NARCOSYNTHESIS, 1. a complicated name for a very ancient process quite well known in Greece and India. It is drug hypnotism. A shot of sodium pentothal is given intravenously to the patient and he is asked to count backwards. It is actually a depressant on the awareness of an individual so that those attention units which remain behind the curtain of his reactive mind can be reached directly. (DMSMH, p. 123) 2. the practice of inducing sleep with drugs and then talking to the patient to draw out buried thoughts. (EOS, p. 24)
NARRATIVE CHAIN, 1. a chain of similar experiences rather than a similar somatic. (HCOB 23 May 69) 2. these are by repeating story. By incident description. (HCOB 27 Jan 70)
NARRATIVE ITEM, 1. is one which will land the pc in a single incident for which there is no chain. Flagrant example: "The time the horse Baldy dumped me in the Potomac." Obviously, there was only one such incident. (HCOB 27 Jan 70) 2. a narrative item describes only one possible incident. (HCOB 27 Mar 71)
NATIVE STATE, 1. the potentiality of knowing everything. (SH Spec 35, 6108C08) 2. the list of no games conditions is a summary of the native state of a thetan. (HCOB 3 Sept 56) 3. the thetan is not in contact with space, energy, mass. He doesn’t have any dimension. (PAB 64) 4. the native state thetan is total knowingness. (Op Bull 1)
NATTER, sometimes pcs who have big overts become highly critical of the auditor and get in a lot of snide comments about the auditor. Such natter always indicates a real overt. (HCOB 7 Sept 64 II)
NATURAL AUDITOR, the natural auditor ties right into it and does a workmanlike job. He or she gets lots of bulletin and tape passes in ratio to flunks, absorbs data well and gets it into practice, does a passable job on a pc even at the start of training, and improves casewise rapidly under the skilled training and auditing. (HCOB 8 Mar 62)
NATURAL TRs, spoken TRs are natural. TRs are for use in life and in the auditing room. There is no uncomfortable robot execution or straining of voice. (BTB 18 Aug 71R)
NCG, no case gain despite good and sufficient auditing. (HCO PL 12 May 72)
NECESSITY LEVEL, 1. that amount of urgency or commotion necessary in the environment to extrovert the individual and put him into motion in present time. (5501C14) 2. a sudden heightened willingness which untaps a tremendous amount of ability. (PAB 129) 3. the emergency factor. A sudden increase of randomity to a sufficiency that the individual makes a momentary adjustment to it. In other words, it momentarily increases his tolerance for unexpected motion. (Abil 56)
NEEDLE PATTERN, 1. it is a chronic and constant needle behavior on a particular pc when the auditor is saying and doing nothing. It’s not a needle response. It’s a needle appearance when the auditor is saying or doing nothing. (SH Spec 224, 6212C13) 2. a pattern is a series of missed withholds culminating in a constantly active needle. A pattern can be a big dirty needle or a little dirty needle. In other words a wide dial dirty needle or a small dial dirty needle. (SH Spec 145, 6205C15)
NEEDLE REACTIONS, rise, fall, speeded rise, speeded fall, double tick (dirty needle), theta bop or any other action. (HCOB 25 Apr 63)
NEEDLE REACTIONS ABOVE GRADE IV, a response like a brief dirty needle on a pre-OT means "No" always. A real dirty needle is constant and continuous. The same small jerky needle action on a person Grade V or above means "No" or that the question is negative. (HCOB 18 Apr 68)
NEGATIVE BLOWDOWN, when a TA has gone below 2.0 and a relief of the condition occurs, the TA will blow UP to normal range. Hence, negative blowdown, as it is the reverse of a normal blowdown. Mentioned in BTB 7 Feb 71 II reissued 7 Aug 74, Cancellation. (LRH Def. Notes)
NEGATIVE GAIN, you can erase engrams, that’s taking away. You get actually negative gain. By the removal of the harmful thing you can get a positive advance. That’s called negative gain. (ESTO 6, 7203C03 SO II)
NEGATIVE POSTULATE, the postulate not to be. It cancels past postulates and it also cancels, in greater or lesser degree, the entire individual. (AP&A, p. 34)
NERVOUSNESS, 1. that condition which results from having one’s space as occupied, made untenable. (PDC 48) 2. distracted attention. (Spr Lect 14, 5304CM07)
NEUROSIS, 1. an emotional state containing conflicts and emotional data inhibiting the abilities or welfare of the individual. (DTOT, p. 58) 2. singly the effect of things, deranged being on some subject. (SH Spec 70, 6607C21) 3. antisocial action or anti-survival action which is compulsively undertaken by the individual. (SH Spec 299, 6308C27) 4. he’s got some idea of what’s happening, where he is on some things and some faint idea what’s happening in his environment on some things. But generally unknowingness overbalances the knowingness and so you get a neurosis. (SH Spec 41, 6108C17) 5. a habit which worsening, flies entirely out of control. One is stopped so often in life that he becomes an enemy of stopping and dislikes stopping so intensely that he himself will not stop things. Neurosis and psychosis of all classes are entirely inabilities to start, to change or to stop. (FOT, p. 68)
NEUROTIC, 1. considered to be below 2.5. The neurotic has thorough concern about the future to the degree that he has many more fears about the future than he has goals in the future. He spends much of his time pondering the past. He acts and then wonders if he has acted correctly and is sure he has not. Thoughts to him are as solid as mest. He is overwhelmed by sudden counter-efforts. He is operating on a subcontrol center which has been itself very blunted. He is ill much of the time to a greater or lesser degree. He has colds. He brings "bad luck" and disaster. He is Homo sapiens at his "rational worst." (AP&A, p. 38) 2. a neurotic is a person who has some obsession or compulsion which overmasters his self-determinism to such a degree that it is a social liability. (Spr Lect 9, 5303CM27) 3. identified by the preclear having mock-ups which will not persist or which won’t go away. (COHA, p. 232) 4. a person who is mainly harmful to himself by reason of his aberrations, but not to the point of suicide. (SOS, pp. 25-26) 5. the computation of present time only. (Scn 0-8, p. 89)
NEW PRECLEAR, never before audited. (HCOB 5 Apr 69)
NINTH DYNAMIC, 1. "the buck." (5203CM05A) 2. aesthetics. (PDC 2)
NIP, you take two energy beams and you slap them together just back of a guy’s ears. (PDC 27)
NIPPING, 1. you close down over the head of some mest body and you go "bat" and you really shoot the horsepower to him, the voltage, for just a split instant. (5206CM28A) 2. an overt act of the thetan is nipping by which he harasses other thetans, nipping mest beings which usually kills them dead much to the thetan’s surprise. (HOM, p. 50)
NO AUDITING, while seeming to deliver auditing, actually getting nothing done. Going through endless, useless motions, perhaps in top form, perhaps perfectly, none of which are calculated to advance the pc’s case one inch. (HCOB 30 Dec 62)
NO CASE GAIN, 1. persons with heavy overts on Scn make no case progres6. (HCOB 23 Nov 62) 2. no TA actions in auditing or "little TA" (less than ten divs per session). (HCO PL 5 Apr 65) 3. no case-change despite good tries with the routine processes. (HCO PL 5 Apr 65 II)
NO-GAIN-CASE, 1. the suppressive person is a specialist in making others ARC break with generalized entheta that is mostly lies. He or she is also a no-gain-case. So avid are such for the smashing of others by covert or overt means that their case is bogged and won’t move under routine processing. (HCO PL 5 Apr 65, Handling the Suppressive Person) 2. such a person has withholds, he or she can’t communicate freely to as-is the block on the track that keeps them in some yesterday. Hence, a "no-case-gain." (HCO PL 5 Apr 65, Handling the Suppressive Person) 3. this case performs continual calculating covert hostile acts damaging to others. This case puts the enturbulence and upset into the environment, breaks the chairs, messes up the rugs and spoils the traffic flow with "goofs" done intentionally. (HCO PL 5 Apr 65, Handling the Suppressive Person) 4. the "withholdy case that ARC breaks easily," "the blowy student" "unstable gain student." (HCO PL 5 Apr 65 II)
NO-GAME, preponderance of win or a preponderance of lose. (PAB 73)
NO-GAME CONDITIONS, 1. no-game conditions are: knowing all, not-knowing everything, serenity, namelessness, no-effect on opponent, effect on self or team, have everything, can’t have nothing, solutions, pan-determinism, friendship with all, understanding, total communication, no communication, win, lose, no universe, no playing field, arrival, death. (FOT, p. 94) 2. a totality of barriers and a totality of freedom alike are no-game conditions. (PAB 84) 3. reached by a preponderance of win (no-game) or a preponderance of lose (no-game). (Op Bull No. 17)
NO HAVINGNESS, 1. is defined as something that a person can’t reach or doesn’t permit itself to be reached. (SH Spec 103, 6201C23) 2. no havingness is prevented reach; in other words, the concept of no reach. (SH Spec 97, 6201C09)
NO-INTERFERENCE AREA, (zone) from R6 Solo to OT III one does not do anything except keep the pc winning for R6 Solo to OT III. This is the critical band of the gradation chart. From R6 to OT III you have a closed band for other major actions. (HCOB 23 Dec 71) 2. where drugs have not been handled or only partially have been handled, the no interference zone rule is waived. (HCOB 31 May 74)
NOMENCLATURE, the set of terms used to describe things in a particular subject. (Aud 73 ASNO)
NO MENTION, a no mention of well done or very well done or anything simply means: (1) F/N did not get to examiner, (2) no major auditing errors exist in the session. (HCOB 21 Aug 70)
NON-COMMUNICATION, a non-communication consists of barriers. (COHA, p. 18)
NON-CYCLICAL PROCESS, a repetitive process which does not cause the preclear to cycle on the time track. (HCOB 29 Sept 65)
NON-EXTANT ENGRAM, an "engram" sometimes didn’t exist. A pc can be trying to run being run over by a car when he never was. (HCOB 20 May 68)
NON-READING ITEM, one that did not read when originated or cleared and also did not read when called. (HCOB 28 Feb 71)
NON-VOCAL LOCK SCANNING, the preclear recognizes the phrases as he goes by them incident to incident, from early to late, but does not tell the auditor what phrases he is contacting. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 126)
"NO OVERTS" CASE, a case that "has never committed any overts." Such a person might for example never seem to have anything on F-2. (BTB 22 Oct 70R)
NO RANDOMITY, below minus randomity is no randomity of any kind. One could be at this point for two reasons: because he is shuddering away from confusion or he could be at that point because he has a tremendous tolerance for confusion and for motionlessness. (Abil 36, p. 9)
NO RESPONSIBILITY, 1. unwillingness to make a decision or unwillingness to make a condition of being is the highest essence of no responsibilty. (PDC 7) 2. the inability to handle force. (PDC 28)
NORMAL, type of case. The so-called normal is used here to be at around 2.5 to 3.0 on the tone scale. He is partially extroverted, partially introverted. He spends considerable time with his calculations. He evaluates slowly even when he has the data, and then postulates without realizing too much about his postulation. He has much in the past which he does not care to recall. He has much in his present which gives him concern. His future goals are rather well nullified by future fears. He is Homo sapiens. He is in terrible condition, taken from the viewpoint of Homo novis. He is in excellent condition from the viewpoint of past "ologies." (AP&A, p. 37)
NORTH TO APATHY, Slang. pcs, I discover, go from minus tone scale up to being able to have problems or tone or solids. Any case has some point that goes from no-effect or unreal or don’t care, up to apathy. Cases go north to apathy. (HCOB 20 Aug 56)
NO SYMPATHY, 1. it’s a blackout, it’s an occlusion. "I’m not going to feel sympathy for it" is actually the phrase that goes with the concept. (5208CM07B) 2. he’s bound and determined not to be sympathetic, and that’s the emotion of no sympathy. (5208CM07B) 3. is an emotion and an action. One puts a black curtain before himself to prevent his feeling affinity with that which he is hurting. (Scn 8-80, p. 49)
NO TA, less than ten divisions per session (21/2 hours). (HCO PL 5 Apr 65, Handling the Suppressive Person) See also, TONE ARM ACTION.
NOT BEINGNESS, is an acceptance of control by the environment and abdication even of control of self. (AP&A, p. 51)
NOT DOING THE AUDITING COMMAND, is defined as simply not executing it, or doing something else, or executing the auditing command indifferently and then doing something else. (SH Spec 60, 6109C28)
NOTHINGNESS, 1. an absence of everything: no time, no space, no energy, no thought. (5501C14) 2. an absence of quantities and locations. (5501C14)
NO-TIME MOMENTS, the only things which float on the time track are the moments of silence when no communication occurred. These are no-time moments and so have no time in which they can live, and so they float forward on the time track. (Dn 55.! p. 95)
NOT IN PRESENT TIME, a person who is talking on another subject than that to which cause was giving his attention. He has experienced such-a scarcity of communication elsewhere, that he is still involved with communication elsewhere. This is what we mean by "not in present time." (Dn 55! p. 76)
NOT-IS-NESS, 1. trying to put out of existence by postulate or force something which one knows, priorly, exists. One is trying to talk against his own agreements and postulates with his new postulates, or is trying to spray down something with the force of other is-nesses in order to cause a cessation of the is-ness he objects to. (PXL, p. 64) 2. not-is-ness is the effort to handle is-ness by reducing its condition through the use of force. It is an apparency and cannot entirely vanquish an is-ness. (PXL, p. 154) 3. there are two different conditions of not-is-ness: one is just vanishment. The other one is an is-ness which somebody is trying to postulate out of existence by simply saying, "It isn’t." A not-is-ness, in our terminology, would be this second specialized case of an individual trying to vanish something without taking responsibility for having created it. (PXL, p. 100) 4. not-is-ness is manifested as and is in itself the mechanism we know as unreality. (PXL, p. 55)
NOT-IS STRAIGHTWIRE, this is the direct cure of not-is-ness; and where you have a case that is running a bad not-is a process can evidently be invalidated or not-ised when the individual is out of session, or overnight. This is what Not-is Straightwire cures. (PAB 155)
NOT KNOW, 1. trying not to remember. (FOT, p. 84) 2. an actual ability to "not know" is an ability to erase by self-command the past without suppressing it with energy or going into any other method. (PAB 87) 3. in its most extreme manifestation is unconsciousness. Not-know in a lesser manifestation is death. The most extreme manifestation is when a person cannot go unconscious and we call that insanity. (SH Spec 15X, 6106C15)
NOT KNOWINGNESS, 1. being in present time and not in the past or the future. (PAB 88) 2. mystery. (COHA, p. 16)
NO TONE ARM ACTION, there is no meter registry of change on the meter control lever (tone arm). (HCO PL 5 May 65) See also NO TA.
NOT THERE, dispersed, hiding himself, being vague, not there most of the time. (FOT, p. 29)
NULLABLE, the condition a list must be in order to have an item found on it. (HCOB 5 Dec 62)
NULLABLE LIST, is one where items just go out very easily and the needle doesn’t dirty up to amount to anything. (SH Spec 220, 6211C29)
NULLIFICATION, the method of handling others wherein the individual seeks to minimize individuals, to be more than they and so to be able to control them. This category would rather see a man sick than well, because sick men are less dangerous than well men according to the "thinking" that takes place in this band. (SOS, p. 155)
NULLING, the auditor’s action in saying items from a list to a pc and noting the reaction of the pc by use of an E-meter. (HCOB 5 Dec 62)
NULL NEEDLE, 1. means it doesn’t get a change of pattern or a react on the question. ( SH Spec 1, 6105C07) 2. the needle continuing to behave in an action uninfluenced by the auditing question. (BIEM, p. 40)
NULL SUBJECTS, uncharged subjects. (HCOB 8 Oct 71 III)
NUTRITION, support of the organism by organic and inorganic means (food, water, air, sunlight) during all of the present life, from conception or thereabouts to death. The nutrition of a genetic line, or course, would pass from parents to children in the forms of organic inheritance and gestation environment. (SOS Gloss)