a totally psychotic way while being totally serene. The valence is all the way up at tone 40 and the pc is all the way down at minus eight. (SH Spec 2, 6105C12) 2. a "sweetness and light" case at the extreme top of the graph who will go to graph bottom before the case starts up again as though the profile were a cylinder which when it goes off the top, then appears on the bottom when people are in "serene" valences (meaning they are wholly overwhelmed as a thetan). (HCOB 5 Jun 61) 3. is high on the OCA/APA yet makes no progress. This is because such case6 believe you ought to know what they are thinking about, so every moment around them you are missing withholds. (BTB 12 Jul 62)


THEFT, the theft of objects is really an effort to steal a self. Objects represent selves to others. Thieves and what they steal cannot be understood by the logic of their material needs. They steal tokens of selves and hope to assume thereby another self. (HCOB 2 May 58)


THEORY, the data part of a course where the data as in books, tapes and manuals is given. (HCOB 19 Jun 71 III)


THEORY INSTRUCTOR, assists the theory supervisor. Acts as auditing supervisor. Handles all theory administration. (HCO PL 18 Dec 64)




THEORY SUPERVISOR, handles all theory instruction of the course and acts as auditing supervisor. (HCO PL 18 Dec 64)


THERMAL, 1. by thermal we perceive temperature, hotness and coldness, and so can evaluate further our current environment by comparing it to our past environments. (SOS, p. 59) 2. a vibration of material, air, and so on—if one material is vibrating fast, we say it’s hot, and if another one is vibrating more slowly, we say it’s cold. (5203CM09A) 3. temperature. (DMSMH, p. 14) 4. the recall of temperature. (SOS Gloss)


THETA, 1. theta is thought, life force, elan vital, the spirit, the soul, or any other of the numerous definitions it has had for some thousands of years. (SOS, p. 4) 2. the life force, life energy, divine energy, elan vital, or by any other name, the energy peculiar to life which acts upon material in the physical universe and animates it, mobilizes it and changes it. It is susceptible to alteration in character or vibration, at which time it becomes enturbulated theta or entheta. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 21) 3. theta is thought; an energy of its own universe analogous to energy in the physical universe but only occasionally paralleling electromagnetic-gravitic laws. The three primary components of theta are affinity, reality, and communication. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 3) 4. reason, serenity, stability, happiness, cheerful emotion, persistence, and the other factors which man ordinarily considers desirable. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 12) 5. an energy existing separate and distinct from the physical universe. (SOS, p. 4) 6. Greek for thought or life or the spirit. (Aud 10 UK) 7. not a nothingness. It just happens to be an exterior thing to this universe—so you couldn’t talk about it in this universe’s terms. (PDC 6)


THETA BEING, 1. the "I," it is who the preclear is. (HOM, p. 15) 2. the theta being is close to a perpetual motion picture machine in that it can create energy and impulses. It thinks without facsimiles, it can act without experience, it can know simply by being. (HOM, p. 43)


THETA BODY, a thetan very often carries with him a theta body which he mocked up on the past track and which is a number of facsimiles of old bodies he has misowned and is carrying along with him as control mechanisms which he uses to control the body he is using. (PAB 130)


THETA BOP, 1. is a small or wide steady dance of the needle. Over a spread of one-eighth of an inch, say (depending on sensitivity setting—it can be half an inch), the needle goes up and down perhaps five or ten times a second. It goes up, sticks, falls, sticks, goes up, sticks, falls, sticks, etc., always the same distance, like a slow tuning fork. It is a constant distance and a constant speed. A theta bop means "death," "leaving," "don’t want to be here." It is caused by a yoyo of the preclear as a thetan vibrating out and into the body or a position in the body. It’s as if the needle is jumping between two peaks across a narrow valley. (EME, p. 16) 2. a small or wide steady dance of the needle. Depending on the sensitivity setting it can be anything from one-eighth to half an inch wide. It is very rapid, perhaps five or ten times a second. (BIEM, p. 43) 3. a diagnostic read, a sort of yoyo—in and out. It does not matter a continental how wide the theta bop is. It can be a whole dial wide. Most theta bops do it repetitively. One dip and one recovery at the exact same speed over the same area would be a one-motion theta bop. A theta bop has the equal halt at both ends. (SH Spec 1, 6105C07)


THETA CLEAR, 1. it is a person who operates exterior to a body without need of a body. (SH Spec 59, 6109C27) 2. that state wherein the preclear can remain with certainty outside his body when the body is hurt. (PAB 33) 3. a theta clear, then can be defined as a person who is at cause over his own reactive bank and can create and uncreate it at will. Less accurately he is a person who is willing to experience. Theta clear is stable. (Ab1,1 92M) 4. theta clear would mean clear of the mest body or cleared of the necessity to have a mest body. (5206CM26A) 5. there are two types of theta clear, the theta being which is cleared of its necessity or compulsion to have a body and a theta being which is cleared all the way on the track. (5206CM26B) 6. the basic definition of theta clear is: no further necessity for beingnesses. (SH Spec 36, 6108C09) 7. this is a relative not an absolute term. It means that the person, this thought unit, is clear of his body, his engrams, his facsimiles, but can handle and safely control a body. (COHA, p. 248) 8. in its highest sense, means no further dependency on bodies. (SCP, p. 3) 9. an individual who, as a being, is certain of his identity apart from that of the body, and who habitually operates the body from outside, or exteriorized. (PXL, p. 16)


THETA CLEARING, 1. to create a theta clear it is only necessary to bring the being up to a point where it can leave and return upon a mest body. (HOM, p. 59) 2. the emancipation or exteriorization of a soul. (PXL, p. 26)


THETA E, earth theta line. (HCL-15, 5203CMlOA)


THETA FORCE, theta force is reason. (SOS, p. 158)


THETA I, theta individual which is the individual you are and are aware of being. (HCL-15, 5203CM10A)


THETA LINE, 1. a timeless, spaceless, influence capable of making recordings, capable of animating and motivating, controlling, forming, destroying, conserving matter, energy, space and time. (HCL-19, 5203CM10A) 2. that line where the individual uses the genetic line to make one or many bodies that pass through time and the theta body inhabits the other body from just before conception until slightly after death. This theta line is subject to several different bodies. (HCL-20, 5203CM10B) 3. life monitoring energy and making bodies. (HCL-15, 5203CM10A)


THETA-MEST THEORY, 1. a theory generated by myself in the fall of 1950 as an effort to explain (just a theory) the phenomena of an analyzer working in one direction and a reactive mind working in quite another, the reactive mind being interesting, and the analyzer being interested. (5410CM06) 2. the idea is that life is a no-substance thing, up against a physical universe which is a substance thing. Here is nothingness up against a somethingness interacting where the nothingness or the no-substance thing is actually giving orders to and handling the all substance thing, the physical universe. (UPC 3 5406CM——) 3. the idea that there was a universe and that there was thought—theta without wave-length, without mass, without time, without position in space: this was life. And that was impinged upon something else called the physical universe, which was a mechanical entity which did things in a peculiar way, and these two things together, theta-mest interacting, gave us life forms. (PXL, p. 140)


THETAN, 1. the living unit we call, in Scn, a thetan, that being taken from the Greek letter theta, the mathematic symbol used in Scn to indicate the source of life and life itself. (Abil Ma 1) 2. the awareness of awareness unit which has all potentialities but no mass, no wave-length and no location. (HCOB 3 Jul 59) 3. the being who is the individual and who handles and lives in the body. (HCOB 23 Apr 69) 4. (spirit) is described in Scn as having no mass, no wave-length, no energy and no time or location in space except by consideration or postulate. The spirit is not a thing. It is the creator of things. (FOT, p. 55) 5. the personality and beingness which actually is the individual and is aware of being aware and is ordinarily and normally the "person" and who the individual thinks he is. The thetan is immortal and is possessed of capabilities well in excess of those hitherto predicted for man. (Scn 8-8008, p. 9) 6. the name given to the life source. It is the individual, the being, the personality, the knowingness of the human being. (Scn 8-80, p. 46) 7. energyspace production unit. (COHA, p. 247) 8. in the final analysis what is this thing called thetan? It is simply you before you mocked yourself up and that is the handiest definition I know of. (5608C——) 9. the person himself—not his body or his name, the physical universe, his mind, or anything else; that which is aware of being aware; the identity which is the individual. The thetan is most familiar to one and all as you. (Aud 25 UK) 10. a static that can consider, and can produce space and energy and objects . (PXL, p . 121 )


THETAN EXTERIOR, 1. a being who knows he is a spirit with a body and not just a body. (Aud 18) 2. he’s out but if the body were to be injured he would be back in. (PDC 52) 3. a being not influenced by a body. (SH Spec 82, 6611C29) 4. a thetan who is clear of the body and knows it but is not yet stable outside. (Scn 8-8008 Gloss)


THETAN PLUS BODY (on the tone scale), a bunch of social responses stimulus-response mechanisms that are built into the being by the society. (PDC 1)


THETAN TONE SCALE, the sub-zero to 40.0 scale is the range of the thetan. A thetan is lower than body death since it survives body death. It is in a state of knowingness below 0.375 only when it is identifying itself as a body and is to its own thinking, the body. (Scn 8-80, p. 52)


THETA PERCEPTICS, communication with the theta universe. Such perceptics may include hunches, predictions, ESP at greater and lesser distances, communication with the "dead," perception of the Supreme Being, etc. (SOS Gloss)


THETA PERCEPTION, that which one perceives by radiating towards an object and from the reflection perceiving various characteristics of the object such as size, odor, tactile, sound, color, etc. Certainty of perception is increased by drilling in certainties as above. Theta perception is dependent upon willingness to handle and to create space, energy and objects in view of the fact that the mest universe can be established easily to be an illusion. One must have an ability to perceive illusions before one can clearly perceive the mest universe. The thetan who cannot perceive the mest universe easily will also be found to be incapable of handling and orientating other kinds of illusions with certainty. Theta perception is also a direct index to responsibility, for responsibility is the willingness to handle force. (Scn 8-8008 Gloss)


THETA POSTULATE, a postulate made without regard to evaluations, conclusions, or time. (PDC 7)


THETA TIME, only now, but some of it gets left back in mest time in an engram. (NOTL, p. 15)


THETA TO THE NTH DEGREE, meaning unlimited or vast. (HCOB 23 Aug 65)


THETA TRAPS, how can you trap a thetan? By curiosity, by giving him awards and prizes (of an implant), by retractor screens, by mock-ups, by ornate buildings which he will enter unsuspectingly to be electroniced down: by many such means the thetan is reduced from knowing to a colonist, a slave, a MEST body. All theta traps have one thing in common: they use electronic force to knock the thetan into forgetting, into unknowingness, into effect. Their purpose is to rid the area of those nuisances, the thetans who cannot be policed, and gain personnel—always the former, not always the latter. (HOM, pp. 71-72)


THETA UNIVERSE, 1. thought matter (ideas), thought energy, thought space, and thought time, combined in an independent universe analogous to the material universe. One of the purposes of theta is postulated as the conquest, change, and ordering of mest. (SOS Gloss) 2. is a postulated reality for which there exists much evidence. (SOS, p. 99)


THINKING, 1. that process in which a person engages by which he hopes he will someday come to know. (2ACC lB, 5311CM17) 2. the combination of past observations to derive a future observation. (PAB 8) 3. a substitution for an ability to predict. (2ACC 21A, 5312CM11) 4. condensed effort. (2ACC 21A, 5312CM11) 5. comparing a particular datum with the physical universe as it is known and observed. (Lecture: Education and the Auditor, 1951, p. 9)


THINKINGNESS, 1. down the scale at the level below effort. It comes in as figure-figure-figure-figure-figure. "I’ll just figure this out and I’ll get a cGmputation and a calculation and I’ll add it up to . . . Now let me see . . ." We don’t know how all of this mechanic got into a postulate, but they’ve let it get in there. So that’s the level, thinkingness. (PXL, p. 169) 2. the potential of considering. (COHA Gloss)




THIRD PARTY LAW, the law would seem to be: a third party must be present and unknown in every quarrel for a conflict to exist. (HCOB 26 Dec 68)


THIRD POSTULATE, 1. forget. (PAB 66) 2. forgettingness. (SH Spec 35, 6108C08)


THIRD RAIL, is a special form of factual havingness. Commands and position: are the same as in factual havingness. However the commands are run in a special ratio ol: 8 commands of "vanish," 2 commands of "continue" and 1 command of "have." Purpose: to remedy extreme conditions of not-isness, to remedy obsessive waste, to permit use of the process without bogging preclear in any one of the commands. (HCOB 3 Jul 59)




THOUGHT, 1. the perception of the present and the comparison of it to the perceptions and conclusions of the past in order to direct action in the immediate or distant future. (Scn 0-8, p. 78) 2. the manifestation of evolving a low-level certainty of observation from a number of past observations. (PAB 8) 3. a static of unlimited capabilities, which has itself no wave-length, no space, and no time. It is impinged upon a physical universe which has space, time, energy and matter. The mission of thought is survival in the physical universe and in order to do this it is effecting a conquest of the physical universe. (5203 CM03B) 4. thought is the phenomenon of combining, imagining or postulating theta facsimiles for the estimation of future physical efforts. (AP&A, p. 22) 5. thought is not motion in space and time. Thought is a static containing an image of motion. (HFP, p. 25) 6. the subject matter of Scn. It is considered as a kind of "energy" which is not part of the physical universe. It controls energy, but has no wave-length. It uses matter but it has no mass. It is found in space, but it has no position. It records time but it is not subject to time. In Scn the Greek word (and letter), theta, is used as a symbol for thought. (Abil 114A) 7. the causal agent in an organism. It is thought which causes everything both structural and functional that happens in an organism. An organism without thought is already dead. (Abil 114A )


THREE D, written 3D. See ROUTINE 3D.






THREE GA XX (3GAXX), 1. it’s a research numbering for a process called Three GA Criss Cross. It lists and handles some types of implants. (LRH Def. Notes) 2. 3GA Criss Cross is an activity engaged upon by the auditor to unburden the case and locate goals. (SH Spec 218, 6211C27) Abbr. 3GAXX.


3 MAY [72] PL, Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter 3 May 1972 Important—Executive Series 12—Ethics and Executives, executive or officers steps for getting in Ethics on a staff member. (HCO PL 3 May 72)


3MC, Third Melbourne Congress. (HCOB 29 Sept 66)


THREE M’s, a symbol has three M’s, mass, meaning and mobility. (COHA, p. 91)


THREE (3) S & Ds, (1) is a specific rundown for doing S & Ds covered fully in HCOB 30 Jun 71R. (2) 3 S & Ds as a rundown is used in the PTS Rundown without change. (HCOB 9 Dec 71RA)


THREE UNIVERSES, 1. the universes, then, are three in number: the universe created by one viewpoint, the universe created by every other viewpoint, the universe created by the mutual actions of viewpoints which is agreed to be upheld—the physical universe. (COHA, p. 185) 2. the first of these is one’s own universe. The second universe would be the material universe, which is the universe of matter, energy, space and time, which is the common meeting ground of all of us. The third universe is actually a class of universes, which could be called "the other fellow’s universe," for he and all the class of "other fellows" have universes of their own. (COHA, p. 188)




THROUGH A CHECKSHEET, means through the entire checksheet—theory, practical, all drills—and done in sequence. (BPL 27 Jul 69)




THUMB SYSTEM, an auditor trick that permits better attention on pcs’ answers and less command mistakes on alternate command processes, when you give the plus command put your thumb on your index finger. Hold it there until it is answered. When the minus command is given, put your thumb on the second fingertip until it is answered. This sets up a physical universe tally and keeps one from mucking up the command sequence without having to "hold it in mind." This permits better observation of the pc. (HCOB 1 Sept 60)


THUNK, Slang. thinkingness. (SH Spec 143, 6205C03)


TICK, small jerk of needle, (meter read). (HCOB 29 Apr 69)


TIGER, someone who has been repeatedly associated with goofed projects and operations and who actually has caused such to occur. He is a person who is continually out-ethics. He has failed to get ethics in on himself and he is in a group of people as a tiger would be dangerous. (FO 872) [This is the derogatory form of this term and when it is used by LRH is not always meant in the above sense.]


TIGER DRILL, 1. a drill where the coach can give different reads and different goals for the student auditor to work on, the only condition being that the goals selected be those which would be most unlikely on anyone’s goals list. The goal used in this drill is: To be a tiger. (HCOB 1 Aug 62 II) 2. the use of the word tiger was so that a null, unmeaningful word would be on the drill or not restimulate anyone. Later, because of the drill, tiger=SP. (LRH Def. Notes) 3. that series of buttons which are capable of preventing a right goal or level from reading or making a wrong level read, combined in an appropriate exercise. (HCOB 7 Nov 62 III) 4. this drill is used in Routine 2-12 to sort out the last three or four items left in on each nulling. In 3GAXX it.is used on the last three or four items left in and on any goals list. (HCOB 29 Nov 62)


TIME, 1. time is basically a postulate that space and particles will persist. (The rate of their persistence is what we measure with clocks and the motion of heavenly bodies.) (PAB 86) 2. time is actually a consideration but there is the experience of time. There is a distance, there is a velocity of particle travel—and the movement of that particle in relationship to its starting point and in relationship to its ending point, itself is the consideration of time. (5410CM13) 3. exists in those things a thetan creates. It is a shift of particles, always making new space, always at an agreed-upon rate. (COHA, p. 249) 4. simply a consideration, the considerations of time itself are mechanically tracked by the alteration of the position of the particles in space. (PAB 46) 5. a manifestation in space which is varied by objects. (Scn 8-8008, p. 14) 6. an abstract manifestation which has no existence beyond the idea of time occasioned by objects, where an object may be either energy or matter. (Scn 8-8008, p. 26) 7. time is the co-action of particles. You can’t have action of particle at all unless you have space, and when you have a change in space then you have a different time. (PXL, p. 135) 8. time is a consideration which brings about persistence. And the mechanic of bringing about that persistence is, by alteration. And so we have alter-is-ness taking place immediately after an as-is-ness is created, and so we get persistence. In other words, we have to change the location of a particle in space. (PXL, p. 114)


TIMELESSNESS, merely means something that endures across long spans of time. (PDC 13)


TIME LIMITER, the auditor prefaces a question with a time limiter such as, "In this lifetime . . ." "In auditing . . ." or whatever applies. (HCOB 3 Jul 62)


TIME SHIFT, 1. the auditor can take a preclear straight through an incident by announcing "It is one minute later, it is two minutes later. Three minutes have gone by," and so forth. The auditor does not have to wait for those minutes to elapse; he just announces them. The time shift is generally used when the auditor is trying to get the preclear ahead of an incident to make sure that he really has a beginning. (DMSMH, p. 224) 2. the technique by which a preclear can be moved short or long distances on the track by specific announcement of the amount of time forward the preclear is to go or time backwards, or return or progression through intervals of time. (It is also useful to find out if the preclear is moving or which direction he is moving on the time track in order to discover the action some engram may be having upon him.) (DMSMH, p. 226)


TIME TAB, thoughts are filed by your concept of when they happened. As long as you know the time tab of any thought, it is yours completely. When you do not know the time tab of a thought, you no longer control it. (HFP, p. 111)


TIME TRACK, 1. the consecutive record of mental image pictures which accumulates through the preclear’s life or lives. It is very exactly dated. (HCOB 23 Apr 69) 2. the time span of the individual from beingness to present time on which lies the sequence of events of his total existence. (HCOB 9 Mar 60) 3. the endless record, complete with fifty-two perceptions of the pc’s entire past. The time track is a very accurate record of the pc’s past, very accurately timed, very obedient to the auditor. If motion picture film were 3D, had fifty-two perceptions and could fully react upon the observer, the time track could be called a motion picture film. It is at least 350,000,000,000,000 years long, probably much longer, with a scene about every 1/25 of a second. (HCOB 15 May 63) 4. consists of all the consecutive moments of "now" from the earliest moment of life of the organism to present time. Actually, the track is a multiple bundle of perceptics; and it might be said that there is a time track for each perceptic, all tracks running simultaneously. The track might also be considered as a system of filing recordings made of the environment and the organism, filed according to time received. All the perceptions of the environment and the organism during the entire lifetime, up to now, or present time, are recorded, faintly or deeply, upon the time track. (SOS, p. 102)


TIP, Technical Individual Program. This form of issue is originated so that personal programs may be issued for students and pcs and published. It is individually written for the student or pc. It is on green paper. (TIP 1 FAO, 20 Jun 71)


TOCKY, needle reaction—small RS. (HCOB 8 Jul 64 II)


TOKEN, 1. the term token is defined to embrace the objects and habits which an individual or society keeps by not knowing they are extensions of an ally. (DMSMH, p. 354) 2. the token is a very special kind of restimulator. The token is any object, practice or mannerism which one or more allies used. By identity thought the ally is survival, anything the ally used or did is, therefore, survival. (DMSMH, p. 355)


TONE, 1. tones have to do with physics, they have to do with vibration, they have to do with corresponding vibrations in the physical sciences. It merely means a condition. (5904C08) 2. sound quality; the difference between a jagged or ragged sound wave and a smooth sound wave as in a musical note. (SA, p. 85) 3. the emotional condition of an engram or the general condition of an individual. (DTOT Gloss)


TONE 0 SOCIETY, a society governed by the mystery and superstition of some mystic body. (DMSMH, p. 405)


TONE 1 SOCIETY, a society managed and dictated to by the whims of one man or a few men. (DMSMH, p. 405)


TONE 2 SOCIETY, a society hindered by arbitrary restrictions and oppressive laws. (DMSMH, p. 405)


TONE 4 SOCIETY, a free society, working in complete cooperation toward common goals; any Golden Age is a tone 4. (DMSMH, p. 405)


TONE ARM, 1. meter control lever. (HCO PL 5 May 65) 2. the measure of accumulation of charge. (Class VIII No. 6) 3. registers density of mass (ridges, pictures, machines, circuits) in the mind of the preclear. This is actual mass, not imaginary, and can be weighed, measured by resistance etc. Therefore the tone arm registers state of case at any given time in processing. The tone arm also registers advance of case during processing by moving. (EME, p. 9) 4. the tone arm reads at 5000 ohms female and 12,500 ohms male for the body. It reads the body. When a person is Clear the E-meter ceases to read. That tells you why a dead thetan reads at 2 or 3. (SH Spec 1, 6105C07) 5. the instrument which measures the adequacy of restimulation. That shows you that an adequate amount of charge is being restimulated in the session, and that it is being adequately dispelled on the itsa line. This shows you that the cycle of what’s-it-itsa is in progress and the amount of restimulation is adequate to get auditing done. (SH Spec 295, 6308C15) Abbr. TA.


TONE ARM ACTION, is measured by divisions down per 2 1/2 hour session or per hour of auditing. TA action is not counted by up and down, only down is used. Usually the decimal system is used. (HCOB 25 Sept 63)


TONE ARM BLOWDOWN, a sudden downwards motion of the tone arm. (EMD, p. 27)


TONE ARM COUNTER, records the distance of downward movements traversed by the tone arm. It is recorded in numbers of divisions—from 4 to 3 would be one division. (BIEM, p.33)


TONE ARM MOTION, the amount of divisions, down, measured for a 2 1/2 hour session. (EMD, p. 25) See also TONE ARM ACTION.


TONE FOUR, 1. denotes a person who has achieved rationality and cheerfulness. (DTOT, p. 60) 2. the emotional state of enthusiasm. (DTOT, p. 10) 3. tone 4 indicates eager pursuit of activity, with complete freedom of choice for other activities as desired. (NOTL, p. 99)


TONE 40,1. defined as "giving a command and just knowing that it will be executed despite any contrary appearances." Tone 40 is positive postulating. (PAB 133) 2. a positive postulate with no counter-thought expected, anticipated or anything else; that is, total control. (PAB 152) 3. an execution of intention. (HCOB 23 Aug 65) 4. means unlimited space at will. (5707C25)


TONE 40 AUDITING, 1. positive, knowing, predictable control toward the preclear’s willingness to be at cause concerning his body and his attention. (HCOB 3 Jul 59) 2. control by direct tone 40 command. (HCOB 2 Apr 58)


TONE 40 BOOK AND BOTTLE, is not Opening Procedure by Duplication. You have to be ready to assume total control of the preclear to run tone 40 Book and Bottle. The commands are the same, except that you never acknowledge anything but the execution of the auditing commands. (PAB 153)


TONE 40 COMMAND, intention without reservation. (HCOB 1 Dec 65)


TONE 40 8-C, a total accurate estimation of effort with no halts or jagged motions—that is, smooth. (PAB 152)


TONE SCALE, 1. we have a gradient scale from space to matter which starts at the arbitrary number of 40.0 for our purposes and goes down to 0.0 for the purposes of Homo sapiens and to —8.0 for the purposes of estimating a thetan. This gradient scale is called the tone scale. (Scn 8-8008, p. 20) 2. the main gradient scale of Scn. One of the most important observations which led to the formulation of this scale was the change in emotional manifestation exhibited by a person who was being processed. The progress from painful emotions to pleasant emotions was so reliable and evident on indication of success, that it became the main measuring stick of the progress of a case. (Abil 114A) 3. essentially an assignation of numerical value by which individuals can be numerically classified. It is not arbitrary but will be found to approximate some actual governing law in nature. (DTOT, p. 59) 4. under affinity we have the various emotional tones ranged from the highest to the lowest and these are, in part, serenity (the highest level), enthusiasm (as we proceeded downward towards the baser affinities), conservatism, boredom, antagonism, anger, covert hostility, fear, grief, apathy. This in Scn is called the tone scale. (FOT, p. 40) 5. a scale which plots the descending spiral of life from full vitality and consciousness through half-vitality and half-consciousness down to death. (SA, p. 37) 6. the range of emotion. The tone scale goes in harmonics of movement, and that is all. (5203CM04B) 7. a study of varying degrees of ARC. (COHA, p. 162) [Tone Scale Part 1] [Tone Scale Part 2]


TOPECTOMY, operation which removes pieces of brain somewhat as an apple corer cores apples. (DMSMH, p. 193)


TOP OPPTERM, the final achievement of the goal. (SH Spec 329, 6312C12)


TOP TRIANGLE, it is the KRC triangle. The points are K for knowledge, R for responsibility and C for control. (HCO PL 18 Feb 72)


TOTAL FREEDOM, would be existence without barriers. (SH Spec 20, 6106C26)


TOTAL KNOWINGNESS, the static has the capability of total knowingness. Total knowingness would consist of total ARC. (COHA, p. 16)


TOTAL POWER, occurs when an individual can selectively confront or not confront anything. (SH Spec 84, 6612C13)


TOUCH, the sense of touch is that communication channel which informs the central control system of the body whenever some portion of the body is in contact with the material universe, other organisms, or the organism itself. It has four subdivisions: pressure, friction, heat or cold and oiliness. An aberrated sense of touch is partially responsible for a dislike of food as well as impotency and antipathy for the sexual act. (SA, p. 90)


TOUCH ASSIST, 1. an assist which brings the patient’s attention to injured or affected body areas. (HCOB 2 Apr 69) 2. this is run on both sides of the body. It is run until the pain is gone, cog, F/N. It is run around the injury and especially below the injury; i.e. further from the head than the injury. Use a simple command like "Feel my finger. Thank you." (BTB 9 Oct 67R)


TOUGH CASE, the tough case (who is also the difficult student) is the sole reason one has an urge to alter a process. The poor TA type case or the "no change" response to routine processes. (HCO PL 5 Apr 65 II)


TR, training regimen or routine. Often referred to as a training drill. TRs are a precise training action putting a student through laid out practical steps gradient by gradient, to teach a student to apply with certainty what he has learned. (HCOB 19 Jun 71 III)


TR-0, a drill to train students to confront a preclear with auditing only or with nothing. The whole idea is to get the student able to be there comfortably in a position three feet in front of a preclear, to be there and not do anything else but be there. (HCOB 16 Aug 71 II)


TR-l, a drill to train the student to deliver a command newly and in a new unit of time to a preclear without flinching or trying to overwhelm or using a via. A phrase is picked out of the book Alice in Wonderland and read to the coach. It is repeated until the coach is satisfied it arrived where he is. TR-l is called "Dear Alice." (HCOB 16 Aug 71 II)


TR-2, a drill to teach students that an acknowledgement is a method of controlling preclear communication and that an acknowledgement is a full stop. (HCOB 16 Aug 71 II)


TR-3, a drill to teach a student to duplicate without variation an auditing question, each time newly, in its own unit of time, not as a blur with other questions, and to acknowledge it. It is to teach that one never asks a second question until he has received an answer to the one asked. (HCOB 16 Aug 71 II)


TR-4, a drill to teach the student not to be tongue-tied or startled or thrown off session by originations of the preclear and to maintain ARC with the preclear throughout an origination. (HCOB 16 Aug 71 II)


TR-5, 1. a drill called "Hand Mimicry," a drill to educate students that verbal commands are not entirely necessary. To make students physically telegraph an intention and to show the students the necessity of having preclear obey commands. (HCOB 11 Jun 57) 2. first in auditing we have to get the pc to sit there and be willing to be audited. We have for this many processes. Best is TR-5. "You make that body sit in that chair." "Thank you." (HCOB 8 Apr 58, Auditing the PC on Clear Procedure)


TR-5N, 1. is ARC break handling. (HCOB 7 Dec 58) 2. the commands are "What has anyone done wrong to you?" and "What have you done wrong to people?" and other ARC break questions. (HCOB 17 Dec 58 II) [Later revised to] 3. to handle charge on the auditor, TR-5N should be run, if charge does not blow on a little two way comm. TR5N is: "What have I done to you?" "What have you done to me?" (HCOB 25 Jan 61)


TR-6, called 8-C (body control) the first part of this drill is to accustom students to moving another body than their own without verbal communication. The second part is to accustom students to moving another body, by and while giving commands, only, and to accustom students to proper commands of 8-C. (HCOB 7 May 68)


TR-7, a drill to train a student never to be stopped by a person when he gives a command. To train him to run fine control in any circumstances; to teach him to handle rebellious people and to bring about his willingness to handle other people. (HCOB 7 May 68)


TR-8, a drill to make students clearly achieve tone 40 commands. To clarify intentions as different from words. To start students on the road to handling objects and people with postulates and to obtain obedience not wholly based on spoken commands. (HCOB 7 May 68)


TR-9, a drill to make students able to maintain tone 40 under any stress or duress. (HCOB 7 May 68)


TR-10, for the case who cannot handle a PT problem with a process there is always locational (TR Ten). Many a person with a PT problem can only participate in a session to the extent of TR Ten, "You notice that object (wall, floor, chair, etc.)" (SCP, p. 8)


TR-101, the purpose of TR-101 is to get the student able to give all R3R commands accurately in correct order without hesitation or having to think what the next command should be. (BTB 9 Oct 71R VII)


TR-102, a drill called "Auditing a Doll." Its purpose is to familiarize the student with the materials of auditing and coordinate and apply the commands and processes of Standard Dianetics in an auditing session. (BTB 9 Oct 71R VII)


TR-103, this drill is to give the student auditor total certainty on the R3R procedure, handling the meter and the admin at the same time. (BTB 20 May 70)


TR-104, this drill is to train the student auditor to deliver a standard session, with standard procedure, using standard commands, without session additives, and to train the student auditor to apply TRs 0-4 in the R3R procedure, here having a "real" pc, E-meter and admin handled with skill. (BTB 20 May 70)


TRACK, the time track—the endless record, complete with fifty-two perceptions of the pc’s entire past. (HCOB 13 Apr 64, Scn VI Part One Glossary of Terms)


TRACTOR BEAM, 1. an energy flow which the thetan shortens. If one placed a flashlight beam upon a wall and then, by manipulating the beam, brought the wall closer to him by it, he would have the action of a tractor beam. Tractor beams are used to extract perceptions from a body by a thetan. (Scn 8-8008, p. 49) 2. a method of contracting. The tractor beam contracts when energized. (PDC 8) 3. a pulling wave. (Scn 8-80, p. 38) 4. in-tractors are tractors put on the preclear by the environment. Out-tractors are tractors which the preclear puts on the environment. (5203CM04B)


TRACTOR RIDGE, that ridge formed by two tractor beams in conflict operating against each other. (Scn 8-8008, p. 49)


TRAINED SCIENTOLOGIST, someone with a special knowledge in the handling of life. (Aud 75 UK)


TRAINING, a formal activity imparting the philosophy or technology of Dn and Scn to an individual or group and culminates in the award of a grade or certificate. (Aud 2 UK)


TRAINING AND SERVICES BUREAU, that bureau on Flag, responsible for training, processing and other technical matters. (BTB 12 Apr 72R)


TRAINING PATTERN, 1. that stimulus-response mechanism resolved by the analytical mind to care for routine activity or emergency activity. It is held in the somatic mind and can be changed at will by the analytical mind. (DMSMH, p. 39)


TRAINING 13 HC, 1. this is a general understanding, answering the student or trainee’s origin exercise, for use in stress analysis; a version of "Training 13" revised for HC from HCOB 11 Jun 57 Rev 12 May 72, Training and CCH Processes. (BTB 25 Jun 70R II)


TRANSFERENCE, 1. the patient flipped into another valence. (SH Spec 65, 6507C27) 2. the transference of the patient into the valence of the practitioner. (Cert, Vol. 9, No. 7)


TRANSGRESSION, an action against a person or being or thing with which one has a moral code or an understanding or a co-action. (SH Spec 62, 6110C04)


TRANS-ORBITAL LEUCOTOMY, an operation which, while the patient is being electrically shocked, thrusts an ordinary dime store ice pick into each eye and reaches up to rip the analyzer apart. (DMSMH, p. 194)


TRANSPOSITION, that act of taking a person who is here and under influence, like hypnosis or something of this sort, and persuading him to be somewhere else, and then monitoring him somewhere else by addressing the body which is kept in a state of trance or drugs here. (PDC 24)


TRAP, 1. one is trapped by those things to which he will not grant havingness. A game condition demands that one denies havingness. Therefore games trap. Traps are part of games. That is all they are. (PAB 94) 2. all a trap is, is being inside something, interiorized. (5410CMlOC) 3. theta and mest interconnected too strongly are the components of a trap. Theta is mixed up with mest, mest is mixed up with theta. (SCP, p. 21)


TRAVELING RR, in listing the RR travels down the list. It comes from the goal charge. Therefore it can travel. (HCOB 18 Mar 63)


TREBLE ASSESS, (Expanded Dianetics term from tape 7203C30, Expanded Dianetics) The act of making up a list of things the pc wants handled from the pc or worksheets or health form, assessing it for the best reading item (assessment 1) then by laws of listing and nulling finding who or what would have that to a single BD F/N item (assessment 2) then by laws of listing and nulling finding what intention the result of assessment 2 would have (assessment 3) and running the result with Dianetics. (LRH Def. Notes)


TRIO, CCH 8 "Look around the room and tell me what you could have", "Look around the room and tell me something you would permit to remain", "Look around the room and tell me what you could dispense with". Originally called the "Terrible Trio". (HCOB 11 Jun 57)


TRIPLE FLOWS, 1. a being has a minimum of three flows. By "flow" is meant a directional thought, energy or action. The three flows are inward to oneself, outward to another or others, and crossways, others to others. (HCOB 5 Oct 69) 2. the three primary flows are outflow (self to another), inflow (another to self) and crossflow (another to another or others to others). (Scn 0-8, Gloss)


TRIPLE GRADES, 1. I had not discovered that lower grades were gone out of use and I let be published Triple Grades which seemed to condense all lower grades. The major process or major grade process is definitely not enough, to make a pc make a lower grade. (HCOB 30 Jun 70R) 2. quickie lower grades also called "Triple Grades" means one F/N for eacn of three flows or three F/Ns per grade. There are not just three F/Ns per grade. There are dozens of F/Ns. (HCOB 30 Oct 71)


TRIPLES, items run triple flow. (HCOB 12 Oct 69)


TRIPPER, meaning somebody who has taken drugs. (HCOB 23 Sept 68)


TRs WENT OUT, is another way of saying he ceased to be with the pc. (Class VIII, No. 14)


TRUNCATED GPM, 1. one that is cut off at the top. (SH Spec 235, 6304C04) 2. incomplete. (HCOB 28 Sept 63)


TRUTH, 1. truth is the exact consideration. Truth is the exact time, place, form and event. (PXL, p. 183) 2. that which works. And that which works most broadly to that which it is applied. (PDC 19) 3. by definition—is what is. (Class VIII, No. 4)


T/S, Tech Services. (HCOB 5 Mar 71)


TTC, Tech Training Corps. (BPL 13 Apr 75)


TVD, television demonstration. (HCOB 23 Aug 65)


TWC (2WC), two-way comm. (HCOB 17 Mar 74)


12,500 OHMS, the exact value for tone arm position 3 on the E-meter. Ohms is the term for the unit used in measuring electrical resistance on a line. (EMD, p. 16A)


TWENTY-TEN, that’s twenty minutes of withholds pulled, and ten minutes of havingness. (SH Spec 97, 6201C09)


TWIN, the study partner with whom one is paired. Two students studying the same subject who are paired to checkout or help each other are said to be "twinned." (HCOB 19 Jun 71 III)


TWIN CHECKOUT, when two students are paired they check each other out. (HCOB 21 Sept 70)




TWO-WAY COMM, 1. the precise technology of a process used to clarify data with another for the other. It is not chatter. It is governed by the rules of auditing. It is used by supervisors to clear up blocks to a person’s progress in study, on post, in life or in auditing. It is governed by the communication cycle as discovered in Scn. (HCOB 19 Jun 71 III) 2. is an inquiry of the pc as to what is going on and an invitation to him to look at it, and that is all . ( SH Spec 43, 6108C22) 3. a two-way cycle of communication would work as follows: Joe, having originated a communication, and having completed it, may then wait for Bill to originate a communication to Joe, thus completing the remainder of the two-way cycle of communication. Thus we get the normal cycle of a communication between two terminals. (Dn 55!, p. 84) 4. the cycle is Cause, Distance, Effect, with Effect then becoming Cause and communicating across a distance to the original Source, which is now Effect and this we call a two-way communication. (Dn 55!, p. 64) Abbr. 2WC or TWC.